I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1432: [A communist warrior! 】

Two hours later.

Opposite the hotel room.

Xiao Wang wipes the sweat, "The man is gone."

Xiao Zhou’s heart is awkward, “My heart.”

Xiao Sun almost scared the urine, "I knew I wouldn't come soon!"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "After I go back, I have to say hello to the people on the other side of the personnel. Afterwards, anyone who is in the studio of Zhangye will have to pass the preconditions and psychological quality of the recruitment. Otherwise, I will meet this similar big. The scene, the average person who can stand it!"

Xiao Wang can't smile, "Zhang leads this mouth, really no one!"


Asakusa Hotel.

The crowds faded, leaving only a mess.

The Asakusa Hotel, which has experienced heavy winds and heavy rains, is now terrible. The exterior walls of the hotel have been spent. They are all graffiti and swearing words. There are traces of rotten eggs on the top. The glass below the hotel is almost half broken, many windows. They all screamed into the wind. The glass doors and revolving doors in the lobby of the hotel were spit on the ground. The ground was messy, stone, bags, glass slag, sanitary napkins, wood sticks, mugs, you can What you see in the supermarket can basically be found here.

The president cried!

Hotel staff cried!

How much is the loss?

Millions of people can't stop it!

I knew that I would not let him live!

I knew this before, and they wouldn’t let Zhang Wei live in it if they were killed!

Zhang Wei’s notoriety has long been heard, but it was only until this time that he saw it with his own eyes, only to know that the rumors were farting, and Zhang’s notoriousness was far worse than the news said. He said a word. In a word, it is this sentence that makes the hotel look like this!

Who is this?

What a **** this is!

They are finally scared, really afraid!

If someone told them before, they wouldn’t do it, they wouldn’t move their fists, and they would be able to pick up such an earth-shattering storm with their mouths. They wouldn’t believe it when they killed them, but now they’ve seen it, they believe, Zhang’s one. Broken mouth, really **** can kill!

The president shouted: "I am fighting with him!"

The people hurriedly hugged him.



"Don't be stupid!"

The president shouted: "My hotel! My hotel!"

The hotel was roaring at a high level. "Why don't the police catch him!"

Another person said: "Yes, that is, he let the troublemakers smash!"

One person hesitated. "He seems to say that he is not a hotel."

Everyone: "..."

"Too jerk!"

"He deliberately messed up!"

"This, how is this business?"

"Orders have been cancelled!"

"We have no business now!"

"President, is it because of those books?"

"President, or else we - let's put the book -"

Someone just suggested, immediately interrupted by the angry hotel president, "Impossible! These books can not be moved! Surnamed Zhang! I will spend with him!"

At the current Asakusa hotel, there are only staff left. After the troublemakers left, the guests in the hotel were all packed with luggage, and the group checked out. Some people just checked in, and even the room rate was not required to be retired. The bag ran wildly and hurriedly, and didn't want to stay a little longer with it!

Who can bear it?

Playing and smashing again, this is a life!

Just a lot of guests are still sleeping in the room, the sanitary napkins are flying from the window to the instant noodles. Who is here?

All the guests are gone!

There is only one exception!

Only Zhang Wei did not leave alone!

He is still living in peace, and there is a guest left in the big hotel!



It’s time to eat.

Zhang Hao strolled downstairs and came to the restaurant.

Empty, don't say the guests, not even the rice!

The staff looked at him one by one, and they all wanted to go up and bite him!

Zhang snorted, "What about rice? Buffet?"

Everyone almost vomited blood!

Also buffet?

The whole hotel is just one of you!

The cooks are off work!

And obviously it’s something you came up with. The gangs are coming to you. You made this to our hotel. Do you still have a face to eat? You, why don't you die!

Zhang Weidao: "Hurry up and prepare meals."

The waiter is crying!

They feel that they have to live a few years with Zhang Wei.


The president came over in anger, "Last name Zhang!"

Zhang Wei said: "Hey, is this not the boss?"

The president pointed at him and said: "Don't think that I am afraid of you! I am not finished with you! I tell you Zhang Hao! I am not finished with you! The book will not be withdrawn! Not only will not withdraw, from now on, put two books in the room. No! Put three books! You live! You will live here! I see you can live for a few days! I see you can't go back to China!" Anyway, the hotel has been smashed like this, and the president is also on fire. With Zhang Hao!

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Okay, anyway, I am idle and idle."

The president sneered, "I see you can spend a few days! You have the ability to live and don't go!"

He expected that Zhang Wei was a big Asian coffee. Everyday things were entangled. They were hundreds of times more busy than those of them. The activities of charitable organizations have also ended. Zhang Hao will return to China at any time. How can he live with them every day? Other things are not done?

However, he did not know Zhang Huan's temper.

Do you have something to do?

Zhang Wei really has the ability!

For him, work is a trivial matter, and work can be done without picking up, but the frame can't be beaten!

Everything must be beaten!

Every fight will win!

- This is the principle of Zhang Wei.

Everyone knows that the president is already mad, and he is afraid of what is going on. Two people havetened to pick him up. It’s not afraid that the president will beat people, but he is afraid of Zhang Jian’s hands. Zhang Hao’s roaring Korean brand bulletproof car a few days ago. The video was also transmitted to Japan, and they were really afraid that the president would be smashed by others!

In a short while, Zhang Hao took a hand and swayed out of the hotel to eat.

The president gasped and gasped, loudly: "Give him a room, add three more books - no, add five! Put a book on the bed! Put one on the desk! Put one in the toilet! Put it all on! Yes, give him a room to break the net! Give him a power outage! Give him water! I see how he lives!"

"it is good!"



A bunch of waiters are screaming!



When I waited for Zhang Yi to return to the room, I was happy.

The bed on the table is all problem books, and the hygiene is not cleaned. Many places are fooling things. Once connected, the net is broken. When the water tap is turned on, the water stops.


very good!

This is interesting!

This is a bit of a fight atmosphere!

If you change someone else, disconnect the network and cut off the water? That was fried in the morning, but Zhang Wei is not the same, this is completely happy!

This is the warrior!

A communist fighter who likes to fight in a bone!

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