I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1435: [There has never been such a popular star! 】


Pack luggage.

Take the box.

Zhang Ye took the elevator downstairs. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he found that the staff of Asakusa Hotel were there looking at him. He walked to the front desk and took his things.

Zhang Ye: "Check out."

The first second.

The waiter took things.

The second second.

The waiter handed him his passport.

She quickly said: "It's done!"

Zhang Ye said, "So fast?"

The waiter wiped his sweat, "Ah, yes."

Zhang Ye nodded, turned and walked out.

Many staff watched him.

Zhang Ye said, "Okay, don't give it away."

All employees: "Huh?"

Zhang Ye: "All go back."

Who gave it to you!

Which one of your eyes sees that we are sending you?

Zhang Ye got out of the hotel and stretched out on the road outside. He turned over his bag. The mask and sunglasses were already on. When it was time to be high-profile, it was high-profile. Now that the affairs of Asakusa Hotel are finished, it is time to keep a low profile. After crossing the road, he came to the hotel opposite.

Go upstairs.

Knock on the door.

The door opened, and behind the door was Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang was stunned, "Director Zhang?"

Xiao Zhou also ran out, "Ah, Director Zhang is back! Are you okay?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "What can I do."

Xiao Sun said loudly: "Teacher Zhang, you are amazing!"

Little Wang said: "Yes, things are resolved!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, it's solved here, we should also be busy with business, originally it was not specifically for them, incidentally."

Ha Qi smiled and said: "The comics are being done over there."

"Yes, let me open a room first." Zhang Ye said.

Xiao Wang said happily: "Go, I'll do it!"

Taking Zhang Ye's passport, Xiao Wang went downstairs without much thought.

For about five or six minutes, Xiao Wang came back with a speechless expression, followed by several people in charge of the hotel, all of them looked scared.

A female person in charge hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, we have no room, we are really gone."

Xiao Zhou said: "It's impossible, isn't there a lot of vacancies?"

Another male person in charge wiped his sweat and said, "It's gone, it's gone, can you change the place? I thank you, so, we will pay for the room, we will pay!"

Several people were panicked.


in the afternoon.

They changed another hotel.

The moment the front desk staff picked up the passport, they were shocked!

"Ah! Zhang Ye!"

"Open room."

"No room, all full!"

"Didn't you just check in?"

"Really gone!"

"The standard room will do."

"The standard room is gone!"


Changed another house.

The front desk staff had exactly the same facial expressions as the previous hotel front desk, so they called the person in charge of the hotel.

When the person in charge heard this, he almost freaked out, "Don't take his order! Don't take it! Say that our room is full! If it doesn't work, we will close first! No customers will be picked up!"

The hotel is jumping around!

They were so scared that they almost closed business!


Finally, a Chinese owner’s hotel hosted Zhang Ye. Although the hotel is not big and the place is a bit remote, the environment is good.

The boss is a fat man and very enthusiastic.

Ha Qi smiled and said, "I finally found a place to stay."

The fat boss laughed, "Don't worry, I live here as I please, no money, I can live as long as I want, whatever you want, just like my own home!"

Zhang Ye said: "That won't work, how much is the amount."

The fat boss said, "I collect money from others, but I can’t collect money from you. You are scolding me. If you give money, you can’t stay with me. Haha, I can guarantee that there is no hotel in Tokyo right now. Take your order, now they are all ready. As soon as the Asakusa Hotel press conference is over, I heard that many hotels in Tokyo strictly screen orders. As long as it is an order from charity organizations and China, it must be strictly checked. The person in charge has to look at it personally, just for fear that if you live with them, you will treat you as a time bomb."

Xiao Wang Xiaozhou smiled but said nothing.


Zhang Dao's mouth is much more powerful than a bomb!

So everyone settled down.

After Zhang Ye returned to the room, he charged his mobile phone and found out that there were many unreceived calls. Just as he was about to call back, the calls rang one by one.

"Hello, Mom."

"Why can't I get through?"

"Hi, just charged up."

"Is it hurt?"

"No, it's fine."

"You kid, you're such a troublemaker, I know, you can't do anything good once you go abroad!"

"Haha, how is Lao Wu?"

"Very good. I will cook for Zeqing every day."

"Thank you, Mom, I'll be back in two days."

"Hurry back."

Zhang Xia.

Yao Jiancai.

Chen Guang.

Xu Meilan.

Phone calls from relatives and friends followed.

Zhang Ye responded one by one.

In the evening, everyone got together for a meeting in the room.

Ha Qiqi said: "Director Zhang, what are you going to do next time, can you say hello to us first? Let us also be mentally prepared. Isn't this scary? There is someone in the hotel these days. Surrounded, we were terrified, and we didn't feel like we slept well."

Zhang Ye didn't care, "What a big deal."

Xiao Zhou smiled bitterly: "It's not a big deal for you, it's a big deal for us, I'm about to have a heart attack when I go out with you, Director Zhang, don't look for me for future missions with you. This time is enough." After a pause, she sighed: "But it is also good. After going through so many big scenes with you, I don’t think there is anything wrong with you in the future. ."

Xiao Wang grinned and said: "Yes, with Director Zhang, no matter how big things are."

Xiao Sun asked, "Is our Asian popularity going to rise again?"

Ha Qiqi looked at his watch, "I'll find out later."

Zhang Ye didn't think about it, and he didn't pay attention these days. "Has it risen again?"

Haqiqi smiled and said: "I didn't move much when I was in the middle of the Asian star list a while ago, but it has risen a little more in the past few days. After all, the trouble in Asakusa Hotel is too big. Who doesn't know the whole Asia? Now that things have come to fruition, there must be another outbreak. You can check the Internet and read the news. All day today, in addition to China, South Korea, Japan and other Asian countries are also talking about you and discussing this. As for the matter, even the Koreans applauded you this time, I hope there will be a surprise."

Zhang Ye said, "Okay, then wait and see."

One hour.

Two hours.

Everyone just sat in the house and chatted while drinking tea.

Similarly, many people and industry insiders in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries are also waiting for the update of the Asian star list. They also want to see Zhang Ye's ranking.

Time is up.

Then they saw it.



On the Asian star list, Zhang Ye's name has moved forward by two!



"I'm going!"

"Look at the Asian charts!"

"It's up again! Zhang Ye's up again!"


"Can this rise too?"

"Awesome my Zhang Ye!"




"Why is he gaining popularity again?"

"This stinky-rascal! How come the more you scold him, the more popular he is!"

"Who knows! Too annoying!"

"I scolded our Japanese celebrities, and he has gained popularity?"



"Go up two places?"

"This guy is one step closer to reaching the top of Asia?"

"Isn't it?"

"This is too ironic!"

"Yeah, I have never seen anything like this before!"

"This time his popularity has risen too much!"


The two rankings may not be many for the third-tier in Asia, and the position in the second-tier in Asia is understandable, but the ratings of the first-tier in Asia are different. In this rating, every change in the ranking requires a lot of popularity. So, let alone two places?

Countless people were stunned!

Many people can't laugh or cry!

This is also OK?

Does he really want to play the position of an Asian king?

Never in history has a celebrity gain popularity in this way! , Your support is my greatest motivation. )17-02-0210:57:15

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