I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1448: [There can be no fourth perversion! 】

The Japanese manga world is in chaos.

The whole industry is agitated.

In a small comic magazine, the newcomer submitted an interview.

"Edit, please see."

"Okay, let me take a look."

"Uh, can you?"

"not bad."

"Then, can I serialize it?"

"How many changes can you change a week?"


"Can it be changed a week or three?"


"You can't make two changes."

Finally, the newcomer came out of the comic magazine and was already in tears, three shifts? Two shifts? I'm going to have a word in a week. Who the **** can do it three days a week!

Uh, except for those three perverts!

Those three cartoonists are simply not human!




Their weekly update rate has whipped up the appetite of all readers, disrupted the rhythm of all manga magazines, and has completely muddled the Japanese manga world. Many manga magazines are now receiving manuscripts, and they have new rules. The drawing is too slow. It is best to reach the speed of two or three words a week, but it is easy to say, don't say three words a week, just **** a week Two words, how many people in the entire comics industry can do it!

Readers are shouting.

"Update quickly!"

"It's too slow!"

""Wu Wang", can you do it?"

"Just one word a week, did you not wake up?"

"The author of "Xiaoxue's Dormitory", are you embarrassed to say a word a week? Can you not be lazy?"

Of course, there are naturally some who do not believe in evil.

For example, a serial writer from POO News Agency started two shifts a week as soon as he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. The first week was normal, but since the second week, the writer was hospitalized and has not been discharged yet. There is also a serial cartoonist in the Children's Hall that has also followed in the footsteps of the "time", jealous of the results of "The Pirate", "Naruto" and "Conan", followed by a week of double change of no return, and the result was second. Zhou, the plot of his comics collapsed, the collapse was terrible, the collapse was earth-shattering, and the protagonist was killed by your mother!


The whole industry is just a mess!

Many cartoonists stood up and condemned.

"They started it all!"

"Readers are crazy now!"

"Can't let this disruptive behavior continue!"

"Everyone boycott!"

"Yes, how can comics demand speed!"

"These three people are special cases, no one else can do it!"

"Yes, there can be no fourth person who can change every week!"

"Get the comic back on track!"

Numerous cartoonists have joined the league.

Some cartoonists and newcomers also held up signs and demonstrated at the door of the comic magazine.

On this day, readers and cartoonists are at war.

Two groups of people quarreled together, each holding their own words.

Everyone wanted to argue about whether the comics should be updated more than a week or more than a week. Finally, industry insiders and editors gradually calmed down and joined the debate. Everyone listed a lot of things, such as the production process of a comic, the time required, the number of assistants, the idea, the draft, etc., etc., to many readers, comics are not a speed job, this is a Time-consuming work, it is impossible to draw it simply, and the three perverted cartoonists are purely isolated cases. They didn’t exist before, and probably won’t be in the future. It’s just a coincidence, these three speed types. All of the players got together to serialize it at this time, and no one else can do it.

The readers barely accepted it.

The Japanese manga artists were finally relieved.

The bad climate of more than a week gradually eased.


But right here.


Zhang Yejia community.

Zhang Ye, who had returned from shopping, heard the neighbors passing by.

Are two housewives.

"It's okay at home recently. I watched anime."

"Me too, I watched "Conan"."

"It's not bad. I wait until the child sleeps before watching it."

"Well, it's all the same. My child is only six or seven years old. I don't dare to let him watch this kind of old and dead animation. I think it's not good for children."


Zhang Ye went to his heart. Yes, children should also be considered. Who said that children cannot bring popularity? Don't underestimate how old your children are. In Asian families, children have the highest status in the family. All parents have to walk around the children. Children like to watch something. Can your parents follow it? Tethering the heart of the child is tethering the parents at the same time. It's the same thing!

Back home.

There were shouts in the studio.

"Come out!"



That night.

Old Wu's parents are here.

While chatting, Li Qinqin smiled and said, "Now the animation is quite popular, I think many people around me are watching it."

Wu Zeqing smiled and glanced at Zhang Ye, then said to her parents, "Did you guys look?"

Wu Changhe snorted, "It's all Japanese elements, who looks at that."

Li Qinqin also said: "Yes, we still like things with a little Chinese element."


Chinese elements!

Zhang Ye got up and left.

The second old man froze for a moment.

In a short while, Zhang Ye’s divine shouts came from the studio upstairs!

"Come out!"

""Dragon Ball"!"

Li Qinqin was dumbfounded, "What is he doing?"

Wu Changhe was surprised, "Is this kid nervous?"

Wu Zeqing laughed.


the next day.


Zhang Ye was awakened by the sound outside.

"Pass me, pass me!"




Several children are playing basketball.

Zhang Ye was completely sleepy for a while, and his eyes lit up. Yeah, how could I forget the sports comics? If you want to play this wave, you can beat them thoroughly.

In the studio.

Zhang Ye's shout came!

"Come out!"

""Slam Dunk"!"

In the bedroom.

The sound of playing basketball did not awaken Wu Zeqing, and the sound of Zhang Ye getting up did not awaken Wu Zeqing, but the screaming voice woke Lao Wu!



When eating.

Zhang Ye and Old Wu were chatting and watching TV. They were talking about the latest Japanese anime.

Moderator: "Japanese anime is coming on fiercely. In the past two months, many wonderful works have emerged. Counting down on the Japanese comic works in previous years, in addition to science fiction anime, almost every type has a flag-carrying work. The internal influence is so wide that it has already triggered phenomenal heated discussions."


Zhang Ye looked up in a daze.

Except for science fiction?

Is there no national-level work in the science fiction genre of this world day comic?

Hey, you can't do it!

There are buddies!

As many as you want!

Before the meal was finished, Zhang Ye lifted his chopsticks, stepped upstairs, and plunged into the studio.

Wu Zeqing knew he was busy with business, and did not stop.

After a while, Zhang Ye's loud voice came from the floor!

"Come out!"


"Uh, "Gundam"!"

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