I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1451: [Zhang Hao returns! 】

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea continue to receive rave reviews.

Especially in Japan, almost everyone is intoxicated.

"Too fun!"

"Anime feast!"

"Good anime are all piled up!"

"I am also fascinated!"

"The seven teachers are too good."

"Quickly update!"

In Asia, many people who have never watched anime have been attacked by this wave of chaos, and they have been dragged into the army of chasing new fans.

Seven animes, you chase after me, frequently break the history of the sun, and it comes up in a while, and then it comes up again, there is no other animation, and now the entire Asian market has become these seven animations. There is no other protagonist in the exhibition game.

Looking at the history of Japan.

Throughout the history of animation.

Such a feast has never happened!


Zhang Wei studio.

Working in the morning, everyone has a morale.

"Hadao, early."

"My brother, good morning."

"How is the score?"

"The new volume of "Dragon Ball" has broken records."


"Animated version is also, "Conan" has exceeded the ratings of "Doraemon"."

"In any case, it's our own record, haha."

"Yeah, no one knows. Calling and playing is actually a work of Zhang."

"What new works did Zhang Tu draw?"

"I don't know, Zhang hasn't moved for a few days."

"Open a video conference, ask."


When everyone arrived, they entered the conference room.

Haqiqi opened the video and connected with Zhang.

Dudu, the video is connected, but when I see Zhang Wei on the video side, everyone in the studio is dumbfounded, exclaimed again and again!

On the image, Zhang Wei seems to have just ran out of the refugee cave. The hair is not playing, the beard is not shaved, the clothes are the ones I saw in the video last time. The whole person is very languid, the eyelids are hanging, as if at any time. To fall down, a gust of wind can blow him away.

Xiao Wang snorted.

Haqi Qi busy loudly: "Zhang Dao, what happened?"

Zhang Zuo was also shocked. "You are embarrassed? Are you painting new works again?"

Xiao Wang asked: "Have you painted a few more?"

New product?

How many?

Wen Yan, Zhang Hao almost vomited blood!

Zhang Wei said: "What new paintings do I still have? Now it’s already seven. Seven days a week, every three words are updated. On average, I have to draw three words a day. When my buddies are in good shape, they can only With so many paintings, now I have to update my words every day. I haven’t slept for two days. You think I am iron man!"


Are you originally an iron man?

Of course, they obviously did not dare to say this.

Haqi Qi hurryed: "Oh, then take a rest, hurry and rest."

Zhang Zuodao: "Yes, don't draw."

Zhang Wei is languid: "It has been finished painting late at night, and it has been sent to the mailbox. You can check it out. No, I will make up for it."

Haqiqi: "Let's go, go!"

Hang up the video.

Zhang Wei went back to the bedroom and lay down. It was that even a finger didn't want to move. The goods were full of excitement, and they rushed out seven comics in one breath. As a result, they also put themselves in. Every day, three words, and occasionally a fourth, even Zhang Huan could not stand it! I used to see that the comics scored up, he was quite happy, and he and the old Wu blew a cow every day - but now, when you hear the comics, you are shaking!

Stick to it!

Stick to it!

Victory is in sight!

One hour.

three hours.

He fell asleep, and he blinked at noon.

Zhang Wei looked at the watch in a confused way and immediately got up from the bed. "Oh, I forgot to cook." So I quickly got up and went downstairs.

The dishes are overflowing.

There is also the scent of rice cooked.

Zhang Yiyi, the pace of going downstairs is faster.

Downstairs, the family actually came, Dad, Mom, Li Qinqin, Wu Changhe, the open kitchen over there, turned out to be Wu Zeqing cooking.

"Dad, Mom."

"Hey, Xiaoxiao woke up."

"How did you get there?"

"Jie Qing called."

Zhang Wei’s side, angry, said: "Old Wu, why are you doing?"

Wu Zeqing smiled, "cooking."

Zhang Wei complained: "Who made you move! Say I cook!"

Mom said: "I also said, she has to do it herself."

"Today, this must be done." Wu Zeqing smiled, then moved his foot and said: "Look, the feet are already good. I have been idle for a few months, and I will not move any more. They are not going to walk anymore, Xiao Yan, wash their hands and wash their hands, ready to eat."

Zhang Hao walked over and touched it. "Is it so good?"

Wu Zeqing said gently: "Well, it was almost the same two days ago."

dinner time.

Everyone sits around.

Wu Zeqing suddenly raised his cup and smiled. "Before eating, I have to respect my husband first."

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Oh, you don't need it, you don't need it."

Wu Changhe said: "Respect."

Li Qinqin also said: "Xiao Xiao has been working hard for a few months, and his work has been thrown away. The class is not on. It is really not easy to take care of the Qing every day."

Mom laughed: "He is his own wife, he shouldn't?"

Dad said: "Before, Qing was waiting for him, and he should let him out."

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled. "My parents are right, what is inside, what I am doing."

The injured bones are a hundred days old, but Lao Wu is not afraid to take medicine during pregnancy. The speed of recovery is much slower than that of normal people. In the whole few months, the outside entertainment circle has changed a lot, and new people burst into red overnight. There are also old people falling ratings, new movies leading the trend, and famous movie stars encountering Waterloo. There have been many things during this period, but Zhang Wei has never heard of it. One mind is taking care of the wife at home. It is really just to go out and buy food. Did not step out of the house. It is really not easy to do this with Zhang Wei, a temper who can never be idle.

Learned to cook.

Learned to wash clothes.

Learned a lot of housework.

In the past few months, Zhang Wei has also grown a lot.

Wu Zeqing said: "Tomorrow, you start to work."

Zhang Yanyan, "How are you?"

Mom turned his eyes. "You still hope that Qing will not be good?"

"Hey, I will ask." Zhang Yi was speechless.

Everyone laughs.

Wu Zeqing said: "After eating, I will sleep for a while, take a rest, and have energy to work tomorrow. Many things are waiting for you."

Zhang Wei smiled a little, "Oh, listen to my wife and children."

After the meal, Zhang Wei went upstairs to sleep, recharge his batteries.

Say goodbye to the entertainment circle for a few months, I don’t know if everyone wants to think about me?

Haha, my Hu Hansan is back!

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