I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1458: [Continue to write "One Piece"? 】

The buzz continued for a whole day.

Even in the night, even in the early hours, I have not stopped.

After a day of precipitation, the event has not subsided, but it has become more and more intense!

the next day.


Zhang Hao drove to work, the car stopped, and the man just went upstairs. There was a young couple who lived in the community on the squatting Dada. The two men were holding a big yellow dog. Maybe they just finished their breakfast. It’s bending, walking and walking to Zhang’s BMW.

The dog has to pee.

The youth is busy: "Rhubarb, don't be mischievous!"

His girlfriend said: "Rhubarb, it is here to urinate."

The youth wiped the sweat. "This is Teacher Zhang’s car."

The girlfriend shouted: "I know it is his, I will pee, and I will work hard!"


The dog is finished.

His girlfriend also said: "Rhubarb, then pee!"


The girlfriend shouted: "Nothing? Let's go, drink more water, mother will bring you to brew, and then come back to continue to pee."




As soon as Zhang Yigang entered the door, he saw a guest.

Xiaodong and Amy rummaged in front and back!

Li Xiaoyu smiled and pulled the two people. "Oh, what are you doing?"

Amy cried: "Save the manuscript! I am looking for a copy of Conan!"

Xiao Dong also said loudly: "Where is the manuscript of One Piece?"

Haqiqi reluctantly said: "Zhang Dao really did not paint."

"Impossible, definitely!" Amy doesn't do it.

Zhang slammed a scorpion and smiled: "Why, this is, copying home?"

Xiaodongyi turned back, "You can come to you! Hurry up and bring the manuscript, don't give it to others, you have to give it to me!"

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "I really don't have it, I don't paint it."

Amy airway: "Mr. Zhang, you are too kind! You have no friends like this, do you know? No! Peng! Friends!"

Xiaodong rolled his eyes. "You are now a public enemy of the whole Asian people. Do you know? You are not too late in prison, but this time the eunuch! You, are you still?"

"Update it."

"Yes, hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

The two of you said a word to me, holding on to Zhang Wei.

However, Zhang Wei is not afraid of boiling water, but he is so fluent that Xiaodong and Amy are not guilty. There is no way to take this product!

Xiao Wang called out: "Ah, Zhang Dao!"

Xiao Zhou pointed downstairs, "There are dogs peeing on your tires!"

Xiao Wangdao: "Ah, another one!"

Zhang Yan shrugged, casually said: "Urine, how big is it, no one has a pet, people are anxious to think of urine and a urine, you can still make people do not urinate? It is a bit too much, we can not do this It doesn't make sense, let's be considerate of each other, it's all friends." Patted myself, "Look at this chest!"

Xiaodong: "..."

Amy: "..."

When they saw that the goods were thicker than the wall, they knew that nothing was useless. They were given away by Zhang Hao and cursed while walking.

The same is true on the Internet.

Countless netizens are enemies!


"I can't stand it!"

"This grand eunuch!"

"I am mad at me too! I am mad at me!"

"Today Conan stopped in series!"

"Tomorrow's "One Piece" should stop!"

"Everyone smashed this product together, too grandson! Can't lightly spare him!"

"Yes, the higher our voice, the louder the shouting, the more pressure Zhang will have. In the end, he can't stand it, and he has to give us back to update!"

"Yes, go, give him pressure!"

"You gave me the surname Zhang!"

"Don't you paint?"

Zhang Wei's meager, fan group's post, studio blog, as long as all the platforms related to Zhang Wei, as long as the netizens can find, they are all occupied by the angry and ruined people, he finished her, she finished him Hey, shift work, one day, I can’t wait to swear for him for twenty-five hours. Everyone hopes to use this pressure to restore Zhang Wei’s serialization. After all, this is not a two-person, not a country and two countries. It’s an Asian anime fan. !

How many million?

How many billions?

Who can withstand this pressure?

No one can do it!

This is the voice of the masses!

This is the power of the people!

However, no one has thought of Zhang Dingding!

Three days!

For three days!

Asian people have married Zhang Wei for three days!

If you change a few people, change individual stars, change individual studios, such a vast sizzle has been overturned, and the stars have already collapsed. Even if they don’t collapse, they have to stand up and explain. Right? Can Zhang Wei Studio? No, there is no movement at all. What should Zhang Wei do? He is not moved at all. Everything works as usual. It seems that nothing happened!

Who is Zhang Wei?

You said to go to the hospital?

He is really scared!

Do you say a shot?

He has to be scared to death!

But what are you saying?

Hehe, this squatter is a connoisseur, and he is also a good hand. If you have a lot of ugly words, how many people will marry him, he can suppress the top of the mountain!

What is rogue?

This is called the real stinking!

Hard and hard to eat!

Oil and salt do not enter!

Asian people are screaming!

"I rely!"

"This two skins!"

"Isn't this? Mom, this is too thick!"

"Your sister, so many people scold him, he didn't respond?"

"Mahjong, this makes me happy!"

"Hey, Zhang Wei’s most speechless place is that sometimes you hate him for hating teeth, but it’s just that he can’t take him!”

"Yeah, I can see it, he is useless!"

"Also, can Zhang Wei be afraid of jealousy? Everyone has been jealous of him every day, but can you see if he cares? This product is a mess!"

"Nothing, I am really nothing!"

"Zhang Hao, this guy, no one has cleaned up him."

"Wu, you are going to take care of your husband, this is going to be God!"

"@吴则卿, don't let Zhang Wei go to work, let him draw cartoons at home!"

"Quickly release Zhang Hao!"

"Yes, dog day, don't make any restrictions!"

"Give him a ban and let him continue to paint!"

However, the Japanese official has also not responded. After knowing that the comic works were made by Zhang Wei, it is reasonable to say that under the introduction of the restraining order, they should block the seven comics, prohibiting sales, and not allowing Zhang Wei to be non-charitable. In the Japanese market, there were works, but after the accident, the relevant Japanese departments were silent, and they did not dare to block the works. They did not dare to say that the restrictions were lifted.

No effect at all!

Everyone is finally tired!

But at this time, a message that cheered all of Asia came out!

The Youth Hall announced that they would ask someone to continue writing "One Piece"!

Asian people are screaming!

Especially the Japanese people are most excited!


"Well done!"

"Continue to write, continue to write!"

"Although it is not Zhang Huan's painting, it may not taste right, but his mother is stronger than the eunuch!"

"Ha ha ha, pretty!"

"This decision must be praised!"

"But I am afraid that "One Piece" will make people die!"

"No, we are a big cartoon country in Japan. There are professional cartoonists on the other side. Zhang Hao can draw a pure layman who is a half-way monk. Can professionals still paint? And the main line and approximate content of One Piece. They are all paved with almost all the people, and the difficulty of writing is very low. I am paralyzed. As long as I can continue to serialize, I will see whoever I paint, and update it quickly!"

"Unfortunately, the scene of Thursday will not appear."

"Hey, don't think about it any more. I have a mother and I am satisfied now!"


Asian hot discussion.

The outside world is churning.

At the same time, Zhang Huan Studio also got the news.

Haqiqi stayed, "Is this allowed on the contract?"

Xiao Wang called me, "Can you still find someone to write?"

Zhang Zuodao: "This is a bottom-up salary!"

Xiao Zhou said: "What should I do now?"

Zhang Wei also snorted.

Continue to write?

I see who you painted!

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