I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1460: [Zhang Wei's latest popularity ranking! 】

this day.

in the morning.

From the day when Zhang Wei announced the seven eunuchs of the comics, the action of crusade against the "great eunuch" has been vigorously continued for a whole week. People from many Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea have volunteered to join the operation, and they have been close to Zhang Wei. Destructive personal attacks.

According to incomplete statistics:

China’s Weibo has been screaming 20 million times.

There are more than 32 million buzz in Japan.

Zhang Wei’s studio was surrounded by eleven times.

Zhang Wei’s car was **** by a dog.

- Now his BMW car, all around ten meters are arrogant!



And eunuch!

Everything that comes out of this product makes people gnash their teeth!

There has never been a star that has been smashed by so many people, and it is a general condemnation of carpet bombing in a week. It is truly unprecedented and unheard of!


"Oh, don't worry."

"I am tired too."

"Everyone saves effort, this product will not be updated!"

"This guy's face is too thick, not afraid of it!"

"I want to cry, my pirates, my fire shadow, my Conan!"

"Washing and sleeping, Zhang Hao, this guy, I know too much. I can’t tell you which day he suddenly found his conscience. Maybe he can resume serialization. It’s impossible now. He is the restriction to him from Japan and South Korea. Let’s make a name, the more you seal him, the less he will update. This is always the temper.”

"Right, is he popular in Asia?"

"I look at it -"

"Hey, why didn't you have him?"

"I don't have his name? Haha, don't you lose it?"

"Let's take it, let him die!"

"What happened? Really didn't have him?"

"You only saw it? It has been several days."

"Is it forbidden to him?"

"Is it true that people and gods are indignant, and the list can't accommodate him?"

There are different opinions.

Everyone guessed wildly.


the other side.

Zhang Wei studio.

Everyone has been busy with this for a few days.

"What about the contract? What about the pirate contract?"


"Oh, who throws the drawer."

"What about Conan's contract?"

"In my case, the manuscript is also!"

"Okay, that’s it."

A few days ago, they had received a call from the staff responsible for the Asian star rating list, asking them to show a series of evidence that Zhang Wei was the seven cartoonists such as Aoi and Ozawa, and told them to stop temporarily. Zhang Wei’s popularity in Asia is updated. After verifying the evidence, Zhang’s popularity data will be recalculated and re-ranked on the list. For these, the studio people naturally understand.

You said that what you painted is what you painted?

That can't be done, you have to prove the material.

Only after everything has been confirmed, the popularity values ​​accumulated by the seven cartoonists can be superimposed on Zhang Wei’s popularity.

Zhang Wei asked: "Can you get it today?"

Haqiqi said: "It should be OK, it is almost the same."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Well, look at the list that night."

Xiao Wang is a little nervous. "Can you do it?"

Xiao Sun is also suffering from loss, "I am afraid that our reputation is not very good, affecting popularity."

“Where is the word of mouth not very good?” Xiao Zhou corrected: “We have no word of mouth at all!”

Zhang Wei also listened to music. He actually estimated his popularity this time, but there are too many uncertain factors. He also said that it is not good. This time, the wave has already been finished. What kind of result is it? What kind of achievements are there, just look at today.

A little more!

Go up a little more this time!

At least some of the forefront of Asia's front line, at least the top ten in advanced Asia. If even the top ten can't get in, then these months are really ruined!


Not only Zhang Hao himself.






Very sensitive to his Asian popularity!

Is Zhang Wei’s popularity in Asia rising or falling? 》

"There is news that Zhang Wei's popularity is being evaluated! 》

"Tonight will be revealed! 》

"Is it on the altar, or is it falling?" 》

"Industry sources said: Zhang Wei's popularity assessment is simply unpredictable! 》

"There has never been a similar example in history! 》

There is a bullish.

There is a bearish.

Everyone is arguing endlessly.



"falling to death!"

"Yes, you have to fall down the line!"

"What, you must fall to the second line!"

"Yes, this guy is too hateful, it is best to let him not get on the third line!"

"Ha ha ha, waiting to see Zhang Wei's excitement at night!"

"Fall! Fall! Fall!"

"Let him know that he knows how to anger us!"



"Firecrackers have been bought."

"Hey, wait for the evening to celebrate!"

"I wish Zhang Ye roll over!"

"You must roll over! Otherwise, people are angry!"

"It’s not good for Teacher Zhang to die like this, not to drop him to the Asian third line!"

"Having fun!"



"Let him eunuch!"

"Look, he still laughed this time!"

"Let him be stunned, now he is crying!"

"Cough, this guy's popularity has risen?"

"Khan, can't you?"

"So many people scold him, can he still rise?"

"Can it not be like this before?"



Li Anxu team.

"What will happen at night?"

"I do not know."

"Let's wait."

"Definitely will fall, certain!"


Yao Jiancai’s home.

"Dad, Uncle Zhang’s Asian popularity is going to be updated?"

"Seems to be."

"Can you fall?"

"Whoever said it well, this kid never played cards according to the routine!"



Several stars party.

“Who predicts the popularity of Zhang Wei?”

"This is really not accurate."

"Yeah, anyone can predict, but Zhang Hao’s rating is really not predictable."


One hour.

Two hours.

three hours.

At night, the zero is here.

Countless media in Asia, countless industry insiders, countless stars, and countless people have opened the Asian star popularity list and started to refresh it. It’s not that they are idle, but everyone wants to know Zhang’s popularity now!

Brush it!


Brush it again!

not yet!

When a lot of people brushed to the third, the list was finally updated!

Many days ago, when Zhang Wei’s name last stayed on the Asian star list, his ranking was a little above the middle line in Asia. The front row was not enough, but it was a little higher than the middle. However, when I saw the latest Asian star list today, many people were stunned. Many people were so shocked that they wanted to spit out an old blood, one by one!

"My grass!"

"how come!"

"No, I rely!"

"This is not a good thing for his mother!"

"How could this be!"

"This **** is going against the sky!"

"Unscientific! This is not scientific for him!"

At this moment, on the list, Zhang Wei’s name is impressive, not falling to the second line, and not falling to the third line. Zhang’s popularity rating is still in the Asian front position, and not only that, he is among the Asian stars. Ranked, but actually went forward!

Going forward a lot!

very many!

Asian people can't believe their eyes. They found Zhang Wei's name in the fourth place in Asia's first-line rating!

Fourth place!

This is not the front line!

This **** is already the top in Asia!

From the position of the previous mid-stream, it is separated by 16 or seven rankings!

This is simply flying!

Japan is smashed!

South Korea is smashed!

The people in Zhangye’s studio are jealous!

Asian media is paralyzed!

Asian entertainment circle is gone!

Asian people are also paralyzed!

The first time the list was announced, the whole Asian market was fried!

"Do you want to be so embarrassed!"

"Would you like to follow the routine?"

"My sister, my sister!"

"Is this **** OK?"

"Not only did not fall, but also his mother went up? Is his mother so much?"

"Oh my titanium dog eyes!"

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