I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1476: [Come on! Zhang Hao is out of the well! 】


The studio is in chaos!

Xiao Wang Xiao Zhou hurriedly called.

"Sister Ha, come back soon!"

"what happened?"

"Zhang Gui went away, it seems that something big!"

"What? Where did he go?"

"I don't know, Zhang did not say!"

"Wait for me, I will be back soon!"

In a short time, Haqiqi, Zhang Zuo, Wu Yi and others all put down all the things in their hands and rushed back. For them, nothing is important. They are Zhang Yi’s studio, everything is working. It’s around Zhang Wei, so anyone can have an accident, Zhang can’t!

People get together.

I gave Zhang guide a dozen calls, but they couldn't get through.

Things came too suddenly and everyone was not prepared.

What happened?

What is the madness of Zhang Dao?


On the street.

Zhang Wei takes a step to look at the left side and takes two steps to see the right side.

A passerby over there suddenly reached into his trouser pocket, and Zhang Hao suddenly stared at him with vigilance!

is that you?

Is the grenade or the pistol?

Then the man took out his cell phone.

Zhang Wei immediately turned to a woman who reached into her bag.

is that you?

Which organization are you from?

Then, the woman took out a small mirror and began to make up her makeup.

Now Zhang Huan has been arbitrarily arrogant, and saw a stinky **** on the ground. He can't wait to kneel down and ask, "Whoever sent you?"

Yesterday was still fine, and today it has fallen into this way. Zhang Huan hates madness in his heart. He said that I have nothing to do with the difficulty. I am not eating enough. Think about the reasons for this situation, Zhang Wei analysis, there will be only three possibilities.

One: The lucky halo really just failed.

Second: the difficulty of adjusting the dice may not be affected by the lucky halo. The last five-fold difficulty of the comic dialogue conference may have nothing to do with the lucky halo, but it happened to happen. This time, the lucky value of the lucky halo may not take effect.

Three: The lucky halo may decide that only if the difficulty adjustment dipole is increased by five times, it may be beneficial to Zhang Wei, that is to say, the lucky halo may not be invalid, but the effect of the lucky halo and the difficulty dice. The utility is superimposed.

Three are possible.

Of course, the third one is probably the least reliable.

Is it beneficial for me to increase the difficulty?

I went to college! Who are you who are you?

At this time, the lucky halo (upgraded version) is still open, the consumption has reached an astonishing number, and Zhang Wei has already begun to suffer from pain, and he also wants to have a knife and a knife, and he still has to face the forty Five times the difficulty time of five times, don't waste the reputation value, then come on, paralyzed, I have to see if you have three heads and six arms, buddy, I am not scared!

Five times more, it is far worse than ten times!

Zhang Haojian went out and immediately canceled the lucky halo!

The traffic is very busy.

The pedestrians on the street looked hurried.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Business as usual.

Zhang Wei stood on the side of the road and watched for a long time, hey, isn't that okay?

Suddenly, there were several girls looking at Zhang Jian’s direction.


"Look at that person!"

"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"It is he who is him!"


"My idol!"

Several girls screamed and rushed over.

Zhang Yi, a sweat, subconsciously walked forward.

They chase.

Zhang Yujin entered the alley.

They chase again.

Zhang Wei walks again.

He paid attention to the situation around him, and paid attention to the people around him, but the situation at his feet did not pay attention to it at all. Suddenly his feet were empty, and Zhang’s name was gone. People were gone!

The girls behind are dumbfounded!

"What about Teacher Zhang?"

"What about people?"

"How come?"

"Wow, Teacher Zhang has a special function!"

"It disappeared, it really disappeared!"

"Mr. Zhang is too powerful!"

"It's my idol!"

A few girls were so excited that they screamed one by one and yelled at Zhang Yi while they were still calling.

Zhang Hao, who was downhole, was already mad. He yelled at the leg that had been smashed and yelled at the wellhead of four or five meters high: "I am special to your sister! Hurry and call me 119!"

on the ground.

The girls snorted.

"What is Zhang Wei's voice?"

"where is it?"

"God, teacher Zhang is invisible?"

"Is it still invisible?"

Zhang Hao is crazy!

Invisible fart!

Oh, although I really can!

These girls are also a bit of a cute personality, looking for the direction of the sound, only to find a well in the invisible position on the roadside. A few people rushed up and ran up. A girl squatted at the wellhead. A girl took a mobile phone and turned on the flash. This was the case.

A few people panic instantly!

One of the fat girls has the biggest voice, and it is a slap in the face. "Help! Come on! The famous host Zhang Wei is out of the well!"

Zhang Hao almost spurted blood!

Can you introduce it in less detail?

After a while, many people were alarmed.

Countless good people gathered around.

"Who is in the well?"

"Ah, Zhang Wei!"

"It's him!"

"I rely on, Teacher Zhang, you insist on it!"

"Stand up, be sure to hold on!"

Passers-by have lend a helping hand.

Followed by the fire truck,

The firefighters were a little embarrassed to see it. They didn't expect to see such a big star in their lifetime, and they were in the well!

After five minutes of fighting, Zhang Hao was finally saved.

The leading firefighters were busy asking: "Are you okay, Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Wei panted, "Nothing, I am fine, thank you for the fire comrades!"

Someone around asked, "You are not hurt?"

Zhang Xiao smiled a little. "Thank you for your help, nothing, no injuries."

The voice was still falling, and a strong wind blew. On the roof of the bungalow next door, I didn’t know who put a large piece of wood on it and it was scraped. Now hundreds of people are watching around and watching the pictures. No one has seen it. No one pays attention. The wood board screamed directly behind Zhang Wei!


Zhang snorted and the man disappeared again!

Firefighters and onlookers fluttered for a while!

"Be careful!"


"What about Teacher Zhang?"

"Not good! Teacher Zhang has fallen into the well!"

"Save people!"

"Hey, how is this done!"

"This has just been saved!"

"Ladder, ladder!"

A lot of people are stunned!

A lot of firefighters are almost squirting!

This is too much back! It is rare for a person to fall into a well in this life. Under the sun, there are still people who can drop two wells in one day, or the same well. This is a bad luck!

Everyone is struggling to save.

After a few minutes, Zhang Hao was rescued again.

Zhang Wei stiffly climbed up and waved: "Nothing, I am fine, small!"

This is five times the difficulty of his mother!

Zhang Wei finally got the coach!

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