I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1478: [Lotte Supermarket suffers! 】


Lotte Supermarket West Malaysia Factory.

There was a sudden explosion in the food area!



"The lights are broken!"

"It fell and fell!"

"be careful!"


The light was blown up, and a large lampshade slammed down and shot it. It just happened to stand alone. This person does not have to ask, of course, Zhang Wei!

Zhang Hao was also scared. Fortunately, he was prepared. He hurriedly jumped to the side with his skillful and flexible hand. He slammed and the lampshade was shot on the ground. If this guy is on his head, If you don't talk about concussion, how can you swollen a big bag?

Between the dodge, the mask also fell.

The shopping crowd recognized him.

"Zhang Wei!"

"It’s a face!"

"Scared me!"

"It's too dangerous!"

"The lights are gone? How did you let Zhang catch up?"

"Yeah, isn't he just falling out of the well?"

"Hey, he is too back!"

Supermarket employees rushed to clean up the scene.

The person in charge heard the news and rushed to the scene. His heart said that it was broken. This can be broken. How come this accident happened? How can you swear that the mischief is wrong? This guy is famous in Asia. Unreasonable, this is the biggest stinky-flow in the Asian entertainment industry. Hey, this product will not cause you to bite into Lotte Supermarket, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble, hey, unlucky!

However, he never imagined that Zhang Wei had no intention of pursuing it.

I saw that Zhang Wei over there wiped the sweat and walked quickly to other areas.

The person in charge is stunned, oh, no, this is not the style of Zhang Wei? When is this so reasonable? Not his temper?

An employee came up, "the manager, this"

The person in charge said: "It's okay."

The staff carefully asked: "Do you have to pay for anything?"

The person in charge pouted, "The person is not injured, what is the compensation?"

The employee immediately said: "Understood."

The episode has passed and everything is still business.

But just after the person in charge just returned to the upstairs office, the supermarket had another accident!

An employee ran up in a panic, "The manager! Not good!"

The person in charge frowned, "What's wrong?"

The staff hurriedly said: "The elevator suddenly broke down and the forward line became retrograde!"

The person in charge stood up in amazement. "What do you say? Is there someone on the elevator?"

The employee said: "There is a person on the elevator. It was Zhang Hao who rolled down from above!"

The person in charge was shocked: "What? How is he?"

The second floor of the supermarket.

At this moment, Zhang Huan was eager to pat the soil on his body. The one who had just followed the head really slammed him. An elevator that suddenly went up, suddenly turned into a reverse, even if Zhang Jian practiced Tai Chi. Can not stand this, directly fell back and fell out, but also rolled two laps, but fortunately his hand is steady and suddenly stabilized, or really have to roll from the second floor to the first floor, too scary!

The onlookers are also speechless.

Falling well?

Was it covered by a lampshade?

Falling elevator?

What is your fortune!

You are not going to see the yellow calendar today?

Far away, the person in charge shouted: "Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

Zhang Wei swings his hand.

The person in charge shouted: "How is this done? Who is responsible for the elevator? Let the responsible person come over!" He was also frightened. Fortunately, Zhang Hao is fine. If he has three long and two short, then it is really a big deal, then Responsible for humanity: "Mr. Zhang, this is an accidental failure. It may be that the equipment is aging. We must take good care of it. The previous chandelier is also, this kind of thing will never happen, I promise!"

The voice just fell.

A few meters high on the shelf suddenly slammed and folded, and the whole shelf fell down with the goods on the top.



"fall down!"

"Run, I am grass!"

The people around you make birds and beasts!

The person in charge was also stunned and jumped out, and the action of a dog eating it was not gracefully squatting on the ground.

What is the speed of Zhang Wei?

What is Agile?

This cargo apparently ran faster than others, but he chose the wrong direction. Zhang Haofei’s direction of throwing out was not a problem at first, but in the next moment, the fallen shelf hit the opposite shelf, as if Like the dominoes, hey, even poured four or five shelves, and turned back to the direction of Zhang Wei, Zhang Hao has nowhere to hide, the shelf directly photographed him there, it seems There was a corner space, Zhang Hao rushed into the crisis, and this was not picked up, but it was stuck, and could not climb out!

"Not good!"


"Zhang Yu was smashed again!"

"Hurry up 119!"

The person in charge is crying, what is going on! What the **** is going on!

The fire brigade is coming soon.

Because it is a region, it is still a group of people.

The firefighters who took the lead saw Zhang Wei, who was holding a mobile phone under the shelf, and was a little dizzy. "Mr. Zhang, how are you?"

Zhang Hao looked up and saw, "Oh, it is me."

The firemen wiped the sweat. "We have saved you three times today."

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed, "It’s hard, hard comrades."

The fireman sighed, hey, what did you say? Save people!

After ten minutes of hard work by the firefighters, the trapped people were finally saved.

At this time, Lotte Supermarket also evacuated the customers. When the lights were off, it was said that the elevators were broken and they were still okay. However, the shelves collapsed so much. Obviously, there was no way to open them. They immediately made a temporary suspension of business. Measures. No one dares to stay here anymore. Where is the shopping thing? This is a **** life. Fortunately, these things have been caught up by Zhang Wei today. This evil is hard and can’t easily die, but they can’t. They are all flesh and blood, they can't empty the bulletproof glass.

The customer is gone.

The firefighter is gone.

Supermarket employees are also off work.

At this time, responsible for the discovery of talents, Zhang Wei actually strolled in the position of the checkout counter on the first floor of the supermarket. It seems that he could not find the exit.

The person in charge pointed out: "The exit is over there."

Zhang Hao snorted. "Don't worry, I will stay a little longer."

The person in charge heard the words almost fainted!

Are you still a little while?

you go!

You hurry!

When you don't come, we have nothing to do!

Zhang Wei was sneaked in the supermarket for a long time.

The responsible person and a group of security guards were almost collapsed. They were stunned and guarded by Zhang Wei. They were afraid of another accident. Finally, they asked Grandpa to tell Grandma to take this away.


One p.m.

Zhang Yi took out the Lotte Supermarket at West Malaysia.

What should we do now?

Nowhere to go?

Hey, is there any other branch in Lotte Supermarket?

Zhang Wei thinks of it, take a mobile phone to check, hey, Lotte has a total of thirteen stores in Beijing? Hey, let's go, don't you buddy, you really have nowhere to go!

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