I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1482: [Zhang Wei's choice! 】



"Zhang Dao!"

"You are finally back!"

"Hey, where have you been in these two days?"

"Scared us."

"Are you okay?"

"Is the injury not hurt?"

When Zhang Yi came over, everyone embraced.

Zhang Qiangqiang smiled. "I'm fine. How are you here?"

Haqi Qiqi said: "Everything is normal, yes, you have no news? The hacker 2's real body seems to be exposed. Everyone is talking about it."

Zhang Yan said: "Look."

"I don't know who it is." Xiao Wang was curious.

Tong Fudao: "The 2 great gods were really handsome."

Xiao Zhou is going to say: "Yes, one person swept the entire Korean network. The Chinese-Korean hacking war ended with an overwhelming victory. In the history of so many hacking wars between countries, I have never been so happy. I am really curious about this hacker. 2 is where the sacred, idol."

They are also chatting, and now all over Asia is talking about this.

Only Zhang Hao did not seem to want to talk, and went upstairs to go back to the office.

Event fermentation.

The news is competing to report.

"Hacker 2 target lock! 》

"The suspect has been controlled! 》

"South Korea announced the investigation evidence! 》

"The South Korean side appealed to surrender the suspect! 》

"The Chinese and Korean hacking wars began! 》

"The producer of Panda burning incense is now real? 》

"Is the evidence directly referring to the network supervision public staff? 》

The evidence is exposed one by one.

The range is reduced again and again.

Finally, at around noon, in the absence of the Chinese government’s delay in the publication of the investigation results, the South Korean side could not sit still and directly announced the suspect!

Fan Yinghao!

Used hacker name: FAN.

Position: China Network Supervision.

Wait a minute, etc., the Korean side announced Fan Yingxi's information unilaterally. They were also the first to suspect Fan Yingxi's body, and almost certainly confirmed her. In the field of hacking, the name FAN is famous, and it is also a legend many years ago. The hacker of the level has also had a disgraceful predecessor, saying that she and the hacker 2 are actually the same person, and many people are willing to believe this fact.


The hacker community.

"Is FAN?"

"Is she?"

"She and 2 are the same person?"


"No way?"

“I don’t think the technical style is similar?”

"Is it already determined?"



"Fan Yingzhen?"

"Hacker 2 is a lesbian?"

"Ah, I know her, FAN is a legendary hacker!"

"I rely on it, the original FAN and 2 are her?"

"Is she not the head of the Zhang Wei fan group?"


"Really, she has appeared in Zhang Wei’s wedding!"

"Yes, it’s Zhang Wei’s fan group. The net name seems to be called Big Brother!”

"I sweat, the head of the Zhang Wei fan group is actually a world legendary hacker?"

"Too handsome, is there such a beautiful hacker?"





"Don't say, it's pretty."

“Is the panda burning incense made?”

"It's too wicked."

"How come the relationship with Zhang Hao?"

"How is the name of Zhang Wei always vain!"

"It turns out that this guy and his fan group leader are the two biggest public enemies in Korea!"


Network supervisor.

"How did they announce it?"

"This has not been investigated yet!"

"The South Korean side is afraid that we will protect ourselves and take it out first!"

"This bunch of sticks!"

"I really don't think it's Fan sister!"

"Yeah, at that time, Fan Jie was with us. Everyone looked at it. Where does Fan Jie have time to program Trojans?"

"Not who she is? Is it yours?"

"I? I have that technology."

"That won't have to. In the office of the year, only Fan Yingyi had this technology."



Countless people have called the phone.

Zhang Wei looked at the number on the phone, but he didn't pick it up. He knew that everyone was asking for something.

Downstairs, Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo and others also ran up.

Haqi Qi: "Zhang Dao, something big!"

Zhang Zuo hurriedly said: "The big knife brother is a hacker 2!"

Xiao Wang called: "God! This is incredible!"

Wu Yi shocked: "The original 2 gods are by our side!"

"I have seen her at the wedding!" Xiao Zhou said: "My idol!"

Haqi Qi looked at Xiao Zhou. "The people are now under control. Now all Asia is staring at her. What are you happy about? If you say that this is going to be in jail."

Xiao Zhou: "Ah!"

Zhang Zuowen: "Zhang Dao, can we do something?"

Haqiqi sighed. "This is busy, we may not really help, this is too big."

Zhang Wei sat there and didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Things have developed here, and many things are no longer possible. The five difficulty time of the difficulty dice is over, but the mess left by it is too big. Of course, he knows that the hacker 2 is not Fan Yingxi, and there is no relationship with Fan Yingqi, but the difficulty dice makes that one millionth. The possibility became a reality, and the Korean side found a clue to the network supervisor. At that time, there were only a dozen suspects in the office of the network supervisor. Everyone knows that the hacker 2 may be among these people. One.

Director Dong.

Fan Yingwei.

Fang Xiaoshui.

Meng Yi and so on.

Well, there is Zhang Wei.

Only those of them, the scope is in it, so the first one is locked in Fan Yingxi, and Zhang Wei is not among the people who are concerned, many people even forgot, at that time, Zhang Wei was also Network supervisor.

This thing Zhang Wei must not let Fan Jie stunned, he thought a lot of countermeasures in his mind, thinking about how to help Fan Ying 芸 get out. However, there are only two ways he can think of it.

One: In the case of Fan Jie being controlled, Zhang Wei appeared again as a hacker 2, then the result will only be two, they do not believe, continue to investigate Fan Jie, or they believe, exclude Fan sister And then continue to investigate those who were in the network supervisor that year, one by one to exclude, and finally will definitely target the target of Zhang Wei, how will be found. The scope of a dozen people, the goal is too small, and everyone can not use much time to check it again. But now they haven't thought of Zhang Wei.

Two: Zhang Wei stood up and took things directly. This is the cleanest and most neat solution.

Both methods mean Zhang Wei’s exposure, and there is no third way.

Zhang Wei also wants to have a better and happy way to get away, but it really is gone.

This is the biggest thing that Zhang Hao has encountered since he debuted. It is also the most important decision and choice that he will face in his life. This choice will change many things.




He will throw it down.

Can you get it?

Will you be willing to do it?

Zhang Wei is silent.

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