I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1485: ["The Last Concert" (below)]

the next day.

In the morning, he called.

- It is a phone call to the spring garden.

There is Xiaodong picking up there, "Mr. Zhang, the song is good? Is it heavy metal?"

Zhang Wei said: "Winter sister, there is a temporary situation, I can't help it, the concert may not be able to call you."

"Ah?" Xiaodong was dumbfounded. "Who are you calling?"

Zhang Wei smiled bitterly. "No one called, no guests."

Xiaodongdao: "What happened? What happened?"

Zhang Wei said: "Don't ask."

AMY grabbed the phone. "I rely on, we are all ready. You can't sing at this time? Zhang Ye, you rely on you?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed, "Let me, Lai."

AMY called out: "Are you not letting us pigeons?"

Zhang Weidao: "I will give you a penalty for turning back."

AMY said: "No need!"


The phone is broken.

Zhang Hao knows that they are angry, sighed, can't help, you are different from me, you have to continue to develop in Asia, but also to be on the higher stage, not because I am tired of you, this time I certainly can not Pulling you, that is to harm you.



Zhang Hao came to the big sister's house.

The big aunt went to work, and both the big sister and the big sister were there.

Daxie accidentally said: "Hey, how did Xiaoxiao come?"

Cao Dan greeted him with joy, "Brother? Come in quickly."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "just pass by, come over and see, big, don't pour tea, you have to go to work, I am looking for Dandan to say something."

Dad said: "Well, then you talk."

Go to Cao Dan's bedroom.

Zhang Wei asked, "How is the small video taken?"

Cao Dan was a little sneer. "I have been practicing for a few months, but I have been recording a few paragraphs, but I am not satisfied. I feel that I still lack experience. I can’t shoot the fan you said."

Zhang Wei thought for a moment, "I don't have to follow the style I said. You have your character, and you should have your own things. Come, let me see what you recorded."

Read a few paragraphs.

Zhang Wei pointed out several problems.

Cao Dan hastened to record the small book, very serious.

A whole morning, Zhang Wei was trying to help the big sister to find a way, and then wrote down a lot of PAPI sauce and other comic videos of his world, and stopped almost, writing for two hours, it seems I have to give everything I can think of to Cao Dan in one breath.

Cao Dan is a little embarrassed, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I am fine."

Cao Dandao: "The concert there is so busy, all Asia is concerned about it. When can I not do this little thing, I am afraid of delaying your time."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I am fine there. I will write it to you first, then you will record it again. I feel satisfied and go, otherwise I will not be assured."

Cao Dan was busy: "Good."



Zhang Wei went back to the studio, but the door was a meal. After thinking about it, he turned his head and went downstairs to the place where Yang Lan lived.

Knock on the door.

The door opened.

Yang Hao’s practice clothes are like practicing.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "You are really hardworking."

Yang Shuo acid yo yo: "Sister, I am not like you, I can never practice hard, I can work hard. I am a stupid bird flying first, I must work hard."

Zhang Xiaoxiao laughed. "The situation is different, have you eaten?"

Yang Yigong respectfully said: "I just ate."

Zhang Wei asked: "How is the recent practice?"

When Yang Lanyi mentioned this eye, it brightened. "There are some growth, brother, I want to make a few moves with you."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If you have a few tricks, you will have a chance in the future. I can teach you a few tricks."

"Did you teach it?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "There are still a few tricks to teach."

Yang Lan was stunned. "Are you still hiding?"

Zhang Wei coughed, "Don't say that is so ugly, what is Tibetan private, before you are not enough, it is useless to teach you, do you know how to greedy?" Then she looked at her, "Now though It’s also a little bit worse, but let’s teach you first, and then you will practice slowly.”

One afternoon, Zhang Wei was teaching Yang Lan Tai Chi.

At the end, Yang Lan received a credit and was excited: "How are you, brother?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "It's quite a model, it's good."

Yang Hao was very excited, "Xie Shixiong!"

Zhang Wei said with emotion: "You are more talented than me, more diligent than me. It is no wonder that Lao Rao has changed his mind and wants to receive you under the head of their gossip. The pulse of Tai Chi is in your hands and will definitely be carried forward. I also Nothing is unreliable." After a pause, he pulled out a card from his pocket. "Don't you always want to open a martial arts hall? You are too simple. I have never been relieved, so I have been looking for excuses to evade. It seems to be the time now. There are eight million in this card. It is enough to open a martial arts school in Beijing. You can try it."


Can you finally open the martial arts hall?

Yang Lan was so excited that he almost lost his tears. "Brother, you are not suitable for you."

Zhang Wei smiled. "You are too kind. If I am not there in the future, if you go to Lao Lao, she will not care. Her bad stomach, you also learn more."

Yang Lan: "...good."




When Zhang Wei came back, the sky was dark.

Everyone hasn't gotten off work yet.

When Zhang Wei saw it, he called everyone and announced: "Everyone stopped for a while, I said something. In the past few years, everyone followed me to the north. I know how hard it is. I also know how difficult it is. Everyone has put a lot of pressure on it, and they have all offended a lot of people with me. In a few days, I will leave the entertainment circle. You are also putting on a long vacation. What to do, you don’t have to work every day."

Haqiqi smiled and said: "How can it be done? You are a farewell, and you are not leaving the entertainment circle. Isn’t you going home to take care of your children? There is no time for the variety show, but writing novels and paintings for charity. There is still time for fights, and we definitely have to sit down."

Zhang Zuolean said: "Yes, half a year, we have to ensure that the popularity is best, and wait a year and a half to get over there, we have to start again."

Zhang Wei said: "In any case, the bonus is issued first."


"Is there a bonus?"

"Not in the New Year."

Zhang Weidao: "The Chinese New Year is too busy. I am afraid that I have no time. I have sent it in advance."

But when you see the bonus amount, everyone is stupid.

"I rely!"

"Zhang Dao, can't you?"

"so much?"

"Oh my God! Is this going to be separated?"

"Long live the guide!"

Everyone is happy!

Hazziqi said with amazement: "This is too much."

Even the people who have been paying such a salary to the left, feel that the bonus is a bit outrageous.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I also saw someone who had a lot of bonuses for the first time. In fact, everyone said that it is my employee. I have always used everyone as a friend and a shareholder. Even if the money is paid for these years, don't be too small. ""

Xiao Wang smiled and joked. "How do I feel that this scene is like a loose cargo?"

Haqi Qi gave her a look. "You are a little girl, what do you say? We are the most brilliant and most brilliant time. What are you doing?"

Xiao Wang smiled and said: "This is not a joke."

Zhang Wei looked at everyone, looked at everyone's face, and suddenly said: "I used to call "Beijing a glimpse"? The name of the concert I suddenly felt inappropriate, the venue of the Olympic Games is so big, this name always feels less domineering, Or change it."

Haqi Qiyi, "What is it?"

Zhang Wei looked out the window. "It's called "The Last Concert."

Xiao Wang clap, "This is good, there is a girl in the name!"

Wu Yidao: "Yes, you have to leave the entertainment circle for a while, and there is nothing wrong with calling 'the last'. This name is attractive when you hear it."

Zhang Zuodao: "Okay, it’s time to change it now."

However, no one knows what the last two words represent.

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