I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1488: [The most dangerous hacker in the world for centuries! 】

Global color change!

The public panicked!

On this day, the entire planet is shrouded in the shadow of the CIH virus.

Subsequently, global security experts urgently set up a virus research team. If the enemy's enemies started the cracking work, the progress was extremely slow, and there was no breakthrough in a short period of time.

"Can not be done!"

"Pitt, how?"

"After scrapping one!"


"This virus is too dangerous!"

"The producer is really a madman!"

"Is it spread?"

"For the time being, this is fortunate."

"Well, the virus is based on the rules set by the producer, and it has not spread widely, but it is not that it can be relaxed. We must know that this producer just did not let the virus spread widely, not that he can't, this producer It’s a time bomb!”

"Who are you?"

"Definitely from China!"



The people are also collapsing.

"Our hackers are annihilated?"

"All are poisoned?"

"Is there nothing left?"

"How come!"

“Is there still such a dangerous hacker in China?”



"Is it Chinese?"

"It must be."

"Multinational hackers have entered the Chinese network, and the whole army has been annihilated. All of them have inexplicably got the virus, but Chinese hackers have nothing to do, not they blame!"

"China is really a tiger."

"There are too many dangerous people in China!"

"Yeah, there is a 2 in front, and now one is coming out?"



"I rely! I rely!"

"What a monk?"

"It's so handsome!"

"Paralysis, it made me hot!"

"Good! Engage them!"

"Black for us for so many days, finally annihilated them!"

"A face-to-face annihilation? God! This is too bullish - forced!"

"The master is in the folk! The master is in the folk!"

"Don't you think this is similar to the legendary hacker 2's approach?"

"Ah? It seems to be true, it’s too much like it!"

"But 2 has been controlled?"

"What do you mean? You mean -"


some where.

Chinese cyber security experts gathered.

Li Weidong, who led the team to attack multinational hackers, is also there.

"Who is helping us?"

"I do not know!"

"It’s too sudden, I haven’t heard the news.”

"Old Chen, is the child on your side?"

"No, the little guys on my side have this programming technique."

"I don't know? If it's a circle inside, how can there be no news?"

"Old Li, what do you think?"

Li Weidong has not spoken, and he has been silent for a long time. He looked up and said: "This kind of programming technology, this style of work, this kind of efficiency, how do I look like a person."

A security expert in his early thirties is wrong: "Who is it?"

Li Weidong said: "- 2."


"FAN is already under the control of the network supervisor!"

"Yeah, 2 has already been exposed."

But at this moment, a young man ran in.

The young man opened the door and shouted: "Look at the Korean government website!"

Li Weidong asked: "What happened?"

The young man cried: "Look at you!"




"Go to the government website!"



"how come!"



A hacking team.


"This this--"


United States.

New virus research team.

"South Korea has an accident!"


One by one security experts are stunned!


An official website of the South Korean government was hacked. If it is an ordinary hacker attack, it is not a big deal. It is not worth mentioning, but this attack is different. The hacker not only left a bright red on the website. Five-star red flag, there is still a paragraph below, a paragraph that made the Chinese and Korean hacker war that shocked the world that year was both scared and not remembered!

"If you commit me to China, you will be far away!"


The same flag!

The same font!

The same way!

The same message!

It is 2!

He appeared again!

The emergence of 2, let the world blow up again!

"Yes 2!"

"My grass! It is him!"

"It has appeared again! This guy has appeared again!"

"Is it fake?"

"Fake? You think about it, except 2, who has the ability to make such a dangerous virus?"

"My God, he is not exposed!"

"Korea has checked the wrong person!"

"I know how a legendary hacker might be so exposed!"

"The original FAN is not the same person as 2, and I should know if I think about it. The technical style and acting style of FAN and 2 are completely different. FAN's network technology is very good, but according to the information exposed, FAN The programming skills are just ordinary level!"

"It's over!"

"2 is back!"

"Get this big **** out!"

The global network technology field quickly fell into panic!

Korean hackers are dumbfounded!

Japanese hackers are scared!

American hackers are also frightened!

They all know who 2 is. They all know how terrible and dangerous the enemy is. If they know that 2 is not exposed and they are not controlled, it is impossible to kill them so much that they can hit China so much. Who can’t think about it next? The consequence of the South Korean scene after being baptized by pandas was still vivid!



Finally, the multi-party organization has finally confirmed that this person is indeed 2 undoubtedly!

There are many ways to identify a hacker, such as programming features, such as technical style.

When the confirmation message came out, a US hacker organization immediately announced a clear line with the Korean hacker organization that attacked China.

Subsequently, the famous French hacker organization ONE announced that it would not “step into” China within five years.

The hacker organizations involved in the attack on the Chinese network have issued statements, and the Korean hackers have not participated in the action, clearing the relationship!

After the Chinese people look at it, there is nothing to be excited about!

"Handsome! Handsome!"

"My idol!"

"2 is too cow!"

"This is the god!"

"The people who commit me in China are far away! Good! Good! Good!"

"When a husband is off, Wan Fu is not open!"

"This is called a hacker!"

"There are 2, who dares to come to China to slay?"

"Paralyzed, too domineering!"


That night.

The world hacking list that has been quiet for a long time has finally changed!

The global hacker wanted to reward the first: still 2.

But the ranking on the hacker list has changed. This is a ranking that combines the overall technical level of all known hackers around the world!

First: 2!

2 topped the global hacker list!

The most interesting thing is the information on the note.

There is only one sentence in the introduction of the global hacker list for 2:

"- The most dangerous hacker in the world in a hundred years."

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