I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1490: [Good night, Beijing! 】

ten minutes later.

The door is closed.

The big leaders were mad, and the elite team that they are most proud of, from the leadership to the staff, there is no truth in their mouths. Check it, sixteen people check it out. In fact, everyone knows that it is only a matter of time to find people. The most dangerous hackers in the world must be among the sixteen people.

"Who is it?"

"Can't find someone, can we not go back?"

"No, Teacher Zhang’s first concert is about to begin."

"Yeah, I bought the tickets."

"Is it like you spend money? Isn't it with Teacher Zhang?"

"You don't want to ask Teacher Zhang anymore!"

"Hey, the concert is not thinking about it, we can't see anyone."

"How do I always feel that their investigation direction is wrong?"

"Well, I actually think so. How many years have you worked together? Who has a few brushes, who are a few pounds, and who are we in the heart? Do you know what you know? If you know that we are out of the 16 people, A hacker, I believe, everyone has this technology, but you have to say that these people actually hide a world-ranked NO.1 in the world's most dangerous hackers in the past 100 years, I really don't believe, everyone looks at each other, who It’s like a legendary hacker’s face, who is it like? No one like it! So – is it wrong?”

Everyone looked at each other.

Look at me, I look at you.

Then they all brushed and nodded, it was not like.

But who is that?

Are there other suspects?

But no, only sixteen of them?

Until this time, they didn't even think about Zhang Huan. In the past many years, many people in the network supervisor have forgotten that when China and South Korea hacked, they could have more people in their offices. There is another person, also among them.


the next day.

Shanghai News:

“The public security department is actively investigating and has locked the suspects.”


The third day.

Beijing Satellite TV:

"The world is paying attention to the identity of Hacker 2, and we will keep you up to date."


The fourth day.

CCTV set:

"Zhang Wei's "Last Concert" will be held in the Olympic Games tomorrow evening, as the first suspect of Hacker 2 was locked in the body of Fan Yingfan, the current head of the Zhangye fan group, leading to Zhang Wei's first concert. The level of attention has continued to soar."



"The concert is coming!"

"Looking for death!"

"Haha, I have already bought a ticket!"

"Upstairs is on display! I have not bought it!"

"It's too hard to buy."

"Already on the train, I went to Beijing to watch the concert from Xining. I am really love powder!"

"The last concert, the name sounded infiltrate."

"Yeah, I don't know if I really want to say goodbye to the entertainment circle."

"Farewell to nothing, it will not be to go home and wait for the wife to have children, it will disappear for a few days. In the past few days, the goods have come to work!"

"Hey, everyone knows Teacher Zhang so much?"

"That's yeah, this guy is this image."

"Come on tomorrow, I can't wait!"

"The hacker 2 has not been detected yet?"

"It is estimated that it is impossible to find such a hacker. I guess that unless he stands up, no one can hold him."



A letter has been received in many places.

- It is Zhang Xin's letter of resignation.

The people at Peking University saw the moment of their resignation letter and they all collapsed.

what happened?

what's the situation?


The director of the Academy of Mathematics, Pan, called the phone to Zhang Wei’s mobile phone for the first time. “Professor Zhang, what are you doing? Are you resigning?”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Received the letter?"

Director Pan said without words: "Don't worry."

"Nothing." Zhang said: "I have to take a break, so I am going to push all the jobs on my body."

Director Yuan said: "You didn't come to Peking University for a few classes when you didn't have a break before. You, you rested, and your position continued to hang."

Zhang Weidao: "That can't be done, I can't take advantage of the pits."

Soon, a vice president of the Communication University also called.

"Professor Zhang, what happened?"

"Senior Sun, it is my personal problem."

"No, I don't agree."

"I have decided, let me rest and rest."

"You can rest, what are you quit? Are you really ready to go home and watch your child watch for a lifetime? Isn't that just a few months? Up to a year and a half?"

"Sister Sun, thank you for your trust in my alma mater, but I really decided. I have been tired for so many years, and you will wake up and let me spend two days."

"You, this is too sudden!"

Then there is the phone number of the Asian charity organization.




Today, Zhang Wei quit all his duties.

No one left, all submitted their resignations.

In fact, I am very reluctant, mathematics professor, Chinese professor, Asian charity ambassador, every post is a very memorable memory of Zhang Wei, but this decision he must do, but also he has long considered, the most reluctant What else can't you give up? This time, Zhang Wei must be alone, and his own affairs cannot be tied to others. Tomorrow is the last concert. Putting down these things, Zhang Wei can also do what he should do with peace of mind, and there is no worries anymore.

The news broke.

The news came out.

The people are also very wrong.


"Zhang Hao resigned?"

"Peking University and the media have resigned?"

"What is this?"

“Is this really going home with children?”

"I am also wondering, with the children, will not give up the post? I said that this article has not been in Peking University and the media before a few classes."

"Who knows what Zhang Wei thinks."

"The goods are cramping again."

"Haha, don't ignore him, he is often tempted and used to it."

Another day.

There is also the last twenty-four hours.




I can do everything I can.

The arrangement is arranged.

Unloading all the burdens on the body, Zhang Hao suddenly felt relaxed at the moment. He did not return to his parents' home, nor did he go to the old Wu family. The more he was nearing the farewell, the more he did not know how to face them, Zhang Hao went on. On the street, he didn't know where to go, so he followed the hutong.

Going very slowly.


The streets in ordinary places in Beijing are not very beautiful. There are rubbish, old buildings, and parking. However, Zhang Xin’s heart feels very peaceful and calm.

Gently I left, as I gently came;

I gently waved and made a cloud of the West.

Quietly, I am leaving, just as I came quietly;

I waved my sleeves without taking a cloud.

good night.


Goodbye tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

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