I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1492: [Zhang Ye's "Midsummer Light Year"! 】

The audience is boiling!

The song "Beijing Beijing" heated up the scene!

This is the two-month planning and preparation of Zhang Ye's studio. All the audio equipment and lighting equipment in the venue were rented or borrowed or simply purchased by them. The professional team was asked to design and decorate them. With the best equipment in Asia, they only did one thing in the past two months and turned the largest concert venue in Asia into a stunning music stage!

Light and shadow!

Sound effects!


This is Zhang Ye's final stage.

He is very satisfied.

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

"Zhang Ye!"

The crowd started yelling again!

Zhang Ye held the microphone and looked down the stage. The one on the left, the right, the front and the back were crowded in all directions, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to my "Last Concert"!"

The audience laughed!


"What the last."

"It's obviously the first game."

"It's like you won't come out in the future!"

"If you really don't come out, the Asian entertainment circle will have to celebrate with firecrackers for three days and three nights!"


Everyone laughs.

Zhang Ye also laughed, "According to the usual practice, I should say a few words at the beginning of the concert. You all know that my mouth is okay. I have hosted many shows. I can't count them myself. I have talked countless times on countless occasions. I can’t count the number of times, but before taking the stage this time, my brain is still blank. I don’t know what to say, because I think I’m less and less qualified to say a lot of things.”

The audience fell silent and listened quietly.

Zhang Ye said: "I am not a qualified artist. You know that I am not. Any artist you can see should be more qualified than me. Many things conveyed from me to everyone are not very positive, so many People don’t like me, and many people criticize me. I accept all of these. I have not done what a public figure should do. Sometimes I think about it. I’m really ashamed."

Ha Qiqi looked towards the stage.

Zhang Zuo looked at Zhang Ye.

Everyone in the studio was silent.

Zhang Ye said: "I have thought about generosity, tolerance, civility, elegance, some better values, some better morals, and it might be better to convey these to the people. In that case, my qualifications may be It will be more beautiful, my reputation may be higher, my friends may be more, and I may owe a lot less to my family. At that time, when my family mentioned my name, it was more pride. When I talked about me, it was more appreciation, media reporters reported me, and more praise-I really wanted to try what it was like to live." He closed his eyes with a smile, and thought three times. Seconds, opened his eyes and smiled, "It must be good, um, it must be good."

Then Zhang Ye spoke, "But—"


But what?

But what is it?

The audience looked at him.

Everyone in front of the live broadcast camera looked at him, and they also discovered a little bit that Zhang Ye today seems to be different from the previous one!

At this time, the music rang.

Zhang Ye smiled. That kind of life is really good. In that picture, Zhang Ye will not have this final concert, nor will there be this decision to let him give up everything. He will definitely meet the old Wu has a very good life. He will watch his child born and grow up with him. He will celebrate his first birthday, second birthday, and third birthday. When the teacher mentions Zhang Ye, he will tell the child about your father. He is a great star, and his classmates will envy him for having a gentle and elegant dad. The child will definitely hold Zhang Ye's hand during the parent conference and introduce to classmates that this is my dad, the best dad in the world— —This picture is really beautiful, so beautiful that Zhang Ye will linger.


But he does not regret it.

He owes his family.

He owes the child.

If he can apologize, he can talk to Lao Wu a thousand times, and he can talk to his children 10,000 times!

But-he does not regret it!

Korean hacker?

Japanese hotel?

Come once, he fights once!

He came twice and played twice!

Ten times, he played ten times!

This kind of thing, he will never regret it!

This kind of thing has never been discussed in a lifetime!

Zhang Ye raised the microphone gently:

"My proud destruction."

"Ordinary I hate."

"I just remembered that those are my favorites."

"Let Midsummer go for fun."

"Bring the cruel future."

"Wild to light years away."

"And now—"

"Abandon the rules and indulge in love."

"I am presumptuous of myself and empty the future."

Zhang Ye looked at everyone, without any hesitation or regret:

"I don't turn."

"I don't turn."

"I don't turn."

"I don't turn."

The audience was stunned!

All the people watching the live broadcast were also stunned!

Suddenly, countless people boiled with enthusiasm!


Parent's house.

Mom said: "Xiao Ye, he--"

Dad said: "What happened?"


Old Wu's house.

Wu Changhe: "What happened to Xiao Ye?"

Li Qinqin: "What does he mean by this?"

Wu Changhe: "Is there something wrong? This kid has a convulsion again?"

Wu Zeqing laughed, and did not answer her parents' words, but said to herself: "This is my husband."


The scene is boiling again!

Scream, cheer, mix with songs!

Zhang Ye's live singing voice became higher and higher, as if he was about to overturn the entire venue!

"I want me crazy, I want my love!"

"I want me crazy, I want my love!"

"Ten thousand mp3s!"

"Ten thousand crazy loves!"

"Can't kill a tiny loneliness!"

"I want me crazy, I want my love!"

"I want me crazy, I want my love!"

"A carnival in midsummer came light-years away!"

"Is it true that growing up is a must-see fester!"

"Give up the rules! Indulge in love!"

"Be presumptuous and empty the future!"

Stand in the middle of the stage.

Standing in the venue of 100,000 people!

Zhang Ye held the microphone, grabbed the clothes on his chest, and shouted loudly:

"I don't turn!"

"I don't turn!"

"I don't turn!!"

"I don't turn!!!"

What a no turn!

What a good one I don't turn!

At this moment, all the audience is crazy!

At this moment, all the audience stood up!

Someone is crying!

Someone was waving their arms frantically!

Someone roared with Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye's unfinished "But" has already been answered in this song. Zhang Ye is still the Zhang Ye they know, and will be there forever!

Zhang Ye is right. He is not a qualified artist. He is not a good artist in terms of speaking, doing things, character, and resume!

they know!

Everybody knows!


They still like him!

They don't know why, they just like him!

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