I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1495: [The legendary hacker is really exposed! 】

half an hour!

One hour!

Two hours!

The concert had already passed the end time, but the stage was in the middle. Zhang Wei was still holding a microphone, one after another, one song just finished singing, the next song was up, no dressup, There is no star string, no rest, no one minute!

Zhang Hao sings crazy!

The fans under the stage shouted crazy!

The audience before the live broadcast looked crazy!

If you let them describe it, there must be ninety-nine people in a hundred people who would comment that this is a crazy concert!

Let everyone sing together!

Everyone is crazy!

All people shout together!

Even the audience’s nephew sang in the end!

Another song was over, and the audience suddenly shouted.

"One more!"

"One more!"

They are afraid that Zhang Wei will announce the end of the concert!

They haven't heard enough!

Listening is not enough!

Zhang Xiao laughed, "Good! Come again!"

The music is ringing again!

Fans cheer!


Old Wu family.

Li Qinqin worried: "How come still?"

Wu Changhe said: "This stinky boy has to give him exhausted!"


Spring garden studio.

Amy said: "I still sing?"

Xiao Donghan said: "How many songs does Teacher Zhang want to sing?"

Li Xiaoyu said: "I have calculated that it has broken records."


Old Rao.

Chen Chen: "What happened to Daxie, Zhang Wei?"

Rao Ai Min suspicion: "This kid is not normal today."



Hazzi is in a hurry, "must let Zhang lead down!"

Zhang Zuo smiled, "You don't know Zhang's temper."

Xiao Wangdao: "Yes, who can persuade him."

"The scorpion is dumb, how can I go this way!"


on site.

There are also many fans who feel bad about Zhang Wei.


"Mr. Zhang, it is already ok!"

"Sing it later, let's rest!"

"Yes, there are opportunities in the future. I haven’t heard enough today. We can wait for your next concert!"

On the stage.

Zhang Wei’s makeup was also spent. Even dozens of songs were sung, and the Iron Man couldn’t stand it. The audience sitting in the front row clearly saw the sweat on Zhang’s head falling down, plus the direct heat. The far-away audience can also see the messy makeup on his face from the big screen. There is no rest, no makeup, no star has ever played in such awkward manner, only Zhang Hao!


What happened?

Do you want to sing all the songs today?

Can't you do it later?

Maybe Zhang Hao knows that there may be no chance in the future. He also wants to sing a lot of songs he wants to sing. He wants to give them all the things he can bring, but there really is no Time is up! So it doesn't matter if the scorpion is dumb, so it doesn't matter if the face is spent, and those who don't care!

At this time, the rhythm of rock is suddenly high!

Zhang Wei closed his eyes:

"If there is tomorrow!"

"How do you want to dress up your face!"

"If there is no tomorrow."

"How can I say goodbye?"

Everyone is jealous!



what does it mean?

Zhang Yu sings:

"If you see my hesitation."

"Do you want to ask me too?"

"How many things have not been done yet."

"If there is tomorrow."

"If you really can have tomorrow."

"Is it possible to sing the songs."

"Whether everything will cloud the smoke."

"If there is no tomorrow."

This time, even stupid people can see that something is wrong!

If there is no tomorrow?

Why is there no tomorrow?

What happened?

What happened in the end?

Zhang Wei sang:

"If there is tomorrow!"

"How do you want to dress up your face!"

"If there is no tomorrow!"

"How can I say goodbye!"

Suddenly, the gate of the safe passage in Area a was opened, and more than a dozen policemen sneaked in.

Then there is zone b.

Then there is the c zone.

Then there are two dedicated channels for employees.

There are police officers in more than a dozen entrances and exits.

Director Dong, Fan Yingqi, Fang Xiaoshui, Meng Yi and others are inside.

The staff was the first to find out that it was wrong.

Haqiqi Zhang Zuo and others immediately received the news, and they all looked at the entrances and exits of several channels.

Xiao Wang panicked: "What happened?"

Xiao Zhoudao: "How did the police come?"

Hazziqi snorted and raised a very bad feeling.


on site.

The audience also found out one after another.

"So many policemen?"

"What is this?"

“Is there a big case?”

"What is the case here?"


Before the live shot.

When the lens was swept, many people also found it.


"what's the situation?"

"God, how come so many policemen?"

"And there are armed police?"

“A few entrances and exits have been blocked?”

"Who is it?"




"How come in the direction of the stage?"

Mom is stunned.

Dad is also panicked.


Old Yao family.

Yao Jiancai stood up and stood up.

Yao honey said: "This, what happened?"


Old Wu family.

Li Qinqin grabbed her daughter. "What the **** is going on?"

Wu Zeqing did not speak.

Wu Changhe shouted: "Hurry up! What the **** is going on!"


On the stage.

A song "If there is still tomorrow" is finished.

Then Zhang Wei also saw a few old friends who came in the distance. He smiled and looked up at the night sky. He looked at the audience in the scene. His smile was even more blooming. The microphone said in one fell swoop: It’s so good late, I’ve never sang so much, I’ve never been so happy, although there’s still a lot to say, although there’s still a lot to do, thank you for coming to my concert, thank you for singing with me.”

Countless viewers are standing up!

The audience before the live broadcast also stunned!

The hundreds of millions of eyes in the country are watching him at the moment, they all know that something is wrong, and it is a big deal.

After a pause, Zhang Wei smiled and said: "I have been thinking about these days. What should I say, "Goodbye," is a smile, a wave of casually speaking, or a serious and serious shout, or A little bit of literature, a poem again? I haven’t thought about it until now, I found this sound 'goodbye', I can’t say it, then it’s fine.”


Why are you goodbye! ?

At this time, the scene suddenly sounded intensively ringing!

Have a call!

Have a text message!


Bells and bells!

A girl stared at the phone, stunned!

A young man read the mobile news with a jaw-drop!

"Fast! Watch the news!"

"what happened?"

"Look at it!"

"It is an arrest warrant!"

"Mr. Zhang, he and him"

The frying pan was on the scene!

The outside world is also a mess!

There is one in the country, no one can believe what I saw, because this is too scary, how is this possible, how can it be Teacher Zhang! ? (To be continued., your support is my biggest motivation.) 17-03-1912:27:13

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