I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1497: [Zhang Ye tops Asia! 】

The music is gone.

The live broadcast was cut off.

The concert is over.

Zhang Ye was relaxed, smiling and saying to Director Dong and others who came over: "Let's go."

A policeman came out with an arrest warrant. It was not the chapter of the branch bureau or the city bureau. It was stamped with the seal of the Ministry of Public Security. "Zhang Ye, we are now officially informing you as a suspect to accept the investigation and follow us. Let's take a trip." After that, take out the handcuffs.

Fan Yingyun shouted: "I see who dares to torture Teacher Zhang!"

The people around Meng Yi and Fang Xiaoshui stared at him fiercely!

The policeman said, "Officer Fan, we are a routine, you--"

Director Dong spoke, "Put down your handcuffs!"

After hesitating, the policeman had to put away the handcuffs.

Then, Director Dong walked up to Zhang Ye with a complicated expression, "Mr. Zhang, originally we were not responsible for the arrest, but you worked in one of our offices. We are colleagues and comrades-in-arms. I think the last time , You definitely don’t want someone else to come, so I asked the leader for orders and took the initiative to come over."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Thank you."

Out of the venue.

Get on the police car.

Zhang Ye is gone.

The walk is chic and unrestrained.

This concert is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, because no one has ever held a concert in such a large venue, and never has any star bid farewell in this way. This is Zhang Ye. Even if he leaves, he will leave vigorously, and even if the curtain ends, the curtain will end with anger!


At this moment.

The outside world is boiling!

All of Asia is fried!

It happened so suddenly that everyone did not have any mental preparation. Zhang Ye's house, friends, Zhang Ye's studio, domestic entertainment circles, and Asian media were all in chaos at this moment. Some people even stared blankly at the computer screen that had been cut off from the live broadcast, unable to believe what they had just heard. This is the biggest concert in Asia, and this is Zhang Ye's most brilliant moment! Many people can't accept it!

"Zhang Ye was arrested by the police! 》

"Hacker 2 Real Body! 》

"Blast! Zhang Ye is the hacker with the highest reward in the world! 》

"Asian entertainment circle welcomes the biggest "earthquake" in history! 》

"Police revealed: Zhang Ye surrendered! 》

"Lawyer Analysis: Zhang Ye may face a multi-year sentence! 》


On Weibo.

"He is going to be a father!"

"Why arrest people!"

"It was originally a Korean hacker who owed it back then!"



"Let's petition!"

"Okay! I write a petition!"

"Count me in!"


There is an uproar on the Japanese Internet!

"Zhang Ye?"

"Hacker 2?"

"So it was him?"

"He, didn't he draw cartoons?"

"Isn't he the host?"


Shaoguan Manga Magazine.

"Oh my God, Hacker 2 is him!"

"How can he do everything!"

"Who is this guy!"

"The comic eunuch, he went into the hacking industry again?"



The people were shocked!

"Why is it him?"

"Why is it him again?"

"He actually does the panda burning incense?"

"my God!"

"Why did he catch us all!"

"Korea's two biggest enemies of the people, Zhang Ye and Hacker 2, are the **** the same? Is there a mistake! This guy is too cruel!"



"This this--"

"Ms. Zhang, he—"

"Just leave?"

"How could it be him!"


Zhang Ye's studio.

"What should I do!"

"Sister Ha, Brother Zuo, what should I do now?"

"Don't say it, go to Zhang Dao's house first. Zhang Dao's parents must have only found out about it. The old man must not accept it, Xiao Wang, go drive!"


Lao Rao's house.

"Dare to catch my brother? I'll save people!"

"Xiao Yang, you come back to me!"

"But my senior brother—no, I can save people!"

"Your three-legged cat kung fu, who are you saving? You are going to add trouble to him now. With his kung fu, if he wants to go, who can stop him?"

"But! But—"


Dong Shanshan's house.

Several classmates are here.

"This guy is such a bastard!"

"Just pat the **** and leave?"

"He is chic! He has thought that no one else has!"


Xu Meilan's house.

"Sister Lan, this—"

"You go to Zhang Ye's studio right away."

"it is good!"

"If you need help, let them talk."


Network monitor.

"What will happen to Teacher Zhang?"

"CIH is okay. Although the virus red alert has been sounded all over the world, it has not spread after all, but the panda burns incense just--"

"In fact, the first to apprehend Teacher Zhang should be a kind of protection against him. South Korea and the United States have been asking people. We definitely can't give it. The above has reached a consensus."


"To be able to do this is already the greatest effort above."

"Yes, but I really like him."

"Me too, Zhang Ye is really special."


Some crying.

There are scolding.

There are shouting.

There are those who want to hold back the robbery.

This night is not destined to be peaceful, and the whole Asia is messed up with one name!

Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye!

It's still Zhang Ye!




The name and his story are frantically discussed throughout Asia.

Even many of Zhang Ye’s enemies are in a very complicated mood at this moment. This name has made them grit their teeth countless times, but when they know that Zhang Ye is leaving, and when they know that the entertainment industry will lose this name in the future, they are also in their hearts. Some sigh, but also a little envious of him. The biggest concert in Asia, with one hundred thousand people on the same stage, broadcast live across the country, and attracts attention from all over Asia. He chose to put an end to his acting career at this time, and indeed it was Zhang. Ye, at the end of the last, this guy walked so earth-shattering, and at the end of the last, they had never beaten him once.

There has never been such a star in the entertainment industry!

Not before!

There will never be again!


That night.

Amidst the boiling sound, the ranking list of Asian celebrities has been updated!

Some Chinese people opened it, and they were stunned!

Some Korean people saw it, and their faces instantly turned pale!

Some Japanese people went up and glanced, but they were also dumbfounded!

"The Asian charts have been updated!"

"Go and see! It's updated!"

"How's it going?"

"Super first line!"

"It's the top line in Asia!"

"Ms. Zhang has reached the top!"

"Ms. Zhang has reached the top of the Asian entertainment industry!"

this day.

This night.

Zhang Ye’s popularity is almost crushed. From the third position in the Asian first-line, he directly rushed to the Asian super first-line and became a new generation of Asian Uranus superstar. This is the highest honor in the Asian entertainment industry. Zhang Ye has been fighting for a long time. His goal was finally achieved on the last day he left!

Ha Qiqi cried!

Many people in Zhang Ye's studio shed tears!

Director Zhang, you have reached the top!

China, Asia, you have reached the top!

Did you see it?

Did you see it? ?

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