I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 1499: [Get rare items! 】

The three types of draws are different.

The small treasure chest is the turntable.

The medium treasure chest is a slot machine.

The lottery of the large treasure chest is on a small platform made of stone that cannot be said to be made of stone. In the middle of a small platform of a few meters, there is a space groove in the middle of the treasure chest, but at this moment Empty, nothing. The atmosphere looks quite mysterious and quite awkward.

However, once again, the game ring upgrade introduction introduced by the system, Zhang Wei is very painful, he has not opened the game ring for a long time, the game ring should have reached the upgrade standard, but he only opened today, keep up with Like the junior middle class, the game ring needs a total reputation value to reach a certain amount before the upgrade is started, and the reputation amount will be deducted as the upgrade fee, so at this moment Zhang 烨 accumulated a long time and a total reputation value, suddenly less than half, he It’s not a bad pain. Fortunately, the upgrade is compensated, that is, the first draw after the upgrade is started. The 100% probability will produce a rare treasure chest, which is also very attractive.

come on.

Try it.

Zhang Hao reached out to the void and then dumbfounded.

System Tip: Spend 100 million reputation, please confirm.

One hundred million?

Take one billion?

You are **** damn you!

You grab the money!

Zhang Wei almost hated madness, the primary draw cost was 100,000, and the intermediate draw cost 10 million. To today's advanced draw, actually has a billion reputation?

What can I do? Pump it!

Zhang Hao gritted and pressed to confirm!

This time, he did not open the lucky halo (upgrade version). The game ring has already been explained. The first lottery is a 100% rare treasure chest. You don't need to be lucky. Secondly, the incident of this hacking incident is the lucky one. Aura (upgraded version) is noisy, if there is no such thing, Zhang Wei is good now, it was because he trusted this thing too much.

At this time, the platform suddenly made a big splash.

Zhang Yan’s eyes were flashed.

one second.

Three seconds.

Five seconds.

The light lasted for a while and suddenly disappeared.

Zhang opened his eyes, and the platform has already had a large gold-colored treasure chest, which is much larger than the treasure chest (small) and the treasure chest (middle).


Zhang Wei was looking forward to it.

When the treasure chest is removed, he immediately opens the treasure chest (large).

system hint:

Treasure chest open!

[Congratulations, get rare items! 】

[Lucky Aura (Ultimate Edition)]: Super sharply increases the lucky value.

Final version?

Super large?

Zhang Yi looked at this explanation, and he was very excited. Fortunately, he is not trusting now, but he just doesn't trust the upgraded version. At the beginning, the number of initial versions of the lucky halo has been repeated many times. The upgraded version of the lucky aura. I also lost a chain at this critical moment, indicating that their strength is not enough. Zhang Wei has already reached this position. He is not wrong at all. For example, this time, look, it is a big event, he Now the pursuit is reliable, that is, stability, he needs to use it when he is 100% successful, so this ultimate version of the lucky aura is in line with Zhang Wei's current requirements, the only drawback is that -

I rely on!

A million reputation per second?

It’s too burning!

However, Zhang Wei still put it on the mall interface. Special items are a purchase right, which can be opened anytime and anywhere in the mall. Naturally, like the last upgrade of the game ring, the new version of the lucky aura has replaced the old version of the aura. That upgraded version can't be used anymore.

What else?

What else is the new lottery different from the previous one?

Zhang Wei tried it again. He licked his hand and took a deep breath. He opened the third type of draw again, and he noticed that the advanced version of the draw did not seem to raise this option. This is the same as the previous two. A different intermediate level category, only one at a time!

The draw begins!

One hundred million is gone!

Then, that light is shining again!

This time, Zhang Hao did not close his eyes, squinting and looking hard.

After a while, the light disappeared.

Then - there is no more!

The light dissipated, and there was no ghost shadow on the platform!

Zhang Wei is shocked, I am grass, can you still do this?

He does not believe in evil, nor does he open the lucky halo (the ultimate version). He wants to try the probability of this advanced version of the lottery first. He is also familiar with this stuff, so he has taken several consecutive attempts. Although the reputation value has been spent more than half after the upgrade, the base of his reputation is too large, so it is still rich.


The third draw.

The light starts.

The light is gone.

Nothing at all.


The fourth draw.

The light starts.

The light is gone.

The large gold treasure chest finally appeared!

[Unlocking Skill Book 3]: The experience of unlocking skills.


The fifth draw.

The light starts.

The light is gone.



The sixth draw.

After the light flashes, the large treasure chest appears again.

When Zhang opened, the system prompts also came.

[Congratulations, get rare items! 】

[Ultimate Experience in Advanced Mathematics Skills]: High level math skills!


I tried it six times.

Zhang Wei finally stopped in a stunned manner. He finally figured out the number of roads for this advanced draw. This is a completely different thing from the previous two draws. It is possible to draw anything from it, such as empty boxes. The biggest, six times in three times can not draw the treasure chest, but also the three [unlocking skills book], this is the earliest time Zhang Hao has been drawn, is drawn in the first class of the first class of the draw, that On the second plane hijacking incident, he used it to open the hatch. The book was exactly the same thing. After Zhang Hao got it, he opened it and learned. He could feel the unlocking skills improved, but he didn’t improve much. It seems completely It shouldn't be something in the advanced lottery, and the three sly numbers seem to be random, without any logic.

Until the rare items came out, until the [Advanced Mathematics Skills Ultimate Experience Book] came out, Zhang Hao finally figured out.


Skill level?

This is a magical skill!

Don't need to brush skills in the junior mid-level draw? Directly full level!

It seems that this advanced lottery is a full range of all items, random items, primary, advanced, random, maybe one, maybe two, or three. It seems that paying and return are not directly proportional. After all, a billion worth of reputation can't get anything or draw an item that can be drawn in the first lottery with 100,000 reputation. This is a bit chilly.

But there are rare items in the advanced draw!

This kind of rare items can only be drawn here!

Oh, although the odds are a bit small.

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