I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 151: [Don't lose face of leadership! 】

after get off work.

Brother Hou asked, "Teacher Zhang, are you going to eat together?"

"I'll forget it." Zhang Ye raised his hand, "Go ahead."

Xiao Lu also invited, "Let's take a piece, everyone go, it's boring without you."

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly and patted his pocket, "I want to save now, and I can't spend the extra money, otherwise, I will almost be unable to pay the party dues. You can eat and leave me alone."

Brother Hou patted his chest and said, "I'll treat you."

"Forget it, next time." Zhang Ye said.

Xiao Lu said, "Teacher Zhang, are you still a party member?"

"Yes, I joined when I was in college." Zhang Ye replied.

Zhang Ye joined the party when he was a junior. Of course, this was in his world, and it was similar in this world. When talking to his mother, he knew that he also applied to join the party at that time, and he followed Da Liuer with others. The application form that went up later held two meetings and became a reserve party member. Now he has become a regular member, but since then he didn't participate in any party member activities, and he was just messing around in it... No, that was wrong. Zhang Ye is... is to receive organizational influence and education inside.

Why did it become edification from being a fool?

If there is no nonsense, I have to say so

Brother Hou said helplessly: "Then let's go, Teacher Zhang, we must save face next time."

Xiao Lu waved his hand, "Wait a few minutes for me, I turned off everyone's computers, and the windows did not close.

"Let's go, I'll come." Zhang Ye let them go to dinner, closed the windows and turned off the lights. After finishing all the work, he locked the office area door.

In the corridor.

Editor Wei's rickety figure came from a distance, "Mr. Zhang."

"Uncle Wei, you haven't got off work yet?" Zhang Ye knew what editor Wei was and respected him, and since then he has changed his name to Uncle Wei.

Editor Wei smiled and said, "I am working overtime today."

"Why do you work overtime every day? Every time I get off work, I never see you pass by." Zhang Ye's brows tightened.

Editor Wei is a very cheerful person, "It doesn't matter, I do more than work, others do less, and I will be fine when I go home."

Zhang Ye knew it, and it must have been Wang Shuixin who asked Editor Wei to work overtime again. For the fact that Editor Wei beat up his son a few years ago, Wang Shuixin has always held a grudge, and then he squeezed Editor Wei whenever he had a chance, no, not only Editor Wei For one person, Wang Shuixin is essentially the same to others. Zhang Ye hadn't noticed much before, but the last time Wang Shuixin took advantage of the fire and forced Zhang Ye to sell the copyright at a low price, Zhang Ye completely saw this person. Wang Shuixin usually looks like five people and six, full of literary and artistic atmosphere. Quite a well-known poet, but that incident can be seen, this is a guy who does not treat people as people at all. Zhang Ye and Hu Fei have already said that they are going to save the life of a leukemia patient. Wang Shuixin is not only impersonal. , On the contrary, he took the opportunity to hold onto Zhang Ye's shortcomings of eager use of money, so as to seek the greatest benefit for Taili and also provide him with the greatest benefit

People who are ugly on the surface are irritating

But Wang Shuixin, a person with an ugly heart, can only be said to be hateful

By the way, editor Wei mentioned the name the next moment, "Director Wang's secretary asked me to call you over, which may be a bit of a problem."

Zhang Ye squinted, "His secretary asked me to go, so why don't you come by yourself?"

Wang's dictator calls editor Wei, and the secretary surnamed Wang is also addicted?

Editor Wei had a good temper, and even spoke to the man, "He is also very busy, you should go there."

"His secretary is busy? I'm still busy." Editor Wei has a good temper, but Zhang Ye has a notoriously bad temper. He was originally angry with Wang Shuixin, and it was the kind of anger that almost broke out. The leader or the secretary of the leader is looking for him, that is just to say, but now it is off work and the legal working hours have passed

Find me?

No time to love anyone

People like Zhang Ye are more emotional people when they say good things, and those who say things badly are stabs. When he is happy, when others treat him well, he can follow anyone and be polite to anyone. Annoyed, but if others make him unhappy, then this servant doesn't care about you, what leadership, what leadership secretary, Zhang Ye would dare to curse others by pointing his nose, and he was sure about it. Over.

Editor Wei smiled bitterly.

Several employees passing by after get off work also heard Zhang Ye's words. Seeing Zhang Ye turned around, they went downstairs. They didn't go to Wang Shuixin's office at all. The few people looked at each other and all smiled bitterly.

"Zhang Ye is Zhang Ye."

"Yes, I recently watched the news and on the Internet, and they all praised him for his love and righteousness and bankruptcy to help fans, but they didn't know it. When this person started the fire, he was also a master of the six relatives. The song "Dead Water" shocked so many people, but then again, maybe it is because of this that so many people like him."

"Me too, I think Teacher Zhang Ye is really good."

"But why does he have this attitude? Director Wang offended him?"

"Hey, don't you know? The copyright of "Pin Three Kingdoms" made Director Wang bargain to a million, or the two copyright fees of PB and broadcasting rights, such a popular program, and the original author at such a low price, even if Zhang Ye is that our TV station has too few employees. The most important thing is not the question of money. Didn’t you read the newspaper? That money is the money that others are waiting to treat the disease and save lives. In the end, Director Wang didn’t give enough, it was still Zhang Ye. The last borrowed piece was pieced together with others. It’s only strange that Zhang Ye is happy if the Taili is doing this."

"The leader told him not to go? Is it appropriate?"

"If others are not suitable, Teacher Zhang Ye is fine."

"Yes, he is now one of the most important hosts of our arts channel. Who can't give him a bit of face? Not to mention expelling him. It's impossible. Other people's programs are even some very popular variety shows. Even if the host is changed, it will be the same. The impact will definitely be there, but it will not be too great.After all, everyone is watching the show itself, but Zhang Ye is different. His identity is not just as simple as the host, he is a lecturer. And "Pin Three Kingdoms" is just halfway through, let Zhang Ye go down? Then who will talk about the Three Kingdoms? No one can tell that his job is fundamentally irreplaceable. Ha ha, it is said that Zhang Ye looks average on the Internet, but they are How do you know that they are much more handsome, and if you grab a lot of them, anyone can replace them, but how many people like Zhang Ye are there in the country? They can’t replace leaders at all, and they have to endure if they can’t understand him. Otherwise, what about the audience ratings in the station?"

"The big shop bullies the customer, the guest big can bully the shop too"

"When can I get in the role of Teacher Zhang? If I don't want to lose the leader's face, I won't lose it. Haha, it's fun to think about it."

A few of them said something to each other, and they had a chat.

Editor Wei shook his head and said helplessly: "This little teacher Zhang."

One person said: "Uncle Wei, you said Yu Kui didn't see Teacher Zhang Ye, and said he has finished get off work."

"That's the only way to do it." Editor Wei didn't want to trouble Zhang Ye either, so naturally he wanted to help him round up.

Arts Channel.

Director's office.

The secretary knocked on the door and came in. "Director, Zhang Ye has already gone home and no one is seen."

Wang Shuixin was standing on the window sill and watering the flowers. He was shaking his head as if chanting some flower poems. He turned his head when he heard the words, beckoned to the secretary, and then pointed under the window.

The secretary came over and saw Zhang Ye from the crowd. At this moment, he was walking towards the subway station. Obviously he had just left the office building. When he saw this, the secretary was also angry, "I let old Wei call He's gone, and he said that people are not here? Isn't this the talent leaving? He must have met him. This old Wei fooled me? Leader, don't worry, I will go to the surname Wei and he will have to shake the sky."

"No need." Wang Shuixin said lightly.

"But this ethos can't be fostered." The secretary has followed Wang Shuixin for many years, and he can say many things. "You tell him that he will not come, and that old Wei also cheated on and concealed. This time there will be a second time. , Your prestige..." He knew that Wang Shuixin's most important thing was fame and fame. Those who write poetry and those who engage in literature generally cannot escape these. They all value fame very much.

Wang Shuixin finished watering the flowers, turned around and sat down, and said, "Deduct Wei's overtime pay this month."

"I understand." This is easy to find. Actually, there is no need to find any reason. There is a convention in the literature and art station. It is a convention set by Wang Shuixin. Others will be paid overtime. However, editor Wei basically works overtime every day, but one year He won’t get overtime pay for five or six months, and he will be deducted if he finds a reason. As for the reason, everyone is tacitly aware and understands that Wang Shuixin is venting his anger for the only child. He is such a son, so he loves him very much, and even spoils him. Even Wang Shuixin has not been willing to beat his son. Turning to the chair, Wang Cen was beaten out. Wang Shuixin didn't settle the account with Editor Wei at the time, but slowly found it back in the next few years.

"Zhang Ye's side..." Wang Shuixin said slowly: "He has deducted his bonus this month."

The secretary snorted, "What's the reason for this?"

Wang Shuixin said: "Didn't he ask for a few days off?"

The secretary wiped his nose, "But he also worked a lot of overtime. He didn't take a break on several holidays and was recording the show. If he is in accordance with the schedule, then..."

"Who signed the leave order for him?" Wang Shuixin said: "Ask for leave is to ask for leave. After so many days, is there any problem with deducting a bonus?"

The secretary immediately said, "No problem, I will do it tomorrow. I'm just afraid Zhang Ye will get angry. After all, he is short of money now. He just donated a sum of money for surgery and borrowed money. If he is deducted With a bonus, he might... and his show is very popular now, in case..."

Wang Shui said: "Do as I say"

The secretary did not dare to say more, "Yes."

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