I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 154: [The troubles are raging! 】

The police station is small.

The police car took the back door and entered the yard to stop the car.

The inside was very messy and noisy. The robbers who had just caught it were preparing to hand over to the branch, and the police released some of the drunken people who had been arrested yesterday.

"Song is the director?" An old policeman came over.

Song said: "Old Zhao, is there room left?"

Lao Zhao nodded. "Yes, hey, how do you personally arrest people?"

Director Song saw Zhang Wei next to him. "This person is special and is a public figure, so I personally led the team."

"Well, then you hand it over to me, do I bring people in the past, use the scorpion? What is it?" Lao Zhao looked at Zhang Wei in a puzzled way. Generally speaking, bringing public figures back to the police station, they all It is necessary to be more careful, because public figures have more fans, more attention, and there will be reporters to bother, not very good.

Director Song thought for a moment. "He is suspected of intentionally wounding, and the plot is more serious. Let's take a look at it. Let's just be careful."

"Get it right." Lao Zhao took the lead.

Zhang Wei looked at them. "If you check it out, give me a handcuff?"

"How to investigate is our business." A small policeman following the car said: "Go."

Zhang Wei is also more energetic with them. "Well, I have to see how you handle the investigation."

"You can't go too much nonsense?" The policeman saw that someone came to the police station and it was so hard, and he couldn't help but feel unhappy.

Little black house.

- The place where the police station temporarily closes people.

Zhang Wei walked in and looked around. There was a table in the room. There were some bottled mineral water bottles scattered on the ground. Apart from this, there was almost nothing, the house was not big, and the environment was not too clean. There was a faint scent in the inside, which was not good.

Director Song of the Song Dynasty said: "The person has handed it to you. I will go to the hospital to find out the wounded situation. The hospital's report on the injury report should come out."

"Cheng, you can rest assured." Lao Zhao said.

Director Song has brought an old policeman away.

The little policeman left behind asked: "Zhao Ge, where is the lock for him?"

Old Zhao grinded a bit and pointed to the heating pipe. "Old place."

"Yes." The policeman lowered his head and slammed one hand on Zhang's ankle, and then slammed the other end into a heating pipe on the ground.

Zhang Hao’s feet moved and his face was still sneer.

Lao Zhao said to the policeman, "Let's check his case." Then he turned to Zhang Hao and found a sentence. "Comrades, we are also officially doing business. We must first grievance before you investigate." The other party is a public figure, and it seems that they are still famous, so they are definitely not likely to be rough.

The small police went to investigate. After a while, he came back with amazement and took a copy of the document. "Zhao Ge, look, this..."

"What's wrong?" Lao Zhao took over.

The small policeman was extremely surprised. "This person has no case, but there was once his record on the side of the corner gate police station. It was the two thieves who came in from his neighbor's house and both held knives. At that time, this person was protecting his neighbors. A little girl, who stood up and fought with the gangsters, and smashed two thieves. The record above, he seemed to have been slashed by the gangster and injured."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Lao Zhao was also a big surprise. Look at Zhang Wei and gently put a thumbs up. "Two gangsters with knives, I can't make it."

Zhang Wei said faintly: "I have met, I can't hide."

The attitude of the small police to Zhang Wei has also changed. He whispered: "Zhao Ge, look at this record. This time, he may also be a courageous person. When I checked the case, I heard the person over the information saying that this Zhang Wei is The capital is very famous. Do you remember the star that was reported on TV last time to save the fans? The star said it was him. He borrowed all the property and paid the surgery fee to his fans. In two things, the character and personality of this person... simply said nothing."

Lao Zhao was hesitant. "The director of Song went to investigate. If you didn't investigate clearly, you can't make a final decision, but..." He looked at Zhang Wei. "You put a little cloth on Mr. Zhang's nephew, don't lick his feet. Wrist."

"Yes, I am coming." The small policeman found the cloth. He wrapped up the handcuffs for a few laps under Zhang's feet and brought a bottle of mineral water to Zhang Hao. For this kind of hard-wound child who wants to save the little girl alone and wrestle with two knives and gangsters, they are all respectful and respectful to those who wish to save their lives for the fans.

Zhang Wei also sipped his saliva and covered the bottle: "When can I go?"

Lao Zhao said: "Look at the investigation and the inspections over there. If you are too fast, within 24 hours, if you are slow, you may have to hand over to the branch for public security detention."

Zhang Yi blinked, "Public security detention?"

Lao Zhao spread his hand. "This is what we said."

At this time, a female police officer pushed in from the outside. "What about Teacher Zhang? Is it really Teacher Zhang? I heard that they brought you back, but I didn't expect it to be true." She didn't know where to find a book. And a pen, "I am your **** fan. I love your poetry, especially modern poetry... can you sign me a name?" But when she thinks about Zhang's situation at the moment, she is jealous. Get up, "I'm sorry, I am too excited. This occasion is really... 嘿" When I saw the scorpion at the foot of Zhang Wei, the female policeman was on fire. "Who is the scorpion worn by Teacher Zhang?"

Lao Zhao reluctantly said: "What Song told me."

The female policeman changed her face, "How can this be done?"

"Not my idea, let's go with Song." Lao Zhao turned his right hand.

Zhang Wei said: "Nothing, give me the book, I will sign you one."

The female policeman handed over, "Thank you, thank you."

Zhang Hao signed the name and returned the book to her. "Someone likes my work. It is my thank you."

The female policeman asked the old Zhao Dao: "Zhao Ge, what happened to Teacher Zhang? Are you sure you have not caught the wrong person?"

Lao Zhao said: "I don't know about it. I heard that it is a fight and it is not too light."

The female policeman also felt a little trouble, but she couldn’t help others. "Mr. Zhang, it’s noon, I will give you a meal later."

The small policeman blinked: "The lunch seems to be no more, and the small black house is usually a bread...

The female policeman yelled at him. "I can't pay for my own money to go to the restaurant. Can I give my lunch to Teacher Zhang?"

The small policeman smiled and said: "Well, what did you say about Lei’s sister? You don’t care, I will buy it later, can’t I go to Lei Jie?”

The policewoman said: "This is almost the same."

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Don't be so troublesome, thank you. Everyone eats what I eat."

The female policeman waved: "That won't work. My parents will look at your "Hundreds of Lectures" every day. I also know that you give the fans a surgical fee. Every day, I am full of praise for you. If my parents know that I am not Entertain you, they have to tear me apart."

at the same time.

On the Internet, rumors

"I don't know if I have a big deal?"

"What is it?"

"I took my on-the-spot tickets from my friends with two "100 lectures". I went to the TV station to watch the live recording today. As a result, I saw several police officers from the police station come and arrested people. Teacher Zhang Wei just finished recording the program. I was taken away by the police. I watched them on the police car."

"Please pay attention to the landlord, don't make rumors"

"Yeah, how can a teacher like Zhang be caught?"

"The landlord didn't make a fuss. I was at the scene. Zhang Wei was really taken away. I couldn't help but hear a sentence. It seems that Teacher Zhang deliberately wounded people."



"Mr. Zhang has a big event."

"No? Can the "Hundred Lectures" continue to be broadcast? Don't you stop broadcasting?"

At that time, there were too many people in the recording and broadcasting room. This news was impossible to hold on. It was rumored in the blink of an eye. However, as for the specific reasons, as for why Zhang Wei was arrested, everyone still couldn’t figure out, so they are all After rumored to rumor, they speculated that some people said that Zhang Hao had murdered, and some people said that Zhang Wei played a big card and beat his colleagues. What was said on Weibo.

Not long after, news from several portals came out.

Although Zhang Wei’s reputation is not enough, he only occupies a small piece of text news at the bottom of the entertainment page, but the title is still very eye-catching – “The famous lecturer of the hundred lecture halls, Zhang Wei, was taken away by the police”

Finally, an insider broke the news, and it can be seen that this insider must be an internal employee of Beijing TV.

"Today is a very angry day, because I have witnessed a disgusting thing. The son of the TV station department came to the unit to play the women. Some people stopped the person from not only listening, but also trying to beat people. To a 50-year-old veteran, Zhang Yan came out to protect the old comrades and the women who were being swayed. After smashing the man for a dozen feet, he forced the murderer to subdue, but in the end, it was Zhang Wei. I was arrested by the police. As for who the leader is, I can’t say it here, but it’s really chilling. Isn’t this upside down black and white? I want to ask the whole society how all the witnesses in the station are Giving testimony to Teacher Zhang Wei, they all said that Teacher Zhang Wei was a courageous and legitimate defender. After all, the other party was too embarrassed, and Teacher Zhang had no choice but to fight back. But no one in the police listened to these words, no matter what others said, they I want to arrest people, I can guarantee that some people will put pressure on the police behind the scenes, and even use personal relationships. Anyone who has a little conscience and a sense of justice will put this post up and let more people see Zhang. The teacher rescued it"


"I rely on darkness."

"Supporting Teacher Zhang"

"Let the gang die."

This post hits very quickly

Many people replied with anger and called for Zhang Zhang to be released.

It may not be half an hour later, this post was deleted by the administrator of the forum, and the reason for deleting the post turned out to be - dissemination of bad information.

This time, it has ignited the anger of many people.

"Don't delete the post?"

"What is bad information?"

"It’s too angry, I’m really angry this time."

"There is someone behind the operation who wants to kill Zhang Wei."

"Is the means of the TV station department that the poster said? Such a high position is definitely very popular in the media circle. It is not a problem to delete a post."

"His son is drooling and beating, is he still reasonable?"

"I didn't like Zhang Wei before. I felt that he didn't know how to converge. Even the leaders dared to swear. This is a problem. But today I support Zhang Wei. If you play well, this kind of person should die."

Soon, these negative comments have also been deleted, one is not left

Some of the posts that should not be beaten or detained should not be deleted.

When everyone looked at it, they were all furious. Is this going to block all the paradoxes that are against the people behind them? Only leaving comments that are unfavorable to Zhang Wei? In a way that is almost "literary prison", the event of Zhang Jian’s beating is forcibly characterized. Can't anyone have any comments or doubts?


You are going crazy.

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