I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 157: [One more "Prisoner Song"! 】

It’s hot outside.

The police station was quiet in the dark room.

It’s almost dinner time, but Zhang Hao’s eating at noon is a bit more. Three dishes and one soup have been eaten by him almost. This is not, now I’m still full.

There are two people in the house, one is the old policeman and the other is the director of Song.

The old policeman is a little bit dark. "Who does Zhang Yan let you say such a poem?"

Zhang Yule said: "I am a poetry, I want to say something, what do I say, I am still using other people to write poetry?"

Director Song angered the table and took three shots in a row. "But the poem you wrote is completely inconsistent with the actual situation. It is completely mischievous and malicious."

Ha ha.

Do you also know what it means to be malicious?

Zhang Wei’s second skin said: “No? I dare to touch the state organs. I am a poem of poetry, but there is no other meaning. Can you understand the art? Do you understand the literature? This is the source. For life and above life, you need appropriate art processing."

The old policeman said: "You can make us passive now."

Zhang Wei looked at him. "Is you let me be passive first? You patted your chest and asked yourself. Are your previous investigations objective? Are your **** right? You want to give me a casual start. I don’t care if I don’t care if I am willing to do what I want. I can’t do anything about it. I just said a poem to express my emotions. I can only let the state officials set fire. You still don’t allow the people to light up?”

"You..." The old policeman stood up.

Director Song was also angered by Zhang Wei’s attitude. Just before he entered the dark house, Director Song had been called by the branch leaders and asked him about the beginning and the end of the incident and also took him. I gave the smack a smack, and the director of Song was very passive, and he glanced at the Internet. He didn’t see it and looked scared. Now, some community forums on the Internet and Beijing are full of events, but I don’t know. Wherever there are so many people, they are helping Zhang Yan to beg for justice, and they are also calling for their police station to release people immediately. After all, Zhang Wei is a public figure, and the life-saving thing for the fans has not completely regressed the public opinion of Zhang Wei. Everyone is still very concerned about it. Now suddenly, such a thing is happening, and the heat naturally continues. So their police station was pushed to the cusp of the whole city, and the eyes seemed to fall on them for a moment to see how they handled it.


Play against me?

I am not afraid of this.

Director Song was stunned by Zhang Wei, and he couldn’t get rid of it. He still had to look at Zhang Wei’s color. “No matter what you say, we should investigate the investigation. We should still do business in public affairs. You can't relax because you are a public figure. Just because you are a star, you are more strict with you, because your every move is taken care of, and you have a responsibility to set an example."

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Then my example is to admit that I have no sin?"

"You have not sinned?" Song said, "I asked you who Wang Hao was playing?"

Zhang Wei’s lips and lips are not retreating: "Then I want to ask you, why should I fight that king?"

Song said: "People were injured by you, hospitalized, you just broke the law, you said nothing, I told you that Zhang Wei mixed people, I saw more than you, this one, if you now honestly explain clearly Let's talk about it, but it can also ease your punishment. Your parents have just been here. You don't think about it for yourself. You should think about it for your parents. Do you let them be scared with the outside? Don't be honest. You are at your own risk"

Zhang Wei smiled a little, "I really want to see how you make me feel conceited."

Director Song is cold and cold: "Don't think that you can save you with a few fans. The law looks at you.

Zhang Wei also looked at him. "Don't think that wearing this police uniform will make you know that the law is breaking the law and the people are watching you."

"You fucking" Song’s chief almost swearing, quickly accepting it, and taking a deep breath to calm down, too irritating, this surname Zhang is too irritating, "Yes, you are engaged in broadcasting, we are big and old." Say you, but you don't want to go out and reflect on this little black house. When do you want to admit mistakes? When will you come back to me? I am waiting for you with the office."

Zhang Xiao laughs without saying.

The old policeman said: "The director, is it..."

"Go." Song did not say anything, took people away.

With a click, the door was dropped from the outside and locked tightly.

There was only Zhang Yi alone in the room. He sat down on the ground and touched his pocket. The mobile phone was also taken away. He didn't have it. He could only close his eyes and fake it.


it's getting dark.

A lot of people have gone to work, and the police station is even more deserted.

Zhang Hao couldn't sleep, and opened his eyes again. At this time, the door was opened.

The old policeman came in and threw a piece of bread and a bottle of spring water to him. "How do you explain the problem? You can still judge it lightly."

Zhang Wei picked up the bread. "I think how to eat."

"The mouth is hard? Good." The old policeman closed the door and he did not believe it. He would like to see how long the star of this weekday politeness can last.

Outside, the female police also came.

"Little mine, all are off work, what are you coming from? Today is not your duty."

Regardless of the female police, she shrank in the crowd: "I am giving Zhang Wei a meal."

"What? I am here, do you want to break the rules?" The old policeman rebuked: "You are a people's policeman, where is there to give the prisoner a meal?"

"Who is a prisoner? This has not been investigated yet." The female policeman did not give in.

The old policeman said: "I have already given him a meal, you don't have to take care of it."

The female police show looked round and said: "What is the broken bread called?"

"The people who come here have eaten this, what happened?" The old policeman was not pleased.

Zhang Wei naturally opened the bread and warned the female outsiders: "Comrade Xiaolei, nothing, the bread I smell very sweet, I taste." He unveiled the wrapping paper and squeezed it, some hard. "Sucking, French bread?" He bit his head down, and then Zhang Yan looked up and said: "Ha, I didn't expect our food at the police station to be so good? The bread is so delicious? Where did I buy it? Go back and go out after I go out. Wholesale a box, the taste is really good, um, incense"

The old policeman glimpsed, is this delicious? He thinks that Zhang Wei is hard in his mouth, not to mention a star like him. It is a general thief who comes to the thief and can’t stand their food.

In fact, Zhang Wei really feels delicious. He is a child of a poor family. The old police think he is pampered. In fact, it is all nonsense. When Zhang Wei went to elementary school in junior high school, he couldn’t even drink milk. Otherwise, where would it be so short? Later, I made money. Zhang Wei didn’t feel much about eating. I used to have a hard and simple life. If I don’t say anything else, I would like to eat instant noodles. For two people, who can eat instant noodles every day for a week. Can you swallow? Zhang Yixing, he is not picky eaters. And this is the lack of money recently. I still have a meal here. Of course, he is very happy.

The old policeman did not believe in evil and stared at the window for a long time.

However, Zhang Hao really ate the entire bread with gusto, and finally poured the breadcrumbs in the bag into his mouth.

The female police officer’s catalogue admires, and it really is Teacher Zhang Wei.

The old policeman did not say anything, "Go, go back to work."

Eight o'clock.

Zhang Wei knows that he has to spend the night here, don't let go, right? Still want to force me to confess, right? OK, it seems that a "My Confessional Book" is not strong enough. Your police station has a strong ability to fight and fight. Immediately, Zhang Wei, who is full of food and drink, pats the ground on his buttocks and looks around. On the ground, I found a small stone that couldn't be any smaller, and it was okay to pick it up.

Suddenly, there was a huge movement outside the door.

"Comrade comrades, please accept the interview"

"Where is Zhang Wei being held? Let us go in"

"We have to interview Mr. Zhang and our newspaper has sent an interview letter."

The reporters have come again. This time, listening to the voice is two or three times more than the people coming at noon. It seems that there are still cameras, and the TV station is coming.

Zhang Wei understands that it must be that his "My Confessions" at noon is so big that it has attracted so much social attention.

Several police officers on duty were blocking.

"How come you are here again?"

"Is it hard? Do you believe that I will take it for you?"

"The interview letter leader has not accepted you all to give me out"

The three police officers apparently could not stop more than 20 reporters, and they rushed in with their brains. "Where is Zhang Wei? Where is Zhang Yuguan? Ah, here it seems to be taking a snapshot of things."

The little black house has lights, not bright, but enough to see things.

Zhang Wei knows that the reporters are standing outside the door. They can't help but hold the small stones facing the wall. They close their eyes and brew them. They suddenly open their eyes and write two words on the wall with stones. 》

Let me explain?

If you confess, you will be sentenced lightly?

Can you go out when you lower your head?

Zhang Wei sneered a sly, and wrote **** the wall one word at a time:

The door for people to enter and exit is locked,

The hole that the dog climbed out was open,

A voice shouted:

Climb it out and give you freedom

I long for freedom,

But I know deeply -

How can a person's body climb out of a dog hole?

I hope that one day,

Underground fire,

I burned this live coffin together.

I should get eternal life in the fire and blood.

Every word seems to be full of anger, just like "My Confessions", with a fearless spirit of death.

Zhang Wei has eaten calligraphy skills books, that is, using stones to write, the words are also very good, and even each word uses a large opening and closing strokes and fonts.

Like a blood book, it makes people feel shocked at first glance.

The reporters have once again boiled, "Quickly take a snapshot"


"It’s too dark to make a light"

"The light was intercepted by the police."

"Let's take a mobile phone and illuminate it, you have to take it."

"Yes, the phone has a flashlight flashlight"

At this moment, the reporters worked together, all cooperated, not for anything else, just for this great poem of the world again - "The Prisoner Song"

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