I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 165: [Zhang Yu sings "I hope people last long"! 】

Why not sell?

Why is Zhang Wei so determined?

Gaiin, "There is a few words in the water for the first time in the water," is a very mature song in the world of Zhang Wei - called "I wish a long time", the original singer is Teresa Teng, this song is one of her famous songs. Fire everywhere in the north and south of the river, composing Liang Hongzhi, and later Wang Fei also sang, and it is necessary to say that Teresa Teng and Faye Wong sing well, it is not good to comment, anyway, the older generation, Teresa Teng’s fire, young people It is Faye Wong's "I hope that people will last for a long time" is the most famous, Faye Wong's voice is relatively clear and elegant, very suitable for Su Shi this word.

This song has been ingrained in Zhang Xin’s heart and is one of his favorite songs, so how can he throw it at the team to compose music?

Listen to these three songs.

One is too popular, one is too embarrassing, one is too rocky.

What is this ruin, letting you give it a mess?

Of course, perhaps it may be that Zhang Wei is more extreme. He is not a person in this world. There is naturally a kind of feeling in his heart that is special to his world. It is similar to regional consciousness. Whatever his hometown feels is good, It is to make oneself proud, so Zhang Huan will look down on the music level of the world. In fact, if it is objective, the three songs are still good, especially the first song created by Wang Ge, it is still very catchy, you can It’s a pretty good song.

But Zhang Wei does not seem to be enough, far enough

For copyright, Zhang Wei is very valued. A large part of him now lives on this, and he is the foundation of his foothold in this world. The copyright of each work is quite meaningful to him. It is too important. Zhang Wei sometimes thought about it. When he spent less than a month, he used memory search capsules to write all the poems and songs of his world. With novels and movie scripts, all the brains were thrown into the world. Will it make him famous soon? The answer is yes and no. What is certain is that a good work will definitely receive the attention of others, and he will definitely gain a lot of fame. The negation is that this is killing chickens and taking eggs. Even if it can be famous for a while, there are so many works in the brain. When others are not fools, they will be suspicious. Secondly, there are also factors of aesthetic fatigue. What Zhang Zhang is creating in the future, Maybe everyone thinks it should be normal, there will not be so much attention, in the future he will only go downhill, toss the original copyright, and there is no work to write, can he rely on?

Therefore, Zhang Wei pays great attention to every copyright. He wants to come slowly one by one, so that the works of his world can be maximized, and Zhang Wei is helped to the greatest extent, instead of bombarding a message. That is not desirable, it is not sustainable, and every piece of work must be used on the blade.

Fang Weihong frowned. "Mr. Zhang, you will consider it again. I personally think that Wang Ge’s song is good. Zhang Jie has heard it before, and I think so."

Zhang Wei smiled. "I don't want to help, it's not good."

Wang Ge was questioned and could not help but ignite the fire: "Where is it?"

"The song is not good, and the match is not good." What does Zhang Huan say? This time is not an occasion to say awkwardness.

Wang Ge looked at him with a black face. "Zhang Yu teacher, when it comes to literary level, I am not as good as you. Now everyone in the house is not as good as you. Everyone has to admit it. There is nothing to question. You In literature, we are experts, but we all agree, but when it comes to music and the art of music, I believe that anyone in the field knows better than you, and you know more than you. You don't deny it."

Zhang Wei listened to his words and was happy. He said that he didn't understand music, but he couldn't hear others say this. Who are you, I know you, "That's not necessarily."

Wang Ge glanced, then he laughed. "Is it? I really don't believe it."

Zhang Yuanqi looked at him. "Xiao Wang, how do you talk to Teacher Zhang?"

"Zhang Jie, I am not convinced that I have engaged in music. It has been seven or eight years. Others have questioned me. I can't question my musical literacy and level." Wang Ge spent too much time on this word, composing After spending more than half a month, I came out with a satisfactory work. As a result, Zhang Yi’s sentence was not good, and one sentence did not sell copyright, so that all their efforts in these days were in vain? He can be happy

In front of them, Zhang Yuanqi is a harmonious queen. "Take a small king, your attitude is collected. This is the work of Teacher Zhang. He has the right to decide the attribution of this first word."

Wang Ge still refused to accept, still said, "But him..."

Fang Weihong boarded his face. "Look at Zhang Jie, let's talk, you are not finished yet? Is there something you tell me?"

Wang Ge didn't say anything, they were not afraid of Zhang Jie, because they all know that they never get angry with people in the future. They are especially good to everyone, but the agent, sister, is not so good.

Zhang Yuanqi patted Fang Weihong's arm. "Okay, not."

Criticized him, Fang Weihong sang a red face and sang a white face, and turned to Zhang Weidao: "If you feel dissatisfied, you can also change the king or two other musicians and change them. Where needs adjustment? You can tell them, wait until you are satisfied with the authorization, and don't rush to say no, we really like your poetry, otherwise a team will not toss this piece in half a month. Something

Zhang said: "I have other uses for this first word, so..."

Watching the song can't convince him, Fang Weihong is moving with emotion. "You said that you like Zhang Jie's music, then you should know that it was a long time ago. In the last one or two years, Zhang Jie has no good music. Works, even after the release of the record, the sales are still barely, but everyone knows that this is hard to support, are eating old, are some **** fans to buy, it is difficult to continue, and then continue, no better Musical works, those **** fans have to leave, and Zhang Jie can only give up music in the future, purely in the film and television circle."

Zhang Wei is also not very embarrassed, said: "I know this, I also learned about the news, but I really think these songs are normal."

Another musical person said: "The price is good, and now a famous lyricist is a good work. The price of the lyrics is generally between 50,000 and 100,000. Even the top lyrics are over 150,000."

"Yes." Fang Weihong said: "We can give you a license fee of 150,000. As long as you give us the copyright of the lyrics, we are preparing to make a single song. The audition version is released on the Internet, and it’s also very urgent. Look..."

Zhang Wei oil and salt do not enter the road: "It is not a matter of money, it is not a song."

Wang Ge spoke again. "Can't you make a song? Then you give us a song to let us know for a long time?"

Fang Weihong blinked and slammed the table. "Wang Ge, do you really want me to turn over with you?"

"Sister Fang, I just can't get used to him. He keeps saying that our songs are not good. It is obviously an excuse. I guess it must be that other companies first found him." Wang Gedao.

Fang Weihong looked at Zhang Wei, "Is it Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Yuanqi also looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Weidao: "When I was arrested, Zhang Jie gave me a lot of praise, and many fans of Zhang Jie also helped me, so I came out so soon, Zhang Jie has something, I can help for sure. But this is not the same. There is no company to contact me to buy copyright. You are the first one, but this word is really important to me. Hey, I don’t think it is clear to explain?” He looked at Wang Ge. "You said that everyone here knows music better than me? Let me give you a piece of music to see it? OK, then I will ugly today."

Fang Weihong said: "You will compose?"

The other staff members are also dizzy. Are you not studying history or writing novels to write poetry? Composing? Will you still compose music?

Wang Ge is a bit ridiculous, "Oh, then we are listening."

Give me a radical approach? You are so naive, buddy, you will eat this set.

Zhang Wei is also a little bit excited, I don't understand music? I will let you see and see today. In fact, he also wants to tell Zhang Yuanqi. He has a better choice for this song, and he is ready to leave it for himself. He does not deliberately not sell copyright, and can’t let Zhang Jie Misunderstood.

Zhang Yuanqi said to him: "Mr. Zhang, if the people in my team don't speak properly, I let him apologize to you, even if the composing is done, Xiao Wang said that..."

Zhang Wei said: "Nothing, give me the guitar."

A musician blinked and handed the guitar to him. He was the one who just sang.

Zhang Wei also learned that he was sitting there and had a guitar span. He brewed for about a minute. He suddenly coughed and took the guitar off and handed it back to the man.

The musician shouted: "What happened?"

Zhang Weidao: "I can't play the guitar."

As soon as I heard it, everyone in the room almost fainted to the ground, and wouldn’t play you with a guitar and a big garlic.

Zhang Wei touched a microphone in front and tried the sound. "I will sing a song for everyone. The song is called "I hope that people will last forever" and ugly."

Wang Ge sneered underneath.

Several musicians are also absent-minded waiting to listen.

Except for Zhang Yuanqi's expression, all other people's expressions are questioned. It is known that Zhang Wei may be just a temper. No one thinks that he will do anything. Composing? That is the person who specializes in music. You can't even play the guitar. I don't know the staff. You are engaged in literary creation and doing research on the history of the Three Kingdoms. You are a master of writing fairy tales. Ah You

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