I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 179: [Manage him winter and summer and spring and autumn! 】

"Help Zhang Jian find a job."

Some people really want to help, and others are purely join in the fun, of course, there are also chaos, everyone has played the entertainment spirit of the people.

"My foreign trade company, ask Zhang Yi teacher to join."

"My mechanical processing field, ask Zhang to join."

"My textile factory sewing machine department, ask Zhang to join."

"I am a brilliant nightclub, and I hire Zhang Yi to sit in the town with high salary."

There is no one in the TV station who wants Zhang Wei. Some of the companies that have lost their jobs have thrown out the olive branch and responded to Zhang’s call for a job.


"Don't make trouble, really don't make trouble."

“Mr. Zhang went to the nightclub to read the poetry customers?”

"Textile factory sewing machine department? Do you think Teacher Zhang can have this technology?"

Finally, at noon, this meagerness became a farce, and it gradually ended. People who join in the fun of the mess may feel that such a joke is not good. After all, it is related to Wei’s father’s affairs. Wei’s father can just be cremated, so he will not say much if he is poor. The people who really want to help Zhang Wei can't help. The domestic TV stations almost all posted Zhang Wei's resume, but only two of them can reply. Although they all affirmed Zhang Wei's character, they all refused. Nobody, other TV stations are not back.

Even though Zhang Wei is only famous in the capital, it is all in the capital. Many people in other places don’t know him or know him, but they are all in the TV circle. Even if they don’t know Zhang Wei, Still have few friends? Everything is clear when you make a call.

In the office area.

Xiao Lu squatted on the neck and said to Zhang Wei: "Mr. Zhang, what are your plans below? Do you want to work on TV? Or go back to the radio?"

Zhang Wei asked: "Can I go back to the radio station?"

Xiao Lu snorted, "hanging."

Zhang Wei once again asked, "Is there a TV station that dares to ask me?"

Xiao Lu coughed a scorpion and said again: "...hanging."

Hou Ge and Da Fei are also helpless. They know that this is not a question of "hanging". "hanging" is just a euphemism. In fact, it is impossible.

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "So, it’s not what I want to plan, but I don’t have any plans at all. I want to plan for someone else, and I don’t want to plan for me. I can only let it go. I graduated. Month, although the time is not long, there are too many things, you know." Seeing Xiao Lu Dafei, they all nodded with deep sympathy, Zhang Wei said: "It is also really tired, I want to rest for a while."

Hu Fei looked at him. "Is there anything I can help?"

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you Hu Ge, nothing, I will take one step and take a step." He knew that he was too much too much and too frequent. Hu Fei couldn’t help him even when he had a lot of connections. This level of trouble is no longer a function of the network.

Hu Fei may also understand, sigh, did not say anything.

Outside the door, a staff member of the personnel department suddenly came. After he came in, he first asked Hu Fei with a polite attitude. He immediately looked at Zhang Wei and told him that he had finished his resignation and asked him to sign a word.

Zhang Yiyi, followed him.

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Wei came back. At this moment, he had officially had nothing to do with the Beijing TV station. He easily packed up his desk and looked up with his own paper box. Around the place where he worked and fought for more than a month, he rubbed his eyes and then smashed the box and walked out of the office without any worries and regrets.

Just as soon as I went out, the corridors were all full of people and dozens of people.

Zhang Wei also stunned. When he first came back, he said that Hu Fei Xiao Lu had gone there. There was no one in the office. As soon as they arrived in the corridor, everyone stood here, not just Hu Fei. A few of their colleagues, as well as many colleagues in other column groups of the literary and art channel, or those who knew, or did not know, did not speak at all, all came, and stood on both sides of the corridor.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "I am gone, everyone takes care."

Silence for a few seconds, Hu Fei raised his hand and slammed

Then Xiao Lu, then Da Fei and Hou Ge Houdi, and finally they took the lead, all the colleagues in the corridor gave Zhang Hao a warm applause.


I heard the entire TV station office building.

"Mr. Zhang, take care"

"You are good, we are not as good as you."

"Uncle Wei's business, thanks to your standing out"

"I used to say bad things about you, sorry."

"You take care, the TV station fires you, but it is fair and reasonable."

"Yes, fair people, we all know what is going on, we all know that you sacrifice yourself."

Zhang Wei’s performance in Wei’s uncle has shocked everyone. Before, no one thought that Zhang Wei would go through this way and Wang Shuixin’s death. Afterwards, although Zhang Hao lost his job, although it was listed by many media. On the blacklist, but these uncles and uncles of Wei’s life, they all have a kind of respect for Zhang Wei’s reverence for a person who has no blood relationship, at least they can’t do it.

Applause lasted for a long time

Zhang Wei also said to everyone: "Thank you, thank you all." So many people sent him off, some have not dealt with before, he is content.

Hu Feidao: "Get back when you are free."

Hou Ge was so excited that he gave Zhang Xi a bear hug. "Mr. Zhang, the time is short, but I really can't bear it, we can't break the contact, drink again next time."

Xiao Lu was even more uncomfortable, and ticking a few drops of tears.

Dafei also went up to the bear and hugged Zhang Wei. "There is something to talk to, my phone is turned on 24 hours."

Zhang Wei also greeted them one by one. "I don't work here. It doesn't mean that I won't come and go. I have to eat and drink together when I have time. Thank you for sending me off. Please come back, but don't let me work because of delays." Then I can be sinful."

Suddenly, the elevator door opened.

A few people who didn't seem to be TV stations squeezed in.

"Is Zhang Hao here? Can you interview Mr. Zhang?"

"Sorry to disturb, I am a reporter for the Beijing Times."

"Mr. Zhang, Entertainment Daily, I heard that netizens sympathize with your encounters and spontaneously organize to help you find a job on Weibo, but in the end, there is no TV media to take you. How do you see it? Don't you want to give up working as a TV host or a lecturer?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are leaving today. Do you have any opinions on the decision of Beijing TV Station? Can you tell us about it?"

Is a reporter

Five or six reporters bombarded the problem one by one.

The staff of several TV stations next to each other said: "Who asked you to go upstairs? Have you got permission for interviews?" Although they are all peers, they are not the same, and the system is different. Their TV programs and newspaper media are still very different.

The reporters did not listen, "Mr. Zhang, what do you have to say before leaving?"

Another reporter asked me, "When you enter the TV station for a month, the result is fired. Is there really no idea?"

Zhang Wei gently glanced at them, smiled and read a poem that still does not exist in this world. This is a famous work of his world Lu Xun - "self-deprecating"

As he read, he walked forward.

"When you hand over to China, you have to dare to turn over and meet."

“The broken hat covers the city and the city is leaking.

"Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox."

"Hide into the small building into a unified..." Speaking of this, Zhang Hao has already taken his own thing on the elevator. Before the elevator door closed, the last poem jumped out from inside, "Take him winter and spring and spring and autumn"

The elevator went down

Zhang Wei is also gone.

This poem is not as easy to understand as Zhang Wei’s modern poems. Many people didn’t understand it at first, but this poem is not so embarrassing, so everyone touched it and suddenly understood it.

This poem is about Zhang Min’s mood at the moment.

What do you want to deliver to Huagai? If you have a bad luck, you can have any good needs.

Didn’t dare to turn over and meet? I didn't dare to turn over in bed, but I still touched my head.

When you go to the street, you can cover your face with a low-low pressure. I am afraid that it will be seen by people. It will attract unexpected disasters. It seems to be sitting on the leaking ship with wine, and there is no danger in the heart of the river. In the face of the enemy's reprimands, swearing, cursing, I am half-browed and cold, and I am doing my own thing; in the face of the masses, I would rather be like a veteran, let him run, I am willing.

Aren't these all about Zhang Hao himself?

These are not the things that happened to Teacher Zhang Wei these days?

A good cross-browed pair of thousands of fingers

A good one is a scorpion cow

Many people are questioning Zhang Hao's temper is too bad, destroying the live broadcast, regardless of the disregard, there is no big picture, but often several times to cause trouble, but what is the attitude of Teacher Zhang Wei? A cross-browed cold is too apt to describe a thousand people. He is such a person. No matter how others evaluate it, he is a terminally ill fan. For a colleague who has no blood relationship with him, he bows his head. Scorpion cow, he is willing to do anything

What is this gas festival?

This poem has been shown to the fullest.

In particular, after Zhang Jian’s teacher finally entered the elevator, I ended up with you. Question me? Expel me? Ok, I will hide in the small building and manage you. He-Mom-Winter and Spring and Autumn

"Good poetry"

“This is obviously created on the spot?”

"Definitely, otherwise how can it be so appropriate?"

“Mr. Zhang’s poems are so arrogant?”

The reporters all have a bright eye and hurriedly recorded the poem. Today’s manuscript has fallen, and without asking, this poem will definitely be a fire. In fact, this is nonsense. Whether Zhang Wei is a modern poem or an ancient poetry, every The fact that the capital did not have a million clicks on the Internet has already passed the test of the market and time.

I didn’t expect it.

I really didn't expect it.

Teacher Zhang Wei is the teacher of Zhang Wei, and when he left, he was shocked.

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