I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 185: [Zhang Yu and Tian Tian secretly went to the hotel! 】


The two have no words for a while.

Zhang Yan bent over and picked up the box book. A book slammed into the bay window. After throwing away the empty box, he looked at the ground and took the red stiletto heeled on the tile. He took it to his hand and walked a few times. Step, give her shoes to the door, and give her a pair of slippers to throw. When I entered the house, I kicked the shoes. When a few people came to the publishing house, she also kept the legs of the stockings, and the shoes were not worn. I was not afraid of the cold. Now I have not yet heated. .

"Slippers." Zhang Wei reminded.

"... um." Zhang Yuan’s foot was put on and put on.

Zhang Wei looked at her, "Did you eat?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yuanqi loves to answer.

"Then read the book, I get some food." Zhang said.

After the day, I still read the book without looking back. It is the collection of Zhang Jian.

Zhang Hao was hungry, but it was also too tight for Zhang Lu. Some of them were almost nervous. After the day, Zhang Wei was almost afraid of it. He went to open the fire, put the bowl on the noodles, lay the eggs, and put some onions. . Instant noodles are really disgusting. He now changes to noodles and changes his taste.

Suck and suck.

I was eating, and suddenly I put the book together. "The book sent me."

"Ah?" Zhang Yan swallowed the dragon's face and said: "You take it, anyway, I have more here."

Zhang Yuanqi looked at him and said, "Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves. Is this what you wrote?"

"Who didn't write what I wrote?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "How? Is it OK?"

Zhang Yuanqi faintly said: "I have a book in the next day, you write a sequence for me, so it is fixed."

"What is fixed again, that can't be done." Zhang said: "My poems can't be given casually. If you really like my poems, this book is for you, I will sign you again. ""

Zhang Yuanqi did not give a little face: "The signature is not necessary."

Zhang Wei said: "You can have no friends after this."

After eating the noodles, brushing the bowl, Zhang Yan looked at the watch, time is not early.

"Are you still today?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Yeah." Zhang Yuanqi also lifted his wrist to look at the watch. It is estimated that it was quite late. On one side of her head, her eyes fell naturally on Zhang Wei’s wallet, and she was thrown on the table without any politeness. The wallet was taken over, and it opened with a bang, and it took out five hundred dollars from the inside.

Zhang Yuran said: "Are you here?"

"No money, borrow your use." Zhang Yuanqi is cold.

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "Forget it, I will send you back."

Zhang Yuanqiu said: "Also."

"Khan, are you polite?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but laugh: "Where is your home? Don't go too far. It's almost nine o'clock. If it's in the suburbs, I can't come back."

Zhang Yuanqi indifferently said: "There is a Jinyuan Hotel in Majiapu. You can send me in the past."

"Where are you going to the hotel?" Zhang Wei said strangely.

"Clean for two days, hiding a few notices." Zhang Yuanqi.

Zhang Yucai knows that every time he comes to his home, he wants to relax. He hides from hiding outside. She doesn’t have to worry about the identity of the day, what she wants to say, what she wants to say, today, It is obviously the purpose of the day, but the time may be too late. She can't live in Zhangye's family. She is not like a man or a woman. For the first time, she lived simply because she was drunk and had no clothes to wear.

Hey, forget it, help people to help the end, send the Buddha to the West, every time after the day, tired of the work, I will first think of myself, first come to find myself, although Zhang Yan’s mouth is awkward, but the heart is actually It is flattered. After the day, I am not too cold or too polite to myself. I can change my mind. If the day is really as annoying as Zhang Wei on her mouth, how can I come to Zhangjia’s home every time I want to relax? ? Why didn't she go to find other friends? Therefore, Zhang Wei feels that he may not be important in the heart of the day, but at least it is very special, and Tianhou is very trusting himself. Thinking of this, Zhang Wei also smiled. Trust me, I am right, you still have a vision, know that your buddy will not tell you about your business. After the temper is bad, I still have a set of people.

Sunglasses and masks have been worn in the days.

Zhang Wei is also afraid of being recognized. He is now a small celebrity with the capital, so he also brought a sunglasses to avoid the demise. He first went downstairs to drive, and drove the car to a secluded corner to wait. After a while, Zhang Yuanqi also went downstairs.

"This side." Zhang Hao pressed the window and waved, whispering.

Zhang Yuanqi looked at his BMW 2, didn't go to the co-driver, but pulled the door to the back seat. The position here is not easy to be seen by outsiders. "Your car?"

Zhang Wei took a picture of the steering wheel. "Yeah, is it still? Do you think this is an ordinary 2? Ha, then you can be wrong, my car, can..."

Zhang Yuanqi bowed his head and continued to read Zhang Wei's anthology.

Zhang Wei wanted to brag about it. As a result, he was stunned. He had to drive away in a depressed mood. He didn’t blow any more. After this day, he wouldn’t chat too much.

Not far from the distance.

In front, the brand of Jinyuan Hotel has come to the fore.

Zhang Wei stopped the car on the side of the road. "Come on, I think this is a five-star hotel? Or four stars? You can't live with you for five days if you take my five hundred dollars?"

Zhang Yuanqi did not look up when reading a book. "You go to help me book a room. I don't have a wallet, and I don't have an ID card. Even if I bring an ID card, I can't use it." This is, the ID card of the day is taken out with the hotel. I must have a frying pan. I can wear sunglasses on her face, but I can’t wear sunglasses on my ID card. I will definitely be recognized. Generally, like this level of stars, even if you are on a business trip to stay at a hotel, it is usually a broker or assistant who uses their ID card to open a room. Otherwise, if it is known and surrounded by fans, it is all troublesome.

"Okay." Zhang Yuzui, got off and went into the hotel lobby. "Hello, open a room."

“Is there a reservation?” the front desk staff asked.

"No." Zhang Hao shook his head.

The front desk said: "I am sorry, the room is full."

Zhang Yiyi said, "All are full? The suite is also OK."

“A room is gone.” The front desk explained: “It’s already nine o'clock, unless someone checks out now, but it’s not very likely.”

Zhang Hao had to come out and go back to the car. "There is no room."

Zhang Yuanqi Emei, "Let's find it again, other hotels are OK."

"Yes, I am your assistant, I am." Zhang Wei was bored and drove forward.

I got off the bus and asked a hotel that was still relatively large. There is still no room. Zhang Wei asked more and asked where there was a place to stay near the front desk. The front desk was also very good, and secretly pointed him to the opposite side of the road. Zhang Wei took a look and was a brand of express hotel.

do not care

Where do you live?

Zhang Wei did not say to Zhang Yuanqi, crossing the road to go there, it is a place located in the residential area - called the Fengfeng Express Hotel, very old, and the outside is also quite broken.

Into it.

“Is there a room?” Zhang Wei asked.

The hotel's people checked the computer. "I see, um, there is one, the ordinary big bed room."

Zhang Hao nodded. "Just it, give me one." Take the ID card and go through the formalities.

The other party estimated that he did not know Zhang Wei, and he did not respond to the ID card. The room was opened immediately.

Zhang Wei did not go upstairs, but went back to the road, drove directly into the residential area, and found a corner to stop, pointing to Zhang Yuanqi, "Is it here? It has already been opened." ”

Zhang Yuanqi has a look of indifference. "What do you say?"

Zhang Wei coughed: "This is actually quite good, inconspicuous, and you don't have to worry about being recognized. Who can think that he will live here in the future? Is it? Deceptive. You don't just want to clean for two days, no one bothers? I think this is the most suitable and cheap." Well, the key is cheap.

I didn't speak after the day, I don't know if I am not satisfied.

Zhang Wei said: "Let's go, no, I will make a reservation for a good hotel in advance, and then change there. There is definitely no room today, it's so late."

Zhang Yuanqi collected the book, "Go."

"I am advanced, you have come up in five minutes, -18 rooms, after all, you do not have an ID card, if you go together, the front desk should check it." Zhang Wei finished, he entered the hotel.

The room is not big, at most 18 flat.

Zhang Wei looked down at the window and saw that he had gone to the Express Hotel in the days after. The picture was a bit of a sigh of relief, as if he was cheating. Suddenly, Zhang Yan’s eyes looked far behind Zhang Yuanqi, huh? Who are these two people? How do you point your finger at Zhang Yuanqi? It was a couple, maybe they came here to open the house, but they were watching Zhang Yuanqi at the moment, and they whispered.

After a long while.

Hey, knock on the door.

Zhang Hao hurriedly opened the door quietly. When he came in, he closed the door. He was afraid that people would see it from the door mirror. "The house is a little small, you can make it."

Zhang Yuanqi looked around and saw that she had never lived in such a small hotel, but she did not say anything. She used to pull the curtains up.

I still haven't felt anything in my own home, but now the environment of this fast hotel has suddenly made Zhang Wei think about it. I always feel a little embarrassed. "Then I will go back first. I will book a room for Jinyuan Hotel tomorrow, probably at noon. I picked you up at noon, yes, you didn't have a mobile phone, I remembered your room extension number, and then contacted." Zhang Wei wrote down the phone, and inked for a long time, and finally went downstairs.

When did the family stay in a five-star hotel?

Did she get her a quick hotel? Or the cheapest place one hundred and eight days?

Thinking, Zhang Wei also felt a little cola. When I walked up the stairs and just went to the front hall, I heard a conversation with several people.

"Sorry, we have no room."

"No, I am a reporter. Is Zhang Yuanqi here?"

"Ah? Which chapter is far away? Tin Hau?"

"Yes, some people say that she is here."

"Hey, I didn't see it. How could I live in our hotel after the day? Oh, you can be funny, you have to go out, hey, don't take pictures, who will let you take pictures?"

"Let's take it, this is big news."

Zhang Wei heard that he had just stopped and did not dare to go outside. The reporter came.

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