I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 201: [To leave the capital! 】

In the house.

Zhang Wei checked the video website of that dimension.

The page is very clear, beautiful, and tidy. This website is like video and music anime like traditional video websites, but the only difference is that it has a free time on the network TV show in the most conspicuous position. Table and program outline, Zhang Wei opened a glance, but also randomly scanned a few columns, it can be said that there is no essential difference between the TV stations, there are singing, there are news broadcasts, there are also TV dramas that have purchased copyright. The only part of the column production is a bit shabby. After all, it is impossible to compare with the place of the TV station, so the program equipment and layout are not as good.

"News broadcast" - 110,000 clicks.

"My Music Time 2" - 80,000 hits.

"Celebrity Interviews 69" - 7.13 million clicks.

The number of clicks and the number of viewers are a bit pitiful, and there are not many programs. Most of them are tens of thousands of viewers, but there are also extremes, such as the signature program "Celebrity Interview" of Weiwang Internet TV, the latest issue. There are actually more than 7 million hits, and Rao is the main child of Zhang Yi, who has at least a million hits in a poem. It is also a shock to heaven. His click on the poem is actually understood by his own heart. There is moisture, because there is a click in the past, no matter how you can't look at it, a lot of it is to join in the fun to watch the lively, not necessarily like his poetry or see it clearly, but the "Celebrity Interview" column can be No, after so many periods, the excitement has long since disappeared, and the rest are real people.

Why is it so popular?

Zhang Wei points in. This section is weekly, and it is broadcast on weekends. Many of the guests in each issue are foreigners.



David Chard?

Zhang Wei didn't know, just copied their name and searched it on the Internet. Then he was shocked. These people even have your mother's big stars in Europe and America. There are actors and singers who have the lowest name. It’s all the top five newcomers in Europe and the United States. There are also many domestic stars. Like a second-line comedy star that my mom likes most, it’s the last interview.

I rely on

Can you invite so many people?

How big is the network and background of this website?

However, from another perspective, we can also see the development of Internet TV stations. This is a new media independent of traditional TV stations.

However, Zhang Yiyi studied and found that there are similar things in his world. For example, popular online TV dramas or personal shows, isn't it a daily episode or a weekly network update? The truth is the same, but the world has integrated these into a series of TV shows, making these programs thicker and more concentrated, and twisted into a chain.


"Oh, I am."

"Come out for dinner."

"Oh, come here."

Zhang Wei shut the computer and went to the living room.

Mom has already finished the meal, "wash and wash, eat."

Zhang Wei did not move, but sat in a chair. "Dad, Mom, I am telling you something. Just now, a CEO of an Internet TV company called me and invited me to be the host. Yes, I have to go to work in Shanghai. I may not be able to come back in a short time."

My mom is happy, "Is there work? How good is it, go quickly, don't worry at home, my dad and I won't miss you."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Dad also said: "The cause is serious, you take your own ideas."

Zhang Weidao: "Well, if you don't have any opinions, then I will go?"

"Go and go, the Internet TV station has been in flames for a few years. I heard that if the web host is good, the reputation is bigger than the TV host." Mom knows.

This is true. Is Gao Xiaosong in his world not so hot?

Zhang Wei is calmer. "That is a good situation, but the risk is also great. The programs on the Internet are not good. The competition is too fierce. I am afraid that if the program is not good, then give me this sign, so go. It's okay, but I have to slap on what programs.” TV shows, like “Hundreds of Lectures”, have been recognized by the market in his world, are very mature works, but the audience age The relatively low network program, Zhang Wei did not think about what to do, this is very important.

Mom gave him chopsticks. "I think slowly, my son is definitely fine."

After eating, Zhang Wei called Victoria and told her that she had promised.

As a result, it was not long before the phone was put down. A male staff member contacted him, saying that he had already booked a ticket for him to fly to Shanghai tomorrow. He asked Zhang Hao that the time was not tight. If it was too tight, he would change it. Zhang Yiyi hesitated, but decided to go tomorrow. After spending so much time, he did not have time to rest.

Mom said: "Go away tomorrow?"

Zhang Yan sighed. "They seem to be very anxious. They should be connected to the column. I want to help them early."

"Let's pack your bags quickly." Mom urged.

Zhang Hao can't smile, "Mom, how can you stay with me?"

Mom is full of truth, "as a star mother, it is reasonable, son, mother understands you, go, hurry to the first-line star, mom to blow - cattle - forced to go"

Or Dad said, "If you have time, come back, the plane train is not far away."

"Oh, if you are not busy, I will go home." Zhang Wei said goodbye to his parents, and then went downstairs.

After getting on the bus, Zhang Yi thought, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Zhang Yuanqi: I went to Shanghai for a period of time and should not go home for the time being.

In the past, Zhang Yuanqi didn't take care of Zhang Wei's text messages, but today he accidentally returned to him, and the content is a word - ah.

Zhang Wei was afraid that he would go to his house after the day and then go to his house, so he said, put back the phone and drive on the car, Zhang Hao went straight to the corner door.

Small area.

The moon is coming out, it is dark.

Back to the place where I rented the house, Zhang Hao’s luggage was also here. I rummaged through the boxes, loaded my clothes, collected the socks, and finally got two big suitcases. This is the end of the matter. It’s already nine o'clock.

Bell bell.

Several telephones came one after another.

The first one was called by the big sister. "Brother, I heard that you are going to Shanghai. Is the baggage collected? Do you need to help me clean up?"

Zhang Wei smiled comfortably: "No, I have finished."

The big sister said intimately: "Then you pay attention to safety on the road, I am going to find you to play when I have time."

The second call was made by the little sister. "Brother, hey, go all the way."

Zhang Wei said helplessly: "How do you listen to this is not like a good word."

"When you come back, remember to bring me a small gift. If I put it off, I can go to find you to play. You have to take care of it." The little sister spoke.

"Do you know what to do with your parents."

"My parents know it, I wish you a happy career."

After picking up a few phone calls from the family, Zhang Wei also said goodbye to them. Then, his eyes looked at a wall. The tens of meters away was the home of the landlord. If I have to leave, I must say something to the landlord, but I have to say it. I am most reluctant to do it here. After all, this is his first time since he graduated from college. His career is also a little bit of development from here. On this side, Zhang Wei has a lot of feelings... Of course, it is mainly about Rao Aimin.

The door is hidden.

The elevator sounded over there, and the footsteps in the aisle were clear.

When Zhang Yi looked back, he saw the figure of the landlord aunt passing through the crack of the door. His face was not clearly seen, but he was too familiar with the sportswear, and he would go out for a workout at this time. The whole community is estimated to be Rao Aimin. One person, Zhang Hao put the suitcase on, and closed the door to chase the past.

"Auntie of the landlord." Zhang Wei followed.

Rao Aimin turned to look at it, "Why?"

Zhang Wei coughed sadly: "Someth."

"If you don't borrow money, you will enter the house." Rao Aimin opened the door with the key and said to him: "If you borrow money, how far you can go."

"Oh, what borrow money?" Zhang Wei also followed the room, "Hey, Chen Chen?"

Rao Aimin turned to the bathroom and took a towel to wipe his forehead. "Autumn tour, the school organized to go to the suburbs to play, two days and one night, only come back tomorrow."

Just a trick?

Lonely man and woman

Zhang Wei swallowed and spit, could not help but aim at Rao Ai Min bodybuilding body, the sportswear is too close, and her body is clearly defined.

Rao Aimin looked at him. "If you have a fart, let me take a shower."

Zhang Yan said: "I will go to Shanghai tomorrow. It may be a month, maybe two months. Anyway, I can't come back in a short time. I have a new job and a network host, so the house is here." I pay for the rent, just come over and say hello to you and Chen Chen."

Rao Ai Min said: "And the TV station dares to ask your kid?"

"So it is a network TV station, not a traditional medium." Zhang Yidao.

"Well, if you have a job, let's go." Rao Aimin and Zhang Wei's mother are in a tone, as if they are eager to leave.

Zhang Xin’s heart is broken. "I still can’t bear it. You are jealous of you, it hurts my heart." After that, he played a rogue and sat on her sofa. "No, I don't go at night." It is."

Rao Aimin blinked: "Oh, then I will throw it out for you?"

"You throw it, anyway, I am sleeping here." Zhang Yi Yangba lay down.

Rao Aimin really walked over.

Zhang Wei was shocked and immediately said: "You don't want to do it, I tell you, my body is very weak, I will break when I touch it, and you will come to life when you meet me."

On the last night of the capital, he always wanted to have something to do with Rao Aimin.

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