I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 215: [Unexpectedly lost passenger aircraft! 】

Hongqiao Airport.

Ground Command Center.

Several leaders of the airport commanded the air traffic control. Several local leaders and responsible persons of Air China also rushed in after they knew that Air China lost a communication, just arrived at the scene. The atmosphere was dull and depressed. The operator's shouts rang in the small hall. The two passenger planes that were about to land were not allowed to land. Instead, they were assigned to the airspace on the south side. The current airport is fully controlled and all are prohibited. The plane took off and landed, and the runway was almost exhausted. The fire truck ambulance and the police were also in place.

problem occurs

Big things

Their airport has been stable for many years, and they have never met such a serious loss of accident. I didn’t expect it to appear today. Everyone looks very ugly.

The person in charge of the airport held the nervous breathing speed: "How is it?"

An operator turned back: "I still can't contact CA1883"

Another operator said: "HNA 77Bl has entered Zone C, CA1883 is followed, and it is expected to arrive at Hongqiao Airport after seven minutes."

The person in charge of the airport ordered: "Do not interrupt communication, keep abreast of the situation"

It can be seen that everyone in the command center is very nervous and not nervous. This is an airplane. If you don’t pay attention, it will lead to machine crash.

At this time, the Ministry of Public Security of the city also arrived, pushed the door in, and simply communicated the situation, said: "The city leaders are also on the way here, mainly listening to your command of the need to speak at any time."

Suddenly, the mobile phone of an airport worker next to it rang, and everyone around him frowned at him. The staff also quickly wanted to hang up the phone. After all, now many leaders are so embarrassed to call him, but when I see this number, He was shocked and hurriedly picked up. "What are you going to do with Juanzi? What the **** is going on? What is the situation?"

The female voice of "Wang...Director" is intermittent, the signal is very unstable, "Xie Tian...

Finally got through the total... pass"

The staff member loudly said to others: "It is the flight attendant of CA1883"

"哎呦" one is less than one beat.

"It can be counted as contact." Another airport is also in the Ministry.

"Telephone to me" the airport responsible person walked up to him in two steps, grabbed the phone and said: "For me, what are you doing now?" After that, he pressed the speaker to make it visible to everyone.

The flight attendant was a stomach, and when she heard the familiar voice of the organization, she was very excited. She cried and said: "We didn't know how to do it at the beginning, a stupid... A person suddenly smashed our crew. The personnel rushed into the cockpit, and then two other gangs were in the cockpit. Our flight was hijacked halfway through the flight. Fortunately, there was an expert in the passengers, passing our crew and passengers. After hard work, the hijackers were controlled and the cockpit was regained. However, many of the equipment inside were damaged. There was no way to confirm the route. There was no way to drive automatically. The driver and the co-pilot were all seriously injured and unconscious. We are now following. A HNA flight wants to go to the airport."

Sure enough, hijacking

Everyone has changed his face

The person in charge of the airport said: "You are very good at handling the flight of Hainan Airlines. You are now responsible for leading the way. We have implemented comprehensive air traffic control to lift all the favorable conditions for your landing. HNA flights will take you to the airport." Having said that, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he thought about it, then he was shocked and suddenly said: "Wait await you first, wait for you to say that the driver and the first officer are seriously injured?" There is no automatic driving? Then... who is driving the passenger plane?"


Who is flying?

The people in the command center suddenly thought of this problem, and was shocked.

The stewardess swears and says: "That... what, now, the plane is the teacher of Zhang Jing in Beijing.

“Mr. Zhang Wei? Which one?” The person in charge of the airport was pleasantly surprised: “The teacher of the aviation university? Or which retired passenger pilot or pilot?”

The flight attendant said: "No, Teacher Zhang has been a TV host."



The command center suddenly became stunned

The person in charge of the airport screamed: "You let a TV host fly the plane? What do you think? This is a hundred lives." If there were too many people here, there were many comrades in the public security department. He had already jumped up. Have you got a bag in your head? Have a bag

The stewardess listened to this, and it was also a sense of helplessness. On the plane that Zhang Wei’s plane was flying, the style in which he had to hold the manipulator was to “catch the car”. You thought they wanted Zhang Hao to fly. em

Just like the scene of the HNA aircraft "smashing the car", I was scared by many of them, but what can I do?

"We..." The flight attendant is talking.

But the beep sounded twice.

"Hey? Hello?" The airport official is loud.

The phone is broken, and there is no signal to hit it again.

The person in charge of the airport was in a hurry, and said: "Additional five ambulances and fire trucks are not enough to transfer from the surrounding area."

The leadership of Air China is also blind. Is it a moderator and a pure layman driving a plane? Is the automatic driving broken? Can only be operated manually? Their first reaction is to finish the game. The hope of this life is almost zero. This is the plane. It’s not the place where the motorcycle is open.


Air China plane.

The thinner flight attendant rushed into the cockpit and "contacted the ground."

The older flight attendant turned back, "What about mobile phones?"

"The signal is broken again. I have already reported our situation to the ground. The leader said that let us follow the plane of Hainan Airlines. The airport is already air-conditioned. We are waiting for us." The thin steward gave birth to a hope, but look at that. Sitting in the driver's seat, Zhang Hao, who is extremely unreliable, the hope that just got up disappeared again.

The older flight attendant reminded: "The aircraft of Hainan Airlines has dropped. You see, you are already seeing the airport."

Zhang Wei has already noticed that there is no difference between driving a plane and driving. It feels completely different. Driving a car, your goal is to travel around the world at most. You can drive on the plane. Zhang Hao suddenly has a kind of "my goal is to The feeling of the stars and the sea is so cool. He breathes deeply: "You all go back to the seat, fasten your seat belts. When you descend, you must have a strong sway. You can't stand here."

The fat stewardess’s eyes flashed with tears. "Can we really land smoothly?"

The young man in the eyes of the crew was stagnation and bit his lip. "The plane is the most difficult part of the take-off and landing. Especially this is manual driving. Even the first-class driver who has had one year of operating experience may not be able to do it well. This is to be done. After many years of theoretical study and practical experience..." After so many dangers, the most critical one is now, and he still feels that they have little hope of survival.

The older flight attendant looked at Zhang Wei, her eyes were very complicated and embarrassing. "Our life can be held in your hands, young man, please."

Zhang Weidao: "I try my best."

The older flight attendant hesitated. "If there is something wrong when the plane landed, you are the most dangerous place here. There is almost no possibility of surviving. You want to be clear."

The fat stewardess echoed: "Yeah, you don't want to be in us now, we won't say anything. You tell us how to land. It should be the task of our crew. It shouldn't let your passengers be in danger." ...or else I will come"

The crew youth said: "I am coming here too."

Zhang Wei looked at them, but Da Yi suddenly and solemnly said: "Do not fight, how can my personal life compare with everyone? Even if the most dangerous here, I have to fight to land the plane and protect the lives of the people, I Personal safety is not important"

The crew youth was infected, and Taekwondo said: "It’s too good."

A few flight attendants are also awe-inspiring, and this is the style of this character.

I was still talking with the cabin to stabilize everyone's emotions. The communication was forgotten to turn off, and Zhang Wei’s words were also transmitted to the economic and business cabins behind.

After listening to Zhang Wei’s words, the passengers were moved.

"Mr. Zhang..." A girl’s eyes are red

"The young man, no matter whether it is dead or alive, we all thank you," an old aunt shouted.

A middle-aged woman was also encouraged and shouted: "Yeah, a star, a host, who is sitting in the most dangerous place to **** us, what are we crying?

"Don't cry, don't you?"

"Prayers together"

"To believe in Teacher Zhang"

"Yes, I am sure I can land a successful affirmation."

Everyone was motivated by Zhang Wei’s fearless spirit, and they rekindled their strong desire to survive.

The old flight attendant squeezed Zhang’s shoulder and took the last sentence. “You are careful, if we can all live, then our airline’s flight attendants are all your brain powder. You will calculate a car show. We also go. stand by"

"...How do I feel that you are jealous of me?" Zhang said.

Suddenly, a person came in outside, Dong Shanshan, "Zhang Wei"

Zhang Wei saw him and smiled a little bit miserably. "Come back and sit down."

Dong Shanshan hesitated and nodded slightly. "Be careful."

"I know." Zhang Hao pushed the palm forward.

Then, the crew members all returned to the seats in the cabin.

When the door is closed, only one person in the cockpit is left alone.

No one has seen it, Zhang Yan has burst into tears, your sister, do you think I am willing to stay? If you have a person who knows where the throttle is, my mother won’t sit here and take risks. Isn’t there really no way? If the drivers still have a sigh of relief, my mother will never be more than one of you. I’m running fast, you think I’m stupid.

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