I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 217: [Applause to Teacher Zhang! 】


Hearing the faint joy of the passengers coming from behind, Zhang Ye stared blankly at the front and at the side, sweating in cold sweat for the rest of his life.

Seven meters

It was only seven meters away and crashed into the parked passenger plane

This is really seven meters of life and death. Zhang Ye once thought that he was going to die, because from his point of view, he could see if there were any dead mosquitoes on the fuselage of the opposite plane. Even so close, Zhang Ye was dead. The live horse sang medically, hoping to stop the advancement of the plane, but unexpectedly, a miracle appeared in the end. Zhang Ye stopped the plane by singing "See you at the next intersection".

Divine Comedy

It's definitely a divine comedy

He was all limp in the driver's seat, used his last effort to open the insurance, and opened the door of the cabin passage to facilitate the passengers to get off the plane.He lay there with his head up motionless, without knowing that he was right now. What kind of mood is it? I was so frightened that I almost died without a place to be buried. A thousand words, now Zhang Ye has only one word to say, and that word is-Chun Ge's song is so **** useful. Don’t even mention flying the plane again in the future. As long as there is Brother Chun’s singing and courage, give me an aircraft carrier now.

Rear compartment.

The airport staff in charge of the rescue soon drove the docking ladder over and connected to the opened cabin door, and the rescue team rushed up immediately.

The elderly stewardess interrupted the excited passengers and crew, "first help transport the wounded."


There are three seriously injured people on the plane

After this tribulation, the cohesion of the passengers was very high. No one said much. Hurry up and help the rescue team to lift the wounded off the plane. There were also a few five- and three-thirty passengers who pulled the three fainted hijackers. He got up, escorted off the plane and handed over to the police comrades.

After doing this, everyone got off the plane one by one under command.

Seeing the blue sky and white clouds, seeing the familiar ground, many of the old men who had never shed tears on the plane just almost cried

Good to be alive

A lot of people came over there


"Sister Guo"

"You scared us to death"

More than a dozen friends and colleagues who had been waiting there rushed forward

The fat stewardess and the thin stewardess had sore noses, and suddenly hugged and cried with their sisters

Even the most calm and calm elderly stewardess inside, after seeing the familiar sisters, she was so excited that she shed a few tears

The leaders of the airport and Air China walked over in strides, watching the dangerous posture of the plane just before landing, and after listening to the analysis of several professional retired pilots, they did not expect the plane to land safely, and they were more excited. A middle-aged man came out immediately and said loudly to everyone: "Comrades, you have done a good job. You are not rushed or impatient in the face of emergencies. You have withstood the pressure at the critical moment and avoided economic losses and Casualties, Air China is proud and proud of having a heroic crew like you. You have worked hard."

"Thank you for leadership"

"All should be"

"Actually not hard"

They really didn't work hard, because after the hijacking happened, they had nothing to do

The leader of Air China smiled and said: "Don't be humble, I will give you credit after I go back."

The elderly stewardess hurriedly said, "Leader, we really didn't do anything. This time, someone from the passengers helped a lot." She looked at the hatch of the plane, and the person hadn't got off yet. To be honest, their crew members were really inexperienced and calm when dealing with this incident, and they were panicked. If it weren't for Teacher Zhang Ye to come forward and stand up, it would be really hard to say how it turned out.

"Passenger? Which passenger?" several leaders asked.

"He's still on the plane." The elderly flight attendant said.

"Go, let's go back and talk about it. There are a lot of things to be handled here, and the air traffic control should stop. Don't stay on the runway." An airport person in charge said.

The leader immediately ordered the manpower to help the passengers, and evacuated the passengers, and also asked the flight attendants of the hero crew to go back to rest quickly. But the flight attendants did not leave, and the passengers did not. They looked firmly at the door of the plane, waiting for someone.

For some reason, the scene slowly fell silent.

In the cabin.

Zhang Ye was the last person to stay on the plane.After he came back from the collapsed state, he unfastened his seat belt, took off his earphones, stood up and pushed the door out of the cockpit. Instead of getting off the plane, he held it first. He ran to the bathroom to solve the problem. This crisis of ups and downs almost scared him to pee and he felt again.


All light.

Zhang Ye just walked to the cabin door and prepared to go down, but he stood there with a pause, looking at the dense crowd below in surprise.


"It's Teacher Zhang"

"Ms. Zhang is down"

Everyone is looking at themselves, is this why?

one second.

Two seconds.

Suddenly, Dong Shanshan clapped his hands

Then came the second man, the tenth man, the hundredth man

Many people, including other airports and Air China’s Ministry of Civil Aviation, couldn’t understand, they all glanced at Zhang Ye

There was thunderous applause, everyone clapped for Zhang Ye, and the sound of a hundred applause covered the noise in the airport, as if it was a concert scene.

"Good job"

"Too awesome for you"

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to live."

"I will give you 20% off when I buy a house and look for me in the future."

"Teacher Xiao Zhang, go to grandma's house for dinner when you have time"

"Big Brother Superman, thank you" the little girl said with a grin.

Zhang Ye was flattered and said as he walked down: "You are polite, you are polite, and I did nothing.

When he walked to the ground, the fat flight attendant took the initiative to greet him, "You saved the lives of everyone on our plane, this is nothing? We really don't know how to thank you, um." After that, the fat flight attendant suddenly He smiled and kissed Zhang Ye's cheek, "You are so handsome today"

Zhang Ye snorted.

Not to be outdone, the thin stewardess kissed Zhang Ye's other face with shame.

The older stewardess smiled and walked over, and Yu Crui kissed Zhang Ye on the forehead, "If it weren't for my sister, I would have been married a long time ago, I must have gone with you"

With a lip print on his face, Zhang Ye's face was rarely hot. "Ahem, what..."

"Oh" a lot of people were booing.

Then the warm applause sounded for Zhang Ye again, this is what he deserves

Everyone is sincerely grateful, and they all understand that without Zhang Ye, they would never have a chance to stand here, this is their lifesaver.

The airport leader and surrounding staff also looked at Zhang Ye in amazement, this is the one who stepped forward and landed the plane with one person and saved everyone's lives? Is this too young? The one who flew the plane was really a broadcaster? They couldn't believe it until they confirmed it with their own eyes

On another runway

The Hainan Airlines plane that was in charge of guiding the way also landed. As soon as the plane stopped, the two pilots and several flight attendants rushed over with angrily

The older stewardess looked at them, "Huh? Brother Zhao? Is it your plane?"

Although it is not from a company, I often meet and everyone knows each other. I saw that the HNA pilot also looked at the elderly flight attendant, "Is it your plane?"

The older stewardess smiled, "Yes, thank you very much."

The co-pilot didn’t care, and came up with anger. "You still know to thank us? Your plane has an emergency, we don’t say anything, it’s inevitable for anyone, but we are all in charge of your mother’s leading the way. I've signaled you, why are you still posting so tightly that we posted it so dangerous, do you know? Many of the passengers on our plane were scared and crying. Who of you flew the plane? Isn’t it Lao Zhou? You let him If you show it to me, I have to tell him this, it's too bullying."

The fat flight attendant answered, "Brother Zhou was seriously injured and was just taken away by an ambulance."

The HNA pilot was stunned, "That was driven by the co-pilot? But the co-pilot's skills can't be so bad. Where can we bite our plane's buttocks and follow? You think you are racing."

The fat flight attendant said, "The co-pilot was also seriously injured."

"The flight attendant..." The elderly stewardess took Banu and took Nu Zhang Ye's direction. "It's Teacher Zhang Ye, a famous broadcast host in Beijing."

The HNA pilot sneered, "Come on, who do you fool and push it to laymen? We didn't think about what, that is to say, this matter is too dangerous."

The thin stewardess was dumbfounded: "It's the plane that Teacher Zhang flew."

Seeing everyone with a natural expression, HNA's driver and flight attendants were dumbfounded, "Huh? Autopilot?"

Air China crew members said: "It is manual driving"

The people of HNA looked at each other and stopped talking

If I go to a layman, can he **** manually control the plane to take off and land? No wonder that when they lead the way, they always feel that the plane that is chasing after them has no flight rules at all, but instead is full of driving thinking.

"What the **** is going on?" The leaders of the airport came over, and they just listened to a general idea, and didn't understand it in detail.

People from the public security department also came, and they also need to investigate clearly.

"Let me talk." As everyone walked towards the terminal, the elderly stewardess told the leaders and comrades of the Public Security Bureau, "After the hijacking happened, a gangster took control of the cockpit, and the other two gangsters blocked the door. Besides, they are all masters of Muay Thai. We had ten young and middle-aged passengers who went up and were all beaten back. They were not their opponents at all. They would kill people later..."

The Air China leader inhaled: "Then what do you guys..."

The elderly stewardess gratefully said, "It was Teacher Zhang Ye who blocked them. Later, the cockpit was locked, and Teacher Zhang Ye opened it with a tool, and finally drove the plane to bring us down."

Zhang Ye?

Is it all this Zhang Ye?

So fierce? How many catties of chicken blood did it depend on you?

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