I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 219: [On CCTV news! 】

Zhang Wei’s room is also a business room, but he has to add a word in the middle of the business room. It is a business suite, a living room with a kitchen, inside is the bathroom and bedroom, which is the most end of the floor. First, it is better than others. At first glance, I know that this is a special preferential treatment for Zhang Wei. Zhang Hao has no accidents. I went in for a shower and turned on the TV when I came out.

Seven o'clock.

At this time, basically all satellite TV stations are CCTV news broadcasts.

When the TV opened, the channel above was Shanghai Satellite TV. It was broadcasting CCTV news. Zhang Zhang was going to change the platform, but I thought about it.

The host is a man and a woman, all of them are old anchors.

The male anchor said: "The accident at the chemical plant has caused two deaths and eight injuries."

The female host said: "The cause and investigation of this accident, the relevant personnel are also in progress."

"Below, temporarily insert a news." The male anchor may be watching the word-raising device. This kind of interstitial news will be available in many stations, but the CCTV news broadcast is rarely seen because it is live broadcast or scheduled news in advance. Time is very tight, because the news time is regular every day, there are other programs behind, there is no delay in one second, so unless it is an extremely serious incident, it will not be inserted in the CCTV news. "At 4 pm today, the Air China flight CA1883 from Beijing to Shanghai encountered three gangsters hijacking in the air. The incident caused three serious injuries, eight minor injuries, and three gangsters have been under police control. The case is under further investigation. ”

The female host said: "It is reported that the gangsters had already controlled the cockpit. The situation was very dangerous. It was a broadcast host who stood up and led the passengers to fight against the gangsters and subdued the gangsters. He was also injured by the front and rear driver. In the case of damaged human driving equipment, he sat in the cockpit without fear of death and death, and landed the plane in Shanghai Hongqiao Airport in a thrilling manner, saving nearly 100 passengers. As a broadcaster, we just want to say a word. Words - Teacher Zhang Wei, good kind"

Now that CCTV news is getting more and more open, it is not as rigid as it used to be, so some words allow the anchor to play freely to a certain extent.

On the news?

Did the buddy go to CCTV news?

Looking at the end of the news broadcast, Zhang Wei still has some clouds in the fog, I feel that it is not true. He once fantasized about his own pictures of CCTV news, such as holding a tour in the world, such as the movie box office that starred in his own movie. Billion, but did not think that the first time CCTV will be in this way.


This is CCTV's 7-point news broadcast.

It’s hard to say that the ratings are all right. Every local TV station has to be broadcasted. The number of viewers is very impressive. It’s not a local art station in Beijing.

Also famous

The popularity will definitely go up one level.

Bells and bells, when I entered the house, I was stunned by Zhang Hao’s cell phone thrown on the bed. I used to look at the screen in my hand. It was the number of the landlord’s aunt’s house.

"Hey?" Zhang Hao picked up.

But there is a low voice of Xiaochenchen. "Zhang Wei, you are on the news."

Zhang Haohe smiled. "I know, read, how, my uncle is not very powerful? You let me call you? You let her pick it up."

"大姨..." Chen Chen shouted.

"Through? Give it to me." Rao Aimin's voice is near.

Zhang Weidao: "Auntie, I am fine, you can rest assured."

Rao Aimin said: "When did you learn to fly?"

"Hey, my buddy, I learned to be a self-taught, open and open." Zhang Yi Lehe said.

"Who is the person who robbed?" Rao Aimin asked.

Zhang Hao’s tone was serious. “I don’t know. Listening to the accent is definitely a person of the Republic, but they have two people who play Muay Thai. Kung Fu is not bad.”

"You are not hurt?" Rao Ai Min.

"I? I am hurt? You can be funny, what kind of effort do I have, how many of them can hurt me? I have put them down with three fists and two feet." Zhang Hao boasted a few words, in fact, today is really It was extremely thrilling. He really couldn’t beat those two. If there were so many passengers coming over to help, Zhang Hao really had to explain it there. But obviously, I can’t tell the truth in front of the big sister, or how can I show my heroic strength?

After a few chats, the phone hangs.

Then, the phone of my own family also came over.

"What happened to my son? Just the person who said on the news broadcast is you? Called Zhang Wei, or broadcast host, or fly from Beijing to Shanghai..." Mom yelled.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Mom, it is me, but it's okay."

"You want to scare me and your dad," my mother said.

"I didn't have any trouble, I was unlucky to meet this kind of thing." Zhang Wei knows that it is not a bad luck, but the ghost of the game's difficulty adjustment.

Mom said: "That's not the time you can fly."

"I don't want to go, no one, they won't, I can only go." Zhang Xiao smiled.

My mother shouted: "Is it right? You are a fart. You will be flying a plane, you will drive a plane."

"Who am I, your son won't, and it's not luck, I'm fine, don't worry about your dad."

"Why don't you worry?"

"Just say this, the airport and Air China people still told me to go down to eat."

I was not listening to my mother, Zhang Hao hanged the line, but the phone still did not stop, it is estimated that I just watched the news, old colleagues, old friends, relatives, all of them were called.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

"Oh, I am fine."

"Mr. Zhang, how come you got messed up?"

"Xiao Lu, what you said, what makes me mess up, is the chaos that the gangsters provoked"

Take a dozen calls.

Zhang Jiaozui said that he had broken his skin and hung up the last one. He picked up the mineral water on the table and unscrewed it. He took a bottle and drank it all.

Hey, the doorbell rings.

Zhang Wei went up to open the door, outside is the figure of Dong Shanshan.

Dong Shanshan has obviously taken a shower and has already put on a new dress. It is a one-piece dress, pure white, and the high heels have changed a pair of white. The chest of the clothes is very low, as if the big chest is popping up at any time. The cleavage is deep and the skirt is short. The back is wrapped tightly. It seems that the two beautiful buttocks are about to go out, but finally Still not a little gone, let him see itching

Dong Shanshan said: "Did you read the news?"

"Look, just watch." Zhang Yidao.

Dong Shanshan glared at him. "You are no problem in this four-line artist."

Zhang Yan said: "No, it should be worse."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "With this incident, it is not bad. Do not believe that you can look at the reference data of the star rating this evening or tomorrow morning. OK, just graduate a few months, you will enter the fourth-line artist. The speed at which you grow up is to take the rocket."

Zhang Wei waved: "Oh, you hold me so much, I have no money to invite you to dinner, I am not as good as you, you are beautiful, good shape, even if you are not a host, you must make a movie and make a TV drama absolutely unblocked. Unrestrained, very red, I can't do it. The buddy's appearance is also not related to the protagonist. Which protagonist is not a big eyebrow? Even if the harlequin is ugly, it is characteristic, so I want to mix in the entertainment circle. It’s much harder than you guys. I don’t have anything. I can only slowly explore the way that suits me.”

Dong Shanshan swears at him, "You have talent."

Zhang Yiyi thought, "This is, I don't refute this."

Dong Shanshan snorted. "You are really not humble."

Her makeup was unloaded, but she was coated with a new layer of makeup to match the clothes. The lip gloss on the lips was bright pink, smooth, tender and moist, with a white body skirt. Very well-adjusted, so that Zhang Wei, who had just had close contact with her lips, couldn’t help but want to bite it. The charm of school flowers not only did not diminish, but even as the career became more and more successful, with age The more mature, the whole person's charm is even higher, she feels that every part of her body is very tempting, even the crystal nails painted by her fingers exudes charming charm.

"Let's go." Dong Shanshan chin picks up the elevator direction. "The banquet over there should be open."

"Yes." Zhang Wei and her walked into the elevator, said: "Let's change the phone, I will contact you later."

"Yes, I don't have your mobile phone number yet." Dong Shanshan took out a mobile phone and exchanged numbers with him. Just after the change, her mobile phone rang.

Dong Shanshan did not evade Zhang Wei and picked it up in the elevator. "Hey... Yes, it is me... Well, I have already arrived in Shanghai... Yeah, it’s on that plane... It’s okay, don’t blame you, you guys. I don’t know when I booked the ticket... Well, I will report it tomorrow... Well, the contract will be talked about later... Ok, hang up.

Zhang Weidao: "Would you like to go to the crew?"

Dong Shanshan chuckled: "It’s still the host."

Zhang Weidao: "Hey, still the host? You are not saying that you are going to film in Shanghai?"

Dong Shanshan watched him faintly flashing his **** eyes. "Do I say that?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yan looked stunned: "You told me on the plane?"

"Yes? Well, huh, that's going to the crew, it's wrong." Dong Shanshan changed his mouth again.

Zhang Wei fainted: "Hey, you said that it was the host three seconds ago, so I changed it twice, do you have a truth in your mouth? So many years old classmates, I am still with you." "Where?" When he said this, he thought of the kiss again, so when the elevator door was about to open, he whispered: "And, is that your first kiss?"

Dong Shanshan smiled with his eyes and gently plunged it into Zhang's face, whispering to his ear: "You guess, but guess it is no prize."

The air spit into the eyes of Zhang Wei’s ears, and he tickles him. After another look, Dong Shanshan has stepped out of the elevator at a soft pace.

Zhang Hao had to keep up, but shook his head.

This school flower, I don’t know which sentence in her mouth is the truth.

When I was in college, I heard that Dong Shanshan’s first school flower was not very good. In the class, in the department, in the school, people who like her really like it, especially those who are obsessed with and hate her. I really hated it. When I saw that she wanted to take a sip, Zhang Wei didn’t understand why so many people were quite vocal about Dong Shanshan. Now I’m afraid I just want to understand that Dong’s mouth is itching and imaginary. Really, true and false, listen to her for a long time, you don’t know that her sentence is true, and the word of mouth is good.

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