I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 234: [National hot discussion! 】

Once the advertising film "I Endorse for Myself" was launched, the previous snoring and criticism of Zhang Wei seemed to come to an abrupt end. Many people watched the advertisement with amazement, and there were many people in the industry. It’s different from the activities of Zhang Wei, which was only in the Beijing area, with a shocking gaze. This time, all the major video websites of the whole network are promoted. It is a national or even a worldwide one. You can also see this promotional video by browsing, and the impact will be wider.

Below the video resources where this ad appears, there are countless comments

"It's so cool"

"Zhang Yu teacher, you are the best"

"An advertisement actually heard me yelling."

"I rely on, too cattle, who did this advertising plan?"

"I don't know, yes, I have a separate version of this ad on my video. I will go and see it... ah, you see the end, the producer Zhang Wei is planning Zhang Zhang’s own advertisement."

"What are you talking about? Where are you? How can I not see this advertisement?"

"When you go to a video site and just click on a video, how can you not see it? There should be one in the open two? Will the promotion be quite big?"

"Your sister, my mom is a member of several video sites, or automatically log in, all filter ads, forget, I still want to watch my video to see a separate version."

"This is the response of Teacher Zhang Wei. Hahahaha responded so well. Even if you have a bruise, you must live beautifully."

"I speak for myself? Too bad, your mother is domineering."

"Mr. Zhang’s mighty domineering sideways can’t look directly.”

"It turns out that people who used to be teacher Zhang have been beaten one by one by Zhang. I believe this will not be an idiotic show? I am looking forward to your new show."

"Just rush this advertisement, then I will definitely support it for what talk show."

"Mr. Zhang is really a man of God. When he produced the public service advertisement for saving electricity, he sensationalized the capital and the advertising industry. Is this another one?"

"looks good"

"How do I cry all the time?"

"Me too, tears don't know how to fall down."

"I never watched advertisements before, but this advertisement really touched me and gave me 10,000 praises. You are the most special star I have ever seen. You are different from all other stars."

"Yeah, the advertisement is too bloody. This is Teacher Zhang Wei. It is always so different. It will never bow to anyone. It will never go forward. If you change another star, you will encounter such a question. You must be meager or it will be a reporter. Explain, I want to reverse the image, I want to tell them that their own program is not useless. Tell everyone how good their column is, but Zhang Wei does not, even if there is no public reply to this matter, but your mother Is there a response to an advertising promotion? No, I don’t think it is. Teacher Zhang Wei is not responding. Instead, I’m arguing with everyone, 'I’m doing this program, I’m not convinced you to bite me, — haha, look at this ad. At that time, there were countless times in my mind to make up for Zhang Zhen’s picture of the true nature of the sentence. How many people in the entertainment circle dare to speak like Zhang Wei’s teacher?”

"Hey, Zhang Wei has always had such a personality."

"Just because of this, I like his dare to say that I dare to dare to play and dare to enjoy it."

"That's right, we don't have the guts, we don't have this temper, we can't do it like Teacher Zhang, so we like him."

"Zhang Wei, I love you, I will always support you, don't worry about what others say, you can do the show and let the people see who it is."

"I speak for you"

"Zhang Wei, we all speak for you"

A lot of fans of Zhang Wei finally turned over. They were so overwhelmed by the screams of the gang, and now they all call like a chicken.

Those who are professionally black and sturdy are not very angry at this moment. Even if some people continue to black him without brains, they will soon be overwhelmed. Among them, those who look back at them have appeared without exception. A person’s figure, the big knife brother who has been fighting for 50 years

"You are stupid - forced these two days too busy, didn't go online, and finally caught you. My big knife is yet again, again and again, and again and again, hungry and thirsty."

This passage was made thirty-seven times by the big brother.

As long as there is a slap in the face, the big knife brother will copy and paste it.

Some people were stunned, and many people went to Weibo to manage the report. However, the result of the meager treatment is only to delete or block the words of the big brothers and sisters, but there is no title or ban, but there are several people who are arrogant because they are too fierce.

The big knife brother continued to copy and paste, and when the husband was off, he was still facing them.

Zhang Wei’s fans like it.

"Haha's big brother is really fierce."

“The **** written by Dadao’s personal information is ‘female, is it true?’

"It must be fake. Where is there such a fierce lesbian?"

"Isn't this banned? So big brother seems to have someone above."

"Maybe it's too messy, Weibo administrators can't take care of it?"

The battle was once again high, but this time it was the support of Zhang Wei.

There was a farce over there. Here, there was finally a meager certified professional who spoke. His certification information was written by Xuanyu’s famous advertising planner. I saw him posting in a meager voice: “I am for myself. "Endorsement", just read this advertisement, the mood can not be calm for a long time, so I decided to write something. This advertisement violates a lot of common sense and made a lot of mistakes in advertising professional. If you take it out and analyze it bit by bit, You can find all the mistakes and common sense mistakes in many junk and inferior advertisements. For example, the long story is that this is the most taboo of advertisements, and this advertisement is purely written with long stories, and it is spoken from beginning to end. For example, there is no focus. The main purpose of an advertisement is to highlight the core of the advertisement. What do you want to advertise? What do you want to tell everyone? From this advertisement, it is obvious that his core propaganda should be the column, the talk show. Column, but "I speak for myself" but there is no, only one picture at the end of the picture shows Zhang Wei talk show" at what time broadcast, only one and a half seconds, even the words did not say, Did not mention it"

The meager number of words is limited, and it is broken when hit here.

A lot of fans of Zhang Wei also saw it, and they were about to reply. The man spoke again.

I saw that the advertiser continued: "The error is full, inexplicable, and the speech is unknown. It can be such an advertisement that is full of loopholes and flaws in the eyes of professionals. It is so excellent. There is no doubt that this is the best I have seen this year. Promotional ad"


"God turns."

"I thought you wanted to be a teacher."

"Man, I just want to marry you. Fortunately, after you made a meager hair, I haven’t had time to send it out, I almost misunderstood."

The advertiser posted: "Why do I want to swear Zhang? Teacher Zhang is a genius... No, or he is a genius more accurate. I have not paid attention to other aspects of him. I don't like watching TV variety. I read poetry, but I have seen Zhang Wei’s public service advertisement. I was as shocked as today. Sometimes I have been wondering and wondering why we, people who specialize in advertising, are not as good at broadcasting. The presiding person? I later came to the conclusion that some of the geniuses cannot be measured by common sense. It may be because Zhang Wei is not in the advertising circle, so he can see more clearly. He is not restricted by those inherent thinking. In order to make one excellent advertisement after another, like "I speak for myself", if I don't look at the finished product to see the advertising plan, I believe that as long as a professional is not optimistic about this inexplicable advertisement, with books and The teacher taught us completely contradictions, but Zhang Wei did it. He broke the concept and cognition of many of our advertisers about advertising. Maybe we should reflect on self-reflection, and follow the rules. Inspection, the ad will be able to do? "

At this time, Zhang Wei of the family replied, "Brother, you hold it, I don't have any professional people to do well, I just feel like Hu."

The advertiser didn't seem to think that Zhang Wei would reply to him. He was busy: "Is Zhang Hao teacher deity? Oh, you are too modest, you may not know, you originally used the public service advertisement to talk about and learn in the industry. They are all used as advertising materials, and there is no need for tomorrow for your advertisement today. Today, it should be spread in the advertising circle, and it will definitely be studied and studied by countless advertisers."

Below, several advertisers and management personnel of the advertising company replied, some praised him, and some wanted to recruit him to develop in the advertising circle.

After the last save of electricity ads, some people throw olive branches at him, but Zhang Wei certainly does not intend to go, his dream is the stars of the sea, not in the advertising circle, so once again euphemistically refused.

Online is still hot

"I am speaking for myself" in the video of Wei video, which was released separately, and the click volume is also rising at an incredible speed for everyone.

100,000 clicks

One million clicks

Two million clicks

This is just a single video statistic. Many people are seeing ads from other video sites. This click is not counted.

Even if it is the official program of the Internet TV station, most of the columns have no more than two million hits a day, and this is just an advertising video. No one has thought of it, just an advertisement, just a promotional video, even a specific program. The official content has not appeared at all, but it has detonated the entire network? Attracted such a huge amount of clicks and amazing attention? ?

"My name is Zhang Wei"

"I speak for myself"

This night, this sentence, many people in the country have known the name of Zhang Wei for the first time.

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