I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 244: [The original program can also do this! 】


The title of the show came out.

Zhang Hao picked up the phone and made a busy call.

"Hey, Mom, watch me, broadcast online."

"Advance? Isn't it just tomorrow? But I won't get a computer."

"Oh, the phone is OK, you can find your son by searching for my name on your mobile phone, let my dad look at it."

" OK, I will try."

"Hey, sister."

"Brother, what is it?"

"Look at my show online, don't you tell me about the show?"

"Hey? I’m done so soon? I’ll see it right away, I’ll also inform you about the family’s side.”

"Hey, Hu Ge, I am on the show."

"just now?"

"Yes, it is now broadcasting."

"That's right, we haven't gotten off work yet, let me see."

"You haven't gotten off work yet? Well, then you talked with Xiao Lu Dafei Hou Ge Houdi, they mainly let everyone pick a fault for me. I also said this type of program for the first time. Stones crossing the river, a lot of expressions and speed control may not be in place."

"Oh, well, I will pick you up."

"Cheng, you have pointed out that there is something wrong with you, um, but the show itself is definitely not a problem, haha, it’s really not that I blow Hu Ge, you will know it when you see it."

"Hey, Director Zhao, I am Zhang Hao."

Seven or eight calls were quickly played out.

Zhang Wei informed my parents and my family and former old leaders and old colleagues. The first is to report the results to you, and some people have already said that they will contact them when they come out. It’s also to earn a little of their clicks, even though even if friends go to see more than a dozen dozens of clicks, but the mosquitoes are small and fleshy, Zhang Wei is now looking forward to what the hits of his program can reach. For Internet TV programs, traffic and clicks are life, which is a visual representation of the results. These clicks determine the popularity of Zhang Wei, determine the salary of Zhang Wei, and also determine the advertising fee for the endorsement of Zhang Wei’s program. Pay attention to it

"I am Zhang Wei."

"I feed my own bag of salt."

The spoof's title is over, the picture is everything, the live shot is coming.

"Well, please let us welcome our famous host... Zhang Hao debut" Zhang Huan’s own voice introduces himself, people have not appeared, and the words in the speech claiming to be "famous host" let the audience laugh. The lens also gave the audience a one-and-a-half-second picture.

In the laughter, Zhang Hao was on stage.

"Look at the first fan, the gentlest of that bow, he said that Zhang Hao, I went to your sister, how do you know that his mother still can't make a new column? You don't believe me, don't believe me, your glass, bastard... ...the fans’ concerns and enthusiasm made me very moved, thank you, thank you”


"The third letter, wow, this is a female fan who sent it to me... I want to have a child with you Zhang---please pass this sentence to the teacher Dong Shanshan"


"Ha ha ha ha"

"Dong Shanshan is an Inner Mongolian. It is a bit difficult to do when she is homesick...so every time she wants to be in Inner Mongolia, she goes to the exchange... Look at the endless green."

"I can't do it."

"Hello, hahaha"

"When are you the grassland?"

Finally, in the laughter of everyone and the snoring, Zhang Wei’s talk show ended in the first phase, Zhang Hao thanked, the audience stood up and applauded, and for a long time they did not want to leave. This piece of content has not been cut off, but deliberately added. This is Zhang Yi’s idea and thought. He passed the post-processing and editing of the ditch before he got off work. The reaction and emotion of the audience also Those who can drive the audience to watch the show outside the home are like the sitcoms in China. It’s a truth to say that after a scene, you have to play a bunch of laughter. This involves some things in psychology. It is very important to be concerned with the overall atmosphere.

Then, the production list begins to scroll.

The audience applauded for about nine minutes, it is impossible to put all of them on, so after putting some to avoid too monotonous, the lens continues to hit the audience's face, then the subtitles roll, use the production list to mediate, about twenty seconds later The show finally ends

After reading Zhang Wei, my heart is very satisfied. He feels that the first time he talks about a talk show can be like this, it is quite good.

the other side.

Beijing, a restaurant box.

Jia Yandao of Beijing Radio Station: "I heard that Zhang Wei’s program is ahead of today?"

"What is it for him?" Zhang Ye snorted. "Is it a jump clown to engage in literature, he can do entertainment, what is he?"

The deputy director Jia, who was sitting at the top, shook his head slightly.

The secretary of Deputy Director Jia held the joke of jokes: "Would you like to take a look? See how his so-called talk show is smashed?"

Several people asked about the direction of the deputy director Jia.

I saw Vice Minister Jia nodded. "Look, I want to marry." Just after criticizing Zhang Wei on the Internet, I didn’t know anything. I also said that his program is definitely not good. The director must also have to look at his show, and he must continue to attack Zhang Wei.

So one person took out the tablet, and two or three people took out the phone, and they all opened the column of Zhang Wei, wanting to see him ugly.

Half an hour passed.

The show is finished

Then, no one in the box talks again, as if it is a moment of sorrow.

This show...

At the end, it was a radio female staff who couldn’t hold back. Thinking about the paragraph that Zhang Wei had just said, she was teased and laughed, and immediately felt it wrong. She quickly licked her mouth and went back.

Jia Yan took a look at him.

Zhang Ye put down his mobile phone and said nothing.

Jia’s deputy director’s face is also more ugly and ugly.

The secretary of Deputy Director Jia has racked his brains to pick up the problem. He said: "This talk show is actually the same thing, is it funny? It’s not funny, I see that 80% of the audience are insiders or nurses, no matter what. What Zhang Wei said, they all laughed and applauded."

No one cares about him.

When the secretary saw it, he coughed a scorpion and knew that some of his own words were untenable. He then bowed his head and ate his meal. He did not move.

Vice-President Jia was not in the mood to eat, "Let's go." He said, got up and left.

Everyone looked at each other and also withdrew. They knew that the deputy director Jia’s microblog had criticized Zhang Wei’s words from the perspective of professionals. Now they have all returned to the junk program of Vice President Jia’s own face. As long as it is a person with eyes, you know that the talk show is impossible to succeed? The words of Vice-President Jia have come to mind in everyone's minds. Even if they are not deputy director Jia, they seem to be able to imagine and feel that Vice-President Jia and the former have also been busy arguing about Zhang Jian's Jia Yan and Zhang Ye. The mood of the person, the face is estimated to have been swollen.

Deputy Director Jia was very calm and calm, and took the stairs on the second floor under the box. But the next moment, his steps sold him. Jia’s deputy director was absent-minded and didn’t know what he was thinking. A glimpse of the body, fell from the stairs, and rolled two steps


"Jia Taichang"

"Jia Taichang"

"How are you? Nothing? Is it okay?"

After everyone hurriedly went up to help people, they realized that Jia’s deputy director was calm and his heart was actually blown up by Zhang Wei.

Deputy Director Jia squatted on the ribbed fork, and the sweat was all down. He couldn’t help but swear to vent the bad mood that blocked the limit.

"You are getting up."

"Get up and see if there is anything."

Everyone is surrounded by the deputy director Jia.

Deputy Director Jia stood up under their help, but snorted and snorted, screaming at the ribs, as if they had broken.

The secretary is busy: "Go to the hospital."

Jia Yan urgently said: "I drive the car over"

Deputy Director Jia is also painful and awkward, his face is green, and today is a shameful person.

The same is the capital.

Beijing TV Station Art Channel Office.

After reading Zhang Wei’s talk show, Hu Fei’s face was dumbfounded, and then he slammed his thigh. “This Xiao Zhang’s original program can also do this.” Hu Fei is planning to come out, and the meager certification is famous. Column planner, but he feels like Zhang Wei, in front of his so-called column planner, really can't afford the word "famous"

Xiao Lu’s belly is still laughing, the show is over, but she just can’t stop, she’s been laughing for more than a minute.

Hou Gedao: "I have to go to Teacher Zhang to be against the sky."

"It’s just against the sky. This is the form of creating a new entertainment program in the country." Hou Di is also full of admiration.

Dafei laughed and said: "If Taiwan does not dismiss Teacher Zhang, this program may be ours. I don't know what it would be like to see the leaders of our Taiwan and those who don't like Zhang Wei's other provincial and municipal TV stations. At the beginning, Zhang Jian was looking for a job. I can imagine that if a provincial TV station gave him an olive branch, even if he was not allowed to let the video channel, even if he was only invited to the provincial level, he would definitely pick it up. The result? Everyone puts a Jinshan don’t, so all the TV stations have blocked Zhang Wei’s teacher. At the end, the Internet TV station has been cheap, and Zhang Wei’s talk show is broadcast. I don’t know how many TV station leaders regretted the intestines. It’s all green.”

Xiao Lu stopped laughing and said: "Yes, I am really happy for Teacher Zhang. Teacher Zhang once again proved his own strength and ability. Those who questioned him must be green."

Hu Fei is also a pity. If he didn't have such a big voice, he couldn't change the decision of the Beijing TV station leader. He wouldn't let go of his death. Now Zhang Yan has such a shocking new look. The column is definitely a sea-flying sky, and Hu Fei thinks that even if the leader of the persuasion station is now letting Zhang Hao come back, Zhang Wei may not be willing, hey, sorry.

Now in the station, they are always recruiting people, dig people, and want to expand the host's team to create some new columns to grab market share with other TV stations. In Hu Fei's view, they even have five ten hosts in the station. Come... not as good as Zhang Wei.

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