I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 298: [Nobody can dare to talk about "Dream of Red Mansions"! 】

More than nine o'clock.

class has ended.

Zhang Yongzheng and Wu and the dean of the department and others left, and as a result, they just stepped down from the podium, and Zhang Wei was surrounded by students.

"Teacher Zhang"

"Can I sign it?"

"You take a photo with me, I am your fan."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I have a literary problem. I want to ask you about it. Do you have time to go to class? Can you please have dinner at noon?"

"I have to ask for advice"

"I also have major literary problems."

More than half of the students are gone, and many people still have classes. A small number of students left behind are very hot. There are men and women, women are mostly, surrounded by Zhang Wei and asked about the West. Zhang Wei did not end up in the end. He said that he did not sign the name of the students who requested it. The group photo did not agree. This is the university campus. President Wu has not gone far, and the photo is not suitable. .

Wu Zeqing stepped on the high school to step out of the classroom and smiled. "Let's go, wait for Xiao Zhang."

Chang Kaige looked back a few times, his expression shook his head helplessly. "How come the signature, this is also the students, and this little teacher, hehe.

Professor Haha laughed and said: "This shows that Teacher Zhang is very popular and can be a good match with students."

Chang Kaige smiled and waited for Wu’s principal to go far. He once said, “I’m old, I always have a kind of premonition to make trouble.”

Professor Zeng said: "Let Zhang Yulai teach, it may be an attempt by the school."

Another teacher said: "Now that I have been in trouble, I have just met the students for the first time. This is not yet in class. Teacher Xiao Zhang has openly questioned the textbook review in the education sector. I really have to wait for tomorrow. I still don't know what he has to say about earth-shattering. I am also worried. Zhang Yi will come, our Chinese department of Peking University may be difficult to clean. This industry knows, the mouth can say anything."

They talked about leaving.


After Zhang Hao had coped with the enthusiastic students, he also found a head to leave, but he went far away from the classroom, but found a small tail followed. Ok? Isn't this the first girl to ask? I saw her early on the stall.

Stopping the steps, Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Is there something?"

Yao Mi hippie smiled and greeted him, "Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Yan sweated a bit and said: "How do I become an uncle? Call me also called Zhang Ge, I am not older than you, not so old."

Yao Mi said: "You can be a senior here. You and my dad are brothers and sisters. I can't bark my brother. I must be called an uncle."

Zhang Yizheng feels that this long, very characteristic but not pretty girl is familiar with it. "What is your father?"

Yao Mi said loudly: "My father Yao Jiancai."

"嘿哟" Zhang Weicai suddenly realized, "I said that your eyes are like a friend. It turned out to be the child of Lao Yao. He told me about it, but I didn't say that you were a big student. OK, Yao Yao It’s quite deep, I didn’t expect to have such a smart daughter, you call?”

Yao Midao: "I am Yao Mi."

Zhang Weidao: "How big is it?"

Yao Midao: "This year's sophomore."

Zhang Weidao: "Yes, there is something you are looking for."

Yao Midao: "Hey, then I can take credits for Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I didn't know how to take the exam when I first came. I can't do this, but I can listen to my class. I can guarantee you the credits."

"That's good." Yao Midao.

As he spoke, Zhang Huan remembered the key thing. "Exactly, I also want to talk to the students in our class. What did your former Professor Wang and "Classic Masterpiece Appreciation" teach?"

Yao honey seriously thought, "Is some masterpieces, such as the Three Kingdoms, such as the otters, such as the Journey to the West, and some classic classics, mainly domestic, foreign appreciation is another course, there are other teachers, ah, But that was Professor Wang’s lectures in the past few years. This year, Professor Wang gave us two classes, talked about three countries, talked about a little bit of water, and the rest was gone."

Zhang Wei probably got to know, "What do you want to hear?"

Yao Mi smiled and said: "Are you not the three countries?"

"In addition to the three countries? You don't have to take care of me. You say that you and other students, what do you want to hear from mainstream opinions? Which one is interested in?" Zhang asked.

"This ah..." Yao Mi licked his lips. "The most interesting, it must be a dream of the building."

Zhang Wei accidentally said: "Oh? Everyone is this idea?"

Yao Midao: "At least I am, I like the red building too much, the love inside is too beautiful, and there are not many people talking about Lou Meng. Even Professor Wang has never said it. I have heard a few of them." The sister of the school said that Professor Wang taught the elective courses of "Classical Masterpieces Appreciation" for so many years. At most, he simply mentioned the achievements of "Dream of Red Mansions", but he did not elaborate on it at one time. Some people asked about the related problems of Lou Meng. Professor Wang is also a passing, and seems to be less willing to say this famous book."

Zhang blinked. "This way, Cheng, I know."

"You really want to talk about the dream of the building?" That would be great." Yao Mi wants to hear.

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Not necessarily. I will go back and think about it. I am also ready to talk about it. If you succeed, you should go back and prepare for another class. I will withdraw."

Yao Mi waved his hand. "You are busy, see you Uncle Zhang."


Outside the Chinese campus.

Zhang Wei is going to go home. Tomorrow is the first day of the class. He doesn't even know what to order. Naturally, he has to go back and prepare.

Next to the small garden.

A middle-aged man is smoking, seeing Zhang Wei and calling him, "Mr. Xiao Zhang."

Zhang Wei looked at the strange and familiar, like one of the teachers who had just sat in the first row under his classroom with President Wu. "Hey, hello."

"Come on?" Professor Zeng handed over a cigarette.

Zhang Wei picked up and said, "I just came, still... are you?"

Professor Zeng said with a smile: "My surname is Zeng, teach history, you told me to be old."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "The old man did not dare to call, Professor Zeng, you did not have a class to smoke?"

"No, I am waiting for you." Professor Zeng smiled. "Let's interact on Weibo, forget?"

Zhang Yiyi stunned, and then suddenly slammed his head. "I remembered it. It turned out to be you. When I first broadcast "Three Kingdoms", many people questioned me and thanked you for your support." For helping him. People, Zhang Wei certainly has an impression. This is the professor of Peking University’s history of microblogging. He personally sent Weibo to support Zhang Wei and affirmed the historical authenticity of Zhang Yipin’s Three Kingdoms. Authoritative speech has also caused many people to dispel doubts. Zhang Yike always wanted to thank him.

Professor Zeng took a cigarette. "I said it at the beginning. With your historical accomplishment, it is more than enough to teach at the university. Sure enough, it seems that I don’t think so alone, President Wu is very optimistic about you."

Zhang Weidao: "You all love it."

Professor Zeng was curious: "I heard that President Wu was only found in these two days. You are going to class tomorrow, and you may have a ten-day big class. Are you ready?"

Zhang Wei leaned on the flower bed. "There is a general idea. I want to go home and prepare. I may have to run the library. The time is very tight."

“What are you talking about?” asked Professor Zeng.

Zhang Weidao: "First set the dream of the building."

Wen Yan, Professor Zeng, "Do you want to talk about the dream of the building?"

Zhang Yan said: "It should be, the students seem to want to listen, and the previous Professor Wang did not talk about this. I took the class of Professor Wang and wanted to talk about something new."

Professor Zeng laughed. "You are really courageous."

Zhang Yi does not understand, "How can I call my courage? Lou Meng" can't talk?"

This is not a book forbidden today, can't you talk about it? And your mother is not "Jin Ping Mei"

Professor Zeng annihilated the cigarette **** and threw it into the trash can. He said, "You really don't know if you are confused or not, Xiao Zhang teacher? Lou Meng" is not impossible to talk, but few people dare to speak, because it is too difficult, you I thought that Professor Wang didn’t talk about it alone? You look at the programs on TV, how many experts dare to talk about the dream of the building? There are other universities, basically the tone is unified, as far as I know, the whole country No literary lecturer at a university dares to tell the students about the dream of the building. Everyone can avoid it and avoid it. Even if it is said, it is just a small part of the story. Some details are even some of the main plots. No one dared to analyze it carefully, so gradually no expert professor dared to touch it."


Why not dare?

What happened to this book?

Zhang Wei is really not understanding. In his world, Lou Meng is the head of the four famous books. There are countless people talking about it. The most famous one is "Liu Xinwu reveals the secret of the Red Mansion", and there is also a Liu Xinwu in the "100 homes." In the pulpit, the story of the dream of the building after the 80s, this can cause a lot of heated discussion in his world. The ratings are also comparable to the "Easy in the Three Kingdoms".

Professor Zeng looked at him and said: "Mr. Zhang, you don't take risks, I don't doubt your literary level, but the dream of the building" can't be elaborated. If you elaborate, there will be problems. People are questioned, um, I am teaching history. I don't have a detailed study of classical literature, so I can't explain too much to you. You can go back and check it. My suggestion is that you are talking about the Three Kingdoms. This is your masterpiece. It’s a pity. I believe that President Wu has asked you to come to the fire, and I also took a fancy to your understanding of the Three Kingdoms and the way of humor."

Zhang Wei’s handkerchief: “I have already said in the Three Kingdoms TV station in Beijing. I have to express it very well. I am not going to say anything that is repeated.”

Professor Zeng reluctantly said: "You can't think of this idea. Teaching students is a process of repeated repetition. I have taught books for so many years. Every time I bring new students, I repeat the lectures and some theories. This is a long-lasting thing, Teacher Zhang, you really have to listen to my advice, even if you don’t talk about the Three Kingdoms, don’t touch the dream of this building."

Still don't understand

Is Loud Dream so scary?

"Make me remember, OK, I still have a paper to go, go." Professor Zeng strolled away.

Zhang Wei’s curiosity is getting more and more hanged, and I still don’t believe in evil. He immediately went home and was ready to check the red study of the world.

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