I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 798: [The filming of "Tongue" is over! 】

Hu Fei hung up.

Before boarding the plane there, Zhang Ye received another surprising call from Chen Guang’s wife and famous singer Fan Wenli.

"Director Zhang, are you busy?" Fan Wenli seemed to be on the street.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I'm not busy, just waiting to get on the plane. What's wrong with Sister Fan?"

Fan Wenli's tone was a little embarrassed, "There is something, I think I need to tell you first, I discussed it with Lao Chen, and Lao Chen also asked me to say hello to you first."

Zhang Ye was startled, "Huh? What's the matter?"

Fan Wenli said, "Dancing Lightly invited me to join, and I agreed."

Zhang Ye really didn't expect this. Why did the dance show invite Fan Wenli? There should be more suitable candidates, right? After all, Fan Wenli is the eldest sister in the music world. Although she is very popular, she can dance a simple dance, but it has nothing to do with dance, right?

But when I thought about it, Zhang Ye was relieved. Does it matter if he is a dance professional? In fact, how many audiences who actually watch "Dancing Lightly" really understand dance art? In Zhang Ye’s many dance shows in the world, let alone singers, even crosstalk actors have joined the dance show judges. The main reason is the popularity and stage temperament. Fan Wenli looks beautiful and can Jump a few times, regardless of whether you are professional or unprofessional, you always have eyesight. After all, you are an artistic star who has climbed to this position. He has also been a teacher before, and his skills in this area will not be too bad. "Dancing" is also quite appropriate to find her to join. In addition, Fan Wenli is also the guest tutor of CCTV’s just-concluded variety show "Good Voice", and invited her to join. Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye also want to use Fan Wenli to hold and continue the audience of "Good Voice". Successfully pick up the gear.

All things considered, Lao Fan is really a good candidate.

Of course, one thing can be seen. The column group of "Dancing Lightly" must have invited Zhang Yuanqi to fail, or else he won't find Lao Fan in second place.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "How much is it? We can't go if it is less."

"Similar to "Good Voice"." Fan Wenli said nonchalantly.

Zhang Ye nodded, "That's okay, what else do you need to say hello to me? "Dancing Dancing" should have a good audience rating, and the publicity will be lively. You will be a guest teacher to help your popularity, and the franchise fee is still quite high. Why not go?"

Fan Wenli said: "Everyone knows that you have a poor relationship with Chen Ye and they have also played on Weibo. Besides, if this program doesn't show that thing, it should be yours in fact, so..."

Zhang Ye interrupted: "Oh, Sister Fan, are you going to get it right? We've been getting along for a long time. I have this cautious image in the eyes of you and Lao Chen?"

Fan Wenli also smiled upon hearing this, "That's not it."

"Isn't it over?" Zhang Ye didn't really think about it, and joked: "You just go steadily, but don't give them too much effort. It's almost enough. A few good things, they won’t appreciate it if you work hard."

Fan Wenlile said, "I'm relieved to hear you say that, but if you don't leave, even if the initial fee is doubled, I am actually willing to appear on the show you directed."

Zhang Ye said immediately: "You can rest assured Sister Fan, we have opportunities for cooperation in the future."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye shook his head and smiled, another hypothesis of "If I didn't leave"? He had heard this several times in a short time.


Of course he did not leave, but everyone thought he was gone. All the media, colleagues and viewers thought that after he was thrown on the CCTV record channel, he lost the qualification to compete with other variety shows for the championship, and automatically gave Zhang Ye to "Ignore" it. But Zhang Ye has never thought so. Who said that the prerequisite for the ratings and the national ratings championship at the same time must be a variety show type entertainment TV show? Except for variety shows, all types of TV programs are not eligible to compete for the ratings championship?

Ha ha.

Maybe this was the case before, but not necessarily in the future!

Zhang Ye will tell everyone this time to fight for the ratings champion? Documentaries are the same! Wait for the day when "The Tip of the Tongue" airs, just wait to be surprised!


Zhang Zuo turned his head, he probably heard Zhang Ye say, "Director Zhang, Teacher Fan Wenli also joined "Dancing Lightly"?"

The other film crew of "Tongue" also looked over.

Zhang Ye had nothing to hide, so he said, "I'm sure, Lao Fan called me to let me know."

"Sister Fan really went?"

"Damn, then their lineup is too strong!"

"With Teacher Fan joining, the popularity of "Good Voice" has to be continued by them!"

"Director Zhang, let's just watch it like this?"

"Yeah, I'm really unwilling! It's so annoying!"

"What can we do if we don't watch it? We are all reduced to doing documentaries now! We can no longer compete with them in the ring! We don't even have tickets now!"

"It's annoying!"

Everyone tells me what it feels like to be robbed of the show itself is uncomfortable, and what makes them even more uncomfortable is that these people who robbed their show are still jumping on the TV and media every day, and they can’t even see it!

Zhang Ye was very calm and said, "Okay, don't complain. They toss theirs. Let's take ours. There is no conflict. I just thought about the itinerary and added another scene from Wuyi Mountain. Don't worry, just record it in the last shot."

Zhang Zuo was stunned, "Director Zhang, the plan before co-authoring is half the content?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Anyway, we are not short of money, so we will shoot more episodes."

Zhang Zuohan said: "Ten million is a lot, but if this continues, I am afraid that ten million will not be enough to spend. Are we doing a large-scale documentary?"

"The money is almost the same, I have a good idea." Zhang Ye said.

Previously, Zhang Ye’s plan for Yan Tianfei and his staff was the content of the first season of "A Bite of China". Because the explosion of the lucky halo brought them 10 million production funds, Zhang Ye also changed his plan at that time. He plans to shoot the second season of "The Tip of the Tongue" together. The mission has doubled and the scene has doubled. So these days, he is adding the schedule bit by bit. The three shooting groups are the same.

As for how to merge "Tongue 1" and "Tongue 2"? Zhang Ye has already made plans. The easiest way is to reduce the humanistic lens in "Tongue 2". The difference between the first season and the second season is actually not that big. The only difference is the strength of the humanistic lens. The second season is much more. Some netizens commented that "Tongue 2" is not as good as the first season. It is because there are too many descriptions of humanities and less food. But let's not say that this point of view is not objective. Since we have to put "Tongue" 1 "Tongue" in one breath "2" was all shot into one film. Naturally, it shouldn’t be too abrupt as a whole. Food is the most fundamental selling point of the "Tongue" series. So Zhang Ye will definitely let "Tongue 2" to accommodate, maybe this little one. Changes, but will make the ratings to a higher level.

The ratings of "Good Voice" are against the sky. It has won a lot of records in this world and won the top ratings of national variety shows. Everyone is amazed, but Zhang Ye is not so satisfied. I know that the two worlds cannot be compared, but the ratings of "Good Voice" on this earth are still much worse than that on the earth before. This is caused by various reasons such as the variety show environment and viewing habits. Now it is useless to say this. Up. Zhang Ye's current expectations for ratings are all placed on "Tongue"!

There can be no more "discounts"!

This time "The Tip of the Tongue" must be foolproof, and even Zhang Ye hopes that "The Tip of the Tongue" can be superbly performed on this earth. It has this ability and also has this condition!

Once on the earth, the first part of "The Tip of the Tongue" was very slow. At the beginning, the ratings were extremely low, and then it exploded because of the amazing word-of-mouth. When it came to the second part of "The Tip of the Tongue," the ratings ushered in a peak. But the point to be explained is that Zhang Ye used to be the world's "Bite of the Tongue", but there was no publicity, no star, insufficient funds and even poor broadcast time. At this point, Zhang Ye is not going to copy it as it is!


I will promote it to you!

No star?

I personally do the narration for "Tongue"!

Insufficient funds?

I use more money than the original version to smash the lens one by one to make the lens picture more perfect!

Broadcast time?

"Dancing Flirting" is broadcast at what prime time, we will broadcast at what time!

I will give you what you want, and I will give you what you don’t have. Zhang Ye has no other extravagances, and hopes that the ratings of "Tongue" will explode!

With this expectation and persistence, the filming work is proceeding in an orderly manner!

Along the way, various things happened frequently, such as equipment failure, personal injury, the plane could not take off late, the film crew was trapped in the mountains due to the weather, etc. Zhang Ye brought his team to overcome one by one. I have never relaxed for every shot, and it can even be said to be harsh. Many shots are already very good. Even Tong Fu and Huang Dandan, who work on Channel 14 and professional documentaries, think they are perfect, but Zhang Ye doesn’t know. I don’t think it works for some reason. A shot is sometimes repeatedly retaken dozens of times. Once I went to sea with a boat to record a fishing shot. One set of shots was not recorded even after more than 30 times. Finally, I waited until the weather turned clear the next day. The recording of that set of shots was completed when the sun came out. It can be said that a flaw is not allowed!

This is Zhang Ye's attitude towards art, and it is also the meaning of his existence as the chief director.

Documentary is not like a variety show. The latter is entertaining, while the former is art. It is impossible to make do!


Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

The end of November.

It's winter, the weather has cooled down, and snow has fallen in many places.

The second film crew in Anhui completed the shooting task first. Almost at the same time, the third film crew in Jiangsu also completed all the filming work of their group!

That day.

Zhang Ye and the first film crew of the team recorded the last set of shots of the Wuyishan trip!

As Zhang Ye finished work with excitement, everyone cheered!

"It's done!"

"it is finally over!"

"Buy it! Too tired!"

"I can go home! Long live!"

"Two months! It's finally finished!!"

The film crew almost burst into tears, these days, they are not easy!

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