I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 817: [Advertising two hundred million! 】

Sunday, early.

When Zhang Wei was still asleep, the news of "The Tip of the Tongue" was still bombing. It has not stopped since yesterday morning. The morning report of this morning is no exception.

"The tip of the tongue wins the first! 》

"The ratings are tied for the championship, a black horse that no one thought of!" 》

"Zhang Wei opened a new era of documentary! 》

"The spring of the documentary is coming? 》

"The continuation of Zhang Wei's viewing miracle! The tip of the tongue is great! 》

"The tip of the tongue under the HD lens! Awaken the memory of taste! 》

"The full analysis of the tip of the tongue, explain the powerful features of Zhang Wei's shooting techniques! 》

"The first documentary in history has been born!" 》

"I am honored, I am witnessing history, a history of documentary! 》

"Is the unpopular documentary that has been silent for decades, is it awakened by Zhang Wei? This waking lion can continue the miracle of ratings again in the next week? Let us wait and see! 》

This morning, the number of news and public opinion about "The Tip of the Tongue" was the same as that of "The Dance". For the first time, the "Tip Tips" column and the CCTV Channel 14 did not spend any money. !

Netizens are also constantly brushing the screen!

"Ah, still can't believe it!"

"All the stars in the entertainment circle have one count, and I will marry him!"

"Me too, this time completely served him!"

"The fans of "The Dancing Dance" actually came to the black "Tip Tip", actually said that Zhang Hao is not good? I just laughed, did they not know this group? Zhang Wei is the first to direct a documentary. Ah! This is his first cross-border documentary!"

"The brains and the disabled, the big brothers will give them back!"

"Zhang Wei fans group leader knife brother - still so powerful!"

"I didn't like Zhang Wei before, but after reading "Tip Tips", I didn't hesitate to turn the powder immediately! I like this documentary too much! It's awesome!"

"me too!"

"Chen Ye's name and popularity are also good, and it is quite fierce to be touted, but knowing the knowledge, Zhang's ability is really not comparable to Chen Ye, not a magnitude!"

"This is nonsense, on talent, who is comparable to Zhang Wei in the whole entertainment industry? If Zhang’s face value can be half of Huo’s leader, it is estimated to be a first-line star!”


"Mr. Zhang can grow up too. Anyway, I feel that I am okay when I see it, and the more I look at it, the more pleasing I am, I am Zhang Min’s brain powder!"



Zhang Wei in the dream was awakened.

"Zhang Hao, get up." is Chen Chen.

Zhang Yan turned over and turned her back to her impatiently. "Don't make trouble, go."

After a while, Chen Chen pushed him around and said: "Zhang Wei, get up, Grandma let me call you, you should go to work."

The mother also entered the house. "Hurry up and go to work early."

Zhang Wei couldn’t help but laugh: "What time is it? I am going to go late today, don't worry."

"Every eight o'clock is not in a hurry?" Mom urged: "Hurry up, go to the unit to work early, don't sleep late, your new program just got a shot, you still don't hurry to consolidate and consolidate? If the week is overtaken by "The Dance", how many shameful? This time, your two shows are tied for the first time. You don't know how many people are waiting to see you win the game? Get up!"

Dad and the living room said: "Your mother is stimulated, huh, huh, I was swaying with the outside last night. There is a neighbor on the opposite floor saying that "The Dance" is better than the "Tip Tip". Your mother heard it. I’m battling for a long time, if not surrounded by a group of old residents, your mom almost hits people.”

Zhang Yuhan said: "Mom, I don't know."

My mother shouted: "Why don't you say that my son's program is not good? Look at her eyes!"

I never thought that it was her own, but the ratings of "Tip Tips" were really changed. It also changed many people's views on traditional documentaries. The most interesting phenomenon is that all people who read "Tip Tips" at the beginning thought that only they love to watch, others will definitely not buy documentaries. In the end, they only know that everyone thought so. Everyone is here. Look!

Zhang Wei, who was taken out of the bed by his mother, could only eat breakfast and went to the unit bitterly.


More than nine o'clock.

Just entering the door of the column office, Zhang Hao was blocked.

"Zhang Dao!" It was a young woman of about 30 years old. "I am the advertising manager of Tiantian Food Group. My name is Xu. Can you talk to you about "Tip Tips"..."

She hadn't finished yet, and she came up with a middle-aged man. When she came over, she took Zhang Jian's hand. "Zhang Dao, I am the old congratulation of the hawthorn drink. We cooperated when you "Good Voice". Do you still remember? The advertising space of "The Tip of the Tongue" must be left for us. It’s all old friendships. You don’t want to give us a piece of it!

Someone said: "Zhang Dao, can you ask how much the title right?"

"Zhang Dao, can you speak in one step?"

A group of companies and manufacturers of people surrounded Zhang Wei!

Zhang Wei can't cope with it anymore. "Everyone said one by one, I can't answer you like this. The advertising space has a special person responsible, and the procedure is all right." Saying, facing the crowd outside the Haqiqi Road "Sister Ha, hurry up and say hello, or arrange someone to go to the conference room, let's talk about it!"

Haqiqi and Zhang Zuo are busy with their communication.

Zhang Yan said: "How come so many people?"

Haqiqi smiled bitterly. "There was a business to advertise last night. At that time, it was talked to the 14th channel. But in the morning, Director Yan sent a message, saying that all the advertising matters of "The Tip of the tongue" are due to our column group. I made my own decision, so I just came to see you. I originally wanted to put the advertisers in about one time. Let’s talk one by one, but who knows that everyone can’t wait, all the brains come! After all, our program has already started, and They have broadcast two episodes, and they are naturally anxious."

"We can't stop it." Zhang Zuo added: "The earliest advertiser, came at five in the morning, and I don't know how to get into the door to our office area, let's have a night shift staff Xiaosun. After chatting for a few hours, I talked to Xiao Sun." After that, Zhang Zuo laughed.

Xiao Wang came up and whispered: "There are a few other advertisers who have contacted the original sister when the "Tip Tip" was not broadcast. At that time, we died and we ran through our mouths, and the gangs did not. Buying our ads, it’s good now, you can’t sell them!”

Zhang Hao shook his head and smiled. "This is not true. The ratings have not come out before. People don't know whether our programs are good or bad. There have never been precedents for documentary titles. The risk of investing in advertising is definitely affirmed. It will be very big. We can't ask people to help us spread the risk. Isn't it reasonable? Everyone who wants to buy an advertisement now can do it. We all welcome it and treat it equally."

Xiao Wang’s thumbs up, “I’m still introducing the atmosphere.”

meeting room.

The advertisers are all there, and they have a big table and a total of more than twenty representatives.

When Zhang Yi came in, those people rushed to talk, but Zhang Wei said: "Everyone listens to me first, I know your intentions. Of course, we are welcome to raise the hands of advertising investment, but "Tip Tip" is A documentary is not the same as other variety shows, so we have our own rules for bidding for advertisements. Do you want to sit down quietly and listen to me first?"

"You say."

"You please speak."

"No matter what the rules, our company definitely set an advertising space!"

Zhang Wei said: "First of all, we do not accept the advertisement in the content of "Tip Tips"."

Everyone is wrong.


"How do you broadcast it?"



Zhang Wei continued: "Secondly, "Tip Tip" has already been recorded and will not be turned on again. Therefore, we want to pass the disguised advertising content of your company's food or ingredients. We will definitely not be able to accept it. I have to be responsible for my film. Be responsible for art."

There are two companies whose agents are obviously dark.

The people of other companies also smiled and did not fall. They said that the other programs that meet other people’s advertisements are more and better. If they are full, they can find ways to add more to you. Who will pay with them? Can't you go? Who earns more first? However, Zhang Wei and the "Tip Tips" column are good. They sent a group of people to send money. People still pick and choose, and they still have to set rules.

But nothing!

Who makes people a movie fire! Who makes people a cow - forced!

After the ugly words were finished, Zhang Wei made a turn of the voice and introduced the advertising model of "Tip Tips". They all helped the advertisers to maximize the promotion of the program, and also briefly introduced the price and location of several types of advertisements.

At the end of the day, a group of advertisers came to the conference room, the number has reached forty people, and behind them are more than forty companies, and definitely not a small business small workshop, dare to come to the tip of the tongue. If the column group buys advertisements, the company size is absolutely not small, and small companies can't afford this price.

Finally, after some bidding, a series of advertisements of "Tip Tips" were all sold out!

The two titles are spent twice, not the exclusive title, but the two title companies add a total of one million yuan. The second category of authorized advertisements sold out three times, and the time slots before and after the 14th channel of "Tip Tips" were sold for 13 advertisements! In the end, several advertisers saw that the price was too high, and they simply bought the "Tip Tip" on Saturday and Sunday replay time. On the Internet side, three video websites came over and finally sold them to the one with the highest bid, giving them the right to broadcast the Internet. However, there is a premise that the network broadcast of "Tip Tip" will be delayed. It takes two hours to release video resources - this is for viewing ratings.

After talking about it, although Zhang Wei did not calculate accurately, it is obvious that the total amount of advertising may be an astronomical number. Although most of the companies are related to the food and beverage brewing industry, they did not find the "good voice" to buy advertisements. There are many companies, but you should know that "Tip Tips" is a rare food show that meets the propaganda temperament of these companies. They naturally will spend more.

For example, if a beverage company sells eight million ads, they may hesitate to hesitate, but if the tip of the tongue sells eight million, they definitely want to take it down because of the tip of the tongue. The style is in line with them. This kind of publicity effect is twice the result with half the effort. It is naturally popular. Others want to find a program like "Tip Tip"? Not at all!

Even Zhang Hao received a phone call from a friend.

It was written by the essayist Ci Xiufang, "Xiao Zhang."

"Hey, Mr. Ci." Zhang Wei is very polite.

Ci Xiufang said: "Someone asked me to help me with a line. Is there any advertisement for "Tip Tip"? The second class and the third class are also OK, leave one for my friend? I am a small one, she let me help, I also Can't help, can't you see your side is not convenient? Nothing is fine, I told her."

Zhang Hao touched his nose and said: "Just sold out, but you have to speak, I definitely have to give you face, OK, I study and research, how can I help you squeeze out one, you let your friends contact me. ""

Ci Xiufang smiled and said: "That's a thank you, I owe you personal feelings."

“You can be polite.” Zhang Wei said: “You have to give us an advertiser, I have to thank you.”

"Get it." Ci Xiufang said with a smile: "Other people's programs may be like this, but how can you watch the program directed by Xiao Zhang? It must be the advertisement that the advertiser robbed you. It is not late!"



Sign the contract.

After all the things are done, the statistics of the people in the column group are all scared!

All the advertising and broadcasting rights of "Tip Tips" sold a total of 197 million, nearly 200 million! !

Haqiqi swallowed!

Zhang Zuo looked at the string of figures in a daze!

The original 14th channel people are even more unbearable. This group of people who have been doing traditional documentaries have seen so much money, and they are all dumbfounded!

Tong Fu was excited: "There is money, we finally have money!"

Huang Dandan said that he didn’t see that we have money, so I remembered it again? I thought about moving our money to CCTV?

Wu Yidao: "Impossible, the big red fire of "Tip Tip" has swollen the face of a Taiwanese leader who has a buttocks to CCTV. The face is thick and thick, and it won't do it!"

Xiao Wang said with excitement: "Who could have thought that we could make so much money in a documentary? The advertising fee for "The Dance" is just that?"

Tong Fudao: "Two billion! Dreaming!"

Haqiqi smiled and said: "This time, we can finally make a kind of propaganda for our documentary! This money, we have waited for too long!"

The news is gone, there is no impenetrable wall!

- "China on the tip of the tongue is mad at two billion! 》

- "The name of the tongue is one hundred million, a total of nearly 200 million, with a flat dance advertising fee! 》

- "A miracle in the interpretation of 10 million low-cost documentaries! 》

The media report has caused an uproar!

Tip of the tongue!

Tip of the tongue!

Tip of the tongue!

Countless people are crazy!


[Recommended a friend's fantasy "The Kingdom of God": the 100-year battle between the Taoist Kingdom of God and the Great Qin Dynasty, the ultimate collision between the ancient gods and the belief incense! Faith is still worshipping, is it a sentient being or a force? Small ants gather together, can they also push down the mountains that never stand up! 】

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