I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 825: [Calligraphy "沁园春雪" (below)]

At the scene of the calligraphy competition, the atmosphere is becoming more and more active.

"Xu Dao, I have to learn to write with you."

"This "Yuan Yuan Chun" is very well written."

"Xu Xu, this word is for me!"

"That can't be done, I want it too!"

"I booked first, haha, no one should grab me!"

The female person in charge of a column of the seventh channel is very familiar with Xu Yipeng. When she goes directly to Xu Yipeng, she will put this "Yuanyuanchun-Mei" in the bag. The game is not over yet. The judges selected the top three, so she could not directly take the words away, not to mention the ink was not dry, the female director of the seven channels was next to the word, standing there, as if afraid of others to grab Got like it.

Xu Yipeng also feels very face.

All are happy.

"Is it all over?"

"Who else hasn't written?"

“Is there a contestant?”

"It seems to be there."

Everyone looked around and looked forward to it. In the end, many people turned their attention to Zhang Wei, who was very quiet from entering the house. People who signed up for the competition did not seem to be running. It seems that he is left.

Yan Tianfei smiled and said: "Xiao Zhang teacher?"

Huang Dandan is also looking forward to it. "Mr. Zhang, it’s up to you."

"Is there left?" Hazi said.

For a time, the spirit of the 14th channel was aroused, and Zhang Wei’s talents were waiting for him. CCTV’s set of people and the “Dancing Dance” column group had just grabbed the limelight, and the attitude of the Taiwanese leader’s character was also Let them feel tight, naturally, and they all want to come back with a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yuan looked at him.

Xu Yipeng looked at him.

But at this time, the outside suddenly ran into a person.

"Director Chen, the ratings have come out." The man ran to the 11th channel director Chen Huo, and the voice was not high, but the people around still heard it.


finally come! ?

Everyone's eyes are lit up, and their minds are all removed from calligraphy!

Chen Huo asked: "How much?"

The man immediately said: "The Kitchen of the Stars, the audience rating is 0. 43%!"

Chen Hu nodded with satisfaction, "Is the innovation high?"

"Yes, it is 0. 1% higher than the previous period!" The man cheered.

Chen Huodao: "Very good!"

Then, another person came and found Jiang Yuan, the deputy director of CCTV. "Jiang Zong, "Hundred Stars" yesterday's ratings dropped down, 0.51%!"

Jiang Yuan sighed, "Alright."

CCTV's set of nature is unlikely to be a show of "Picking Up Dance". Its variety shows are many. "Amazing Stars" is one of the old-fashioned variety shows that have been broadcast for a year and a half. The ratings have been tepid. This time, I was very satisfied with the 0.5% rating. Of course, this is also due to the fact that Variety Star invited several heavyweight stars in this issue.

"Tip Tips" last week's ratings against the sky scared a lot of variety shows, this time all in a hurry, one by one, the chicken blood is generally with the documentary you die, especially those entertainment programs on Friday, all squatting This is also the factor that caused the overall increase in ratings for this period.

Everyone speaks your words.

“Congratulations, Director Chen.”

"Jiang Zong, "Hundred Stars" have been broadcast for a year and a half and can still have this ratings. This is really not much in the industry. Can you compare the "I love to remember the lyrics" of Jingcheng TV? I see, the re-broadcast of "Hundred Stars" is not a problem for a year!"

"What about "Let's Dance"?"

"How much is "The Dance"?"

"Who knows? Is it coming out?"

Suddenly, Xu Yipeng took a call and saw his face turned from nervous to surprised, and then turned into surprise!

Chen Ye is busy going up, "Xu Gui?"

Jiang Yuan also eagerly said: "How?"

Even the director and the other two leaders of the station looked at them.

Xu Yipeng swallowed his mouth and excites: "The dance of "Pull Dance" was yesterday's ratings - 1.52%!"

Chen Ye is happy!

The people in their column group also cheered up. Their efforts this week were not in vain. After all, they saw results!

Everyone is amazed!


The second episode is 1. 52%? ?

Last week, "The Dance" was the first broadcast rating of 1.27%! The second episode has increased by a total of 0.25%. What is the concept of 0. 25%? Nowadays, when the network is developed, nowadays, many users have not watched TV and changed to the network broadcast. In this depressed market atmosphere, the average audience rating of some variety shows is not 0. 25%, "The Dance" The set has grown by 0.25%? This is already very bad!

Jiang Yuan laughed, "Old Xu, Xiao Chen, doing a good job!"

Many people have not thought that the ratings of "Pull Dance" can rise so fast, and suddenly jumped up one level! This is already a step closer to the hall-level variety show!

Haqizi's face is not very good.

Yan Tianfei frowned.

Everyone on Channel 14 has a bad feeling of big things, and confidence is suddenly hit!


How are they in this mountain?


The rating ratings on Friday have not yet come down, but the ratings for each of the columns have been released.

"Singing Show" column group.

The employees all have the feeling of being proud.

"Our audience rating is 0.78%!"

"Too not true!"

"Yeah, dreaming!"

"It actually broke 0. 7%!"

"History for the first time! Celebrate!"

"What about the two shows?" The person in charge spoke.

Everyone knows what the responsible person is referring to.

One person said: "The tip of the tongue doesn't know, but it hasn't come out yet. The audience rating of "Dancing Dance" is 1.52%. Oh, needless to say, they are definitely the first in the country! "Good Voice" has long ended, nowadays In the market environment, it is impossible for anyone to threaten them with this rating. Isn't it the tip of the tongue?"

"Unfortunately, our ratings are much worse than "The Dance"."

"It's okay, it's not bad."

"Well, you can't compare with "The Dance", it is an entertainment program with over 100 million investment!"


Beijing Satellite TV.

"I love to remember the lyrics" column group.

Xiao Luchong came to the news, "The news just got, we have a rating of 1.01% on Friday. After the revision, we broke 1 for the first time! The previous ratings have fallen to 0.6%0.7%. It!"

Dafeixidao said: "Thanks to Zhang’s revised proposal for us! Otherwise, the ratings will fall again, and when it falls below 0.4%, we have to stop broadcasting!"

Dong Shanshan asked, "What about the tip of the tongue?"

Xiao Ludao: "I don't know, I didn't come out."

Hou Ge said: "How come? Didn't it come out?"

"I asked, and I also inquired with the acquaintances." Xiao Luhan said: "I don't know what's going on. It seems that there is something wrong with the statistics of "The Tip of the Tongue". It is being verified, it is estimated that the system is faulty. Well, it should be out immediately. I also asked the ratings of "The Dance"." When it comes to this, Xiao Lu is not very good. "They are 1.52%, and the ratings are new!" Still not a little taller!"

Hou Di is silent.

Hu Fei listened and sighed.


This growth is too high!

If the variety show without a light enemy is awesome, the result is that it is seen. How can an unpopular documentary catch up with it? This time, how is the "tip of the tongue" juxtaposed with them? Even if there is Zhang Wei sitting in the town, this kind of ratings is not overdone, right?



The people also fry the pot!

"Ah, it's out!"

"I love to remember the lyrics" cow! It broke 1!"

"Singing Show" is also good. This week's variety shows are all against the sky. Especially on those entertainment shows on Friday, except for the ratings of the two programs falling, the rest of the programs have gone up!"


"This picture is really hard to see again!"

"The most worthwhile thing to say is "The Dance", this time they are really the first in the country!"

"Don't forget the "tip of the tongue", why haven't you moved yet? What is the rating of "Tip Tip"?"

"There are 1.52% of people, and what are the ratings of "Tip Tips"?"

"1.52% - this is absolutely crushing! Whoever comes is useless!"

"The CCTV set is awesome!"

"Rely, I want to know the results of "The Tip of the Tongue"! Lose and lose a clear understanding, can not even give a rating statistics do not give it? What do you mean?"

"Yeah, even if it is not as good as "Dance Dance", then give us an account!"

The outcome has been divided.

Not even suspense.

Many media have also begun to write manuscripts. The fact that "The Dance" can become the ultimate winner is not very surprising for media reporters. In their view, this is what it should be. This is a normal world!



Calligraphy competition scene.

There is congratulations, there is a joy.

"The CCTV set leads the audience first!"

“Jiang Zong, Xu Dao, Teacher Chen, congratulations!”

"Haha, when are you going to treat me?"

"You are too high in ratings!"

"Is the next issue going for 1.7%?"

Some people are more sorry and say, "The tip of the tongue is actually very good. It is a pity that it is a documentary. The category is too small and the stamina cannot keep up."

The people in the "Dancing Dance" column have already celebrated in advance.

There were also employees who suppressed for a week. This tone was loose. After the overall situation was fixed, they couldn’t help but talk about the cold words. "It’s said that history is not so easy to be broken. The documentary is always a documentary. So many predecessors don’t have it. The history of the rewritten documentary has no way to reverse the sluggishness of the documentary. How can it be simply refreshed? The historical experience and the laws of the market are maximized to be respected!"

Many people in their column group are also thinking about this.

The results of last week's "Tip Tips" are actually not the first, juxtaposition is juxtaposition, this is not a complete history of creation, it is still a step!


What do you do in so many people in history, why do you do it? Why can you? Do you have a head more than others? Can you compare Zhang Wei’s collective efforts and wisdom with his predecessors? Want to take a documentary to dominate the TV ratings market?

It was originally a dream!

It was originally a bad day!

Yan Tianfei and the people of Channel 14 have vaguely heard the arguments of those people, and their expressions are getting more and more ugly. Those people are driving low voices to avoid what they say, but the activity room is so big, obviously it can be heard!

The CCTV set of people enjoy the joy of victory.

People on Channel 14 have no mood.

Haqi Qiqi said: "Let's go."

"Let's go, go back." Zhang Zuo also did not want to stand here and let people point their fingertips.

Lose and lose, what happened? As a documentary, they have done their best, at least when they premiered, they have been tied for the first time in the industry's highest-rated variety show! But the variety show itself is not shameful. Are you schadenfreaked one by one? ?

People on Channel 14 must turn around.

Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye’s eyes saw it, and the smile in his eyes was stronger.


"Teacher Zhang?"

"Hey, you?"

But whoever thought, just at this moment, Zhang Hao actually took the sleeves and walked slowly, stepping in front of the desk and gently grabbing the brush on the table.

Everyone is jealous.

Yan Tianfei stopped!

Directors and Jiang Yuan and others also looked at him!

Zhang Hao is a good ink. His eyes are falling out of the window. He falls on the snow and the raging snow outside. In a breathing room, the momentum of Zhang Wei has changed. It seems that he has changed one person. The fierce light came out of his eyes, pinching the pen, and he smiled a little and fell on the paper!

The first three words are Gion Spring!

The public is again!

You also want to write Geng Yuanchun?

Is this what they are doing with Xu Yipeng?

However, the nameplate of Gengyuanchun is not famous at all. Only one piece of "Yuanyuanchun-Mei" has such a good reputation. It was also written by Xu Yipeng first. What do you write?

Then, everyone was shocked to discover that Zhang Wei wrote a word "snow" after the words "Yuanyuanchun"!

Compared with the director, it is not a level compared with Xu Yipeng. It’s ridiculous that someone once thought that Xu Yipeng’s calligraphy can be compared with professionals, but it can be written in Zhang Wei. In the moment, they know how naive the idea is! There is no need to compare, there is no way to compare, even those who do not know how to understand calligraphy can also see the domineering between the lines of Zhang Wei, this level is a realm where people together can never reach!

Just the word...

Gion Spring? snow?

what is this?

Someone went online to check, did not have this word?

by! Is it your own word? Written on the spot? ?

The sights of people's horror or curiosity were thrown at Zhang's nib, and Yan Tianfei, Haqiqi, Jiangyuan and others even surrounded the past.

I saw Zhang Hao’s pen as flying!

Every word is sloppy, but it seems to be a magnificent!

- "沁园春-雪"

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, but Yu Yu;

Mountain dance silver snake, the original Chi wax, want to compare with the sky test!

Seeing this, some people have been shocked by the picture in Zhang's pen tip. They took a breath of air and never thought about this word that was not so famous in history. They could even be written by people!

Mountain dance silver snake?

Wanli snow drifting?

Want to compare with the sky test?

What a guts this is! How much is this tone!

Who is higher than God? ? ?

Everyone looked at each other and was shocked by Zhang Weicai. At the same time, they hurriedly read it again. I saw that the unique character of the calligraphy on the paper was written more and more!

It must be sunny, look at the red dress, and be extraordinarily enchanting.

************, cited countless heroes to compete.

Cherish the Qin Emperor Hanwu, slightly lose the literary talent; Tang Zong Songzu, slightly less popular.

A generation of Tianjiao, Genghis Khan, only knows the bow and shoots the big eagle.

Go all the way.

Countless people... still look at the present! !

Drop the pen.

The director is stunned!

Yan Tianfei inhales!

Haqiqi is wrong!

This literary talent, already in the place, someone can't say anything!

There is a group of "Dancing Dance" who is not convinced. "Why are you going to see the present? Is this not to put the predecessors in the eye? It is too big to say! The boundaries and limits of the documentary There, the efforts of many ancestors have not changed this fact!"

Someone shouted: "I still want to compare with the Tiangong test? Don't compare with Tiangong. You should compare it with "The Dance"."

I haven't finished talking yet, and I ran into a staff member outside. "The tip of the tongue is out!"

This blind man shocked everyone!

What are you calling?

As for such a big trick?

Yan Tianfei immediately said: "How much?"

The staff snorted and said: "Before I felt that the statistics were wrong, I re-tossed it again. I found that the data was correct. The rating of China in the third episode yesterday was -2.36%! !"

Yan Tianfei is stunned!

Jiangyuan is stunned!

Xu Yipeng is amazed!

Chen Ye’s pupils are shrinking!

At this moment, no one is talking!

At this moment, time seems to have stopped!

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