I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 827: [Happy! 】

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.



When the first word came out, the atmosphere that was already crazy to the extreme was added to the fire, and the mood of many people was once again ignited!

Forward a thousand!

Forward 10,000!

Forward 30,000!

"It's too atmospheric!"

"This word is handsome!"

"Ah, I like the poems written by Zhang Wei too!"

“Calligraphy is great, words are better!”

"I was thought of by a CCTV set of snow, suppression, and distribution. I thought that Teacher Zhang Wei was abolished from now on. I want to compare with Tiangong! It turns out that Teacher Zhang is still the former Teacher Zhang!"

"This word can't be described as ‘good’!”

"On the heroes of the world, who else? Who else can use a documentary to climb the ratings of the audience!?"

“Are you going? Zhang’s tone is too big, haha, but I like it!”

"Yeah, history has passed, and there are countless people who still have to look at today's people!"

"This calligraphy is too angry!"

"A word card that is not outstanding at all, actually let Zhang Wei write a magnificent! This skill, this talent, who can get the world?"

"Too much like this word!"

"Me too, like crying!"

"It’s great to use it with the sky test!"

"I like the last sentence!"

Numerous netizens were amazed and applauded, and even some professionals came out to comment!

Su Na of the Chinese Department of Peking University made a comment on this first word.

The only remaining 80-year-old literary master also commissioned his daughter to post a comment on "Guan Yuan Chun-Snow" on Weibo, and finally even added a high evaluation - Xiao Zhang is very good. A master who has won the highest award in the domestic literature awards a "very good", this is already a very high affirmation!

Zhang Wei!

"The tip of the tongue"!


——If you open a forum and you can see these keyword eyes, it should have been the protagonist’s “Pull Dance” and CCTV, but it has already been forgotten!


CCTV Channel 14.

At the end of the calligraphy competition, everyone returned to the office.

Some of the colleagues who had just not gone to the activity room ran back with a blank face after hearing the news. They still couldn’t accept the news. "Really? Are we really getting the first?"

Tong Fu excited: "Really!"

Xiao Wang is already crying!

There are also a few lesbians in the "Tip Tips" column group who are crying!

Compared with the first place in the previous week, this time the first place has a higher gold content, this time is the first place that is truly impeccable. Everyone was in the calligraphy activity room because there were outsiders, and there were Taiwanese and Taiwanese leaders. They were still suppressing their emotions and still feeling the mood, but when they returned to the office, many people could not control it, and even A few female colleagues who were not involved in the production of the "Tip Tips", the 14th channel copyright department, also cried after seeing this scene. They were together with Xiao Wang Huang Dandan and really happy for them!

Xiao Wang cried and cried suddenly and loudly: "We are the first! It is the first!"

A lot of people also shouted!


"We are the first!"

"No matter where we are, we are the first in the country!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"I am too happy now!"

"I want to call my daughter! Tell her this news!"

"If it is a dream, I would rather never wake up!"

"We really did it!"

The office area is crying and crying, a mess!

Once, as a new team just formed in the industry, no one is optimistic about their team, no one is optimistic about their programs, but with a block of "good voice", they dominate the art world and become the industry's number one team. After half a year, at this time, today, this honor has returned to their hands, and they have returned their glory!

How can they not be excited?

Haqiqi smiled and shed tears. She suddenly looked at Zhang Wei. Seeing that this should be the most happy. One person is just smiling and looking at everyone. It is in stark contrast with their excitement and madness. As soon as I was speechless, I immediately smiled. "I suggest that we throw Zhang Zhang to celebrate and celebrate. What do you think?"


"I agree!"

"Haha, I agree!"

Zhang Wei was shocked. "I see who dares!"

But the next moment, Wu Yi and Zhang Zuo Tongfu several male comrades all embraced, haha ​​smiled and lifted Zhang Haoshengsheng, suddenly thrown into the air!


"one two Three!"


"one two Three!"


Zhang Yu’s soul is flying, and “It’s OK! It’s almost done!”

Everyone doesn't listen, then throws, and throws aside and cheers!

"Zhang Dao!"

"Zhang Dao!"

"Zhang Dao!"

Outside, from time to time, people from other channels passed by, heard the shouts here, and saw their excitement, could not help but laugh.

I saw people with several children's channels talking.

"Is it heard about the ratings?"

"Of course!"

"Don't say it, too cow - forced!"

"It’s really lively on the 14th channel, and it’s almost frying.”

"That is what they deserve."

"Yeah, they are not easy this time!"

"These people are really amazing. When I changed any team, even the team that was the first in the industry, in the situation of their beleaguered, who can say that they can turn over? Who dares to say that they can make a comeback? Almost has been sentenced to death, but they? Not only withstand the tremendous pressure, but also regained the industry's first honor, it is quite admirable!"

"The CCTV set is over there... this time it’s really stupid!"

“Freed the best TV team in the industry!”



Zhang Wei has been put down, his feet are awkward, he has a soft leg, squinting his eyes: "You really let me out! Oh? My cell phone? Where did you fly?"

Zhang Zuo quickly took it. "Here, here."

Take a look, the phone is ringing, Zhang Wei will quickly walk to the side to answer the phone.

It was Hu Fei’s call.

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Hu Ge, is the news come?"

Hu Feidao: "You already know, I am still happy, don't report it, we are going to let your kid get scared. Are you really getting the first?"

"Yeah, take it." Zhang Yi said freely.

On the phone, I flew over the voice of Xiao Lu. "You are too good for Teacher Zhang! After knowing the ratings of the third episode of "The Tip of the Tongue", we are all crazy!"

Dafei also shouted: "Mr. Zhang treats you!"

Zhang Yule said: "Don't you just finish yours?"

If Hou Ge picks up, "The last time was the last time, I have to ask for this one!"

"Please, please." Zhang Wei is also very happy.

Then, Su Na, a colleague of the Chinese Department of Peking University, also called.

Su Na: "Zhang Zhang."

Zhang Wei: "Su teacher."

Su Na: "I have booked the calligraphy of "Guan Yuan Chun - Snow"!"

Zhang Wei: "Ha? I am going to keep it myself."

Su Na: "Do you want to be so tricky?"

Zhang Wei: "Because it is more commemorative, I want to keep it myself. Oh, if you like it, I will write one for you one day. If you want a few feet, I will write a few feet and manage enough."

Su Na is overjoyed, "That's it! It's great!"

People's calligraphers write things for people, they are all on the word. On the text, it is good to go to Zhang Wei. The word "tube enough" reveals his thick **-silence, in fact, Zhang Wei That is to say, he never used himself as a calligrapher, a calligraphy that is more important to others. He is nothing more than a pen, and how much is not written? It doesn't take much, so I promised it very well.

To finish the word, Su Na couldn't help but sigh: "I used to see you being given a set of CCTV. I still worry about you for a long time. Now who wants it, your teacher Zhang is still so good, in a documentary channel, it is also I can make a turn of the sky, where to go, where to go, is the most dazzling star."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Sour, sour."

A bunch of friends called to congratulate.

Mom is also excited to come over with Zhang Wei to confirm whether the ratings of "Tip Tip" is true, the voice is quite happy, it is estimated that it can blow with the neighbors - cattle - forced.

Of course, there are also places where the scenery is completely opposite.


CCTV set.

Jiang Nai Xiong, the director of the first channel, went straight to work and left work!

Xu Yipeng and Chen Ye black face in the office of Deputy Director Jiang Yuan. There is a broken cup on the ground. I want to know that Jiangyuan fell!

"Who can tell me what happened? Ah?" Jiang Yuan said with anger: "Who can tell me!"

Xu Yipeng did not say anything.

Chen Ye stopped talking and closed his mouth again.

They have nothing to say and they don't know what to say.

Jiang Yuan shoots the table airway: "A documentary! Why can I have this rating? Why can I have this rating? Who will tell me!"

No one can answer him.

At this time, there is also a low atmosphere in the group of "Dancing Dance"!



Everyone is asking this question, they have no enemy, they have done their best, their publicity is overwhelming, their guests are the best in the industry, they have the largest platform in the industry, their investment is and "Good Voice" is the most in history!


Why are you still losing?

And lost so badly?

Losing nothing at all! ?

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