I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 834: [A shocking speech from another world! 】

On Weibo.

Someone posted: Countdown to the Golden Microphone Awards Ceremony.

"Are you going to start?"

"Is there a broadcast?"

"There is a webcast, start right away."

"Give me a link, I will check it out!"

"I heard that Zhang Ye is nominated. This must be read."

"At this time last year, Zhang Ye won the Silver Microphone Newcomer Award at that venue. Think about the storm of "Dead Water" and his colleagues collectively boycotting him at that time. One year has passed in the blink of an eye."

"Time is so fast."

"Does Zhang Ye play with a golden microphone?"

"Hang, this guy has offended too many people!"

"More than too much? Is there anyone in the industry who has not been offended by him?"

"Just look at it, I mainly want to hear his acceptance speech!"

"Yeah, every time you speak, you have to make a lot of noise. Zhang Ye's speeches and speeches have already become a scene in the entertainment industry, and every time they are earth-shaking!"

Countless people paid attention and opened the web page to wait for the live broadcast.



Zhang Ye's parents' house.

The mother said: "Turn on the TV quietly."

"Why?" Dad said unhappy: "I'm watching the news."

The mother hummed: "Our son will be appraising the award today, and it will be broadcast live on the web immediately. What news are you watching?"

Dad turned off the TV, "Really? Then quickly turn it on."

"Chenchen." Mom said to the room: "You open a webpage for grandma, and find the live video of the Golden Microphone awards. Grandma won't make it."

After Chenchen was done, Mom and Dad also waited.


another side.

Awards scene.

Zhang Ye chatted with the younger students.

"Senior brother, how can you be a good host?"

"Your problem is too big, let's talk in detail someday."

"Senior, teach us more experience."

"I actually have more experience of offending people."

Su Hongyan looked at her watch, "I'll talk about it someday, it's about to start."

At this time, a staff member of the organizer found Zhang Ye and said, "Teacher Zhang, it's about to start. Let me take you to your seat, over there."

"Okay." Zhang Ye said goodbye to Teacher Su and the students for the time being.

Dong Shanshan didn't leave, and found an empty place next to Su Hongyan to continue talking.

After walking for more than ten meters, the people who listened to the organizer suddenly lowered their voice and said to Zhang Ye: "Mr. Zhang, the leader asked me to let you know. If the award is awarded to you later, when you say the award, you can Can't you stop reading poems?" They were frightened by Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye was taken aback, "Is there?"

The organizer coughed, "I mean just in case it gets to you."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Okay, then I will say it well."

When the organizer heard this, he was obviously relieved, “Of course it’s not necessarily, because we don’t have a specific list of winners here. They are all on the side of the judges.”

When he returned to his seat, Zhang Ye was actually looking forward to it. For this Golden Microphone Award, he was even more looking forward to the academic award and the highest award of the previous TV show, because his old profession is the broadcast host. This is also the place where his dreams began. The moment when he won the Silver Microphone Award on the podium in this venue a year ago, it was also when Zhang Ye officially entered the public eye, so for Zhang Ye, the Golden Microphone Award The meaning of inclusion is very different to him, and it means a lot to him.

On the right hand side of his seat, there are two people who are familiar with each other. Both are handsome men and beautiful women. They are also the host of the Golden Microphone Award candidates. It seems that they should be recommended by CCTV.

Zhang Ye looked at the man and the woman, "How are you two?"

The two were chatting and looked at Zhang Ye after hearing the sound.

"Yeah." A person hummed.

The other woman just nodded without saying a word.

Then the two of them continued to talk, and they didn't mean to talk to Zhang Ye at all, and even looked a little deliberately reluctant to talk to him.

Zhang Ye originally said that idleness is also idleness. Everyone knows each other. It's also from the same unit. Who wants to post two cold ass, can't help but shook his head and smiled, looking at the male host on the left, this person also Somewhat familiar, if Zhang Ye remembers correctly, he should have met each other during his tenure at Beijing Satellite TV, but he seems to have never spoken before. He should be Gao?

"Teacher Gao from Beijing TV, right?" Zhang Ye asked.

Teacher Gao was very kind, and never expected that Zhang Ye would take the initiative to talk to him. After all, his reputation is still quite different from Zhang Ye, so he was taken aback and smiled: "Ms. Zhang knows me?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I have seen it before."

"I saw it once, during a meeting." Teacher Gao said.

After chatting for a few words about what happened when I was on Beijing TV, I only heard Zhang Ye ask, "Who are those two?" The chin pointed calmly at the two on the right.

Teacher Gao apparently just heard the disharmony among his people, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "A colleague in your unit, don't you know?"

Zhang Ye told the truth: "I have seen it, but I can't name it."

Teacher Gao was speechless, and it felt a bit weird to introduce colleagues from his unit to the other party. However, Teacher Gao also knew that Zhang Ye’s popularity has always been poor, so it was not too strange, so he whispered: "The man is called Fang Gang. The girl’s name is Xu Siyu, both of whom are very well-known hosts on CCTV. They may not be as popular as you, but they are much higher than those of us, especially Fang Gang. I heard about the previous Spring Festival Gala host. People originally planned to choose one from Fang Gang and Chen Ye. In the end, Chen Ye went up, but Fang Gang’s popularity was not low. If the host of this Spring Festival Gala retires or vacates the spot, Fang Gang is the most One who hopes to go up."

"Oh, that's the case." Zhang Ye probably understood.

People from CCTV?

No wonder you ignore my buddies!

The stage is already testing the microphone, "Hey, can you hear it? Can you hear it?" After some debugging, the staff said to the audience: "OK, ready, the live broadcast will count down for one minute, please keep quiet, Thank you for your cooperation." After a pause, "There are fifty seconds left."




The curtain opened and applause broke out!

The host came to the stage and was one of the winners of the previous Golden Microphone Award for Hosting.


Dean Pan Yangpan, who returned to Peking University to set the trophy, did not go home. He directly ordered a takeaway with a few colleagues and watched the live broadcast of Golden Microphone in the office area.

"it has started?"

"Just started."

"Well, how about Xiao Zhang."

"If you win this again, Professor Zhang will have the four highest awards this year, two in the program category, one in the academic category, and one in the hosting category?"

"Gold microphone is not easy to handle!"

Zhang Ye's parents and Chenchen had already been by the computer.

Ha Qiqi at home watched the live broadcast while eating while holding his mobile phone.

The same goes for Yan Tianfei, Zhang Zuo, Xiao Wang and many people on CCTV Channel 14.

Hu Fei and Xiaolu of Jingcheng Satellite TV also opened the live broadcast website. They got the news about Dong Shanshan's winning the Silver Microphone Award. Now they want to see if Zhang Ye can win the Golden Microphone.


on site.

The atmosphere of the venue with thousands of people was warm.

There is still a big difference between the Golden Microphone Award in this world and Zhang Ye's world. The Silver Microphone Award on this earth has ten awards in the host category and broadcasting category, but the Golden Microphone Award only has three in the host category and three in the broadcast category. That is to say, only three people in the country can get the golden microphone award in the hosting category every year. This gold content is undoubtedly too high, so it is called the highest award in the hosting industry, and even some The host who has been famous for a long time has no chance to get it. The competition is too big, and there are too many monks and little meat. It is far more difficult than the Golden Microphone Award of Zhang Ye's world.

Like film circles, like some film and television stars, there are too many awards in the film and television industry in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan each year, and the grades are very high. Every year, only seven or eight movie stars can be produced. This is not the best supporting actor and Best Supporting Actress, this kind of movie queen, and many movie stars still have a slim chance to win some foreign awards, such as the Berlin Film Festival and so on.

But what about the host?

The host’s highest award is this golden microphone!

Three places a year, nothing else!

Therefore, the annual Golden Microphone Award winners are hardly "mixed with water". They are all the best presenters in the industry. Only they can finally break the siege and stand on the golden microphone award podium. For every host, this is a supreme honor!

On stage.

After the last year's Golden Microphone Award winner gave a greeting, he smiled and said: "Okay, less gossip, get back to business, let's take a look at the list of candidates for this year's Golden Microphone Award."

The screen flashed, and many people's names and avatars and work units appeared.

One set of CCTV: Fang Gang.

One set of CCTV: Xu Siyu.

Nine sets of CCTV: He Jianguo.

CCTV 14 sets: Zhang Ye.

Beijing Satellite TV: Gao Xiang.

Shanghai Satellite TV: Sun Haili.

Etc., etc.

CCTV is the big brother among the TV stations, and the number of selections is a bit more than other TV stations.

The screen is large, densely packed with words, full of candidates' work resumes and experience introductions.

Many people in the audience were talking about it.

"Look at Zhang Ye's resume."

"Hehe, there are so many words."

"Khan, why is his introduction several times that of others?"

"Who has a strong resume?"

"Then this word is too much."

The camera also shot over.

Many people have noticed that Zhang Ye’s information is the most among all people. For example, Xu Siyu and Gao Xiang used only two lines for the introduction, while Zhang Ye’s work history has eleven lines. The list of all candidates is undoubtedly the most prominent one. "Zhang Ye Talk Show" created a whole new field of entertainment programs, "Good Voice" broke seven records, "Tongue" broke nine records, and Zhang Ye's work transfers in four or five units and departments over the past two years are key achievements. The things that couldn't be simplified with the experience were all written out, which made Zhang Ye stand out from the list.

The two CCTV hosts nearby did not care about this.

Fang Gang said: "Thinking about rain, you hope it's pretty big."

Xu Siyu shook his hand, "I have no play, and my qualifications are still a little bit shallow."

Fang Gang shook his head, "Then you have been in the industry for five years. Didn't someone get nominations just two years after joining the industry?" Of course, his voice was very low when he said this.

But Zhang Ye heard it anyway, and just sat next to him. He glanced at the two of them.

Xu Siyu saw that Zhang Ye had heard it, and did not dare to take up the topic. He and Fang Gang’s column team had quarreled with Zhang Ye on the Internet before, and naturally had no good attitude towards Zhang Ye, but she also knew that Zhang Ye was not easy to provoke. So he said, "You must be fine this time."

Fang Gang said: "Not necessarily."

Xu Siyu said: "You probably got it last year, but it was unexpectedly unsuccessful. It must be given to you this year, otherwise there will be no one else."

Fang Gang smiled and said: "You are optimistic about me, I am optimistic about you, haha, let's see the result."

Xu Siyu said modestly: "There must be you."

The host on the stage is reading the list of candidates, and the people on the side of the jury have also come on stage, and the results of the selection are already in the envelope in their hands.

After finishing reading, the host smiled and said, "I don’t know who the candidate for the Golden Microphone Award is in your heart? Okay, this year’s Golden Microphone Broadcasting Award will be announced soon. Below, please invite our guest, Sun, vice chairman of the National Broadcasting Host Association. Ms. Xi announced the result."

The next woman stood up and walked onto the stage with a smile.

Zhang Ye blinked and asked Gao Xiang of Beijing TV next to him, "Is there still this association?"

Teacher Gao: "..."

Zhang Ye asked: "I haven't heard of it, just established?"

Teacher Gao: "...They have been established for more than 30 years."

Zhang Ye let out a cry.

Teacher Gao added: "Almost all the announcers and presenters present today are members of the Broadcasting Host Association. I also joined when I first entered the industry a few years ago."

Zhang Ye was a little embarrassed, "It's because I show my courage, hey, why is no one invited me?"

This association is actually a non-governmental association, and there is no threshold. As long as you are a broadcast host in the industry, you can join it regardless of whether you have just debuted or are already famous. It is a bit like a foreign celebrity host artificial association. However, Zhang Ye, as one of the most famous hosts in China, has not even heard of the name of this association. This is also a rarity.

However, Teacher Gao is not surprising. Hearing what Zhang Ye said, he was extremely helpless and said: "When you first debuted, at this awards ceremony, you criticized the industry for "Dead Water" and offended people side by side. , Do you think the association can invite you to join?"

Zhang Ye smiled, "This is really the reason."

Teacher Gao couldn't laugh or cry.

Ms. Sun Xi has already received an envelope. It is obvious that half of the announcers in the candidate area below are tense, and many broadcasters off-site have also raised their ears. Sun Xi slowly opened the envelope, took out the result and took a look, deliberately exclaiming, "Oh."

The host hurriedly asked, "Whose is the first golden microphone?"

Sun Xi smiled and said, "I didn't see clearly."

The host perspired: "Then why are you shouting?"

"Conditional reflex." Then Sun Xi became serious, held the card and glanced at it, and read: "Li Shuyun, the first winner of the Golden Microphone Award for Broadcasting this year!"

A woman sitting not far behind Zhang Ye pointed to herself incredulously, "Me?"

Sun Xi smiled and said, "Teacher Xiaoyun, it's you, come up and accept the award."

Congratulatory applause immediately rang through the audience.

Li Shuyun's eyes were a little wet with excitement, "Oh my God!"

A colleague next to him congratulated him: "Teacher Xiaoyun, go!"

On the rostrum, Li Shuyun accepted the trophy from the judges. The first sentence after taking the microphone was still that, "Really me? Are you sure you did not award it wrong?"

The audience laughed.

Then Li Shuyun said the acceptance speech, "Thank you, the jury, thank you for my leadership, thank you, Director Li, and thank you friends who have always supported me. I am the announcer of the news program of Shanghai Satellite TV. I was surprised by this nomination. Thinking of winning the prize, I didn’t prepare any testimonials. I was too excited and a little bit incoherent. Everyone understands. In short, thank you. Thank you my unit and leaders for training me."

Applause rose again.

Li Shuyun kissed the glittering golden microphone trophy, and stepped down with excitement.

Teacher Gao said to Zhang Ye: "Teacher Xiaoyun is very good."

Zhang Ye nodded, "I know her and watched her news."

Teacher Gao said: "A host of CCTV News Network may have to retire in a few years. I heard that CCTV may deliberately want to dig out Teacher Xiaoyun and train for a few years. If appropriate, Teacher Xiaoyun may really have a chance. Succession news network."

Then, the second Golden Microphone Award for Broadcasting was announced. She was an announcer of CCTV weather forecast and a lesbian. She was the most promising one before the selection, and she won.

The third golden microphone was awarded to a radio announcer. At the age of 45, he is considered a senior in the broadcasting field. He waited for this award for ten years. This year he finally got his wish. On stage, he was choked for a while. , I also thanked the leaders and units as usual.

At this point, all three broadcasting golden microphones have their own ownership!

From now on, it's the golden microphone award for hosting the highlight!

The host introduced a new award-giving guest, who is also a big coffee in the industry, and has trained many well-known hosts.

Teacher Gao's palms were also sweating, "It's time to come." Although he knew he was hopeless, who would look forward to it at this time, what if?

Fang Gang's expression condensed slightly.

Xu Siyu's arms tightened.

After the guest came to the stage, he talked for a long time, and did not mention the award for two minutes. Just when many candidates were so nervous that the strings could not be stretched, the guest opened the envelope without warning and announced the number one. A name, "I announce that the winner of this year's Golden Microphone Award for Hosting is Han Shaokai!"

Warm applause!

The prize winner in the audience also stood up all of a sudden, very excited!

Fang Gang from CCTV was disappointed.

Xu Siyu and the others also exhaled, and then hurried to applause of congratulations.

There are no surprises for Han Shaokai’s award. He is also a frequent visitor nominated for the Golden Microphone Award. He has his name almost every year, and he misses it every year. This year, it is finally his turn. This is also his hard work and diligence. In exchange, how many hosts can there be in the industry who haven't asked for a day off for 365 days a year? Han Shaokai is the only one. His ability to adapt to changes in TV shows is also one of the best hosts.

Han Shaokai took the trophy, "Thank you, I'm so excited, I don't know what to say, is this true?" He smiled, "It seems to be true."

Everyone laughed kindly.

Han Shaokai began to thank him, speaking very carefully, saying each name one by one. Because it was a live broadcast, the time for the testimonials was also restricted. At the end of the day, Han Shaokai didn't know what to say, so he bowed and stepped down.

The crowd applauded again, and then stared at the guest nervously again.

The guest returned to the podium and opened the next envelope, "Oh, this person is incredible. He is also an old friend of mine for more than ten years. I am very happy to read his name here." He paused intentionally. Next, he announced: "The second winner is Xiao Hang!"

Another old qualification!

And he is an old host with twenty years of hosting experience!

The image of Xiao Hang, who is almost 50 years old, is still that good. He is not old at all. He stepped on the stage steadily, and his emotions were a little uncontrollable. His remarks were very emotional, "I just entered the industry twenty years ago. TV shows are not as blooming as they are now..."

Fang Gang couldn't sit still.

Xu Siyu looked at him and whispered: "It must be you next."

Teacher Gao spread his hands and said with a smile: "There is one left. I know it's definitely not me, Teacher Zhang, I guess it's either you or Fang Gang." Knowing that he didn't have any hope, Teacher Gao was relieved.

Zhang Ye didn't say a word. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Wait for the result.

After Xiao Hang stepped down, there was silence in the venue.

It's finally the end!

The last one is left!

Whose is it?

No one could predict, they all looked at the podium eagerly.

Someone flipped the Internet with their mobile phones, and Weibo and forums were also lively at this time.

"Just one!"

"Why don't you have Zhang Ye from my house yet?"

"It must be Teacher Fang Gang!"

"Fang Gang is the most famous host besides Zhang Ye among these people. Zhang Ye has offended too many people on this stage. Or can the jury of that year award him?"

"If you don't give Zhang Ye, the people will definitely scold them to death. This is a sign of revenge!"

"Yeah, Mr. Zhang's grades are indeed too dazzling. Even if the jury does not wait to see him, they have to think about it!"

"Who knows what the jury will do, it is possible for anyone!"

"Why no one said my teacher Xu Siyu, she must take it!"

The heated discussion on and off the court has reached a climax.

The guest on the rostrum was already opening the envelope. When the card inside was taken out, the guest blinked, and the host who saw the name written on the card also blinked complicatedly.

The audience is quiet.

The guest helped the microphone, "Zhang Ye, the last winner of the Golden Microphone Award in the National Hosting Category!"

As soon as the name came out, many candidates looked at each other!

Zhang Ye?

Is it really for Zhang Ye?

Did Golden Microphone really give the most unwelcome person in the entertainment industry?

Fang Gang's mood hit the bottom!

Xu Siyu's expression was also extremely complicated, and she glanced aside.

After the audience reacted, there was a sparse applause. Many people under the camera seemed to be clapping their hands, but strangely, the applause in the venue was not great, which was almost 100,000 worse than when the other winners were announced. Eight thousand miles is not a treatment at all. It can be seen from the applause that Zhang Ye has definitely offended many people in the field of host, and many people don't like him.

There were also loud applauses, such as Dong Shanshan, Su Yanhong and students from Communication University.

Dong Shanshan smiled to himself: "Good old classmate."

Su Yanhong also clapped vigorously, "Really let him get it!"

"Senior Brother is really tough!"


"After serving, can you get a prize even if you offend someone like this?"

"Senior is senior!"

"Hey, where's the applause? So little?"

"This is too shameless!"

And Teacher Gao of Jingcheng Satellite TV was also very happy, as if he was even more happy than Zhang Ye. He slapped and said, "Ms. Zhang, it's you!" Then I noticed that the scene was a bit deserted, and the applause was a little thin, as if the applause nearby was loud As if in his hands alone, Teacher Gao couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He turned around and looked around, once again in his heart that Zhang Ye's poor popularity made him laugh and cry.

Zhang Ye smiled and stood up.

The applause also stopped, many people were perfunctory drums, seeming to clap their hands, but there was no movement at all.

Zhang Ye saw everything in his eyes, and under everyone's gaze, he walked slowly onto the podium.

The guest raised the trophy and handed it to him, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Zhang Ye received his hand and took a deep look at the golden microphone shape, which was a bit heavy in his hand.

The host also saw the lukewarm atmosphere at the scene, and quickly warmed up the scene: "Mr. Zhang has been so fascinating recently. A "Tip of the Tongue" has taken the country by storm. I believe many people are like me, and I look forward to your acceptance speech. "

Unlike others, Zhang Ye didn't actually prepare any testimonials at all. He has always been like this. He seldom fiddles with uncertain things. He hasn't won the prize before he writes his own testimonials. It's a bit twisted, that's not Zhang Ye's character. He has always sharpened his spear on the spot, saying what he thinks, what he wants to say and what he wants to say.

Both the host and the guest took a few steps back, leaving the stage to Zhang Ye.

Holding the microphone, looking at the audience, and looking at the camera, Zhang Ye was full of thoughts for a while. He knew that at this moment, besides the guests, there were still many people watching the live broadcast. His parents, members of the "Tongue" column group People, people from Peking University, and his few friends, and even his former classmates and teachers.

Say something?

He suddenly remembered that in his world, the screenwriter Graham-Moore, the winner of the Best Adapted Screenplay at the 87th Oscars Awards, "The Imitation Game", his speech when accepting the award made Zhang Ye still remembered. New, that is a shocking speech!

With a slight smile, Zhang Ye looked at the candidate’s area and opened his mouth. This opening caused the organizers and the staff of the jury to squeeze a cold sweat, "Fang Gang has no chance to stand on stage, and Xu Siyu has no chance to stand on stage. Look at these charming faces, but I can, it seems very unfair!"

In an instant, countless people looked at them, even the cameras were given to them!

Xu Siyu was dumbfounded!

Fang Gang almost spurted blood!

I am grass! Why are you mentioning me? Why are you mentioning me?

Teacher Gao almost came out with joy, this Ye is too wicked, didn't the two of them just ignored you, and you are accounted for? No wonder you offend so many people! How can it be!

Su Hongyan: "..."

Students of Communication University: "..."

Many people were speechless on the Internet.


"It's Zhang Ye's style speech again!"

"Grass, I like to read this paragraph!"

"When did Fang Gang offend Teacher Zhang? Express sympathy!"

"Don't make a noise, continue listening!"

Zhang Ye smiled again and said to the camera and everyone: "Many people think that I shouldn't win this award. They think that someone like me who is not gregarious, does not understand flexibility, and will not compromise is not qualified to take the host. The highest prize of the world, just listen to the loose applause just now!"

Some people muttered in their hearts.

Did you know?

People like you shouldn't have a golden microphone!

It’s a miracle for a temperament like you to survive in the entertainment industry and in society, and win prizes? Take the host's highest award? Are the judges crazy?

Zhang Ye calmly tightened the microphone, "In the short time on stage, I want to say a few words. When I was in college, I also had a very confused period, because I felt that I was very strange and could not Be flexible and incompatible with other people! It feels like everyone is pushing me out!" As he said, he pointed to the podium under his feet, his voice getting higher and higher, "And now, I am standing here, I want to tell at this moment Those who have the same feelings,'I'm so weird'?'I'm really out of gregariousness'?'Should I be flexible'?'Should I compromise?''Am I going to make myself like them '?"

It's quieter below!

Many people looked at him in astonishment!

Su Hongyan looked at her student who was different from everyone else, and her distressed tears had already flowed from the corner of her eyes.

Zhang Ye pointed to the front, his smile thickened, "Yes, you are like this, I am sure you are like this, don't be afraid, don't be confused, please continue to be'weird', please continue to be'different', please Continue'don't work around', please continue'never compromise'!" He raised the golden microphone in his hand and said loudly: "When you become the next person standing here, please hold the trophy in your hand , Pass on these words!"

Turned around.


Still so different!

Still so maverick!

However, the faces of all the guests were deeply shocked at this time, and many people's hearts were severely pricked by Zhang Ye's harsh and stubborn voice!

A speech shocked the audience! !

This is Zhang Ye!

Zhang Ye who never compromises!

one second……

Two seconds...

Applause suddenly sounded!

A person!

Ten people!

A hundred people!

A thousand people!

The thunderous applause drowned the entire venue!

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