I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 859: [Reeling the champion! 】

Lao Yao's home.

After Yao and a few female students watched Weibo on the Internet, they all laughed and kept laughing.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I know! I will know!"

The blind man curiously said: "What are you laughing at?"

Yao Jiancai also put down the glass and looked at it. "Hey?"

"Dad, Mom, guess what is the number of Uncle Zhang?" Yao Mi smiled.

The blind man smiled: "What list?"

Yao Midao: "Definitely the most unpopular star list!"

The blind man looked at Zhang Wei and said: "It must be the first?"

Zhang Wei: "..."

Yao Mi shot his thigh and laughed. "Mom, you are too powerful!"

Yao Jiancai laughed and said: "What is your mother's name? The star of the domestic entertainment industry is the most unappealing star. Who else besides Zhang Wei? Who can compare with him!"

Xiao Yudao: "And the number of votes is not a little bit worse, it is the first of the rolling type! Two hundred and seventy-five... No, it has already been 2.9 million votes! It is still rising!"

Zhang Wei was speechless and grinned. "What is the meaning of this broken list is that it is coming."

Yao Jiancai disagreed: "Haha, how come you come, this is the voice of the people. I see that this list of Weibo is very authoritative every year."

Suddenly, Xiao Ling shouted a cold voice. "Wow, Uncle Yao, you have more votes on the list of the most unpopular artists of the year. It is too fast. You, you have already ranked third. It!"

Yao Jiancai stunned and suddenly shouted: "What breaks the list! It's all coming!"

The blind man joked: "Old Yao, you just said that!"

Yao Jiancai said: "I was dragged into the water by Xiao Zhang today!"

Everyone is happy!

Originally, Yao Jiancai really wouldn't be on this list. Whether it's a popular list or an unpopular list, it's all about Weibo fans and Weibo. Yao Jiancai's popularity on Weibo is really good. Under normal circumstances, there will be no other things, but this morning's exposure of "I want to go to the Spring Festival Evening", but suddenly Zhang Hao and him pushed the cusp of the cusp, was blown by the mainstream comics and many people A temper, with Yao Jiancai also on this faceless list!



The list is becoming more and more fierce, and many celebrities have also posted Weibo.

Dong Shanshan's Weibo: "Please ask for a ticket. If you are online, please vote for me. See if you can enter the top 100 most popular artists in Weibo this year. The most unpopular list. Don't vote for you alone, that is the site of Teacher Zhang Wei, I will not fight with him, haha."

Dong Shanshan’s fans also like it.

"Mr. Shanshan, are you really so good?"

"Haha, by the way, give your old classmates a black one!"

"This is the friendship of classmates!"


The nickname of the winter captain of the most famous three-person idol group in the Republic: "Let's ask for a popular ticket. Everyone casts it. By the way, I ask Zhang Wei for a ticket. Before I had a request for Teacher Zhang, in order to thank him for his help, everyone gave Teacher Zhang casts it, don't waste the most unpopular votes!"

The fans of Dongzi are also very active.

"Hahaha, winter and winter are too bad!"

"Winter and winter are coming down the rocks! Laugh!"

"Hey, for the first time, I know that Dong Dong’s teacher had known Zhang Jian!"

"Mr. Zhang Wei is helping the teacher of Dongdong? It turns out that Zhang Hao is so derogatory, it must be cast!"

"Khan, I always thought that Zhang Wei had no friends in the entertainment circle. I still know the teacher of winter and winter!"

Dongzi is a member of the star-studded group that Zhang Wei joined. Her relatives in the family wanted to take the test of Peking University this year. The last time I asked Zhang Wei for help, I realized this.

Chen Guang's meager: "Khan, this year is Zhang Hao's first? Great!"

His wife Fan Wenli's meager: "The meager annual most unpopular list has been contracted by Xiao Zhang teacher. From now on, the first place on this list is estimated to be no one else! Congratulations! He Xi!"

All the stars have come to help out.

Netizens have seen Zhang Hao’s friends so funny, and they are all crazy!

"You will see Zhang Yan's popularity!"

"Hey, my friends are black! Hahaha!"

"It's the first! Teacher Zhang, how bad your reputation is!"

"Mr. Fan Wenli is right. This list has been occupied by Zhang Wei for a long time, and if there is no accident this year, Zhang Wei should be the first person in the history of the faintly unpopular artist of the year!" Teacher Zhang broke a record again!"

"It's so fun!"

"I also go to vote for Zhang Wei!"

"Haha, add me one, I have to see how many votes Zhang can get!"

"Hey, it’s already three million votes!"

"Too cow! It's too fierce!"

"The universe has not stopped Zhang Hao!"

"Everyone voted! Unpopular is not popular. Anyway, our teacher Zhang never takes the usual path! To be the one who is unique in the entertainment industry! Even if you take a villain route, you have to do the most Bright villains! Who loves you mom!"

"well said!"

"Haha, vote!"

"It’s not too big to watch the bustle, I am coming!"

A lot of people who don’t like Zhang Wei’s **** vomiting. Many of them voted for Zhang Wei. It’s really not like him. It’s really black, but let those stars and Zhang Wei’s fans The whole taste has changed, and it is obviously the most unpopular list. It seems that Zhang Wei’s fans are very glorious! One is not ashamed to be proud of it! No wonder, no wonder what kind of star has your fans what kind of fans, this fan is also the same as the surname Zhang, are afraid that the world is not chaotic!

The number of votes is 3.5 million!

4 million votes!

The number of votes is five million!

At the end of the vote, the number of votes has become more and more disparate.


At zero in the night, the official latest star rating list has also been updated!

The latest rating rankings show that there is no change in the list of first-line and first-line lists, but the ranking of second-tier stars has appeared floating!

Zhang Wei’s ranking is one more ahead!

Has reached the fourth place in the second-line star!

This is the popular accumulation of "China on the tip of the tongue" broadcasted on these days, and the popularity of the cross-talking "I want to go to the Spring Festival Evening" today, and the relationship of this year's meager annual selection, all kinds of popularity, in Zhang Just a while ago, when the popularity rose sharply, it ushered in a jump today, moving forward one, and the sequence from the first-line star is getting closer and closer!

Fans jubilant!


"Mr. Zhang is mighty!"

"Rely, immediately enter the top three of the second-line rating!"


"Zhang Wei's popularity has risen again!"

"When the "Tip Tip" is finished, it is not far from the front!"

"The people of Beijing sent a congratulatory message!"

“Guangxi people sent a congratulatory message!”

This is no one thought of it!

This is the popularity of Zhang Wei's living "snap out"!

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