I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 868: [Gift! 】


From the CCTV, H Zhang loaded the car home.

When he waited for the red light on the road, he took out his mobile phone and looked at his family's chat group. He had a separate group with his cousins. When he opened it, he saw several. The cousin is chatting in a hurry, it is quite lively.

Three sisters: "The latest mobile phone in the round box is especially good! Slobber!"

Second sister: "It’s a drop, I see it, it’s so beautiful!”

Three sisters: "I want it! My parents don't buy it for me! Cry!"

Big sister: "Don't think about it, how expensive is that."

The third sister called: "My classmate has already bought one. I tried it. It’s too good! It’s so good! I said that I want her to borrow me for a few days. She didn’t do it, cry again!”

Zhang Xiao smiled and typed: "What are you doing?"

The big sister made a stunned expression. "Wow, my brother is coming."

The third sister sent a special cute picture. "Brother, how come you got on the line today, it’s rare."

Zhang Wei: "Is it a holiday?"

Second sister: "Hey, I have a holiday."

The big sister said: "It’s all boring at home."

Zhang Wei said: "It’s boring, I will come over to my house."

A big sister, "Ah? Now?"

Second sister: "Brother, is there a command?"

Zhang Wei: "Haha, you will know when you come, there is a good thing!"

The third sister hurriedly said, "What is it? You say it first."

Zhang Wei: "I will know when I come, hurry up!"

A smirked expression came out, and the big sister said, "Okay, come soon."

Second sister: "Then I am going to take a taxi, do not reimburse?"

Zhang Wei: "Give, come on."

Three sisters: "Oh, then I also take a taxi, hehe! I have to see what a good thing!"

Put away the phone, Zhang Hao drove home.

Vegetable market.

When he rushed into the community, he called home at a phone call.

Dudu, pass, it’s Dad’s pick, “Hey?”

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Dad, me."

Dad said, "How come you haven't come back yet?"

Zhang Wei said: "Go to the door of the community, you and my mother came to pick me up, just finished the CCTV annual meeting, I have a lot of things, I can not move alone, let Chen Chen also come down, don't be old every day Play games with the family and let her activities as well."

"Okay, I know." Dad hung up.

The car drove in.

Waiting for the downstairs of the house, parked the car, the figure of the father and mother at the door of the unit appeared, and Chen Chen also reluctantly followed.

Zhang Hao opened the door and got off the car, opening the trunk and the door.

Mom blamed: "How big is it, let us move down?"

"Let's take a look." Zhang Wei pointed out, "All in the inside, all have to move up."

Mom and Dad looked into the car, all dumbfounded!

Mom told me to rely on, "What, how are so many things? Computer? What is this? Mobile? There are cosmetics? How is there a silver box?" She stunned: "You CCTV is not open today. Annual meeting? You robbed - robbed?"

Zhang Hao haha ​​smiled, "I am the prize in me!"

Mom said without words: "Where is this winning, you are going to sweep the goods!"

Zhang Wei: "I just told a few sisters that they came over a little while, and they didn't know if they had dinner. Anyway, they would order more food at night."

"You will make people call!" Mom rolled her eyes.

Zhang Yule said: "I don't want to call, hey, this box is for you and my dad."

My mother shouted: "I want to send me a broken box?" Going up two steps, looking down, still curiously slammed the lock of the box, and the result was opened and not opened. A little while, the bundle of hundred dollar bills inside showed a shadow.

Dad snorted, "So much money?"

Mom is also scared, "You grab the bank, you?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It’s the prize in the annual meeting. Look at which one, you can take it casually!"

My mother was afraid that the box was seen by people. She smiled and hugged her arms and went upstairs. When she walked, she said, "The newspaper also said that my son’s relationship with CCTV is very stiff. Rumors, you look at CCTV. How good is the welfare of Xiaoyan! Give money and give things, but not one by one, it is a box and a box! Son, I know that people’s welfare is so good, you should be in CCTV. Wait a few more years, then attend several annual meetings!"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "If I go to the CCTV annual meeting again, CCTV still doesn't know how many people have heart disease! This time, after all the national TV stations in the country are not expected to let me participate." ""

Dad glanced, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, haha, let's move things. Dad." Zhang Wei began to move.

One pack and one pack.

One box and one box.

Tossed for more than 20 minutes, up and down the building several times, things are considered to be finished.

At home, Zhang Hao was very tired and panting. Most of the prizes were mainly brought up by himself. "Let's take a look at it, do you want to take it, do you want to change your mobile phone? There is a computer... Hey!" Suddenly, Zhang Wei I have counted the number of eyes. "How can a mobile phone be lost? Is there a computer?"

Mom asked, "Is it in the car?"

Zhang Yan turned his eyes and directly pushed the door into the bedroom. "Chen Chen!"

I saw that Chen Chen was sneaking into the bed and hiding things. When I saw Zhang Hao, they all opened the door. She couldn’t see any expression on her small face. She quickly took back her face and calmed down: "Zhang Wei, why?" ?"

Zhang Yanyan, "What are you hiding?"

Chen Chen Zhen Zhen has a word, "I am folded."

Zhang Wei was mad. "You got it, you can fold it? The sun has to hit the west!" In the past, the quilt was opened, and sure enough, the less mobile phones and computers are here!

Zhang Wei went to get it.

Chen Chen immediately protected, "This is mine!"

Zhang Weidao: "Who will give you! What mobile phone do you want to go to elementary school! What computer is it, isn't the computer at home enough for you to play?"

Chen Chen said with a black face: "You just said, look at it casually!"

Zhang Wei fainted: "I said it to your grandparents."

Chen Chen holds the computer: "I don't care if you want to pass the New Year's money. I want this."

"You really will pick, how much money can give you money, these two things add up to more than 20,000!" Zhang Wei did not agree, "No, give you you still can not play games every day, if you play in class, if you play The teacher still can't ask the parents every day? Who will give you the go!"

Chen Chenyiyi said: "I take the computer to study, it is to do homework, Zhang Wei, how are you so naive? How do you know how to play games?"


Zhang Hao almost vomited blood, this dead child!

"Who knows the game? Is it me or you?" Zhang Wei annoyed.

Chen Chen said: "The Plants vs. Zombies is what you do."

Zhang Wei: "..." He was speechless.

Mom also laughed and said: "Children are learning, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yidao: "She learned a fart!"

Mom and the mother waved a big hand, "Chen Chen, grandma is the master, the mobile computer is given to you, and study hard in the future, and return to the next semester to get a good result."

Chen Chen said: "Thank you grandma."

Zhang Wei is not awkward, "Mom, you are used to her."

Over there, Chen Chen could not wait to start unpacking, awkwardly tearing the wrapper, taking out the phone and opening the machine, and opening the box of the computer, this is a busy.

Outside, the doorbell rang.

Just listen to someone taking the door, "Brother, let's come, open the door!"

Mom opened the door. "Hey, how fast? Your brother just told me that you are coming over, what's wrong? Are you coming together?"

"Auntie is good, my uncle is good." The younger sister said quietly: "No, we met with the downstairs. I waited for them for a while."

The third sister is anxious, "Auntie, my brother? What are we going to do? I didn't even watch the TV show at night!"

The second sister also said: "Yeah, is there a good thing?"

Zhang Hao also came out of the house, and laughed. "Is it all here?"

The second sister waved, "Brother!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, and one side let go, pointing to the box of boxes that looked like a hill. "Come, look, what is this."

Deaf people.

The third sister Cao Mengmeng was shocked and suddenly recognized it. "I rely! This is a round box! It is the latest round box!"

The second sister, Cao Yu, has already rushed up. "God! Am I dreaming? Is it really a round box? Is there more than ten? Ah!"

Cao Dan is a big sister. She is the most stable among several cousins. However, after seeing these things, she also instinctively shocked. "Brother, which mall did you rob? Is this year too expensive? Big pile, you have to have more than 200,000? That is the latest ultra-thin touch screen, now the hottest high-end portable notebook, more than 10,000!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If you come, you should leave it alone. Come on, take whatever you want, just pick it, and you will be happy for the New Year. It is a Chinese New Year gift!"

The third sister shouted, "What do you really give us?"

The second sister swallowed, "Are you sure to pick it up? Can you take the two?"

Zhang Yule said: "Take it all."

"Ah, my brother is long lived!" The third sister was so excited that she rushed to a round box mobile phone and slammed it in her arms. She thought it was not enough, but she grabbed another computer and got a pocket. "Wow, ah! My mine! It's mine!"

The second sister is also "starving tigers to eat", "give me some!"

"Don't grab it, as for it, it's not like a girl." The older sister is much quieter than them, and walks up gracefully, reaching out and picking up... six boxes of cosmetics, four boxes of mobile phones and three computers!

Second sister: "..."

Three sisters: "Hey, sister, you are too embarrassed!"

Zhang Wei is also stunned.

With a full smile, the big sister Cao Dan has been unable to hold it. She can only bite her teeth and put it down. In the end, she only took two boxes of cosmetics and a box of mobile phones and a computer.

The third sister has been unpacked and turned on, and even the mobile phone card has been changed to a new mobile phone. "Brother, you are too good! Give you 10,000 praises!"

The big sister and the second sister also opened up the new mobile phone for the trial!

"Wow, this feature is too dark!"

"Is iris recognition! Day!"

"High end! Too high end!"

"Quickly sneak out!"

Changed to "equipment", the three sisters are all bad!

Zhang Wei did not forget his cousin, called a courier, sent the things to the past, and finally gave the words to the cousin.

"Sister, New Year, I am very busy this year, I have to prepare for the Spring Festival Evening of Beijing TV. It may not be over, send something to you and my family, remember to sign." Zhang Yidao.

The cousin asked: "What is it sent?"

Zhang Hao Haha said: "You definitely like it. When you get there, you will know."

I sent a big circle back and forth, and as a result, there was still a small amount of things in the house, and I couldn’t send it out. Nothing, who asked him to give all the prizes for the CCTV annual meeting to the round!

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