I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 873: [Crosstalk works are set! 】

Go crazy online too!

"2. 98%! Your sister!"

"Fucking scary!"

"Before entering the era of the full Internet more than ten years ago, when people mainly used television broadcasting as entertainment activities, nearly 3% of the ratings were still reachable. But in the current Internet age, Television is no longer a household necessity. The program group that can achieve this rating is only Zhang Ye's team, and the only person who can achieve this rating is Zhang Ye!"

"Cheers for Zhang Ye!"

"This is a unique miracle in history!"

"Visually detect that other TV stations have been silly!"

"Yes, I thought that the highest achievement of a documentary was nothing more than that, and it was just a ratings that broke 2. Who would have thought that "Tongue" once again shocked everyone in the last episode. Already at this level, can the audience ratings usher in a surge?"

"I love "Tongue"! It's so good!"

"This is the best documentary in history!"

"Is there a second season?"

"Don't end it! Watching the CCTV record channel every weekend has become a habit in my family!"

"Please make a sequel!"

"Ms. Zhang, if you have a chance in the future, let's shoot the second season!"

"The end of "Tongue" is really reluctant!"

"I can't bear it either. This should be Zhang Ye's last show on CCTV. After the Chinese New Year, his contract with CCTV will soon expire soon."

Yao Jiancai posted on Weibo: "Congratulations to my brother for the perfect ending!"

A domestic documentary director said, "The Tip of the Tongue may be a mountain that will never be surpassed in documentary history. Bless Zhang Ye, it will get better and better in the future!"

Dong Shanshan: "Congratulations to old classmates."

Yu Yingyi: "Zhang Ye-the most talented guy in the history of the biography, the best director in the host world, the best mathematician in the director world, the best writer in the mathematics world, and the best host in the literary world!"

Zhang Xia: "I wish Xiao Zhang a new high."

Fan Wenli: "Look forward to Teacher Zhang's crosstalk work for the Beijing Spring Festival Gala."

The popularity of "Bite of the Tongue" has also boosted the confidence of the entire industry in niche programming such as documentary. On the day that "Bite of the Tongue" ended, many TV stations or production companies had put documentary cases on the agenda, even some TV stations. The broadcast time has been announced. Guangxi Satellite TV will release a documentary "Into the Food" next week, Guangdong Satellite TV will release "Delicious in the Country" next month, and Shandong TV Station's heavily-funded food documentary "Glutton" will also be filmed. "China on the Bite of the Tongue" this east wind.

When "The Tip of the Tongue" was still on the air, they naturally wouldn't be on it, because everyone knew that no matter how they shot it, they couldn't compete with "The Tip of the Tongue" and couldn't compete with it. Food documentaries have also been launched one after another, and the publicity is in full swing.

Some experts call this phenomenon the post "tip of the tongue" era.


This morning.

Tao Ranting.

Wu Zeqing's house.

"Old Wu, I'm here."

"come in."

"Where are the slippers?"

"No need to change, just go in."

In the room, Wu Zeqing didn't look back. He was tinkering with a bunch of big and small bags over there, looking at the packaging of clothes and pants. Lao Wu is dressed at home, with black leggings and gray knitted sweaters. He looks very soft and temperamental.

Zhang Ye stepped over, "What are you doing?"

"The clothes I bought for you." Wu Zeqing took out one piece, threw the packaging aside, picked up the clothes and stretched it, made a false gesture to Zhang Ye, and smiled: "Come, try."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Why did you buy me clothes again?"

Wu Zeqing said: "I'm afraid you have no clothes to wear."

"I haven't worn what you bought for me last time." Zhang Ye said.

Wu Zeqing said: "It's the New Year, and you don't buy clothes yourself. If I don't buy it for you, who will buy it for you?"

This is, since Zhang Ye took the path of the entertainment industry, he has basically never been to a mall. There is no way. There are too many people. Most of his clothes are actually bought for him by Wu Zeqing, and what skin care is there. Ping, the coupons and shopping cards issued by the TV station were often given to him by Lao Wu. She didn't use it very much herself. Half of the welfare of the department-level leaders on the TV station went into Zhang Ye's pocket. You know, Zhang Ye was once the first person on the blacklist of the General Administration. Now it is the key observation object. If the people of the General Administration knew that all the benefits of their leaders at the department level were enjoyed by Zhang Ye, I don’t know how they would feel. .

It's a bit ironic no matter how you think.

"Okay, then I'll try." Zhang Ye also gave him a small box, "This is Da Hong Pao, I'll get it for you."

Wu Zeqing smiled when he heard the words, "Last time you brought it to me, I don’t know what kind of tea it is. I have only seen the news these days and I understand. No wonder you told me not to give it away last time. It's a famous tea from ancient times. There are only a few mother trees left in the world? You should keep it on your own. It is a waste to give it to me."

Zhang Ye said, "You can drink it, whatever you want. Anyway, I have a lot of it. If you want a few pounds, I will give you a few pounds. This is nothing wrong!"

Take a look, this guy is arrogant to others, but to Old Wu.

This is the gap!

Zhang Ye started trying on clothes, and there was nothing to be embarrassed about in front of Old Wu. Anyway, he was also wearing autumn clothes and long trousers, just wearing them one by one. Lao Wu was really caring. He bought him two new coats, jackets, trousers and shoes, even autumn clothes, long trousers and socks.

Talk while wearing.

"The show is over?"

"Just finished."

"Then wait for the New Year?"

"Hey, what, I haven't finished the cross talk for the Spring Festival Gala."

"Not ready yet?"

"No, I haven't thought about what to say."

"Nothing in your head?"

"That's not the case, it's because I don't have the energy."

"How do you call it languid?"

Zhang Ye explained: "I used to talk about cross talk based on the breath in my heart, or anger, or resentment. I said that cross talk is always cursing people, or cursing the cross talk world or CCTV. Spring Festival Gala, but recently, all the people I should scold, and all the fights that should be fought are over. The world has been sweeping and listening these days, and no one has recruited me. Now I don’t know what to say. The cross talk is over."

Wu Zeqing smiled, "Why do you think about fighting every day?"

Zhang Ye said: "I'm used to it. If someone recruits me, I can say that I can't take the same kind of thing as a cross talk and scold him all day and night. Now there is nothing, but I don't know how to say it. I’ve been urging my show for the second time. I’m not ready for any work yet. Look.” He pointed to his lips, “I’ve been anxiously getting angry these days and my mouth is blistering. "

"I'll put some eye ointment on you." Wu Zeqing went to the second floor and quickly came down with the medicine.

Zhang Ye continued to say to her: "I'm worrying now. Old Yao has called me several times. For my task before the Spring Festival, I have to write down the comic book for the Beijing Spring Festival Gala."

Lao Wu squeezed some eye ointment on his finger and gently applied the medicine to him. "I recently went online to see what some netizens say about you. Many people like your cross talk and say it is very relieved, but a small number of people don’t. I like it. I think your cross talk is too hostile. You either fight this or that."

Zhang Ye said embarrassed: "I have always been in this style."

Wu Zeqing looked at him and smiled and said, "I have always wanted to ask you, don't you know how to talk cross talk if you don't curse? I really don't believe it."

"Of course you can." Zhang Ye said without thinking.

Wu Zeqing said: "So, why can't you say it once?"

"Say it?" Zhang Ye blinked.

Wu Zeqing twisted the eye ointment and smiled and said, "Let all of them see, even if you Zhang Ye doesn't curse, you can say good about cross talk!"

Zhang Ye was silent. After thinking for a full minute, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said loudly: "Okay! Listen to you! I'll let this group of people look at it this time! Let the cross talk world grow long! I can't say without it. Cross talk!"

Wu Zeqing smiled and said, "You have the will to fight?"



"Yes! I want to say it!"

After all, Zhang Ye had already picked up his cell phone, and the first call was made to Yao Jiancai.

Dudu, it works.

Yao Jiancai's voice came out, "Zhang Er, what's the matter?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Old Yao, I'm ready! The cross talk of the Spring Festival Gala in the capital, this time we two will talk about it! Let them open their eyes to the current maladies!"

Yao Jiancai was startled, "Say it?"

Zhang Ye said: "Yes!"

Yao Jiancai questioned: "Can you do it?"

Zhang Ye fainted, "Why can't I? Do you think I would curse and slap my face in cross talk?"

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