I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 888: [Three blood outside the line to finalize the work! 】

Liaoning Taiwan.

Someone in the director group suddenly shouted: "Come on! The big event in Beijing Spring Festival Evening!"

"What's wrong?" A director of Liaoning Spring Festival Evening came hurriedly.

That humanity: "The essays of Teacher Hai Haiying can't be broadcast!"


"what happened?"


Dragon TV.

The general director was silent for a while and said: "Do not consider the Beijing Spring Festival Evening."



"Are they not in the limelight now?"

Some people still don't know why.

The general director threw the mobile phone with the news to a deputy. "They have a big problem!"


Zhejiang Taiwan.

"Xudao, is the news true?"

"It is true, I just called a friend of Jingchengtai."

"Then they can be in trouble!"

"Yeah, it’s all this time. Where can I find someone to watch the show?"

"Exactly, our biggest competitor is gone!"


The outside world is hot!

In a certain lounge of Beijing TV Station, it was quiet and abnormal. It should have been the location of the most important event center. At this time, it is estimated that a needle on the ground can be clearly heard.


An opening door broke the calm!

Dong Shanshan walked in with a horrified look. "What is the situation?"

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Close the door first, close the door first!"

"My mental quality is low, don't scare me, Zhang!" Dong Shanshan closed the door, and there was an incredible tone in his tone. "Do you want to make a sketch? Do you want to put the essays on the top? Don't tease I can't do old classmates, even if we are classmates, don't you have such a pit person?"

Yao Jiancai said: "Xiao Zhang was forced to do nothing, even the deputy director with the general director of dozens of 20 people came over to let Zhang Hao out!"

Dong Shanshan said: "That can't promise!"

Zhang Wei spread his hand. "I have nothing to do, let me go!"

Dong Shanshan pulled the chair and sat in front of Zhang Wei. "You can't do it without knowing what you are doing? Just graduated from the eight-speaking broadcast, and I got a piece of it! I wondered, how could they suddenly? Found you? Remembering to call me too?"

Zhang Wei coughed: "The last time I was late, wasn't I looking for an excuse? Let's study the essay together."

Dong Shanshan: "..."

She looked at Yao Jiancai, "Mr. Yao, you give the evaluation! What is this called?"

Yao Jiancai smiled and said: "There are things like this anyway. Anyway, you both have a hard scalp!"

Zhang Hao suddenly looked back at him and said: "What is it for us? Isn't it?"

Wen Yan, Yao Jiancai almost scared heart disease, "What? You counted me?"

Zhang Weidao: "Crap, how do the two play a small piece?"

Yao Jiancai fainted. Just now he looked at the lively mentality and he was anxious. "I am grass, who will let you promise? Hurry and push, change others! I have not played a small piece!"

Dong Shanshan listened and listened, and he was happy. "This is good, a variety show host, a TV actor and comic actor, a moderator and a mathematics professor and director, three spurting the aorta. Blood outside, even the essays are not there, it is necessary to immediately stage the finals of the Beijing Spring Festival Evening, and time..." She glanced at the watch, "only 58 minutes left!"

Zhang Hao nodded. "The truth is like this."

Dong Shanshan looked helplessly at this old classmate. "Zhang, I always know that you are courageous, but I really didn't think that you are so courageous! We are so stinky cobblers, do you think?"

Zhang Wei said: "No, you have to do it!"

Yao Jiancai: "Hey!"

Zhang Wei packed up his emotions and said: "Shan Shan, I seriously ask you, have you played the essay?"

Dong Shanshan hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't know."

"Old Yao?" Zhang Wei asked.

Yao Jiancai bitterly said: "My main business is acting. If you want me to be on me, I can't play it, but I don't know how it works. The key I have never played is small!"

Dong Shanshan replied: "I should be similar, and I can definitely get on the scalp, but the effect... the ghost knows!"

Zhang Hao suddenly said: "You can go on stage!"

Dong Shanshan is speechless. "Are you asking for a lower one?"

Yao Jiancai said: "What about this book? What about the small book?"

The monks are silent immediately.


One person is more than one!

Especially Zhang Wei, this is the most stressful!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi, who thought for a long time, suddenly shot his thigh and annoyed: "I still don't believe it today! How can we not do it? Why can't it be done?" Turned to Dong Shanshan: "Shanshan, you were the best person in our class in the past, the activities and competitions organized by the school, what did you not do? When the class of Dong Shanshan was mentioned in our class, there were few students in other departments who did not know. ! Broadcasting is a professional teacher who is not giving you a thumbs up? Isn't it a piece! I don't believe you can't play well!"

Dong Shanshan sighed slightly, "The hero does not mention the bravery of the year, okay, I... try it!"

Zhang Wei looks at Yao Jiancai. "Old Yao, you have the most experience in acting. How many years have you been playing? When I was not born, you have already worked hard in the business. There are no more than one hundred characters. For example, I played the old man, played... Laozhang, and played... Laozhang, well, you seem to have not played any other roles."

Yao Jiancai: "..."

Zhang Weidao: "But your acting skills are absolutely no problem!"

Yao Jiancai yelled at him, "That is natural."

Zhang Weidao: "I am giving you a line of books now, I don't believe you can't get back in an hour!"

"Small lines?" Yao Jiancai from the channel: "This is short, it takes less than an hour!"

Dong Shanshan also said at the moment: "I have no problem with the lines, I still have some basic skills."

Yao Jiancai looked at Zhang Wei. "You said us, how about yourself?"

Zhang Wei smiled a little. "Do you say that the performance is still a line? If you perform, I have also filmed it." He even ate a lot of skill books related to the performance, and then said: "If you speak, Lao Yao, you have seen Did I get the manuscript when I was doing the show?"

Yao Jiancai: "... almost forgot, your kid is the most change-state!"

Zhang Hao clapped his hands, "So, what's the problem now!"

Yao Jiancai also made a fuss, "Rely, then go!"

"Go on, life and death are all it!" Dong Shanshan also figured it out.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Yes, let's take a look at this time. Three **** outsiders can make a classic piece! Let them open their eyes!"

Yao Jiancai grinned and said: "Is it a classic essay? It’s good to catch up with the live broadcast now!"

"That won't work, I will do something, or else I will do it, and do it best!" Zhang said.

Dong Shanshan looked at him. "What about this book?"

Zhang Wei said: "I am thinking."

There is too little time for them now, and the requirements for the essays are extremely limited!

One: The book should be simple, and the lines should not be too complicated!

Second: the props should be less, be simple!

Three: Three actors, two men and one woman.

Four: The sketch is to look good!

With all kinds of conditions in common, fewer and fewer can be achieved!

At the moment, Zhang Wei’s mind is all his essays on CCTV Spring Night in the world. Although he had many unsatisfactory comic dialogues in the Spring Festival Evening in the world, he could choose the classic sketches of the past years. There are countless hilarious classics!

Which one to choose?

That? No, I still have to do a Scottish "trouser skirt", no time!

Which one? No, the props are too big, too late!

What about it? Still not, the lines of the other two are too complicated. Dong Shanshan and Yao Jiancai are not like Zhang Wei. The two of them can remember the lines of ordinary essays in an hour. If they are beyond, they will not work. Moreover, there is no one now. After hours, I have to set aside a lot of time to rehearse!

There are too few optional works!

It can be said that it is very rare!

Zhang Hao’s forehead sees sweat, time is not enough. If you tell him a little, if you give him a few more days, he can prepare more works, but now...

Take out the phone and look at the time.

The screen automatically pops up a meager prompt window. He clicks wrong and opens Weibo.

Getting into the eyes is a buzz.

"Resist Zhang Jian!"

"What a broken song, it’s hard to hear!"

"A song has made our country lose a small ball, and I am drunk!"

"Zhang Wei can be a curse!"

"I think the national ping-pong team is right. If it weren't for Zhang Wei's fans to put his songs on the top of the list, our men's team champion will not be lost!"

"Support the ping pong team!"

"You have worked hard!"

"I heard that the Beijing Spring Festival Evening happened, haha, deserve it!"

"Zhang Wei's flow of entertainment circles - you dare to ask the past to say cross talk? Look, have been retribution! This is the Beijing Spring Festival Evening can be self-satisfied! Who can go to the fire to know it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Hao suddenly blinked!



That little piece of CCTV Spring Festival Evening that year, isn't it OK? ?

When I thought of it, Zhang Hao was excited. I took a table and rushed to the table. I immediately took the pen and paper and started writing a small manuscript. "Old Yao, Shanshan, I think one is better! Come!"

Yao Jiancai, "So fast?"

"What a small piece?" Dong Shanshan also came over.

Zhang Wei said while writing, this manuscript was not written for himself. He did not need it at all, but used Yao Jiancai and Dong Shanshan to use his words.

One minute!

Two minutes!

The essay was finished by Zhang Hao from beginning to end!

After listening, Yao Jiancai was shocked and stunned. "This... is what you are writing now?"

"Yes! A flash of light!" Zhang Yule broke down, "Ha ha ha ha!"

Dong Shanshan suddenly reached out and took a picture of Zhang Jian’s head.

Zhang Wei is wrong. "What are you doing?"

Dong Shanshan said: "I see if you will be in the original shape."

Zhang Yule said: "Hey, let me be a demon-weird?"

"You are not a demon-weird, it's almost the same!" Yao Jiancai said incredulously: "You **** too fast!"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "In a word, can't you do it?"

Yao Jiancai laughed: "If this doesn't work, what else can it do?"

Dong Shanshan screamed, "It’s it!"

Zhang Weidao: "Good! Set!"

Three **** trips hit it off!


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