I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 908: ["Smog Investigation"! 】

The eighth day.

It is the day of going to work.

It may be the release of the Chinese New Year, and the air is not good today. Zhang Wei put on a mask specializing in anti-fine particles to go out to work early.


In fact, the year has not yet passed. The CCTV employees who come to work also have a little bit of taste on their faces. Some people are discussing how many lucky money they will send out this year. Some people are discussing where to go and gather for two drinks at night. Some even It was lifted with a big suitcase and came to work. When I saw it, I knew that I had just got off the train station. This was the capital that I had just returned from the hometown.

Suddenly, someone looked in one direction.

"Teacher Zhang?"

"Mr. Zhang, early."

"Congratulations, Teacher Zhang!"

"Give you a happy!"

"Mr. Zhang, I will give you a good old age and a good New Year."

"Congratulations on boarding the line!"

When a small number of people passed by, they all greeted Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei of CCTV News Channel also came at this time. After seeing Zhang Wei, he also smiled and started to move.

Zhang Wei also smiled: "Good New Year, thank you."

In fact, in Zhang Wei and CCTV, after the CCTV annual meeting, many people even met in the unit, sometimes they can hide and hide, do not dare to say hello to Zhang Hao, afraid of getting into trouble. But today, many people are more enthusiastic, because Zhang Wei’s identity is different from before!

A star!

They are CCTV employees, and now there are several stars above the line?


not a single one!

Zhang Wei is the only one!

If Zhang Wei, who came to CCTV at the beginning, can only be regarded as one of the most popular hosts of CCTV, it can only be regarded as one of CCTV's pillars. But now, one of them has no meaning. He is now the most popular CCTV. Host, Taizhuzi! Well, it’s just that this column is not expected to be in CCTV for too long. Everyone knows that CCTV and CCTV’s contract is about to expire soon. It’s not long before, and CCTV will definitely not retain Zhang Wei, Zhang. You will definitely not renew your contract with CCTV!


Fourteen sets of CCTV.

Documentary channel.

Half of my colleagues have not come yet.

"Teacher Zhang!"


"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Yan is looking for you, saying that you have come to his office."

"Well." Zhang Hao greeted him, put down the bag, and knocked on the door of Yan Tianfei's office. Lao Yan was licking the tea inside. "Yan, look for me?"

Yan Tianfei sighed, "You give me this big red robe, it is so delicious!"

Zhang Wei sat down generously and said: "Haha, look back and give you some more."

"Get it, I can't afford it." Yan Tianfei waved his hand and put down the tea pot, then smiled and said: "When this year is over, you should be free."

Zhang Weidao: "Yes, it's really fast."

Yan Tianfei smiled and said: "It's very fast, it's been a year, what's going on? What are your plans for the future? What are you going to do next? Still working on TV?"

Zhang Yan shrugged. "I really didn't think about it."

Yan Tianfei asked, "You are now on the front line. The person who wants to dig you is estimated to be able to level your door. Do you have any idea?"

Zhang Wei shook his head and smiled: "I really don't have it. Anyway, there are some geniuses for the contract to expire. I want to rest first during this time. With CCTV this year, I have no time to take a break. Anyway, If you are not worried, take a break and think about it. When the contract is over, I will plan again."

Do the show?

Do you host?



writing a novel?

He has too much room to choose now, so I don't know what to do next.

Yan Tianfei nodded and said: "How to go in the future, it is much more to consider, the competition in the first line is too big, and even can be described as cruel. It is already a big problem to keep the rating of the first line, let alone you definitely It’s even harder to go forward, and it’s not a matter of caution.”

Have been chatting for a long time.

At this time, the secretary came in. "Yan Zong, everyone is here."

Yan Tianfei looked at the watch. "Well, inform everyone? Meeting room meeting."

meeting room.

The people on Channel 14 are all there.

The first sentence of Yan Tianfei’s mouth is, “When the Chinese New Year, Zhang guided the guests, many people went back to their hometown. With this opportunity, let’s first congratulate Zhang on the promotion!”

Applause thunder!

Everyone is excited to clap!

"Zhang Dao, congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Zhang!"

"You are too powerful!"

"Yeah, I was stupid after I knew the news at my hometown!"

"Let's record the channel and show up again!"

Those colleagues who were not in Beijing in the New Year have all congratulated.

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "Yan Zong, I am worth mentioning this little thing."

Yan Tianfei said: "The host of CCTV has had a few lines? There is almost nothing, let alone you are still on our 14th channel. Is this still a small matter?

The meeting continues.

The practice summed up the results of last year. The time is very short. After a few minutes, Yan Tianfei is not a tempered person. He quickly entered the work arrangement. "In the new year, the pressure on our channel is very heavy. All know, Zhang Dao will soon leave." Speaking of the old Yan smiled here, "But Zhang gave the results of our stay, but it was too earth-shattering, a documentary, the ratings for more than two months. The first in the country, this has become our pressure, but it is also the driving force, pushing us forward."

Everyone smiled and looked at Zhang Wei, yeah, their aura is too big now, and the results are too brilliant. After Zhang Yi left, what should they do? How do they make a documentary like "Tip Tips"? Think about it all. However, from another angle, in fact, this is also a good thing. Once upon a time, they were a record channel that didn’t hurt or love. Even if they wanted to have this attention, there was no such opportunity. Zhang Wei laid a too thick foundation for them before leaving. And let them go too far in the future!

Yan Tianfei took out a thing and asked the secretary to send it to everyone. "When the New Year was over, firecrackers were everywhere, and all the smog in the city was full of smog. I coughed for a few days and was very uncomfortable, but I saw some newspapers. On the smog, PM, these new terms, do not pay much attention to it, many people do not have this protective awareness at all, I noticed, wearing a mask to work is also Teacher Zhang and Xiao Huang?"

Huang Dandan coughed. "I have recently had a lung discomfort."

His boyfriend, Tong Fu, handed over hot water to her, "drink something."

Zhang Wei asked: "Is it serious?"

"Cough..." Huang Dandan coughed a few times. "Alright, it is coughing, and may also catch a cold."

Zhang Wei said: "After the fog, wear a mask."

Yan Tianfei said: "Zhang Dao said right, good protection, I have several experts and friends in the relevant departments, they told me that this thing is really harmful, and it is a long-term chronic injury, but why now The media, the government and the government do not pay attention to it. The mention of smog is also a little bit of water? There are too many things involved, there are economic factors, social factors, and quite complicated, so I thought, can we record the channel? Let's start this first shot? Let's get a documentary about smog, let the public pay attention, let the relevant companies sweat, let the environmental protection department intensify the rectification, and expel the smog! What do you think?"

"This is good!"


"What do you say, we will do it!"

"Yes, let's arrange the task!"

Yan Tianfei said: "Well, let's record the channel's first project this year. I will set this up. I will set up a column group to be responsible for data collection, interviews, field shooting, etc. of the documentary. As for the general director of the program... I think who is right."

Zhang Yule, "Yan Zong, are you going to exclude me?"

Yan Tianfei looked at him and said: "Of course I know that you are the most suitable, but you will expire after a few days, I can't pull you away?"

Zhang Wei said directly: "I am on the record channel for one day, I will do one day. I will leave and say that I am leaving. And ah, I am also trying to make a film of smog investigation. The ideas are in my mind. Even if I am the director, I think that both Lao Ha and Zhang Zuo are quite suitable. I am responsible for making suggestions."

Yan Tianfei pondered, "Oh! That!"



Haqiqi and Zhang Zuo looked over.

Zhang Zuo helplessly said: "Zhang Dao, you don't lead the team, how do we shoot?"

"Yeah." Haqiqi is also not very self-channel: "Every time we cooperate with you, the general director can not do it."

Zhang Wei said: "You both talk about work experience, more than me, what can't be done? I am going away, can't wait until this documentary is finished, I don't know, you must be on top, haha, and I I want to take a small vacation for a few days, rest at home for a few days, and relax and relax. This interview is recorded. I must be staring at you. Don't worry, I will list the interview outlines for you. You can refer to it. Just take a photo, if you can't solve it, or someone you can't interview, wait for me to come back to work, I will help you!"

Zhang Zuo just laughed. "Yes, I will be practical if you have this."

Zhang Weidao: "Reassured, I will not pick up the child. Today I will write the outline for you."

The two of them are gone.

Assistant Xiao Wang brought a cup of hot tea to him and went out.

Leave Zhang Hao alone to pick up the pen in the office, close your eyes and think for a long time, then brush on the paper and start writing!

A smoggy documentary?

The first thing he printed in his mind was that on his own planet, Chai Jing had caused great controversy and the famous "Chai Jing smog investigation: under the dome" that had been raging all over the country! This is also a documentary that made his people on the earth fear and pay attention to the smog for such a large scale for the first time. The influence is big and the controversy is big.

Zhang Wei naturally wants to learn from it.

He was bored in the office all day and finished the outline!

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