I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 912: [A generation of master Rao Aimin! 】

On the long-distance bus.

Zhang Wei took the ticket after Chen Chen got on the bus. After several people came up behind them, the car slowly opened and drove out of the platform. A few people in the tunic suit sat in the middle, relying on the right side, and talking about themselves, they did not look at Zhang Wei and Chen Chen. There were not many people in the car. Zhang Yu and Yu Guang glanced at him. He and Chen Chen did the empty position in the penultimate row. They didn't dare to be too close to them, and they were not too far away from them. There was a row of empty seats in between.

In the car, the voices of the few people were deliberately smaller, or the car was noisy and the sound was small.

Zhang Wei was slightly owed, and he had to work hard to listen.

"Liu brother, look at your temperament, and Kung Fu must have grown."

"Ha ha ha, Li Laodi, you too."

"I can't do it. I have a poor foundation and poor talent. When I wanted to enter the martial arts hall of Zhou Jiaquan, I didn't accept me. I said that even if I practiced it, it would be difficult to get into the room. Now six or seven years have passed, oh, really. If Zhou Jiamen’s doorman’s words, my boxing method will come here.”

"Zhou Jiaquan?"

"Lie Li, you fortunately did not go to Zhou Jiaquan!"

"Yeah, I am also very fortunate. If I am also a disciple of Zhou Jiaquan, I will only have to run the Rao Aimin madman!"

"Oh, you can't run without running!"

"Yes, I can't run, oh!"

Several people chatted and talked about Rao Aimin!

Chen Chen anxiously raised his ears.

Zhang Wei also listened hard and analyzed!

Zhou Jiaquan?

Haven't heard it!

Want to come is the boxing method in this world? Similar to the naming method of Hong Quan?

Just listening to the voices of those people with a heart and a feeling of embarrassment, seems to be a little scared.

"Zhou Jiaquan this time, it really caused a lot of trouble. It’s all about the competition in that year. Because of some accidents, Zhou Jiaquan’s current owner, Zhou Tianpeng, Zhou’s father, injured the master of the Eight Diagrams Palm, Rao Aimin. The younger sister and brother-in-law, both seriously injured, also fell into the root of the disease, one or two years have passed away, according to the ordinary contest to win or lose, who injured who, it is hard work, but Zhou Tianpeng father is the last four remaining One of the masters is the Taishan Beidou in the national art world. Even if he deals with two people, he is bullying and swearing, but when he comes back, it is also for his son, and it is a pity for the parents."

Chen Chen lived!

Zhang Wei also stunned. He suddenly felt that the little guy beside him was shaking. He looked at him and his heart was hurting. He quickly grasped the cold hand of Chen Chen!

Rao Aimin's sister and brother-in-law?

Isn't that the birthday of Chen Chen?

It turns out that Chen Chen’s parents are so dead?

It turned out that there have been so many things in the past?


Zhou Jiaquan Zhou Tianpeng?

This world, there really is a master!

In Zhangye, there is no master in the earth. The national art has fallen, the talents have withered, and the national art has become synonymous with martial arts. Martial arts has become synonymous with movies and novels. There are many martial arts halls and many martial arts classes. All of them are full of flowers, and even some competitions are also quite a lot of performances. The masters of national art recognized by the national art circles can't find a few, let alone a generation of masters?

But the world is obviously different, and there are really masters!

There are four?

One is Zhou Tianpeng?

what about others?

In front, a nationalist with a beard said with a vivid voice: "Yu Zhoujiaquan has since completely reconciled with Rao Aimin. After the reconciliation of all parties in the national art circles, even the door of the generation of the Eight Diagrams Palm came out. However, I couldn’t stop Rao Aimin. Rao Aimin is a legendary figure in the national art world. Even if he did not hesitate to sneak out the teacher’s door, he killed the headquarters of the Zhoujia Boxing Martial Museum. At that time, Zhou Tianpeng and another person in the same year. Chen Xi, a master of national art, has an excellent relationship. According to rumors, the two of them were drinking tea together that day. When Rao Aimin came over, Chen Xi also took the shot. Chen Zongshi wanted to reconcile and persuade Rao Aimin to stop, but he never thought of Rao Aimin. I didn’t buy it at all. Actually, one person shot the two masters. What shocked all the people in the country at that time was that Rao Aimin didn’t fall into the wind. After dozens of rounds, Zhou Tianpeng and Chen Xi were shocked by a cold sweat!”

"Unfortunately, it is still the end."

"Yeah, Rao Aimin finally lost. The two masters joined forces. Who can support three strokes? Rao Aimin actually fought a hundred rounds with the two men. They were seriously injured, but they also hurt Zhou Tianpeng! That scene I was I didn’t see it with my own eyes, but when I thought about it, I was full of blood. Since that day, there has been a fifth master in the national art world!”

Hearing here, Zhang Hao was shocked!


The fifth master?

Old Rao that goods... actually a generation of masters? ?

Zhang Wei couldn't believe it. He knew that Rao Aimin was very powerful. He might even even practice the darkness. He saw that Lao Rao could give a life iron to the bend, but never thought that Rao Aimin was a national master. One of the top five people in the world! ?

I only listened to the man who was still screaming: "The shot of Rao Aimin really shocked the whole country! Afterwards, even Chen Xichen once said to the friends after drinking, if Rao Aimin is a man, then One day, he and Zhou Tianpeng, even if the two masters joined forces, may be just playing a tie with her! Rao Aimin’s strength can be imagined. From that day on, no one in the national art world dared to provoke her. From that day, Rao Aimin also I have never returned to the teacher's door once, and it seems to have disappeared from the 'Jianghu' since then."

"But six months ago, the only female master in the national art world appeared again!"

"Yeah, the national art circles were also sensational at the time. Rao Aimin actually gave Zhou Jiaquan a gauntlet. Zhou Tianpeng did not respond. I guess he knew that he might not be Rao Aimin’s opponent, so he did not show up, but Rao Aimin was the same as Rao Aimin. No one can stop it. She went all over the country and kicked all the martial arts and martial arts schools of Zhou Jiaquan. The two or three generations of Zhou Jiaquan’s disciples will be a national master. The opponents couldn’t pass a single stroke. In half a year, the disciples of Zhou Jiaquan’s disciples were injured more than one hundred, and the martial arts hall shut down thirteen! Because there is no master who can stand to teach! Only close the door! ”

Zhang Hao heard all the same, he only knows that the old Rao is so bullish - forced! It turned out that she had come back one month before, and she went to avenge her sister. As a result, the other party did not fight. She only spent half a year playing the pavilion and surrounded the disciples of Zhou Jiaquan, forcing their door owners to show up!

One person, single-handedly the whole Zhou Jiaquan?

How brave is this!

The Zhou Jiaquan master did not dare to scream?

People in the national art circles did not dare to say anything? ?

I only listened to it and said: "A few days ago, Zhou Tianpeng finally spoke. I am afraid that it will not be forced. If this continues, Zhou Jiaquan will be broken here, so Zhou Zongshi found Chen Xichen. And the various sects in the national art circles and those who have heads and faces on the rivers and lakes, held this year's National Art Association exchange meeting, Guangfa 'Jianghu paste', and arranged the place in the Tianshan Mountains, releasing words, then will be with Rao Amin but the same year, no regrets, no need Q also knows that tomorrow's exchange meeting, Rao Aimin will definitely come!"

"Yeah, there will be a lively look!"

"And it is a big excitement, the battle of the guru? Which one of the national art circles can't come to watch the ceremony?"

"This conference is sure to be the biggest ever!"

"Yes, otherwise we won't even have an invitation from anyone who has no teacher."

"Oh, rather than accepting an invitation, it is better to say no, please."

"Let's take a look at the excitement anyway, see how this matter is solved. I heard that Rao Aimin's predecessor is not only the only female master of today, but also a peerless beauty."

"I heard it too!"

"Unfortunately, Tan's brother can't come."

"Hah, he is too back, this time a car accident, fell to the legs!"

"Yes, his invitation is still here."

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Wei has basically figured out the matter, thoroughly understood, and even after synthesizing these people's words, he also knows why Rao Aimin disappeared into the national art world after that year, and made a living in the capital. The landlord who rented the rent, she is to take care of Chenchen! It is to bring the children of her sister to the big! Now, Chen Chen grew up and became sensible. She only entrusted Chen Chen to Zhang Wei, and she herself once again returned to the national art world to report the hatred of the year! This is the phrase on the phone today if she can't come back.

Tomorrow is the exchange meeting?

Zhang Wei suddenly worried, invitation? He doesn't have it. He only knows that the landlord will go to the meeting, but how can he and Chen Chen go in?

"Zhang Wei!" Chen Chen hurried.

Zhang Hao walked a snoring gesture, "I understand."

Chen Chen slammed his arm, "You can find a way!"

After Zhang Yan racked his brains and made a deep breath, he said to Chen Chen: "You are sitting here, don't move, let me go." After that, he got up and walked a few steps toward the front seat.

Those people are still talking.

Zhang Wei went straight up and held a fist. "Several people."

A few people, "Well?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "I just heard a few words before I knew that everyone is a fellow person. Are you going to the Tianshan Exchange Conference?"

A young fox with a beard suspected: "Are you?"

Zhang Wei holds a fist: "My name is Chen Zhen."

The other person blinked.

Zhang Wei said seriously: "I am a teacher... Huo Yuanjia!"

Huo Yuanjia?

Who is Huo Yuanjia?

Suddenly, the long-distance car bumped, and the insulation cups that were caught in the net pocket behind the front seat were swayed out, and they fell on the side of Zhangye.

Zhang Hao didn't move, his feet were on the handle, and the tip of the shoe was picked. The insulated cup magically bounced on Zhang's toes. The dragonfly flew straight into the air and was picked up by Zhang Wei very casually. Live, handed them, smiled and said: "The things are gone."

Good skill!

Good effort!

When a few people saw it, they immediately became shocked by the heavens. This hand-handed effort, the average person really can't come!

The four people stood up all the time and held their fists. "Fortunately, I will be lucky!"

"It turns out that Chen is really the same person!"

"Good foot!"

Zhang Yiqian said: "Don't dare not."

One person asked: "I don't know if you are calling us?"

Zhang Hao snorted and said: "This is the case. I brought the children. The children on the road were mischievous. I lost my invitation to the Tianshan Conference. I don't know what to do. I want to ask. A few brothers, can you enter without an invitation? Before I came out, my teacher repeatedly yelled at me and let me come over to meet the world. I lost the invitation when I went out, and I didn’t see him when I went back! Oh! Hey! ”

Several people looked at each other.

The young man with a beard suddenly smiled and took another punch. He said, "Chen Laodi, you can be rushed. There are a few of us who have not come together. I have an accidental hospitalization." I flipped through the bag and found a thing, "Oh, just one more."

Zhang Wei busy said: "This, is it right?"

The young man with a beard smiled. "Is there anything wrong? We have no use for one more here. Moreover, any name is written on the invitation letter, and there is no photo. The invitation is released, basically not watching. The name, you must go in with no doubt." There is a saying that he is not very embarrassed to say that even if people look at the name, with the status of several of them in the national art world, people do not know them at all, they are at most a national art world. The edge of the people.

Zhang Weidao: "Thank you for a few brothers!"

"you are welcome!"

"I don't appreciate it!"

"It’s all people in the national art world, don’t have to be so polite!"

A few people have a good attitude towards Zhang Wei, because the hand of Zhang Wei just Xiaolu is really wonderful. Together with Zhang Wei’s expression and manners, he is also invited to the Tianshan Conference. No doubts.

So, the facts prove a bit.

Life is like a play, all **** is acting!

[Seeking a monthly ticket! Give Calvin a taste of an encouragement! Thank you! 】


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