I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 927: [Tai Chi really lost? 】

As soon as this episode came out, the scene was extremely embarrassing! Although the saying goes: listen to persuasion and eat enough, but you also listened to persuasion too much. Didn’t you fight for the honor of casual cultivators and small groups? Don't you have to die? Don't you never succumb to the prostitution of the big faction? Your sister! Where is your determination? Why do you just go back with someone's kind words! You, you are too unconventional to play cards!

The old **** Zhang Ye was walking back to the ground, as if he didn't take it seriously.

Liu Yizhang wiped his sweat and said, "Brother Chen, you, why are you back?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ye was shocked, "Didn't you persuade me to come back?"

Liu Yizhang: "..."

Liu Yiquan: "..."

Li Quanneng: "..."

Yan Hui: "..."

We are advising you!

But no one thought you would come back so quickly!

However, when Zhang Ye said so, they couldn't find a reason to refute, because they did shout for Zhang Ye to come back!


you win!

The people at the Bagua Gate looked at each other.

Song Jiaohan said: "This Chen Zhen, why does it seem shameless?"

Xu Fan was also dumbfounded, "You seem to have gone, just a little shameless!"

Zhao Yunlong said: "You are shameless if you take away the appearance and a bit!"

Lu Yuhu said speechlessly: "Why do I find this person more and more familiar?"

The crowd surrounded there, they couldn't even see "Chen Zhen" clearly, and naturally they couldn't see Chen Chen's little one.

The Huashan school model essays in the martial arts area over there are all ready, and the eyebrows are black at the moment, "Chen Zhen, do you compare? What do you mean?"

The people of great faction are also angry!

Especially the disciples of the Huashan School felt that their elders had been tricked, and their eyes flushed with anger.

Even Grandmaster Chen Xi frowned when he heard the voice here, and his gaze swept across Zhang Ye's face.


"If you're scared, say scared!"

"Chen, I think you dare to fight!"

"You just can't beat Master Fan! What reason are you looking for!"

"If you have the ability, come out!"

"Yes, come out and fight if you have the ability!"

"Chen Zhen, I'll just ask you, do you dare to fight against Master Fan!"

"My master said that he gave you a hand, so you still dare not play?"

"Come out!"

"Come out!"

"You can come out!"

The Huashan faction yelled!

Zhang Ye didn't move like a mountain, his face didn't blush, he didn't pay attention to them at all. Instead, he smiled diligently and chatted with Liu Yiquan beside him, "Look at the third competition area, it's very exciting."

Liu Yiquan said: "Ah."

Zhang Ye said, "What kind of school does that person have?"

Liu Yiquan said, "I practice Xingyiquan."

At this time, another disciple of the Huashan School came out, "Don't dare to fight with my uncle? Chen Zhen, then dare you to compete with me! This is not a big bully, right?"

"Second Brother!"

"Second brother, come on!"

"Destroy him!"

"Yes, kill him!"

"This Chen is really annoying!"

Yan Hui was afraid that he would suffer, and quickly reminded him in a low voice: "This is the second senior brother of the Huashan School. Among the disciples of this generation, the outstanding master is much better than Zhou Jiaquan and Zhou Lao Si. You have to be careful. !"

As a result, Zhang Ye was still chatting carelessly with Liu Yiquan, as if he hadn’t heard anything. By the way, he said to Yan Hui, “Hey, Brother Yan, what kind of punch do you practice?”

Yan Hui: "..."

People around: "..."

At the end of the conversation, even Liu Yiquan and Yan Hui, the two non-parties, couldn’t hold on their faces, but Zhang Ye was still so indifferent, which made Liu Yiquan, Liu Yizhang and many casual cultivators around him admire the five-body throw. ! Brother Chen Zhen's face is so **** thick! This is also a kind of ability, ordinary people really can't come!

The people of Huashan faction are all crying hoarse!

Fan Wen is already angry to go back!

The second brother of the Huashan school generation was also full of anger!

But Zhang Ye remained motionless, no matter how the opponent called the formation, he did not go out. What kind of martial arts? The match with Zhou Laosi just now was because Zhang Ye wanted to try his skills in actual combat. After watching so many martial arts contests, he also had some understanding of his own strength and the world of national arts. I have a deeper understanding of the overall level and division of masters, where is it necessary to compete again? He didn't come to fight! Oh, I have to go and compete with you when you shout twice? You treat me as stupid-force? Do you know how much your buddy is worth? You guys have to pay millions of fees to record any talk show. Can you afford it?

Zhang Ye is not a man in the martial arts at all. This guy is purely infiltrating the enemy to make trouble. He has no rules, honor, or dignity in the martial arts world, so of course he will not feel ashamed. !

The big faction can't stand it anymore.

"Just ignore him!"

"What a good guy!"

"He is the shame of the martial arts world!"

"Don't even dare to fight?"

"I'm so angry! I've never seen such a rascal person!"

"How did the National Art Exchange Conference invite such people to participate?"

"After so many sessions, there has never been a person who has not accepted the challenge! He is the first one!"

Many people in the Da faction looked contemptuous, as if they were a member of the martial arts world with Zhang Ye, they all felt uncomfortable, and they were filled with righteous indignation and complained for the Huashan faction!

Chen Xi, the head of the Huashan School, said, "Everything is quiet."

At this time, the talents of the Da Pai and Huashan faction were silent. Looking up, it turned out that all the competitions on the court were over, and no one came out to challenge again!

Everyone's heart shuddered, knowing that the highlight is coming!

For a moment, the audience was silent, and they could no longer condemn "Chen Zhen".

Chen Xi stood up, "Is there anything to be compared?"

No one answered.

Chen Xi asked, "One last question, are there any more?"

Still no one answered.

Chen Xi nodded and waved his hand. Ten referees from the National Martial Arts Association all stepped back and sat on the side, and then a lot of staff from the National Martial Arts Association came up to clean the scene and put some weapons back in place. Zhang A female staff member took the brick that Ye found from nowhere and looked at it. He hesitated for a long time, looked around for a long time, and finally threw it on the ground casually.

The second round of the conference is over.

Liu Yiquan looked at the stage.

Zhang Ye looked up.

Chenchen scowled.

The Zhou Jiaquan clenched his fists.

The people from the Bagua Gate also looked towards the ring.


"It's time for business!"

"How do you say you would fight?"

"I do not know!"

"The battle of the master, this is wonderful!"

"Yeah, it's a fight like a hundred years!"

"This year's national martial arts exchange conference is definitely unprecedented, and it is bound to last forever. As one of the witnesses, we should really feel honored!"

"So excited!"

"Let's see how to resolve this grievance!"

"In support of Zhou Jiaquan, Grandmaster Rao is indeed too much this time. This is a blatant challenge to the martial arts world. If it breaks the rules, the martial arts association will definitely not let it go!"

Under everyone’s gaze, Zhou Tianpeng, the current master of Zhou Jiaquan, finally opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear. It seemed that he had been recharged for a long time. As if a sharp sword left Cambridge, he got up and strode. Walking towards the ring, suddenly stomped on the spot, the whole person had already jumped up, jumped directly out of thin air on the ring with a height of about 1.3 meters, and was not at all embarrassed, but shook the entire wooden ring with a sudden tremor. With a bang, the dust on the surface of the ring was tossed in the sun!

"Good work!"


"Zong Master Zhou's skill has greatly increased!"

"As expected of a great master!"

An ordinary ups and downs can be seen in the eyes of real masters. The so-called expert in the doorway, Huashan School's Fan Wen is a little surprised at this moment. In his opinion, Zhou Tianpeng is compared to when he saw Zhou Zongshi a few years ago. A few years old again, but martial arts has not regressed, but has improved. At the level of the master, it is already the highest level in the field of national martial arts. Although the masters are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, like Chen Xi, the head of their Huashan school, is also his brother, which is relatively speaking martial arts among the five masters. Poor, while Rao Aimin is the highest martial artist among the five masters. Zhou Tianpeng was supposed to be at a level between the two of them a few years ago, a little better than his brother, and worse than Rao Aimin, but, this It was all a few years ago. Today, a few years later, no one can tell who is strong and who is weak among the masters. Moreover, at the level of the master, how many masters martial arts is, it is not people like them that can judge. Yes, they have no level to judge, they can only rely on feeling!

For example, today's Grandmaster Zhou Tianpeng's appearance, many people can clearly feel that the martial arts of Master Zhou is definitely much more advanced than a few years ago.

Chen Xi should be too, the inner family boxing is all accumulated.

I just don’t know if Rao Aimin has regressed. No one has seen Rao Aimin in these years. No one knows where she is or what she is doing. In the past six months, all the shots at the Zhou Jiaquan Martial Arts Center have been shots with cannons and mosquitoes. The disciples of boxing obviously couldn't see Rao Aimin exert all his strength, they didn't have the opportunity at all, so Rao Aimin's current martial arts state is a mystery to everyone, even the two masters Zhou Tianpeng and Chen Xi don't know it!

It's quiet!

Zhou Tianpeng stepped onto the ring. This time it was different from when he first came to the stage. The aura of the whole person was different. This time he didn't even use the microphone at all, and he spoke it out loudly, but the words were loud and there were hundreds of people present. People can hear clearly no matter where they are!

Zhou Tianpeng said: "Dear friends from the martial arts circles, the previous links have been completed. I am a little embarrassed to deal with some personal grievances between me and someone!"

"No embarrassment!"

"Zong Master Zhou, just say it!"

"Yes, everyone will bear witness!"

People from the Kongtong School, Huashan School, Tieshazhang and other schools are very supportive!

Zhou Tianpeng nodded and said: "Okay, someone from this week will be here to thank you first, everyone should have heard about the cause of the incident*. As a master of the generation, Rao Aimin bullied the small and bullied my Zhou family boxing disciple. Kicked and destroyed my martial arts gym several times, and caused serious losses to my Zhou Jiaquan. I don't mention the economic losses. This is nothing, but I cannot tolerate the insult and injury to my Zhou Jiaquan!"

There was a shout from below.

Huashan School: "Support Mr. Zhou!"

Kongtong School: "Support Zhou Zongshi!"

Kunlun School: "Support Vice President Zhou!"

"Unbearable, no need to bear!"

"The gossip people are deceiving too much!"

"Zhou Zongshi is generous, I didn't care about you before, you are endless? Playing Zhou Jiaquan all over the country? Is it tolerable?"

"It's shameful!"

Many people of great faction looked angrily in the direction of Bagua Gate.

The gossip door is also annoyed.

Lu Yuhu shouted: "Did you forget the account of my senior sister's sister and brother-in-law?"

Fan Wen of the Huashan School said frankly: "That is a normal martial arts contest, with different opinions on life and death."

Song Jiao said angrily: "Fuck you-mother-fuck! Old thief Zhou's son has done a lot of evil and deceived people with martial arts. My sister's sister is fighting with the son of Old thief Zhou. Old thief Zhou sees his son about to Fate fell on the spot, and then suddenly made a move to save his son, and wounded my senior sister’s sister and brother-in-law. I asked you, who is bullying the big and the small? I ask you, who is not following the rules? How is this account calculated? ?"

The second brother of the Huashan School hummed, "Who can testify?"

A deputy sect master of Kongtong sent scornfully and said: "A school of nonsense, slanderous words!"

The head of the Kunlun faction said: "Zhou Zongshi is generous, how could he do such a thing? It is nothing more than some rumors, which should not be true. Even if Zongshi Zhou really injured the two, it is a normal contest. One year later, if people die, how can Grandmaster Zhou be blamed?"

Zhao Yunlong said angrily: "The head of Kunlun, don't pretend to be confused! What is dark energy? You don't know what dark energy is? Dark energy enters the body, and all internal organs are damaged!"

Master Sun with the iron sand palm shook his head again and again, "Where is the evidence? The evidence? It's the old thief Zhou, do you have any education?"

In fact, few people can tell what happened back then, and rumors are flying everywhere, but everyone can only guess what the truth is. They only know that Zhou Tianpeng’s son is indeed of poor character, and Zhou Tianpeng has indeed fought against Rao Aimin’s sister and brother-in-law. The specific details are not known.

The people from the gossip door quarreled with a gang of people!

The small faction and casual practitioners did not interrupt, they were all whispering.

"The son of Zongshi Zhou, indeed..."

"Hey, don't mention it."

"I think it's true that this matter is just like what the gossip door says."

"I heard someone saw it at the time, but no one mentioned it again."

"Shhh, keep it quiet, don't let anyone hear you."

"Let's just talk about this, after all, that's a great master."

"How can Dapai be so close this time?"

"Who knows how they negotiated in private!"

"Let's just watch the excitement and stop talking."

"Well, it's not something we can manage."

"The gods are fighting!"

On the other side, the two parties are still scolding!

Dapai: "Rao Aimin is a malignant tumor in the martial arts world!"

Gossip Gate: "Old Thief Zhou is despicable and shameless!"

Da Pai: "Bullying and hurting countless disciples of Zhou Jiaquan, who is shameless? If you have the ability to directly ask Master Zhou for an explanation, why hurt the disciples of Zhou Jiaquan?"

The gossip gate: "My elder sister has given Zhou Tianpeng countless times in the past six months. Zhou Tianpeng has a guilty conscience and dare not pick it up! How can I ask him if I don’t even dare to come out? The senior sister fisted in her family last week. Zhou Tianpeng saw that the situation was not good, and even raised the head of the Huashan faction to besiege my senior sister. The two teamed up to defeat my senior sister. What do you have the face to say?"

Da Pai: "That's Rao Aimin's troubles. His sister-in-law's affairs have nothing to do with Zhou Zongshi. She came to find fault because she was wrong, and she called the door for no reason. What happened to joining with Chen Zongshi? , Don't you allow others to resist?"

Gossip Gate: "Fart!"

Zhou Jiaquan: "In the past, her brother-in-law and sister were not as skilled as others, and they wrote down life and death battles, life and death arrogance, what can be said!

The popularity of Bagua Gate is shaking!

There are many people in Dapai, and hundreds of them can be overwhelmed by a word of one person, and the black ones can be rendered white by them. And looking at this posture, it seems that the Dapai people have discussed in advance!


Chenchen is also shaking!

If there is no one next to Dapai and Zhou Jiaquan’s disciples talking about Chenchen’s dead parents, some even verbally verbally at each other, and Zhou Jiaquan’s people shouting, "You deserve it!"

Zhang Ye's face sank when he heard it, his hand lowered, and he grasped Chenchen's little hand, and found that it was cold, and a little fist was tightly clenched.

Suddenly, the head of the Huashan faction stepped forward.

Grandmaster Chen Xi stepped onto the ring, looked down, and said loudly, "I'll say a few words!"

Only then did the Dapai people withdraw their hand pointing at the Bagua Sect disciple, look over, and wait for another grandmaster present to speak. Chen Xi also represents the Guoshu Association today. The organizer and person in charge of this conference is him. !

Just listen to Chen Xi’s words: “This year’s National Martial Arts Conference is held in advance. It is also to deal with the grievances between Zhou Jiaquan and Rao Aimin. As a bystander, I basically understand everything. Here, I want to first Let me tell you one thing. I don’t know if anyone has heard of Tai Chi more than 100 years ago."

Tai Chi?

Zhang Ye narrowed his eyes.

Everyone in the audience was taken aback.

"I have heard!"

"Of course I've heard it!"

"I heard my master say it once!"

"Yes, this is the famous internal boxing!"

"Unfortunately it has been lost for a hundred years!"

Chen Xi looked at everyone and said: "The only historical records that Tai Chi used to enter and leave the martial arts in the Qing Dynasty pushed Neijiaquan to its peak. Some people in the school are not unfamiliar with this name. Throughout that era, many legends about Taijiquan have been passed down through word of mouth. However, this legendary internal martial arts has been lost for hundreds of years. This intangible cultural heritage of the national martial arts world is no longer there. Failure to continue is the pain of our waiting, and even the pain of the art world!"

Fan Wen of Huashan School sighed, "Oh, what a pity!"

The deputy head of the Kunlun faction also sighed slightly, "How brilliant was the generation of Tai Chi masters back then? But now, even this national skill has not been passed down!"

Liu Yiquan said excitedly: "Tai Chi!"

Li Quanneng sighed, "I have also heard of it, sorry!"

Zhang Ye glanced at them and said nothing.

Hearing Taijiquan, the disciples of Zhoujiaquan also showed their longing for it!

Tai Chi, in the ears of ordinary people, may not be a boxing technique. Few people even know what Tai Chi is. However, in the world of traditional arts, Tai Chi can be described as thunderous. Some real masters and elders of the school know Tai Chi in the past. The legend and brilliance of the Chinese are also well aware of the power of this national martial art. There have been countless people who wanted to restore Tai Chi based on some records and oral narrations of the elders who had personally experienced that era. However, no one can do it, because this is not a set of formal boxing, not a foreign boxing that can be copied by learning moves, but a set of internal boxing, focus, breathing method, luck The number of paths is different. There is no way to recover it through some uncertain scattered moves. So afterwards, many people also gave up. Taijiquan has been regarded as a legend in the history of the national arts. Passed down from generation to generation, people in the martial arts world can only hear about the brilliance of Tai Chi, but regret that they will never see this martial arts reappear in the world!

Zhou Tianpeng also showed a trace of regret, "Oh."

Chen Xi said: "Nowadays, the times are different, and the national martial arts community has entered a new chapter. We have our new rules, we have our new rules, and anyone who breaks the rules cannot be tolerated by the National Martial Arts Association. Yes, martial arts struggle? Use martial arts to deceive others? This is something that is explicitly prohibited by the national martial arts community! We can no longer allow the tragedy of Tai Chi Chuan to repeat itself, and we cannot let the few martial arts that have been for hundreds of years lost from our hands! Otherwise, we are sinners in the art world, and we are sinners in the nation!"

Some words made countless people angry!


"Zongshi Chen is right!"

"Protect martial arts heritage!"

"This is the heritage of the nation!"

"Taijiquan has been lost, and Zhou Jiaquan can't be lost too!"

"Rao Aimin did this to kill him!"

"Compared to the injuries suffered by the disciples of Zhou Jiaquan, the inheritance of national martial arts is the most important! Rao Aimin is going to cut off the inheritance of Zhou Jiaquan for decades! This is more vicious than severing offspring and grandchildren!"



"This behavior must be severely punished!"

"Condemn Rao Aimin!"

"Kick Rao Aimin out of the martial arts world!"

"Can't let her be arrogant anymore!"

"Yes, you can't make Zhou Jiaquan the second Tai Chi!"

"Everyone unite! Abolish Rao Aimin's martial arts!"

"Abolish Rao Aimin!"

Everyone Shuo Shuo!

Zhou Jiaquan won't talk about it, countless people from the big factions are all shouting together!

In the end, even a few small factions and a handful of casual cultivators who had inherited Zhou Tianpeng's previous subsidies, after hearing the words, unknowingly followed the crowd and yelled!

"Protect intangible cultural heritage!"

"Support Zhou Zongshi!"

"Kick Rao Aimin out!"

"The rivers and lakes don't need such a master!"

"Yes, the martial arts world doesn't need such a master, everyone unites and condemns the thief!"

"Condemn the thief!"

[First come a 6,000-word chapter! Ask for a monthly pass! 】


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