I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 935: [Stirring the duo! 】

After seeing this person.

After seeing this face.

After hearing this sentence.

The expressions of countless people at the scene became extremely exciting!

"He, what did he say?"

"He said - Tai Chi, Zhang Wei!"

"What is Zhang?"

"Zhang Wei."


"Zhang Wei."



Many people have shorted their brains for a moment!

The "disintegration of Chen Zhen" that took the sunglasses off the face was suddenly recognized by everyone. It is true that these people who practice martial arts usually don’t pay much attention to the entertainment stars. It is impossible to expect them to stay in front of the TV every day. Look at the "Good Voice of the Republic". However, most people in front of us cannot know it because he is too famous. If you don't watch "Good Voice", will you watch TV? Have you seen the advertisement for brain gold? Have you seen the newspaper? Have you seen the news? Have you seen the Spring Festival Evening in Beijing? Have you played Plants vs. Zombies? Do you know about the violent Korean star? Did his classic **** listen to friends? Never again, the catastrophe of the country’s hijacking incident has always been heard? As long as you know one of them, you absolutely don't know him. This person's notoriety in the country is too loud! Most people will not be too familiar with this person, but they will never know!

Liu Yiquan called: "It is Zhang Hao!"

He Badao said with amazement: "I rely on it!"

A woman is stuttering: "Zhang, Teacher Zhang?"

"What happened?" Song Jiao of the Eight Diagrams door exclaimed.

Xu Fan also exclaimed: "Little teacher, what the **** is going on?"

Lv Yuhu bitterly said: "I don't know how Mr. Zhang came today! In fact, during the time when the master sister left the capital, she always took Chen Chen to take care of Zhang."

Only Yan Hui, who stood with the Eight Diagrams Gate, looked like an ordinary look.

Zhao Yunlong noticed, "Strict brother, have you recognized it?"

"Yeah." Yan Hui smiled. "In the past, when the plane crashed, I fought side by side with Zhang Wei, and I fought over the gangsters, so I was relatively familiar." Even so, Yan Hui recognized it later. It was also Zhang Zhang’s recognition after he fell on the stage. It was not in his eyes, nor was the national art circles who were present not paying attention to the news, but they did not think about it when they pressed the roots!

Zhang Wei?

A star?

A big star in the domestic line?

He turned out to be a taiji passer who has disappeared for hundreds of years?

Chen Xi on the stage also obviously knows him, "How is you!?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Why can't it be me?"

The man from the South Wudang called out, "How can it be you?"

Many people at the scene have seen the movie before Zhang Wei. Everyone is still interested in martial arts movies. They clearly remember that Zhang Wei’s move in the Tai Chi’s villain played on the big screen. It can be described as a dog-in-law. It is simply a shit. At that time, many people in the national art circles laughed at the movie that had more than 10,000 yuan at the box office. It was too unprofessional, it was a flower shelf, and the so-called Tai Chi inside. Masters can play five in one hand! But now that I know Zhang Zhen’s true identity, I know that he is actually a Tai Chi Chuan sect. Everyone only feels that there is a grass mud horse running by, and after the leader’s grass mud horse, he is still following. 100,000 heads of grass mud horses come in!


You **** this is cheating!

Obviously you are a Taiji descendant, even the enthusiasm of Tai Chi, you have practiced! You are the legendary national art. You may be the only inheritor and master of the world in this world. So shamelessly deceive the audience with the dog-like fake Tai Chi. Deceive fans?

I am still a man, you are still a man!

I am grass, you still have to face you!

If the Taiji masters a hundred years ago are still alive, they will have to be killed by you!

You are playing fake boxing! !

Next week, a week old Zhou Jiaquan roared: "You are not called ‘Chen Zhen’!”

"When you go out, who doesn't have a few stage names." Zhang Yan's face is not red and does not jump, not at all embarrassed.

Huashan sent a person's airway: "On the instrument of life and death, you signed and wrote 'Chen Zhen'! You are a kid! What kind of rivers and lakes are you so good? What kind of martial arts?"

Zhang Wei looked at the man under the stage and was confident: "This buddy, you gave me an ear and listened to it! My university is broadcasting a host, the host is my main business, and the sideline is engaged in a TV show. Say a cross talk, write a calligraphy, get two poems, and at the most, engage in a mathematics research work, and then a guest will be a movie character!" A voice, Zhang Yan looked at him with a sneer, "Who is he? Mom is your martial arts man?"

The disciple of the Huashan School was a slogan!

Everyone smells and is speechless!

"You just didn't have time to take care of you. You still questioned me? I also told me about martial arts? Is it a good man?" Zhang Wei looked at the people of this famous group: "The two national masters set the trap, the national art association should be external, the famous door The big faction colluded with a qi, and it was to deal with a lesbian? Do you want to force-face! Don’t tell me what martial arts rules are with me, Zhou Tianpeng started a few years ago, killing two lives, you are still **** Are you still **** to the old and dying? The National Association of Art as a 'referee', also **** up to help reverse the ups and downs? Do you tell me, this is what martial arts? What is this hero? This is What guru? I am going to you-mother--the entertainment circle is cleaner than you!"

Gossip Song Jiao cheers, "Sell it well!"

Xu Fan is also excited: "Mr. Zhang! Beautiful!"

Zhao Yunlong said: "This group of people - slag! It is not a good thing! Bullying our masters and sisters is a single force? Still under the cover of life and death? Ha! You certainly did not expect my master sister to have a helper!"

Lv Yuhu clenched his fist and said loudly: "Mr. Zhang, thank you!"

"Yes, Master Zhang, all the brothers and sisters of Baguamen remember your favor!"

"Thank you today!"

"Thanks to you!"

"Thank you Zhang Yan, great teacher!"

"Great grace, will come to Japan!"

Everyone in the Eight Diagrams knows that if Zhang Wei is not present today, their master sisters will have no chance of winning! And now, the situation is clearly reversed! Their master sister and a master of the martial arts who is practicing Tai Chi, this life and death, they are getting bigger and bigger!

Rao Aimin called and said: "Thank him for what he is doing, this kid still owes me rent!"

Zhang Wei said without words: "Are you not giving me a waiver?"

"Have I said that?"

"Yes, you have to send me the house."

"Ha ha."

At this time, Zhou Tianpeng was in a dodge, and Rao Aimin was in the palm of his hand. The sweat of his brain was down!

The face of Zhou Jiaquan and many big people is also very ugly!


It's really bad!

Looking at the surname Zhang’s and surname Rao’s words, I know that the two people are not so simple to know, obviously they are familiar and can’t be familiar again!

After a few words, Zhang Wei said to the people in the audience: "All the colleagues in the country who are present today, there are big factions, small factions, and no ones, there are no ones, everyone is a year-year-man, Knowing right and wrong, knowing good and evil, but if you have a little conscience and dignity, you can ask yourself, how do you really want to join this national art association? Zhou Tianpeng Chen Xi dare to reverse this right and wrong to deal with Lao Rao. I will dare to deal with you tomorrow! Is there a sense of existence in such a shit-like association? Is it worthy of you to call and kill them?"

Many people who are scattered and small are silent, and Zhang’s words have caused them to think.

Huashan School Fan Wen shouted: "Your mouth is clean! 诽谤国术协会? This is to be legally responsible!" This words are spoken casually!

Zhang Wei directly returned the sentence. "Now you tell me the law? When Zhou Tianpeng killed the people, why didn't you talk about the law? When Zhou Tianpeng killed the people, how did you talk to me about the martial arts rules? Do you know how to understand the law? Also? You can go and sue me! Hey, I don’t know, you just got a lawyer’s qualification certificate a while ago!”

Fan Wensheng was taken back!

Master Sun of Iron Sands said: "It is Rao Aimin's destruction of the rules first!"

The Shaolin Temple has a very high level of humanity: "The things of today are not related to your Taiji, and the donors quickly retreat, don't make mistakes!"

Zhang Xiaoha laughed. "It doesn't matter to me? Is there a relationship with your Huashan School, Tieshan Palm, Shaolin Temple? Is Lao Rao playing your mother or playing your dad? Are you still jumping up and down here? Don't brag with me - forced! The martial arts are not so good, one by one will pull the gang to play with the mouth! Play in front of me? Do you know what I am doing? Just yell with me? OK, you put the road Are you better than the street? I am alone, you have hundreds of people! I am not with you, my name! Do you want to give it a try?"

At this moment, the people of the big faction were shocked by Zhang Wei’s shameless momentum!

However, no one came over to compare with him! A good national art conference, who is more **** with you than this! The most important thing is that they know in their hearts that they are obviously not opponents than their mouths. People are doing this professionally! And Zhang Wei’s mouth, they had already seen it at the resort hotel last night! It can be said that it is "a dead human bone"! Look at the scene of this group of people slamming the wound covered with gauze, now think about it, this is the **** of Zhang Hao's mouth, and the entire national art conference has not yet opened, almost all the army has been annihilated!

In addition to him, who else can do this under the sun?

What is this skill?

What kind of mouth is this! ?

They can see it, Zhang Wei is a stinking flow - hey, exactly the same as the news on the Internet! No wonder he and Rao Aimin know it. No wonder these two people wear a pair of trousers. Basically, these two goods are all the way. Rao Aimin is a crowbar in the national art world, and Zhang Wei is one of the entertainment circles. Roots stir the crowbar, if they are not friends, who is still a friend?

Today, these two smashing crowbars, which are notorious in their respective fields, stand together to meet the enemy!

I would like to ask, who else can be the two stinking sly opponents in the whole world! ?

[Important Notice: My public number was impersonated before, and the complaint has been resolved for the time being. Please add my public number to prevent further problems. The public number searches for "trubbing" or micro-signal search "changyubenzun" ( Try the Chinese Pinyin), it will release the pre-emptive version from time to time, and read some of the contents of the next chapter in advance, all are welfare! Quickly add! ! 】


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