I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 938: [Wanfu fainted! 】

Above the top of the mountain!

A husband is off!

The big faction has already rushed to the front!


"Catch Rao Aimin!"

"Revenge for Zhou Zongshi!"

The dense footsteps, deafeningly screaming!

Zhang Wei blocked the only path down the mountain. He laughed when he was not worried. Before and after Chen Xi’s injury to the fight was getting heavier and heavier, he had some pain in his internal organs. He coughed and seemed to be unable to see the opposite. Hundreds of people generally took care of the buttons on the collar, and bowed their heads tightly, and picked up a long tree scorpion that fell from the tree, straightening up, under the suspicion of everyone, Zhang Wei used The tree shrews began to line at the position in front of them, and the branches and the land rubbed and made a creaking sound.

A big group of people.


What is he doing?

one meter……

Three meters...

Five meters...

The distance of five meters in front of him quickly made Zhang Wei draw a line.

I patted the ash on my hand, Zhang Hao threw away the tree scorpion, looked up and looked at the densely martial martial arts person on the opposite side, and whispered in a cold voice: "The passer, die!"

Very firm!

No hesitation!

The passer is dead!

One person, in a word, is scaring the crowd on the opposite side!

Everyone saw that they had to kill Zhang Jian’s eyes and broke through the checkpoints. But they were stopped by this sentence and stopped. They stopped the car in an emergency. No one knows why they stopped because everyone’s footsteps are conditioned. The ground stopped, and the decisive intention of Zhang Wei in this sentence shook!

Huashan School Fan Wenyin cold road: "Let's open!"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "If I don't want it?"

The deputy head of the sect sent a weapon to stare at him. "You alone, want to stop us more than 100 people?"

"You can try." Zhang Hao looks indifferent.

A big disciple of the Iron Sands Gates said: "Rao Aimin has provoked public anger and is an enemy of the entire national art world. What heroes do you still have now? Can you block a few? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Don't say that you are seriously injured now, even if you are not injured, you can't stop us! Even if Rao Aimin is not injured and standing here, can't stop us! You really have three heads and six arms!"


"he got hurt!"

"He is no longer!"

"Don't be afraid!"

"Get together! He can't stop it!"

"Don't be afraid of him! Let's have so many people!"

"He can't fight! Chen Zongshi seriously injured him!"

"He is the end of power!"

Under the screams of some thoughtful people, the morale of the people was raised again. Yes, Chen Zongshi and Zhang Wei were both injured in the battle of life and death, and Zhang Wei was obviously injured more seriously. I don’t know if Chen Zongshi is right. How many palms, how can they continue?

Everyone is coming to the top!

However, Zhang Yan’s next sentence made the people’s taxis shake the air!

I saw Zhang Xiao smiled. "You really thought that I was hurt, I couldn't beat it? Good." The toes wiped the line drawn by him on the floor. "This line, you have a try."

Many people in the big school face each other.

Master Sun of Iron Sand Palm also looked at him with some hesitation, and seemed to confirm that Zhang Wei suffered multiple injuries in the end, how much strength left!

Zhang Wei called: "Come on!"

Silent opposite!

Zhang Hao shouted again: "Come faster!"

The opposite is still silent!

The more he said, the more the big group of people were not allowed to follow his pulse, but hesitated. The phrase "the line is dead" seems to be a sword on their head. No one dares to be the first. Try it! After all, the other party is a master of national art, or the successor of that tai chi! In his heyday, when Zhou Zongshi was ruined by Chen Zongshi, he was seriously injured, and no one in the entire National Art Conference was his opponent!

Master Sun said: "Old Fan, can you block him?"

"...I don't know." Fan Wen said with a black face.

The head of Kunlun said: "How many of us can we get together?"

Zhou Jiaquan Zhou Boda said: "That depends on how determined he is! If Zhang Wei really fights and wants to hold down the mountain junction to Rao Aimin, they are fighting for escape, then ... today is absolutely going to kill! And definitely not It will be a small number! Maybe... maybe a lot of people will die!"

Many people die?

This makes the heads and doorkeepers of many big parties silent!

Zhou Laosi hurriedly said: "But he has been seriously injured!"

"In case his injury is not that heavy?" A Shaolin Temple is humane.

An old man from the Qingcheng School said: "What should I do?"

"Get your mind and head!" Nan Wudang’s deputy head also spoke. "Rao Aimin, they are already far away! It’s too late to catch up!"

"Catch, definitely chase!"

"On the same, the heap also killed him!"

But at this time, Zhang Hao talked again. "You are not upright? Well, then I can go up!" His voice fell, and he strode forward.

The people were shocked and they took a step back!


Do you still have to do it first?

This... can you really fight again?

Zhang Yan walked slowly and looked cold. "Old Rao and Zhou Tianpeng have hatred, but it does not mean me. We haven't counted our accounts today. First, who are the two darts on the ring? I stand up, or am I going to find you? Second, the life and death battle is over. I always thought that the rivers and lakes still have the rules of the rivers and lakes, but today you let me open my eyes, you let me see your people. The face of the face, everyone who knows me knows that I have always had a hateful report! Do you think this is the end of the matter? Have you played with me on the stinking flow?" He suddenly screamed, "Grass Your mother! My mother will play with you today!"


"Afraid of him!"

"He is alone! Just one person!"

"Kill him!"

Someone in the crowd took the lead!

The head of the Kunlun School was also slammed by Zhang Wei. "I really thought we were afraid of you? Hands-on! I want to see if you can block a few!"

Zhang Wei looked at the head of Kunlun and smiled. "Then let's take a look. If you have a person standing down the mountain today, my mother and your surname!"


No one can stand down the hill? ?

This is too **** domineering!

The scattered and small people in the distance are all excited!

Liu Yiquan Taekwondo: "Zhang Wei is desperate!"

He overbearingly surprised: "He, he is not ready to go down the mountain!"

Liu Yi’s eyes are red. “The moment he stayed, he was not ready to go back alive! In order to save the people of Ai Min and the Eight Diagrams, he fights!”

A female doctor repaired the urgency: "Mr. Zhang!"

Li Quanneng said: "What is the name of the decent? It is a bunch of goods that are indiscriminate! The teacher is the man! This is the hero of my heart!"

The big people came up all over, but the expressions of many disciples came up, but they were not very willing. Looking at Zhang Hao’s crazy expression, they all worried about it!

Zhang Wei was not afraid of it, and he smiled coldly. "Today, there must be no one to die. In the last battle, I went to the huts and urinated. Can you understand?"

At this time, I still talk and laugh?

The small and scattered people are even more admired!

This is the hero!

This is the hero!

The big people didn’t speak.

Zhang Hao did not wait for them to talk, slid Dada to go straight to a simple bathroom not far away, whistling into it.

Huashan School Fan Wendao: "Five people go to pursue Ai Min!"

But at this time, Zhang Wei’s words came out of the cottage, “The line is dead!”

There are a large group of disciples who just want to rush down the mountain. They just took back the steps they just had to take out. They know that Zhang Hao is in the huts at the moment, but they still can’t help but feel a bit chilly. They are really afraid to cross that. Lines, the first place is different! This may be the momentum!

Zhou Jiaquan Zhou Laoda also looked at the timid younger brothers under the door, "Waste!"

Master Sun is somewhat guilty: "Look at Zhang Wei's appearance, there should be a backhand! He may have hidden his skill. If he drops a part of the mountain, he may not be able to deal with him!"

"What is he going to do?"

"I do not know!"

"Where does he come to the end with all of us?"

“Don't he have reached the master's skill?”


"Even if it is a guru, it can't stop us so many people!"

Ten seconds...

Twenty seconds...

In a blink of an eye, half a minute passed.

Zhang Wei still didn't come out.

Zhou Laoji wondered: "What happened?"

Master Sun called, "Zhang Wei!"

Kunlun’s head said: “Hello, are you?”

No one answered.

"How come?"

"What about people?"

"say something!"

"Not ready yet?"

Also called two scorpions, still no one responded, everyone was amazed, when the time, Zhou Jiaquan's Zhou Laoda gathered a lot of big people rushed into the huts, went in and saw, everyone was shocked!


No one!

Zhang Wei disappeared out of thin air!

"I am grass!"

"What about people?"

"How did he disappear?"

"Is there a pit?"

"There is no pit!"

"What about life and death?"

"Don't let a person stand down the hill?"

"I rely on you - oh! Zhang Hao ran!"

"Mahjong! Zhang Hao ran!"

The lineman died?

I am dead, you are three!

If you are co-operating with you, you are blowing with us - bulls - forced! ?

The entire huts were eventually overthrown by angry big people, and sputum-poisoning splattered the ground, and even the half shadow of Zhang Wei did not see it!


Zhang Hao ran?

Liu Yiquan Li Quanneng He Padao and others are stunned!

The top of the mountain, whether it is a small school or a scattered person, is also stunned!

Huashan sent a disciple to roar: "This dog thief!"

Iron sand palm screamed: "Too sinister! Too sinister!"

A disciple of the Kunlun school couldn't believe his eyes. He said: "Zhang Wei is not saying that if someone can stand down the mountain, will he be with the surname of our head?"

The Kunlun faction heard the words and was even more angry!

Everyone is not clear.

As a result, the next roar of Kunlun’s head made everyone faint. “Grass he 姥 姥 啊 ah! I, my mother is also surnamed Zhang!”

Everyone fainted collectively!

For a time, the top of the mountain collapsed!

"The old thief is too yin!"


"It's too shameless!"


"Everyone is chasing!"

They couldn’t think of it, there are such shameless people in the world!

Life is like a play, all **** is a movie emperor! !

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