I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 940: [The big faction is overwhelmed! 】


In the mountains.

Baguamen and his head flies in general.

"What is your meager?"


"This, who can this wild mountain ridge?"

"That's a try, why didn't you signal?"

"This phone has not been able to get out, no signal!"

"Go walk, signal, signal?"

It took about ten minutes to go.

Zhang Hao madly clicked on the mobile phone. Finally, I didn’t know which location suddenly came a signal. The network was connected for a moment, and the meager ticking was successful, but I wanted to say a few more words, the signal was gone, I found it in place. Half a day did not succeed, only to give up.

All right!

Everything is resigned!

"Ah, the master sister is so hot!"

"It's a fever!"

"Let's take a break, don't leave!"

"What about the big people?"

"No sound, it seems that I haven't chased it!"

"They must have found that we are in the mountains, and we can't leave more than a dozen people."

"That's time to rest, I can't walk!"

The road on the mountain is very difficult to walk, there are no steps, all are hillside dirt roads, some places are still cliffs, quite dangerous, everyone found a rock next to them, and quickly put Rao Aimin down.

Song Jiao hurriedly said: "Who knows medicine?"

No one snorted.

Zhang Wei does not let her say: "I am coming."

Lv Yuhu was pleasantly surprised, "Do you still have medical skills?"

“Great!” Xu Fandao: “Let me see my master sister!”

Zhao Yunlong said with excitement: "It is still reliable for Teacher Zhang!"

Zhang Wei walked up and took a professional look at Rao Aimin's people. Then Lao Lao did not wake up, and Zhang Hao slowly took back his hand.

one second.

Two seconds.

Xu Fan blinked, "And then?"

Zhao Yunlong also said: "Are you watching?"

Zhang Wei looked at them and said, "I will be so much."

The people of the Eight Diagrams fainted!

If you are co-authored, will you be jealous? Ah? I will be the grass, I will!

Zhang Wei is not counting on it. Everyone thinks about it. Some people go to find herbs. If there is any emergency, some people go to find food nearby. What can you eat in the winter? There wasn't even a fruit that was not cooked. Finally, Yan Hui pulled out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and ate it for Xiaochenchen.

Chen Chen screamed at Zhang Wei: "Zhang Wei, will I die if I am a big brother?"

"What to say!" Zhang Wei firmly said: "Old Rao will not have anything, there is me!"

Xu Fan asked Zhang Wei, "What do we do now?"

Zhang Weidao: "Under the rest, continue down the mountain!"

"But..." Zhao Yunlong worried.

"No, before dark, you must find a hospital for Lao Rao!" Zhang Wei said, suddenly the chest pain, but also coughed a few times in front of the chest, coughing sounds with some lungs.

Yan Hui hurriedly said, "How are you hurting?"

Zhang Wei waved his hand. "I am fine."

In this case, Zhang Wei’s martial arts is the highest, and his social experience and struggle experience are much richer than their martial arts people, and they become their leader unwittingly. A key moment to come forward and save them, everyone is willing to listen to him, and trust him!

Lv Yuhu resentfully said: "This will come to Japan!"

"There will be a report in the coming day!" Xu Fan also screamed!

Song Jiao wiped his forehead to the unconscious Rao Aiming. "Master sister, you are getting better! After you are done, let's join the big headquarters!"

Suddenly, shouts came!

"There are traces here!"

"They are going here!"


"It must be this direction!"

"They carry a wounded person and can't run far!"

The big faction has actually chased it!

Zhang Hao’s face changed, “Go!”

"Come on!" Song Jiao backed Rao Aimin, and everyone continued to run!

Not in front of the village, after the pursuit of soldiers, isolated helpless!

Wolverine! They can only describe the words of the wolf at the moment!

half an hour!

One hour!

It’s already a little over in the afternoon, and everyone has been exhausted, but there seems to be a master of tracking among the big people in the back. They are keeping up with the footsteps and traces they left behind, and the distance has been getting closer!

"Hurry up to catch up!"

"How come now?"

"How come in front?"

"Which is the way down the mountain?"

The people of Bagua are anxious!

Zhang Hao does not know!

At this time, Chen Chen suddenly shouted, "Zhang Wei! Throw shoes!"

Song Jiaoyi, "Hey?"

Xu Fan also stunned, "Throw the shoes?"

As a result, Zhang Wei was a thigh, "Yes, I almost forgot!"

Open the game ring, and instantly open the lucky halo (upgrade version), although the reputation value is almost empty, but it is enough to open a two or three seconds of prestige!

Take off your shoes!

Throw shoes!

The shoes are landing!

Chen Chen firmly pointed to the direction of the toe, "Go here!"

Song Jiao: "..."

Lu Yuhu: "..."

Eight-door man: "..."

I am not reliable by grass?

Zhang Wei and Chen Chen led the team and ran in that direction. "Go, what are you looking for? This is definitely the way down the mountain, believe me!"

Chen Chen explained to him: "We came from the capital, and I found my big sister along the way! Zhang Wei's shoes are amazing!"


From the capital?

Looking for it all by throwing shoes?

I rely on you really fake?

Looking at Zhang Wei, they feel that this guy has added a layer of mystery in their eyes.


Run all the way down the hill!

Another hour passed, they lost their way.

Touching the head of Rao Aimin's getting hotter, Zhang Hao is in a hurry, can only open the lucky halo again with the last remaining reputation value, and throw a shoe again! At this moment, Zhang Wei’s reputation is all exhausted, and Kenting is not left!


at the same time.

the other side.

The big people are lost too!

Huashan School Fan Wen annoyed: "What about people? Is this direction?"

Master Sun of Iron Sands said: "It must be here!"

Zhou Jiaquan said: "Is this the way down the mountain?"

"They are carrying a wounded person, why can't they catch up?" One of them was very confused. "We have been chasing for three hours! It will be dark in a while!"

Shaolin Temple is a humane: "There must be high people in their ranks. Every time they have to catch up, they can find a route to avoid, let us chase the wrong direction!"


"Look, it's going down!"

"You can see the foot of the mountain in front!"

"It’s finally arrived! They can’t run when they reach the mountain!”

"Call me!"

"There is no signal now, it has been played before!"

"Do people come?"

"More than 30 masters have come!"

"Okay, let's slap on both sides!"

"Yes, blocking before and after, kill them all!"



The morale of the big school has risen sharply, and the shouts are thunder!


At the moment, the Baguamen and his party also saw the last section of the mountain. They suddenly heard the screams coming from behind, and they were desperate!

"Catch up!"

"Can't go!"

"How to do how to do?"

"Ah, there are people down the hill!"

"Is there a chase in front?"

"Paralysis, let them go with them!"

"Crash out! Kill a **** road!"


The people of Baguamen are also red-eyed. Now they are running and there is no second way. They can only run desperately to the bottom of the mountain. They can only hope that there will be fewer people blocking them under the mountain. Then they still have a glimmer of hope. Highlight the encirclement! But when they ran to the bottom of the mountain, they stayed!


A crowd of people!

There is only one thought in their hearts - it is over!

Zhang Wei also stunned in the heart, can't run?

The people of Baguamen are sad and angry, and they are here, can't they? Still can't hide this robbery? why? why?

But in the next second, a few screams in the crowd at the foot of the mountain made the people of Baguamen squat there!


"It’s Zhang Hao!"

"It’s Teacher Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang is really there!"

The following few people saw Zhang Jian’s moment, just like playing chicken blood!

Zhang Yiyi, the whole waist suddenly slammed straight, "I grass! It is my person!!"


Own people?

The people of Bagua are almost soeping!

Most of the crowd are tourists, there are men and women, old and young, there are police, police cars, reporters, taxi drivers, and local fellows with more than a dozen Tibetan mastiffs!

More than two thousand people!

More than two thousand people!

On the mountain, the big people also rushed down. They didn’t know what happened. They saw them as far away, and thought they were their own people. The result was even tighter, and they shouted slogans one by one!

"Destroy the old thief!"

"Catch Rao Aimin!"

"Get them!"

"Hahaha! Catch up!"

"Don't be afraid of them, we have a lot of people!"

"Everyone, everyone..."

Suddenly, the shouts stopped!

The big faction finally saw the crowd of people who couldn’t come across the mountain!

Fan Wen stupidly said: "Hey? Do we still have so many brothers?"

Zhou Jiaquan said: "No, we didn't call so many people?"

Master Sun wondered: "Why? Why don't people in Ba Gu Men not run?"

Probably stayed for a few seconds, they suddenly reacted!

"I rely!"

"not good!"

"This, this is not ours!"

Countless people in the big school were shocked and the soul was scared!

Zhang Wei didn't run, but instead of running, he even turned around and strode over the big side. He shouted: "I am your mother! Who is bragging about me? Just push me? You will follow me again. Blow a cow - try it!"

Looking at Zhang Wei’s child, looking at the unconscious woman next to Zhang’s body, the masses at the scene were angry at once, and the anger broke out from the bottom of my heart. The scene in front of me really makes countless people angry! woman? child? Killed by the great masters of more than one hundred armed weapons? In an instant, a lot of young and middle-aged people rushed up, and even women and grandfathers and grandmothers rushed up the mountain!

"Hitting a woman? My grass!"

"Do you even have to catch a child?"

"They are the gangsters that Zhang Wei said meagerly!"

"I can't stand it!"

"Deceive too much! Lawless!"

"Follow Mr. Zhang!"

"Follow the teacher Zhang to catch the gangsters!"

"People from harm!"

"Kill them!"


Thousands of people rushed up the mountain, shouting deafening!

The big people have seen it, they have already been scared!


How come there are so many people? ?

At this moment, they suddenly realized the identity of Zhang Wei, and this **** is a first-line star. His fans are all over the country, and that is counted!

More than people?

Who can I have more people with my mother!

Zhang Hao chased it up, "Come on! Then brag with me - forced! I am more than people!"

How many thousands of people do you have!

I, I am more than your sister!

Fan Wen screamed, "The wind is tight, screaming!"

Master Sun even climbed and rolled, "Run! Run!"

More than two thousand people to more than one hundred people? Even if the latter will work hard, it is impossible to be an opponent. The difference in the number of people is simply too big! This group of people punched one by one and they became muddy!


"Quickly withdraw!"

The big people are fleeing!

Thousands of people are chasing after!

An old lady angrily grabbed a rotten egg and threw it over. He slammed into the head of a Shaolin Temple sorghum, and the yolk egg splashed with a high face. "Old vulture! I am dying!"

The Shaolin Temple snorted and didn't dare to go back. He continued to run with his head!

Countless people around have begun to throw things!

"Old Taoist, don't run!"

"The bastard! Beat a woman to beat a child?"

Fan Wen smashed a flying apple and hit the back of the head directly!

The iron sand palm of a disciple slammed down and fell, and more than 50 young and middle-aged people who were chased after him smashed a dog's blood!

The big people have a wailing!


The scene can only be described as fierce!

More than 2,000 people besieged more than 100 people, and the masters of national art can't stand it!

The police also dispatched and chased it up!

The reporters are desperately taking pictures!

There was also an ambulance that was urgently dispatched after Zhang Wei’s Weibo. The medical staff hurriedly carried the injured Rao Aimin on a stretcher and sent it to the hospital for treatment!

Zhang Wei did not leave!

Lu Yuhu and Xu Fan Zhao Yunlong did not leave!

Lu Yuhu caught up with a Kunlun school disciple, and it was a fat one!

Zhao Yunlong is a high-ranking predecessor of the sect of the sect. His martial arts was originally inferior to the other side. Fans of Zhang Wei couldn’t stand it, dozens of hit one! The predecessors of the sects did not even have a chance to shoot, they have been stunned to the ground, and their teeth have been beaten!

Zhang Wei is holding a stone that looks like a brick. I don't know where it came from, flying to catch up, seeing one and taking one!

"Grass you - Mom!" A brick shot of a Huashan disciple!

"I am going to you, Grandpa!" I took a Shaolin monk!

"Bragging - forced me with me!" Fan Wen was caught by him, and a brick was on the face of Huashan School Fan Wen!

"Blow!" This brick shot to the people of the school!

"I still chase me? You chase!"

Zhang Yan slaps while smashing, one brick and one brick, no bricks!

The big people have already chased Zhang Wei for three or four hours. Plus, when they were in the restaurant last night and in the group of scattered small groups, many people have minor injuries. Where is it too early? Under the mountain, eat and drink the people like a wolf like a tiger? The farthest one ran out more than 500 meters and was caught up by a Tibetan mastiff!

A scream!

The faction is almost completely annihilated!

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