I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 947: [Recruitment broker! 】



This is the season of spring blossoms.

After nearly a month, Zhang Wei finally returned to the capital. The man had not arrived home yet. When he got off the plane, he sent out the meager first--go back to Beijing, and everything was fine.

Fans have responded.

"Wow, Lao Zhang is back!"

"Why is this going?"

"Is the Tianshan thing solved? How did the news not say?"

"When you come back, Zhang’s time is a new show?"

"The contract with CCTV is coming soon? Is there more than a month?"

"Mr. Zhang, you have been disappearing for a long time!"

"Hurry up and work, be careful to drop the next line rating!"

The phone is coming soon!

The first one is Haziqi, "Zhang Dao, is it back?"

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "How did you get off the plane and the foggy documentary?"

Haqi Qiqi said: "It’s already being filmed."

Zhang Hao nodded: "Well, there is a place where I need to speak."

"Yesy Zhang." Haqi Qi suddenly said: "After these days, many people are contacting you, there are people who want to invite you to advertise, there are questions about your copyright, and there are all kinds of ways to find If you can't find your phone number, you can contact our CCTV record channel. You don't know, now your assistant Xiao Wang can't do it, and he is responsible for answering the phone every day."

Zhang Yihan said: "I am a little busy these days."

Haqiqi reluctantly said: "When are you getting a broker?"

"Agent?" Zhang Yidao.

Haqiqi smiled. "I think you should have one."

"Well, I think about it." Zhang Yidao.

Just hanging.

The telephone of the publishing house is here.

"Mr. Zhang, I can contact you!"

"Is there something?"

"Ghost Blowing Lights sold very well. We wanted to print it half a month ago."

"Plus, you can be the master."

"How can I tell you, how can we do the Lord? There are some fairy tales in your life. Some foreigners have asked for copyright. It seems to be interesting in English and German. They can't find you, they are connected." We, back, I will give you their call."

"Oh, thank you very much."

Then there is Dong Shanshan’s phone.

"Zhang, why are you going?"

“Haha, travel, travel.”

"You patted the butt, it was gone, it made me very busy, a group of people couldn't contact you, all called me, let me help me with the words, I became your agent?"

"Oh, I haven't taken care of it in the past few days."

"You go to the mailbox, I will send you an email."

"Thank you, Shanshan, please ask for dinner."

"Let's come, don't need it. You have to hurry to ask a broker. It's true. They are all star-studded. If you don't have a team, you can't even have a broker. It's not important to say it is bad. The key is Inconvenient, there is something that can't find you at all, what should I do if I am delayed?"

"OK, I think about it."

"Don't think about it, hurry up, let people introduce you to a few look, with your current fame and worth, and future development space, if the industry knows that you are looking for a broker, people must be Wuyang Wuyang Come, choose a few more, pick a few more eyes, you can't find a heart."

"it is good."

This is already the second person today to say this to himself.

On the way home, Zhang Wei is also thinking about this. Before, his wrist was small and his fame was not big. All the things were almost handled by himself. He couldn’t use any agent, and he didn’t plan to join anything. Entertainment brokerage companies, but now the reputation is getting higher and higher, is already a first-line star, and many things are getting more, this is not, just a return to the capital, a bunch of calls, although commercials, advertising, Zhang Hao, now no plan Pick up, but then again, even if you don't pick it up, you have to find someone to smother it? It is not a long-term solution for others to call the unit and call their old classmates to find themselves. It also adds a lot of trouble to others.


Vegetable market.

Parents at home.

"Dad, Mom, I am coming back." Zhang Wei opened the door and entered the house.

The mother greeted and said, "How come with the field? For so long?"

"Hey, something." Zhang Yi took off his shoes and changed shoes.

Dad asked: "What about Chen Chen and her?"

Zhang Wei said: "I came back, and went back to their own home. She was awkward... I was sick. I have to wait a few more days to explain that I will thank you again the day after tomorrow. Thank you for bringing our children for half a year."

My mom was relieved. "If you have nothing to do, the last time you called and told me what the last words are, you can scare me." One meal, she took a piece of paper to her son and said, "Yes, This is the phone that I have been looking for in more than half a month. How many of them have come to the house. Your dad is afraid of delaying your business, and there is no scorn. If you are looking for something, your dad will write it down one by one. You can handle it."

Zhang Wei looked down and snorted, "So many people?"

Mom laughed: "Your kid is a star, can you be the same as before?"

With this mention, Dad is a little angry. "The old phone at home is all looking for you. I want to pull out the phone line. I don't have a good sleep at home."

Zhang Wei busy said: "I handle my handling."

Mom said: "First eat."

"Hey, I will finish it when I am busy." Zhang Yan said.

Go back to my hut.

Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and began to work.

Is the novel authorized for printing? signature!

Overseas copyright of fairy tales? 200,000 packaging? roll!

"Good Voice" overseas authorization? One million dollars? Goodbye!

Invitation to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of beverage companies? can not go!

The chairman of the world's top 500 companies is married, the wedding host invites? Bye!

Avoid-pregnancy-set advertising endorsement? go away!

One hour……

three hours……

Five hours...

Zhang Wei is busy from the morning to the afternoon! Some commercials or work, he did not take care of it, it does not matter, but many of them have to reply one by one, people can see him, three times and five times to find someone to come over, Zhang Wei is not good to return to others, even if not go or not Then, at least one more thing to say. But when someone listens to Zhang Hao’s personal call, he is very excited. Not much more than two sentences? Not much more? So I will go out for a long time at this time! Then I met a few wonderful things, I can't wait to chat with Zhang Wei for three days and three nights!

"Small, eat!"


"Hurry to eat!"

The dinner time is up.

My mom called three times and called Zhang Hao out.

Zhang Hao, who had just handled all the work, was exhausted. When he came out, he shouted a scorpion. "No, I am tired of buddies, I am looking for a broker! Now! Immediately!"

Not looking for it!

At the level of this line, he is too busy to come, too many things, and it is impossible for him to deal with these things every day!


Find it now!

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