I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 951: [Lao Rao, you are my agent! 】


Guests visit.

Mom and Dad opened the door to greet him, "Chenchen, do you miss grandparents?"

Chen Chen gave a hum and asked, "Where is Zhang Ye?"

"He, he wears clothes in the house." Mom said with a smile.

Chenchen walked up to the door of the small bedroom, stretched out a hand and patted the door, "Zhang Ye, come out, here I am."

Zhang Ye's voice came from inside, "Immediately."

Chenchen patted the door again and urged: "Zhang Ye, hurry up."

"I know!" Zhang Ye was speechless.

Dad looked at the person at the door, "You are Xiao Rao, right."

Rao Aimin rarely smiled, "What should I call?"

On the side where Zhang Ye rented the house, my mother met her before and knew each other, "Whatever you call it, we are almost too old. Let's call it Big Brother and Big Sister."

"Gotta." Rao Aimin said.

My mother greeted: "Come in and sit down, come in and sit down."

Rao Aimin also took a lot of things, fruits and gift boxes. "The child has caused trouble to your home for more than half a year. I have heard Chenchen say, and there is nothing to buy, so I just took something."

"Oh, you don't need to bring anything, it's so polite." Mom smiled: "Xiao Ye lived with you back then, and it caused you a lot of trouble. You cook for him and rent-free, we Thank you very much. If it weren't for your help, Xiao Ye wouldn't be today."

Was courteous for a long time.

At this moment, Zhang Ye, who had changed his pajamas into casual clothes, came out, "Oh, Sister Rao is here." He also touched the small head of Chenchen who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Lunch is eaten at home.

Originally my mother was going to do it, but Rao Aimin insisted on cooking, and my mother did not stop!

My mother felt inappropriate, "How can I let the guests cook!"

Zhang Ye doesn't matter, "Haha, Sister Rao's cooking skills are much better than yours."

Mom didn't believe it at first, but when a table of food came up, Mom took it!

Complete color, fragrance!

My mother exclaimed, "This is so delicious!"

Rao Aimin said, "Do it blindly, just eat it."

Zhang Ye and Chenchen had already begun to grab that plate of braised pork without saying a word!

"Zhang Ye! Don't grab it!"

"Just grab it!"

"This piece is mine!"

"You eat that piece! Don't mess around!"

"This piece of fat and lean meat! I love this!"

"I still love it!"

"Zhang Ye! You are not like an adult!"

Every time they eat, the two of them have to fight a few fights. Everyone is used to it, and Zhang Ye or Chenchen have not eaten Rao Aimin's craftsmanship for half a year, and of course they can't help it!

Mom and Dad regard eating as a secondary matter, mainly talking with Rao Aimin.

While talking, I also talked about Zhang Ye.

The mother said angrily: "This Jiang Hanwei, you say you can't be angry! My son didn't recruit him and didn't offend him, so he just wanted to beat my son's agent! Is this unreasonable?"

Rao Aimin looked at Zhang Ye, "Jiang Hanwei?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "It's the martial arts star."

"Fear familiar." Rao Aimin said: "I think I have seen it."

Mom was startled, "Have you seen him?"

Rao Aimin thought for a while and said, "It's been many years ago, I can't remember it either."

Jiang Hanwei is also a member of the national arts circle. Even if he is not a member of the Huashan school, he is still considered a casual cultivator, or it is more appropriate to stand on his own. People are now much stronger than those of the famous school. He has a large group of his own martial arts team. Moreover, Jiang Hanwei's kung fu is very high. He is a real swordsman with a real gun. It can even be said that he is the most famous person in the entire martial arts world, both in kung fu and well-known It's top-notch. Rao Aimin said that Zhang Ye was not surprised to see him before.

Mom and Dad are more surprised, because in their view, Rao Aimin is a common man with many houses. It seems that he doesn't even have a job and lives on rent.

Rao Aimin asked: "He really talked like that?"

The mother came and said angrily: "Isn't it! This old bastard! Seeing my son is so bullying?"

"How good is your son?" Rao Aimin glanced at Zhang Ye.

"So!" Mother said: "Everyone knows that my son is not easy to bully. He still blatantly came over to provoke him. Do you think he is still a human? Do you think he has nothing to do?"

Chenchen interrupted and raised his head and said: "Zhang Ye, you go and cheat him."

"Who do I want?" Zhang Ye said happily, "Now it's people who want to fight me!"

The mother hummed angrily: "Originally, Xiao Ye was too busy to come. I just said that I was looking for an agent. Now it's all dirty. All the agents I contacted before did not dare to come. They were afraid of being beaten! The word is-come and beat one by one! It scares everyone away!"

Rao Aimin said, "What is his skill? Who can beat him?"

When my dad heard this, he said: "You don't know, this Jiang Hanwei is not an ordinary martial arts star, he really has kung fu, knows Chinese martial arts, is very powerful, not fancy!"

Rao Aimin said nothing.

Chenchen said: "My aunt is even better!"

The mother said: "In your eyes, your aunt must be amazing, but Jiang Hanwei is..."

Zhang Ye interrupted: "Oh, mom, don't talk about it."

"Don't say anything." The mother rolled her eyes and said, "Isn't I just chatting."

Zhang Ye said helplessly: "Can you talk about something else?"

Mother said: "Why should I talk about anything else?"

Zhang Ye: "..."

The one standing in front of you is one of the few people with the highest kung fu in the martial arts world. In front of a real martial arts master, you said how high and high is Jiang Hanwei's kung fu, are you kidding? In front of Rao Aimin, Zhang Ye I dare not say how good he is!

Chenchen asked: "Zhang Ye, what are you doing with an agent?"

"Help me with my work." Zhang Ye shrugged and said, "Uncle Zhang, I am now well-known. I have more people and more jobs. I can handle it by myself even if I have three heads and six arms. No, even if I can handle it, there are some things that I don’t have a good time for, and some excuses are not for me. I have to find a spokesperson to help me deal with it. In fact, there are not many serious things.

Upon hearing this, Chen Chen said suddenly: "Then let my aunt be your agent."

Zhang Ye blinked and smiled, "It's good to dare to love, but I'm afraid your aunt will not agree."

Chenchen looked at Rao Aimin, "Auntie, there is nothing wrong with you staying at home anyway."

Rao Aimin looked at her, "Do I look idle?"

Chenchen and Zhang Ye nodded at the same time!

Rao Aimin: "..."

Zhang Ye coughed and looked at her seriously, "Lao Rao, seriously, you are my agent, I now solemnly and formally invite you!"

The question of the choice of the agent, in fact, somebody mentioned it to Zhang Ye earlier. Zhang Ye thought about it at that time. The first candidate that appeared in his mind was Rao Aimin. She was very idle and stayed at home every day. There is nothing fart about. Secondly, she is very familiar with Zhang Ye. She has slept several times in the same bed when she is familiar. Thirdly, Rao Aimin's temperament, personality, and values ​​are too similar to Zhang Ye. People are really carved out of a mold. Rao Aimin and Zhang Ye basically agree on many things. If Zhang Ye becomes a big beauty, then it must be Rao Aimin. If Rao Aimin becomes a handsome guy , Then... well, it must not be Zhang Ye!

All in all, Rao Aimin is Zhang Ye's favorite candidate, not one of them. But he also knows that Lao Rao is too high in rank, a well-known...a notorious master of ocean martial arts, with so many houses in his family, he is not short of fame and money, why should he be his agent? So Zhang Ye asked Zhang Yuanqi to help find someone from the beginning. He didn't feel embarrassed to talk to Rao Aimin. Now that he encountered Jiang Hanwei, the agents all ran away, and Chenchen mentioned it again without restraint. Zhang Ye naturally followed along!

But he thought it made sense, but his parents didn't.

Mom and Dad were shocked when they heard it.

Mom said annoyed: "What are you talking about! Aren't you harming others!"

Dad hurriedly said: "This is not good, absolutely not!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Lao Rao is fine."

"What's okay!" The mother said angrily: "The surname Jiang is going to meet one and beat another! Are you still inviting Aunt Chenchen to be your agent? You are so embarrassed to say it! I am a lesbian. So beautiful, so gentle, do you let your family be beaten in front of you?"


Is it mild?

That is because our family has taken care of Chenchen for more than half a year. People appreciate her, and this is so pleasant. If she changes to someone else's house, look at her mildness! No one else's dogs wait to see her!


It must be beaten!

But whoever fights is not always true!

Zhang Ye ignored his parents, still looking at Lao Rao, "A word, can you?"

Chenchen also helped persuade, "Auntie, go, go."

Zhang Ye estimated that this bear kid wanted to find something to do for her aunt, so as not to stare at her all the time to do homework.

The mother pushed her son, not understanding how his son is so sensible, and said to Rao Aimin: "Xiao Rao, don't pay attention to him! Let him find the agent slowly!"

Rao Aimin smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Ye said again, "Just do it, if it doesn't work, I won't say it anymore, just give it to you. If you are my agent, you don't have to worry about anything, just answer the phone for me every day and deal with some advertisements. Business, media, business performances, I basically don’t pick up anyway, you just push all of them, you should stay with the family, you should pick up the children and pick up the children, this will not delay, yes, I will give you a commission. , Of course, certainly not much."

After a moment of silence, Rao Aimin spoke, not to Zhang Ye, but to Zhang Ye’s parents, “If it were a year ago, I would definitely ignore this. I have no interest in the entertainment industry, but now my sister The matter with my brother-in-law has been resolved, and the worries that have been suppressed for a few years are gone. Your son has helped me a lot, so I won’t say anything about it. I really owe him a great favor, Chen Chen has been in your family to help take care of it for half a year. This is another kind of favor. I don't usually make sense, but the favor is repaid. This is the rule."

Mom was startled, "Then Jiang Hanwei can..."

Rao Aimin said casually: "How old is he?"

Zhang Ye was also excited, "Lao Rao, what do you mean?"

Rao Aimin glanced at him, "I'll take the agent's business first. If you have a suitable candidate in the future, I will withdraw it, and I will give it to you for now."

"Hahaha, come on!" Zhang Ye was excited!

It's done!

It's really done!

He really didn't expect Lao Rao to agree!

This your mother is the invincible rhythm of the combination of two swords!

[A digression, I will tell you a magical thing. Search for "Taste Encyclopedia" on the WeChat official account and click to follow. Guess what miracle will happen? Yes! The first pre-release version of the next chapter will appear! It's so amazing! Come on! 】


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