I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 953: [Crash! 】

Birthday day.

Huairou, Yanqi Lake Hotel.

Far away from the hotel, Zhang Hao called while driving.

"What are you doing, old Rao?"

"I'll see, not someone you want to beat me?"

"This is my friend's birthday, I will meet him first."

"Wait for me."

"Hey, are you really coming?"

"Crap, someone tells me, can I still be out?"

"Let's talk about it, let's say, you wait for me to call, if you come, don't do anything at the birthday party, and all of them will be messed up!"

Zhang Yi can be regardless of who Jiang Hanwei is, but he has to give Xiaodong face.

on site.

The birthday party was held at noon, but when it was less than ten o'clock in the morning, there were already stars coming to the scene. There were also a group of reporters and seven or eight TV stations.

According to this kind of star birthday party, it is normal to come to the reporter. After all, the size is also a news. There are so many stars on the scene, but today’s scene is obviously not quite normal, because the reporters come too much, there are newspaper entertainment. Reporter, there is a Beijing TV station, there is a CCTV news channel, look at the interview there are a lot of empty beverage bottles and empty bags scattered around the car, it is estimated that many reporters may be in the morning to guard, everyone's purpose is probably It is similar, all coming from the conflict between Jiang Hanwei and Zhang Wei!

"How come yet?"

"Don't worry, wait."

"There is a car coming! There is a car coming!"

"Hey, it’s Chen Guang and Fan Wenli!"

"Get on!"

"Go and go!"

When a car was just over there, the reporters at the tip of the eye discovered it and swarmed up!

The car was still open and blocked.

Chen Guang and Fan Wenli had to shake the window. "Can you let me?"

A female reporter was busy: "Everyone knows that your husband and wife and Zhang Wei are friends. What happened to Jiang Hanwei and Zhang Wei?"

Chen Guang smiled, "I don't know."

A male reporter hurriedly said: "Will they come today?"

Fan Wenli smiled and said: "Maybe."

In short, the couple are asking three questions.

Behind, Huo Dongfang’s car also followed.

A large wave of reporters has passed around!

"Huo teacher!"

"Huo Master!"

"Do you understand the contradiction between Zhang Wei and Jiang Hanwei?"

"Why did they fight?"

“Mr. Jiang Hanwei really wants to play Zhang Wei’s agent?”

Huo Dongfang directly smiled: "Fake news, don't believe this."

A newspaper reporter said: "But the news has been confirmed?"

"Then I don't know." Huo Dongfang shook his head again and again. "Let's make friends, I have to go in."

A TV reporter: "Who is that broker?"

Huo Dongfang said: "I want to ask too."

The reporter was surprised: "You don't know?"

More and more stars are blocked at the gate.

Because the hotel is semi-enclosed, Xiaodong has already set the entire hotel in advance, which is considered a private space, so the area inside must have an invitation letter to enter, the reporters can not get in, can only block people at the door.

Not long after, Xiaodong and the other two members of her combination rushed out!

Their combination is called "Spring Garden", composed of three female members, Xiaodong is the captain, and the other two members are: Li Xiaolu and AMY. This is the most popular women's group in China today. The popularity rating has always been at the forefront of the second line. It has been red for many years, and even only needs a chance or an opportunity. They may be promoted to the front line. This is all who say bad. thing. The styles of the three members are different. Xiaodong is more multifaceted, beautiful, mature, and lively. Li Xiaoyu is quieter and more decent in doing things. AMY is a crazy character, more spicy, and there is also a big ticket to pursue her fans!

When Li Xiaolu came out, he said to the reporters: "Can you let me open? Thank you for your cooperation."

AMY said: "Don't stop at the door!"

As a result, many reporters saw it and surrounded them.

"Little Winter Teacher!"

"Is your birthday invitation list true?"

"When is Zhang Wei and Jiang Hanwei coming?"

"They have a good relationship with you. What do you think about this time? Why did you invite them both?"

"Who is Zhang's agent?"

"Mr. Xiaodong, give me a little more!"

A long gun and a short gun.

Xiaodong first greeted the security guards at the hotel to empty the door, and stopped the reporters on the other side, so that the guests could enter the hotel area smoothly, and then they went back to the reporters: "I have to clarify first. Both Zhang Wei and Jiang Shushu are friends who have a good relationship with me. They have also helped me. For this matter, I can say that this is a rumor. At least I have not received similar news. Going out, as far as I know, Zhang Wei and Jiang Shushu have never met each other. How come the conflict is said? This is very contradictory!"

The reporters nodded frequently.

Yeah, these two people have never seen each other!

Why don’t you end up with a sudden break?

Xiaodong continued: "Today, I did invite Teacher Zhang and Uncle Jiang. I just wanted to make a clarification. This is the end of the matter. Don't rumor again."

Li Xiaolu also helped to say: "Yes, it’s all about catching the wind and catching the shadows."

AMY also smiled and said: "Don't believe in the fake news! After a while, the winter sister officially introduced Jiang Shushu and Zhang Wei to know each other, they have to let them take a photo with you, and return your hair to you! The rumors will not break!"

Xiaodong Cough snorted and kicked AMY's shoes under his feet.

The reporters heard the news and were somewhat confused.

Also taking a photo?

Is it really fake news?

Their messages are all wrong?

Suddenly, someone shouted a bit!


"It’s Zhang’s car!”

"Hey, what about the car next to it?"

"The other one is Jiang Hanwei!"

"They are coming together?"

The reporters sneaked and hurriedly picked up the camera and took pictures!

There are still people who want to rush to the car to interview!

Xiaodong was also a bit stunned. I didn't expect how the two people's cars met at the door, but they immediately responded. They greeted the security guards of the hotel and blocked the reporters. She also stood there waving and waved a few times to signal Zhang.烨 and Jiang Hanwei’s car directly into the hotel, do not stop. She was also afraid that the two of them would stop. It was really surrounded by reporters. Many things were revealed. She wanted to mediate in advance and there was no way!

Chen Guang smiled and raised his hand.

Zhang Yan in the car also lifted his hand and said hello to the old husband and wife.

There are also many stars who have been blocked at the door and smiled with Jiang Hanwei’s car or beckoning or nodding. They are very enthusiastic and very polite.

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Come to you?"

"Advanced to go advanced!"

"There are many people outside, talk inside!"

"Lao Jiang, have a good meal today, I haven't been drinking with you for a long time!"

Jiang Hanwei's car is a black BMW 7 Series, the window slowly shakes down, and he also nodded with some old friends he knew.

Some stars have also started to drive the car, ready to enter the hotel together.

The location of the gate has been cleared by the hotel security, and now you can drive in!

At this time, Zhang Hao only saw the people in the car next to him. At the same time, Jiang Hanwei also saw Zhang Wei in the BMW X5. Both of them were a glimpse. The ground regained its gaze.

Jiang Hanwei shook the window and sneered.

Zhang Wei has a look that doesn't matter.

The first meeting between the two people happened in such a situation!

Then the next moment, the first "collision" between the two happened in such a situation!

Because Jiang Hanwei's generation in the circle is too high, the first stars did not go to the road with him, and they wanted to wait for Jiang Hanwei and Zhang Wei to go and they went in. The two men’s car is Zhang Xun’s X5 in front, because there was an uphill before, he was off-road, obviously a little smooth, it is reasonable to say that according to this speed, it should be Zhang Hao’s car advanced, then Jiang Hanwei (will arrive.

Can appear unexpectedly!

In the car.

Jiang Hanwei directly to the driver: "Super him!"

The driver is a martial arts coach at the bottom of his team, "Ah?"

Jiang Hanwei repeats, "More than go!"

The driver asked: "The door is enough for a car!"

"Then don't go over!" Jiang Hanwei said.

"Haha, I understand!" After confirming, the driver smiled. "Look at me!"

Suddenly, the BMW 7 Series accelerated, and suddenly slammed out, the engine also made a loud noise, scared a lot of people on the scene!

Then, everyone was surprised to see that Jiang Hanwei’s car actually surpassed the past. The road was narrowed away from the front door. It was only enough for a car to pass, but Jiang Hanwei’s BMW forcibly overtake and forcibly changed lanes. At the rear of the car, I missed Zhang’s car!

Almost hit!

But Jiang Hanwei’s car is still robbed!

Jiang Hanwei smiled.

His driver and the other two team members in the car also laughed.

Chen Guang frowned, "What is this?"

Fan Wenli said: "Jiang Hanwei's temper is really violent."

Next to a female star said: "This is so dangerous! Really hanging!"

This overtaking is actually quite dangerous, because there is a rising ramp on the side of the gate, and the road next to the ramp is not a smooth road. It is cut off. There is a height of about half a meter between the **** above and below the slope. If the car is right, slipping down the ramp, it is likely to roll over, it is necessary to roll over, the loss of the car is still secondary, people must be injured, not seriously injured!

The reporters are all stunned!

Xiaodong and Li Xiaoyu AMY are also anxious!

This, what is Uncle Jiang doing this!

There are so many reporters outside!

Other stars who are present, and who are also happy, are those who have good relations with Jiang Hanwei, and all know the temper of Chiang Kai-shek and steal the road with Chiang Kai-shek? Are you qualified enough?

For a moment, the reporters were all excited, as if they saw any big news, the camera shutter was almost broken, and slammed there!

Jiang Hanwei is Jiang Hanwei!

The big brother in the entertainment circle is still as domineering as ever!

Everyone was very surprised, but it was not unexpected, because this is Jiang Hanwei's temper. Before, he seemed to have done similar things. Jiang Hanwei's name is similar to his character, relatively strong, and many things want to be the first, so For people who know Jiang Hanwei, this kind of thing is normal.

For a moment, the focus of the whole game was concentrated on Jiang Hanwei's car. Some people have already thought about how to write today's news after going back.

However, at this time, many people seem to have forgotten that the person sitting in the back of the car, but a temper is even worse than Jiang Hanwei, the wind is worse than Jiang Hanwei's stinky - flow - oh!

Zhang Wei was annoyed at the time!

I am your mother!

Zhang Wei’s work has always been reasonable. At the National Art Conference, Huashan’s sinister poison was first. Zhang Wei and Rao Aimin almost put their lives in it. Afterwards, they naturally want to make a statement with Huashan. You Jiang Hanwei is a Chinese abandon, What does this matter have to do with you? First, I want to call my agent in the circle, and let me talk, even if the agent is my relative, I still want to fight, now my mother does not want my car? If it weren't for the buddy's tire width, just turned it down!

I am licking your face!

Are you **** endless? ?

With a bang, Zhang Hao’s X5 suddenly rushed out!


"Zhang Hao's car is coming!"

"what happened?"

"He, what is he doing?"


No one responded to this scene!

Jiang Hanwei’s driver didn’t care. Instead, he swayed to the left and twisted his buttocks. The car kept blocking the direction of Zhang’s car. He knew that he couldn’t go and it’s so provocative!

A martial arts coach of the co-driver turned back: "There is no way in front! It is enough for a car to pass through the gate! He still wants to overtake? Ha, will he fly over?"

Getting closer!

Getting closer!

Just blink of an eye, Zhang Hao's X5 is close at hand!

This time, the people in Jiang Hanwei’s car are all panicked!

"I rely!"

"How can this grandson not slow down?"

"I am grass!"

"Crashed up!"

"This silly - driving crazy!"

Jiang Hanwei is stunned!

The reporter is stunned!

Xiaodong is here!

Someone is smashed at the place!

Zhang Hao’s throttle stepped on the bottom and slammed into the “butt” of the front BMW 7 Series under the gaze of the crowd. Under the impact of the impact, the 7-series tail was already visible to the naked eye, and Zhang Wei The X5 is nothing big at all. He is not a normal X5, but a special version of the bulletproof car! I saw Zhang Hao pushing Jiang Hanwei's car and pushing it down the ramp!



Jiang Hanwei’s car fell, not turned, and turned off!

The car is roaring!

"Zhang Wei!"

"Your grandfather!"


"Oh my waist!"

Jiang Hanwei was also hit by his arm, and he got angry and rushed to the crown!

At this moment, the picture seems to be still!

No one thought that Zhang Hao really dared to hit it!

Chen Guang slammed his head!

Fan Wenli wiped the sweat from her forehead!

The other stars are also stunned!

This is Zhang Wei?

This is the stink-flow-氓?

Who am I relying on? It turns out that there are people in the entertainment circle who are more violent than Jiang Hanwei's temper! ?

Zhang Hao car started, a dozen steering wheel, has entered the hotel door and swayed!

The reporter who had previously asked the "Spring Garden Combination" stared blankly at Xiaodong. "Are you sure, let the two take a photo?"

Xiaodong: "..."

Li Xiaowei: "..."

AMY: "..."

Big news!

This is how I can't help it!


[This is the beginning of the explosion, first come more than 4,000 words! 】


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