I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 961: [Plainly there is more junior sister! 】

Lao Rao's house.

The ground is in a mess.

The match between Rao Aimin and Zhang Ye at the dinner table made Chenchen and Yang Shu both stunned from the beginning to the end!

Chenchen immediately said: "Auntie, did you win?"

Rao Aimin said: "What do you think?"

Zhang Ye said, "Your aunt didn't give her all her strength."

"You..." Yang Shu couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, Yang Shu thought of something, and then he reacted afterwards and sat up from the chair all of a sudden, "You are Grandmaster Rao Aimin!"

She finally recognized it!

To be precise, I guessed it!

She has never met Rao Aimin, but she has heard too many rumors about her, and she even knows how powerful a Tai Chi master who has developed dark energy is, and even so, she is still not equal to this person? Apart from the fact that the opponent is the grandmaster of the national martial arts, there is no other explanation at all, and everyone knows that there seems to be only one female grandmaster in the entire martial arts world, and rumors say that this female grandmaster has a pretty good relationship with Zhang Ye!

So, besides Rao Aimin of Bagua Sect, who else is there?

Yang Shu was shocked. She never thought that she would meet another master who practiced Taijiquan, and she never thought that she accidentally witnessed a great master's attack against a master of Warring States!

Zhang Ye looked at Yang Shu with the same surprise, and answered her question just now, "I still want to ask, who are you? How can you know Tai Chi?"

Rao Aimin looked at him, "Really?"

"Can't be wrong!" Zhang Ye affirmed.

Rao Aimin doesn't know much about Tai Chi, "It doesn't seem to be the same as your routine?"

"There are differences in the moves, but it is really Tai Chi." Zhang Ye said seriously, "I can be sure."

Rao Aimin nodded, Zhang Ye is an expert in Tai Chi, he said yes, then it must be!

Yang Shu's skill really surprised Zhang Ye!

This man really knows Tai Chi!

And the kung fu is very good, maybe not far from practicing dark energy!

Zhang Ye didn't expect that such an extremely high hand suddenly popped out!

In Zhang Ye's world, there are too many types of Tai Chi, and there are many schools, the most famous ones are Chen Tai Chi and Yang Tai Chi, etc. The areas of expertise are different, and the martial arts methods are different. The Tai Chi skill experience book "eaten" by Zhang Ye in the game ring is actually not the Chen family nor the Yang family, and can not completely belong to any Tai Chi category. His Tai Chi seems to be a combination of many types of Tai Chi. Derived from each other, they learn from each other's strengths. In other words, Zhang Ye's Taijiquan has a large coverage and a wide tolerance. The other Taijiquan factions can see their shadows here, and he will have some. But because Zhang Ye was not a martial arts fan on that earth before, nor did he learn Tai Chi, and didn’t understand it, so he couldn’t tell whether Yang Shu’s boxing skills belonged to his Tai Chi school in that world. But after thinking about it, Tai Chi in the two worlds can't actually be compared like that. They have their own particularities and should be viewed separately.

Zhang Ye could tell.

Yang Shu naturally understood it too!

After the two Taijiquan masters tried it, they all knew the opponent's strokes, and they knew that the opponent and himself were in the same vein!

"Who taught you this Taijiquan?" Yang Shu ignored Rao Aimin and quickly said, "How can your Taijiquan be more powerful than mine? Who are you?"

Zhang Ye spread his hands, "I'm Zhang Ye, can I change my name or my surname?"

Chenchen exposed: "During the martial arts conference, didn't you say your name is Chen Zhen?"

Zhang Ye's face blushed: "...Can you not mention this?"

Chenchen: "Haha."

Yang Shu immediately said, "Who is your master?"

"I don't have a master." Zhang Ye said.

Yang Shu said: "Impossible!"

Zhang Ye asked, "Who did you learn Taijiquan from?"

Yang Shu finally gritted his teeth and said: "I'm from the family!"

Family biography?

Rao Aimin squinted, "Who was the Tai Chi master a hundred years ago?"

Zhang Ye wanted to ask this question a long time ago, and stared at Yang Shu.

Yang Shu proudly said: "It's my ancestor!"

Zhang Ye was surprised: "Really?"

Yang Shu said, "Naturally it is true."

I rely on!

It turns out this talent is the descendant of Tai Chi from Miao Honggenzheng in this world!

Zhang Ye wondered: "Then why didn't you show up in the martial arts world before? Why didn't you open a martial arts gym? How did everyone think that Tai Chi was lost?"

"I..." Yang Shu showed a somewhat embarrassed expression upon hearing this, "I have no money to open a martial arts gym."

No money?


This reason is very reasonable!

Rao Aimin curiously asked, "Apart from you, are there any descendants of Tai Chi?"

After Yang Shu pondered, he shook his head slightly and said with a little sadness: "My parents have passed away, and now I am the only descendant of Taijiquan." Then she looked at Zhang Ye, "He is the second person I have ever seen to know Taijiquan. , And he played a lot of martial arts skills and Tai Chi moves, I, I have not learned a lot! My family has not taught me."

Zhang Ye asked: "Why?"

Yang Shu said: "My family has nothing to do with the world, and never mingled with things on the rivers and lakes. My parents' generation is not talented, and martial arts training is only to strengthen the body. There are many things passed down by ancestors. There is nothing left. How much has been dropped, only three or four out of ten are left."

Rao Aimin said, "Co-authored with him is more authentic than you, the orthodox heir of Tai Chi?"

Yang Shu kept his face calm and did not speak.

Zhang Ye also feels a little inappropriate at the moment, and he can't fool it if he doesn't make up a lie. Can't you say that he taught himself out of thin air? So the servant said: "I also got a copy of Taijiquan's moves and luck tricks by chance, and then practiced it myself."

Yang Shu heard this excitedly and said: "Where is the boxing score?"

"Uh, lost it." Zhang Ye said with sweat.

Yang Shu was immediately lost, "That boxing sheet may have been left by my ancestors!"

Rao Aimin said: "So, maybe you two are really in the same line?"

"You can say so." Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Tai Chi in the world is one family, now except for the two of us, no one in this world knows Tai Chi." Thinking of this, Zhang Ye looked at Yang Shu with kind eyes. Many, this kind of intimacy is really hard to explain in words.

Yang Shu hesitated after hearing the words, and nodded.

Rao Aimin said in a deficient manner: "Then you two won't fight? Whoever wins is the true descendant of Tai Chi, and I will promote it to you at that time!"

Zhang Ye: "..."

Yang Shu said, "I can't beat him."

Rao Aimin said with enthusiasm: "Young people need to be confident. This kid is not healed now and has not healed. Now is a good opportunity for you to regain the orthodox descendants of Tai Chi, I am optimistic about you!"

"Sister Rao." Zhang Ye said silently, "Can you accumulate some virtue in your mouth?"

At this time, Chenchen was full and tired, and said, "Auntie, I want to sleep."

Rao Aimin said, "Okay, I can't take care of your Taiji pulse, you can solve it yourself." She took Chenchen to the second floor to rest.

Zhang Ye looked at it and said to Yang Shu: "Go to my place."

"Yeah." Yang Shu said.


next to.

The small studio rented by Zhang Ye.

"It's been a long time since I came back. It's a bit messy. Just sit down." Zhang Ye quickly cleaned up and picked up the things thrown on the sofa and bed.

Yang Shu didn't sit down.

Zhang Ye asked: "What to drink?"

Yang Shu suddenly looked at him, clasped his fists, and yelled Zhang Ye's shameful address, "Brother!"


What brother!

Zhang Ye quickly said: "Don't call it that!"

Yang Shu insisted: "No matter where you learned Taijiquan, we are all in the same vein. As you just said, the world of Taiji is one family, and now the only people in the world who know Taijiquan are the two of us. Your age A little older than me, martial arts is one year higher than me...much higher, you are naturally my senior!"

Zhang Ye: "Just call Zhang Ye."

Yang Shu: "Good brother."

Zhang Ye: "You can call Lao Zhang."

Yang Shu: "Well, brother."

Zhang Ye smacked, "Forget it, do whatever you want."

Yang Shu heard the words, and said solemnly: "Brother, now there are only two of us in the Tai Chi line. We have a heavy burden on our shoulders. We have a mission to carry forward Tai Chi. I used to think that I was the only one who shouldered the heavy burden. Now that I see you, I know that this is the matter of the two of us. The only dream in my life is to make Tai Chi famous all over the world. I have decided. This time I arrive in Beijing and I am not going to leave! I know, you must have the same idea as me, we can work hard together!"



On a mission?

I don't have that **** idea!

Zhang Ye coughed: "Take this slowly, take it slow."

"Brother, can you teach me Tai Chi?"

"Don't you know?"

"I will not be complete."

"Oh, that's fine."

"Brother, you lend me some money."

"What are you doing?"

"I have no money to eat."

"Uh, is two thousand enough?"


"Okay, you take it first."

"Brother, I have no place to live."

"Huh? What should I do?"

"Can I live with you?"

"Live here?"

"Well, isn't your house empty?"



"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's okay, I just yelled."


Picking up a junior girl out of thin air, the wallet was empty, and the house was gone. Zhang Ye was also quite uncomfortable with what happened at this moment. He didn't know what was wrong, it was just your mother!

When he first saw Yang Shu, Zhang Ye felt that this man was a stunned boy. Now he knows that his feelings are not wrong at all. This guy really doesn't regard himself as an outsider!


[The origin of Tai Chi in the previous chapter is Yang Tai Chi. It was a typo. It was wrong and has been corrected. 】

[By the way, let me announce that I am really a big star official QQ group number: 97325130, I have already added another group, so I don’t need to add it again. 】


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