I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 963: [Be banned! 】

seven in the morning.


Other channels and departments have not come to work yet, and many other office areas are empty, and the 14 channels have become busy!

All employees, no one is absent!

"What about the manuscript?"

"In copying, right away!"

"Give me a call from the environmental department!"

"I have it here!"

"Interview with Director Xu, who is going?"

"Give me, I will go!"

"Zhang Dao? You go in person?"


"Then I will arrange it for you right away!"

"Ha guided, the animated short film was made, can you look at it?"

Eight or nine o'clock.

Only afterwards, CCTV employees went to work. When the passing people saw the scene on Channel 14, they were all shocked. They found that people who recorded the channel today have changed their appearance. Everyone is in the same place. Busy, no one is playing the game, no one is chatting, everyone seems to have a sharp sword, the expression is sharp, persistent, tough, and angry!

what happened?

What happened here?

A 13 channel person wants to go up and ask, "Lao Wu, you guys..."

Then, the latter person who knew the inside hurriedly pulled him back. "Don't ask, Huang Dandan of their channel has an accident!"

"what's up?"

"Lung cancer."

"What are you talking about? How come!"

"Yeah, how old is she?"

"How did you know?"

"I also heard people in the morning, I heard that it was caused by smog!"


"No wonder! No wonder the people on Channel 14 are so desperate!"

"Smog? Is the fog so serious?"

“Can cause lung cancer?”

"How come I don't know? Why didn't the news say?"

"I know that the smog is not good, but no one told me that it can cause lung cancer? And is there such a big chance? Huang Dandan I saw it yesterday!"

"I do not know."

“Is the fog so serious?”

In the morning, CCTV has spread all over!

Several other department leaders also found Yan Tianfei, and came to express their condolences.

Other channels, because of their kindness, also proposed to donate, but they were rejected by Yan Tianfei and Tong Fu. Because of the investigation of smog, it ran through the most polluted places in the north and south of the Yangtze River. This is one of the causes of her lung cancer. Huang Dandan is a work-related injury. Yan Tianfei has already greeted the relevant departments, and the medical expenses are fully reported. I don’t have to worry about Huang Dandan and my family. Yan Tianfei has already done so.


one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The 14th channel people were desperate for one game. In such a high-intensity operation, it took only three days. The second half of the documentary of the length of four episodes was actually completed by them, plus the previous month. The progress of the work, the entire documentary ended successfully!

In the end, Zhang Weifu was responsible for editing, and some of the things that were too controversial were cut off. They did not follow the original version of his investigation of the world’s Chai Mist, and the broadcast method was different from that of the other. I temporarily added some of my own things and modified a lot. He was afraid that he could not broadcast it, so he had to remove a lot of controversial things, but some could not be deleted. It must be left behind.

On the same day, the documentary will be ready!

Hazziqi sighed, "finally finished!"

"It’s almost dizzy!" Zhang Zuo has already fallen.

Xiao Wang said with excitement: "Great, I will call Dandan to tell her!"

Tong Fu was busy asking, "Zhang Dao, when can I broadcast it?"

Zhang Weidao: "What is it?"

Tong Fudao: "Dan Dan will have surgery next week, I think she can see it before surgery!"

Zhang Wei immediately said: "Well, I will talk to Yan."

Zhang Wei went to Yan Tianfei's office to communicate. After Yan Tianfei read the film, he was quite satisfied. He sent the film directly to the newspaper. They want to broadcast it next week. This week is used for publicity!

However, what everyone didn’t think was that the next day, CCTV’s decision came so suddenly—the 14th channel’s “Smog Investigation Documentary” was not approved, it was forbidden to broadcast, and it was forbidden and stopped. Everything about the propaganda work of this documentary!

Fourteen channel fryer!

Haqiqi took the table, "Why!"

Zhang Zuoqi said: "Why don't you let the broadcast? Why?"

Xiao Wangdao: "What the **** is going on?"

Everyone can't believe it. They have done so many days of hard work, and even after day and night, they made the documentary before Huang Dandan's operation. CCTV is not allowed to broadcast. Didn’t even propose any changes, just give it to the seal?

This kind of thing is rare!

I haven’t seen it in CCTV several times!

Yan Tianfei was also on fire, and he directly found the leader of Taiwan. Over there, the people of Channel 14 heard the news and went with Yan Tianfei.

The Taiwan leadership office has crowded a lot of people!


"How do we violate the rules?"

"This is a public interest film!"

"Leader, why not let us broadcast?"

Everyone can't accept it!

The leaders in charge of the audit looked at them and said: "I have seen the film. If you say the danger of smog, no one will take care of you, but why do you keep the source of the smog? Coal burning Pollution? Steel pollution? This is not enough!"

Yan Tianfei annoyed: "How can I not?"

The leader of Taiwan said: "How can you say no? Can the country not use coal? Can the country not make steel? What do you say is useful? This will have a very negative impact! If it really triggers social events and conflicts, this Who is responsible for this? Are you coming? Are you taking it? Don’t say you, the whole CCTV can't afford this responsibility!"

Outside the door, Zhang Hao came in. "If you don't talk about the source of pollution, what is the significance of this documentary? What do you tell us about the audience? Tell them that the smog is harmful! It is very harmful! The damage is particularly great! But the source of pollution is confidential. We can't tell you, so don't bother you. You have to smoke in the fog, you can't do it in the fog! Is that true?"

The leader of Taiwan is not happy: "You said in the film that smog is the cause of lung cancer. Is there a scientific basis? Is there? You have it!"

Zhang Wei looked at him. "Many organizations have investigated, the degree of air pollution is directly proportional to the number of lung cancer!"

The leader of Taiwan shook his head. "I will ask you, is there a scientific basis? What is the basis? Is there a national report? Where is the report? You said that smog can cause lung cancer, cause various respiratory diseases, and cause various diseases. You are alarmist! Everything is science!"

Yan Tianfei said loudly: "When foreign countries died so many people because of smog, then you told me, how did those people die?"

Taiwan’s leader said: "I don’t know how they died. I can’t control it. I know that you are alarmist. Some things, you can’t turn it out, or you can’t be a documentary! Is going to make a big deal!"

Zhang Hao can't listen to it. "Because of the smog, so many people have died. This is what everyone has seen with your own eyes. Are you **** tell me the evidence now? Tell the scientific basis? Are you blind? You I thought I was a scientist? Then I still ask you! Is there a scientific basis for Chinese medicine? You explain to me the explanation of the scientific principles of Chinese medicine! You explain to me the scientific basis for explaining the pulse! You explain it to me!"

This question, the leader obviously can't answer, but he didn't pass the review for this documentary!

And an hour later, Taili directly issued a punishment!

Channel 14 leaders take the lead in making trouble!

Zhang Wei has been suspended for one month!

Yan Tianfei has been suspended for one month!

Fourteen channels this month bonus collective deduction!

This kind of large-scale disciplinary decision has hardly appeared in CCTV, showing the determination and wrist of Taili this time!

Yan Tianfei patted the table!

The fourteen channels are also buzzing!


"Why don't you let it be broadcast?"

“The data is what we want from professional organizations!”

"Yeah, why are you alarming?"

Zhang Wei is also happy!

He has been doing this very carefully!

Others don't know, but he knows that on his earth, Chai Jing's smog investigation has caused a big mess. Almost all levels in the country have been stirred up by a chicken and dog. Many people are being used by this. The documentary was shocked. It was scared by the smog for the first time. Many people were also questioning. They did not endlessly oppose Chai Jing and this documentary, and found out its various problems!

So Zhang Hao was so careful!

Call for capital reform? He didn't shoot!

Call for a reduction in coal? He didn't shoot!

Data from foreign institutions? He is useless!

He did not even eagerly call for the economic transformation of the Republic immediately!

He deleted all the controversial things in the documentary of Chai Jing. He wanted to make a pure public welfare film to tell the people the danger of smog and tell them what caused the smog! Be careful everywhere, be cautious everywhere, beware of everything, but Zhang Wei did not expect that this film still does not allow broadcast!

Xiao Wang hurriedly said: "I have already called to tell Dandan that the film is ready. Now, how do we tell her? Don't let it broadcast? Can't broadcast it?"

Tong Fu is angry: "Dan Dan has been asking about the progress of the film in the past few days, she... she..."

Everyone was silent, CCTV issued a ban, and their 14th channel could not be broadcast at all. This is already an iron fact!

How to do?

No way!

Director Yan has been suspended!

"Zhang Dao!"

"Zhang Dao, what should I do?"

Haqiqi looked at him.

Zhang left to look at him.

Everyone on Channel 14 looked at him.

Zhang Wei did not speak. He went to his office and called Wu Zeqing and told her about it. He wanted to listen to Lao Wu’s opinion.

"Want to listen to my advice?"


"Then my opinion is, it is best not to touch, this kind of thing is very sensitive - feeling, can hide far away to hide."

"I know."

"But if you insist on touching, I will support it."

"Thank you."

Lao Wu’s words have revealed a lot of things. At her level, there is definitely more contact and more!

This is a minefield!

Who touched who finished!

Who touched who died!

The fierce reaction of CCTV also explains everything!


Zhang Wei has always believed that such a long history has not been able to survive for a lifetime. No one said this year, no one said next year, one hundred years later? After two hundred years?

Always have someone first stand up!

There must always be someone to make a sacrifice!

Zhang Hao poured a cup of tea to brew himself, took a sip, closed his eyes and thought about it for a long time.

He... willing to be this person!

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