I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 969: [Let this day, it’s a bit sunny.]

A video appeared on the network without warning.

Some of the marks are called "Zhang Wei's smog investigation."

Some titles are called "New Documentary on Channel 14".

There is also a title called "What is the smog?"

That's it.

Many people are completely unprepared!



"Isn't it banned?"

"Yeah, CCTV won't let it broadcast?"

"what happened?"

"Is there a press conference to ban the broadcast today? Where did this documentary come from? Fake news? Headline party? Tell us to click?"

Many people don't believe that there are too many fake news.

But many people still can't help but point in. It doesn't matter, they are all shocked!

"I rely on it!"

"Look! Look!"

"What are you looking at?"

"It's true! This is Zhang Wei's new documentary!"

"How is it possible, there is no broadcast on the TV!"

"You go see it! This is not a recorded program broadcast on TV! It is a live broadcast of the documentary at the press conference! My God! Teacher Zhang is too bullish - forced!"



"I will go see me and see!"

The first audience was so whistling!

After watching the minister’s documentary for more than an hour from beginning to end, these people were insane without exception. They were unbelievable and their faces were full of shock!

"How is this possible!"

"This, this is the smog? Is this the enemy we face every day?"

"It's too shocking! It's too shocking!"

"This this……"

"Forward! Fast!"

"Yes, let everyone know!"

"Old, come see!"

"Pharaoh, don't play the game, look at this!"

"Paralysis, this is too much! This polluter is too much!"

"It turns out that it is not allowed to broadcast grass! Grass! Grass!"

"Go up!"

"Yes, turn up for Teacher Zhang!"

For a moment, the frying pan on the network!

This documentary seems to be a thunder, and it suddenly blasts on the Internet!

On Weibo.


"What happened?"

"What is this film?"

“How are you so excited? What happened?”

"Let me see."

On the forum.

"What video? How was it screened?"

"Documentary? How come here? This is a stock forum."

"I rely on! This film..."

"God! Is this true?"

"This is the smog? I am grassing his uncle!"

"The co-workers have been kept in the dark!"

"Mom-! I want to swear! I want to swear!"

Post it on.

“Why don’t you tell us?”

“Why didn’t you tell us before?”

"I knew that I would wear a mask!"

"My lover last year died of lung cancer! Mom -!"

A crew.

Fang Weihong suddenly called, "Zhang Jie."

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said: "What happened?"

Fang Weihong said seriously: "There is a video, you better take a look."

Zhang Yuanqi: "Well?"

Old Chen family.

Chen Guang was surprised, "This..."

Fan Wenli also has a slightly white complexion. "Is this a haze?"

Chen Guangdao: "Already, has it already reached this point?"

The singer Zhang Xia saw this documentary twice at home and was silent.

Beijing Satellite TV.

Dong Shanshan was shocked.

Hu Fei’s face.

Hou Ge Xiao Lu and others are also angry!

Yao Jiancai’s family.

Yao Jiancai’s wife took a sigh of relief. “Why hasn’t anyone told us about such a big thing? Why?”

Yao Jiancai smiled bitterly. "Xiao Zhang has smashed the big scorpion!"

Yao Midao: "How is it called a blind man? Teacher Zhang just announced the truth!"

Yao Jiancai said: "This kind of thing is not uninvestigated, nor is it unknown, but why is he going to pick it up? This kid is a silly cargo!"

His wife does not agree with this sentence. "Yes, he is stupid. No one in the whole entertainment circle is stupid than him! When the South Korean Li Anxu was late in the Spring Festival Evening, he bullied the fans. No one would control it, but Zhang Weiguan Wang Shuixin of Jingcheng Satellite TV killed 'Wei Dad' in the past, and no one will change it, but Zhang Wei is in charge! The people of this delegation went to Peking University Yaowu Yangwei, whoever would change it, but Zhang Wei He has managed to pay off! Many of his benefits have not fallen. Many people are even jealous of him! From the previous year to last year, from last year to this year, you said he is stupid? I admit! He is the most lacking in the entertainment industry. People, but... but I just admire him in my heart, but I just respect him in my heart! Why do you say this?"

The video click rate is soaring!

One refreshed and one million more clicks, one refreshed, another one million!

There are two video sites that have been exploded, all over the net!

This is an explosion that has never happened before. There is never a documentary that can produce such a big shock and impact within an hour after it is sent out! No, maybe it’s not in the documentary field. Any movie, music, or video has never been so crazy!

CCTV is angry!

The entertainment circle is shocked!

The entire country has been overwhelmed by this live documentary!





All kinds of emotions spread quickly!

“@环保部, why is there no pollution in the pollution? Why?”

"You are giving me out of the illegal steel company!"

"Yes, today you have to give everyone an account!"

“Who approves the unqualified trucks to be faked?”

"Require relevant departments to thoroughly investigate the end! Why do we have to pay for you (responsible to pay? Why do you take our health to make money?) Teacher Zhang said yes, grass-mother-, what is the smell of the air? It's not the smell of smog, it's the taste of his mother!"

The people broke out!

An angry anger after being deceived and concealed broke out!

"Where is the mask bought?"


"Remember to buy the protective mask emphasized on the teacher's program, the ordinary cloth mask, how many layers are not very useful, that can't!"

“I have a private steel factory in violation of my home. How do I report it?”

"What did Teacher Zhang say? Alarm, call the environmental protection department!"

"Yes, report them!"

"One person is not enough? Ten is not enough? Ten people are not enough? Ten thousand people are not enough? Grass, I don't believe that so many people report no one!"

"Do everything!"

"Paralysis, can't let them go on endlessly!"

"Smog! I am grassing your mother!"

"Products that produce smog? I am your mother!"

However, at this time, a scene that everyone did not expect happened!

"Ah, can't you open it?"

"What can't you open?"

"The documentary video of the dot network can't be opened!"

"I rely on the video posted on the official website of Tianjin TV Station!"

"It was deleted!"

"I am here too, the video has been removed!"

"what happened?"

"My grass!"

"Someone shot!"

"The smog investigation of Zhang Wei was taken off the shelf!"

Two hours after the incident, the video was removed and deleted from a large area. Some regular media reports on the document suddenly disappeared!

The people are angry!

People on CCTV Channel 14 also exploded!

Haqiqi took the table, "How come so fast!"

"This is only two hours!" Zhang left the atmosphere.

Xiao Wangdao: "Too bully!"

Zhang Wei was not surprised. He smiled and said: "Don't we expect this? I have a big fuss."

Tong Fuji said: "But, many people who have seen it have not seen it yet!"


Radio and television.

Wu Zeqing's office.

Bai Li ran in flusteredly. "Wu, it’s really a problem! At CCTV’s press conference, Zhang Hao is..."

"I already know." Wu Zeqing said gently.

At this time, Baili finally realized why Wu Zeqing did not even open a very important meeting in Shanghai. She returned to the unit one day in advance and she understood that what the Wu Bureau said in the morning may be what it is today. Things! It is Zhang Hao! It turned out to be Zhang Wei’s thing!


What is the relationship between Wu Bureau and Zhang Wei?

Bai Li did not ask, did not dare to ask, "The video of the documentary is now off the shelf!"

"Who instructed?" Wu Zeqing looked at her.

Bai Li’s words are stopped. “The deputy director Chen who was in Shanghai’s meeting indicated that it was taking a call from the above, so Deputy Director Chen directly gave notice to various video websites and TV stations.”

Wu Zeqing nodded. "I know."

Bai Lidao: "Wu, you..."

Wu Zeqing did not speak, but picked up the phone on the desk.


ten minutes later.

The internet is still angrily!

"Why did it be deleted?"

"I haven't seen it yet!"

"This is too much?"

"Ah! Restored!"


"Really recovered! Can you watch it!"

"Hey, the dot network has also recovered! The documentary has been put up again!"


"This, what is going on here?"

The people are confused!

People on Channel 14 are also surprised to know what to do!


"It's true!"

"What happened to this?"

"I rely!"

"Who is helping us?"

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo and others can not understand, how can they still have reinforcements?

Zhang Wei is also a glimpse, and then I understand, my heart is hot for a moment, and I am sorry for a moment. He will not regret his life today. He has not been tired of Yan Tianfei, and he has not been tired of the 14th channel. But there is one person who has been fighting alongside him behind him! Zhang Hao didn't want to drag her down, but he also knew that this was not possible, so he felt sorry.

Going back to the office, Zhang Hao made a phone call.

"Old Wu." Zhang Yidao.

Wu Zeqing: "Well."

Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment, "I can't do it."

Wu Zeqing smiled. "You said everything, and the hair has been sent. Where is the truth?"

"But you are there..." Zhang Wei was afraid that she would take responsibility.

Wu Zeqing said with ease: "The division of labor between the two of us has not been very clear? You are responsible for speaking, I am responsible for letting you speak. Now that your work is done, the rest of the battlefield is mine."

After listening to Zhang Wei, he laughed too. "Good!"

Wu Zeqing said: "I will give you up to one day."

"One day? Enough." Zhang Wei looked out and looked at the faint sky outside. "We can do so much. Let this day be a little sunny."

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